Supreme God King

Chapter 1936: Strong enemy

Heavenly puppet!

Between a few words, it was extremely calm.

The heaven and earth that Meng Fan looked at didn't seem to be any different at all.

But at the next moment, it was discovered that the earth was torn apart. In a huge crack, an old man in black also emerged from it, lifting up countless dust and sand. It was the heavenly puppet that Meng Fan had seen in the past. , The brother of Patriarch Xuanyuan!

"Unexpectedly, you found it!"

The old man in black said indifferently, without joy or sorrow.

He himself is a part of the heavenly path, but he rarely has emotions.

There is also a **** king!

After seeing the old man in black, countless people suddenly changed. The previous shot of the old man in Chaos was enough to make a big storm in the field.

What was unexpected was that in this chaotic sea area, there was still a god-king powerhouse hidden.

Including the Heavenly God King, the Heavenly Remnant God King, and Renxiong, they were all extremely surprised, because they hadn't noticed before that there was an anomaly in this earth.

But now Meng Fan has discovered it, and can only explain one thing, whether it is Meng Fan or the old man in black, the strength is far above them.


The God King Zhongtian sighed, his expression was complicated, but he had to obey.

The other **** kings also shook their heads helplessly.

And between this sky, a sneer smile appeared on Meng Fan’s face. He didn’t have any respect for the puppet of the heavens hidden in the dark, coldly said,

"Just relying on you stinky bird eggs, rotten tomatoes, and the woman who wants to sneak attack on me, do you really think I can’t see my own means? God, in the past, in the past time and space, I was a little inferior to you. Try now!"

The body did not move, but at the same time, Meng Fan stepped on it.

Condescendingly, stepped on the black-clothed old man. From the outside world, Meng Fan's blow was extremely arrogant. In front of him, he was a **** king and powerful, and his strength was much higher than that of Zhongtian IV. People, mysterious and unpredictable, control the most incredible power in the world.

But now Meng Fan didn't have any politeness when he did it. Just like that, he stepped on the head directly. The power of the sole of the foot continued to expand, and it turned out to be an infinite wave of air on the sky. Step on your face.


Unlike the old man of Chaos, this Heavenly Dao puppet is very good at controlling his own emotions. Although he is angry with Meng Fan's arrogance, his whole person is without happiness and sadness after a moment. With a punch, he turns into a shadow, Meng Fan Right bang together.

Both of them are top-notch powerhouses, and without hesitation, just under this blow, their absolute strength blasted out.


The sound of thunder spread all over the surrounding area, the chaotic sea area continued to churn, and the sea surging.

After one kick, Meng Fan's expression remained as usual, only a trace of fear in his heart. This heavenly Dao puppet is indeed extraordinary. In the past time and space, he has already caused a big trouble to himself, but now he is lurking here, ready to make a move and sneak attack on the people of the dark alliance. If he had not returned a little earlier, I am afraid it is true. Something happened to make him regret.

And the shock of the puppet's heart is stronger than that of Meng Fan, and the expert will know if there is any.

At the moment of the confrontation, the Heavenly Dao puppet actually felt that Meng Fan's combat power had increased again. I don't know how it was. Before he returned from this past time and space, he had been recovering from his injuries. Sensing that the female emperor came here when she broke through the **** king, she wanted to ambush, but she didn't expect Meng Fan to be so strong. Not only did she see through where he was at a glance, but the increase in combat power was even stronger than in the past time and space.

God king and strong, how difficult it is to take a step.

But this is only a few days away. If Meng Fan is given a period of time, the latter will not be promoted.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but embarrass the face of the heavenly puppet.

But beside him, there is another person who is more miserable than him, it is the old man of Chaos.

The two old guys in front of me are powerful enemies, and even the old man of Chaos and the puppet of the heavens are not at all able to deal with it, because Chaos and the source of the heavens are themselves two extreme things, but because of Meng Fan, they should now be Count on your comrades!

Especially the old man of Chaos, after the appearance of this heavenly Taoist puppet, it reduced the infinite pressure and gave him time to breathe.

Although it was already extremely miserable, Meng Fan's combat power had been beaten by half again, dripping with blood, looking like an old beggar.


The heavenly puppet roared, spit out a word, and went to the sky.

The monstrous vitality fluctuations erupted. This Heavenly Dao Puppet’s secret method was operating, and the palm prints fell through the void. I already felt Meng Fan’s terrible growth. Naturally, the Heavenly Dao Puppet was extremely jealous. It was the most terrifying handprint.

On the side, the old man of Chaos also made another shot because of the addition of a **** king. The two did not need to speak, and at the same time chose to join forces to target Meng Fan.

The power of the source of the heavens and the chaos joined forces, this scene makes people look extremely strange, it is probably the first time in the history of the entire vitality river!

The power of the two great gods falls at the same time, how powerful!

However, Meng Fan was always calm, only the Emperor Fist, smashed in the air, said every word.

"With you, dare to say to kill? This combination makes me blush for you!"

The voice fell, full of ridicule, and at the same time, it was possible to see that Meng Fan in the void turned into a shadow, colliding with the bodies of the two gods at this moment.

Bang, bang!

The sound of the sonic boom is endless. During these few breaths, the three great kings on the sky collided many times. The three powers are completely different, but anyone who senses the breath of the three of them will tremble. This is already the most terrifying method between heaven and earth, the most terrifying martial art.

This kind of match is dazzling, but it is to let the Zhongtian God King watching the battle, the men and women, all benefited a lot, staring at the court.

It can be seen that Meng Fan grows lotus step by step, fists to the flesh, one person is opposed to the two great **** kings, and is the two most special **** kings in the world, but looks very calm.

Regardless of the power of heaven or chaos, he couldn't do anything to him. Although the swallowing martial arts could not suppress the martial arts of these two people, but also the spirit of the two great existences in this world could not suppress him.

On the contrary, under the overbearing intention of Meng Fandiquan, he had the upper hand, and it was Meng Fan who was chasing the two to fight!


With another blow staggered, the bodies of the Heavenly Dao puppet and the old man of Chaos retreated at the same time, and Meng Fan's punch flew.


The Heavenly Dao puppet cast a sideways glance at the old man of Chaos and snorted coldly. With his current combat power, it is enough to be equal to Meng Fan, and if a **** king is added, it can definitely produce strong pressure on Meng Fan.

It's just that the power that the old chaotic old man can control is too little, and it is not a threat to Meng Fan. This is the scene that has just ended. If both of them have truly reached the peak, I am afraid that it is Meng Fan who is uncomfortable now!


Hearing this, he almost died of chaos old man, gritted his teeth, and just wanted to speak, only to find that there was a terrifying murderous intention between this world and earth!

It wasn't that Meng Fan made the move. From the side, an alluring jade hand stretched out towards the old man Chaos.

The palms are white and flawless, slender and graceful, but the moment it falls, there is a kind of sacred fire that burns everything, and the person who shoots is...the empress!

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