Supreme God King

Chapter 1945: Come back alive

Three days later!

If you can make Meng Fan say this, it is estimated that the more you understand Meng Fan, the more dumb you will be.

What kind of temper is Meng Fan, how decisive.

In the past, sweeping away the wastes, killing Liuhe, how many blood and blood, how many powerful enemies attacked in these ten thousand domains.

But Meng Fan's action was only in a single thought. His thoughts changed quickly and he was determined to do things. Looking at the world, looking at the past and present, few people can do it.

But now it takes such a long time to consider, so there is no doubt that this issue has also troubled Meng Fan.

Regarding Meng Fan's answer, the Zhongtian God King didn't have too many surprises. In fact, they were even more unbearable than Meng Fan, and they had known the news three years ago.

But after thinking about it, Meng Fan only took three days. I have to say that this is already a manifestation of courage and grandeur.

After all, that is the path of divine hermitage, and there has been no return since ancient times!

Faced with this kind of problem, no one is frightened, Zhongtian God King and Heavenly Remnant God King all arched their hands towards Meng Fan, turned and left. As Meng Fan said, they did not leave the chaotic valley, but temporarily Of staying here.

Watching several people walk out of the hall, Meng Fan sighed, turned around, and glanced at the empress.

At this moment, the female emperor's gaze was quietly staring at Meng Fan, and she did not speak, but in the bottom of her eyes, there were tears...flickering!

"Yaner...I haven't agreed yet...I will seriously consider it"

Meng Fan grasped the jade hand of the empress, his heart tightened.

He knew too much about the temperament of the empress, and probably only Meng Fan could make her cry.

Upon hearing Meng Fan's words, the empress sighed quietly, and said slowly,

"They don’t know, because they don’t know you well enough. In fact, from the moment you know that you will come back to life, you have already decided. The reason why you still need three days is that you don’t know how to make peace. Shui'er Daiyou tell me..."

The words made Meng Fan's whole body shook. He looked at the empress and wanted to explain, but found that he could not say a word.

Dark alliance, moonlit night!

The bright moonlight fell in the pavilion of the dark alliance. Under this beautiful moonlight, a figure was stretched very long, a blue shirt, it was Meng Fan.

Holding a wine glass in his hand, Meng Fan quietly leaned on the pillars of the pavilion, drinking by himself, not knowing what he was tasting.

Anyone who sees this scene will have a tremor in their hearts. A generation of **** kings, who are respected as supreme, will have a moment of confusion in their eyes when they are so lonely.

Pot after pot, even Meng Fan himself didn't know how many pots he had drunk. Without the powerful divine power to resolve it, it also gave him a sense of drunkenness, growing stronger.


Just as Meng Fan was about to lift the hip flask and pour it toward his throat, a graceful jade hand suddenly appeared and grabbed Meng Fan's arm.

For a moment, Meng Fan turned around and saw four beautiful women standing under the moonlight. One is more moving and the other is more beautiful. It is Gu Xin'er, Empress, Ling Daiyou, Bai Shui'er. .

"Why are you here?"

Meng Fan let out a laugh.

"Hmph, what makes Master Meng Fan so upset, the **** king and powerful, but he didn't pay attention to anyone around him!"

Gu Xin'er pursed her mouth and snorted coldly.

Obviously the signal contained in this voice is absolutely not very good, making Meng Fan's face flushed. Indeed, according to normal principles, let alone being around him, it is a radius of thousands of miles, as long as it is a change of plants and trees. , Will all fall into Meng Fan's eyes.

It's just that between this night, Meng Fan was too confused, completely silent in himself, so he didn't notice the surroundings at all.

"It is estimated that Master Meng Fan has no free time to pay attention to us now!

The female emperor sneered. She stepped out of her jade legs and came to Meng Fan's side. She raised her hand and directly took the hip flask in his hand and started drinking.

Faced with this scene, Meng Fan could not help but guess that all the things discussed with the Zhongtian God King and the Heavenly Remnant God King before, all fell in the ears of a few women without leaking. Now this group of people come, naturally It should be Xingshi's questioning.

But where does Meng Fan have any solution, facing the menacing women, he can't be beaten or scolded, only a look of helplessness.

Inside the pavilion, as a few women came in, he suddenly became extremely embarrassed. Meng Fan couldn't go anywhere. He was surrounded by a few women, and he seemed to have a guilty conscience.

Finally, Meng Fan couldn't stand this atmosphere anymore, and said weakly,

"Um... this... today's moon is very beautiful, you guys are here... admire the moon and drink, should I go one step ahead?"

In response to Meng Fan’s tentative inquiry, the four women suddenly rolled their eyes, while Ling Daiyou stared at Meng Fan and finally said,

"Meng Fan, I only want to ask you one sentence. I am waiting for four people and marrying you at the same time. What did the one say and what the other complained about? How many years have I understood you again, just because you are ours Man, what I’m waiting for... The love of my life, but Meng Fan is you. Even if the love of my life is shared by several people, there is always another woman’s shadow in his heart, and it seems to be supreme. Even for a bit of information from her, everything is fine, and it’s you. How do you think such a man...?"

The tone was calm, but the eyes of the four women were focused on Meng Fan's face, like a knife, Ling Daiyou's words were undoubtedly the voice of the four women.

Even if they are all Meng Fan's confidantes, which one is not wise and extraordinary, but after all, they are only women. If they are women, it is impossible not to be jealous, let alone who they love in the heart of their beloved man. Now Ling Dai You also asked clearly.

Hearing this, a bit of bitterness appeared on Meng Fan's face. Regarding the questions of the four women, how he answered and how to answer them, even if his combat power is ten thousand times more terrifying, I am afraid that today, he cannot solve this. one question.

However, Meng Fan’s character will never escape. He raised his head, took a deep breath, and said slowly.

"This man is indeed... not a human. If I were you, I would definitely leave him. I'm sorry, Yan'er, Shui'er, Xin'er, Daiyou... I actually know that my choice is not for you. Responsible, but I have to do some things.

Some of your thoughts are right and some are wrong. I don’t love that much. My sister is indeed the love of my life, but you are the same. Nowadays, be any of you, I Will do it! "

With clear eyes and calm tone, Meng Fan just raised his head and looked at the four women. There was no rhetoric or other explanations. Meng Fan's words were left to let the four women understand at the same time that Meng Fan thought so, and so... did it!

life long love!

Between the four words, how much persistence and bitterness are involved.

A moment later, the tearful eyes of the four women were whirling, and at the same time the jade hand stretched out and grabbed Meng Fan. Under the moonlight, each other was speechless, and finally only one sentence containing countless emotions fell.

"Remember... come back alive!"

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