Supreme God King

Chapter 1951: Murderous


Deadly murder!

It is possible for several great **** kings to be like this, and it is not necessary to think about how terrifying what is contained in this black sky curtain.


Meng Fan uttered a word, very bachelor, and now there is no word that can be more accurate than a word. The great kings also nodded, all of which were in their hearts.

It's not that Meng Fanji people are not fierce enough, it's that they set foot on this path of divine hiding, and there are so many weird things happening, and they can't help but careless.

Without knowing what is contained in this dark sky, vainly attempting to fight against it is definitely not a wise move, so several people also acted extremely fast and swiftly moved towards the future of this divine hidden road. .


With such a terrifying murderous intent behind him, the speed of the Zhongtian God King, the Heavenly Remnant God King, and Meng Fan were much faster and faster than before.

In a full half a month, they have shuttled in the depths of this divine hidden road. I don’t know how many roads. They crossed the space and fled with all the strength using the methods of several great kings. , This is how much effort has been spent and how much road has been taken.

But what shocked the people of Meng Fan was that no matter how fast they were, they had even used the great supernatural powers of space movement several times, but the murderous intent hidden in the darkness always followed them.

This kind of murderous intent is like a shadow, no matter how fast Meng Fan and others use their methods, they can't escape.

On the contrary, during this period of time, Renxiong became weaker and weaker. The poison in his body caused all the vitality in his body to be locked, especially the toxin that penetrated into the soul. The destructive power is huge, if it weren't for the horrible means of shaking the sky, fighting with force, I am afraid that he would not be able to truly suppress himself.

Now he is struggling to maintain his current state. He has to find a place. Meng Fan and a few people can help him to reconcile. Otherwise, the longer time drags on, the more dangerous the human being may be. Once he is unable to Fight against this toxin that invades the soul, then everything will collapse, and a generation of **** kings will fall here.

"How to do!"

Looking at the murderous opportunity that is always inevitable, the God King Zhongtian said, knowing that he can't drag on like this anymore. Renxiong is already unable to wait. There may be danger at any time. How can everyone see Renxiong with their own eyes Dead.

"Since you can't hide, then... let's fight!"

Tianchou God King opened his mouth, very calm.

Hearing that, several people nodded their heads, no longer moved the void, but stood in place. At this moment, except for the fact that Renxiong was tightly protected by several people and could not participate in the battle, including Meng Fan , Zhongtian God King, Heavenly Remnant God King, and the four members of Bai Xingyi, all show a kind of endless meaning of gazing at the common people.

Even if this is the way of divine hiding, even if there is no familiar world energy between the sky and the sky, even in the face of unknown murderous intentions, but the four great gods stand in place, that kind of invincible bearing, but never change, like four Respect the mountains.

Since there is going to be a fight, why not have a good fight!

With indifferent eyes, the four of Meng Fan stood there, waiting quietly. The murderous intent of the dark sky was getting closer and closer to the four of them. Finally, under the eyes of the four, the space in front of it was torn apart. This was crack.

A shadow appeared in this crack, and a monstrous smell of blood was permeated in this time and space. At a glance, you can see that there are many jet-black bugs here.

Every worm is not big, only the little fingernail, it turns out to be exactly the same as the previous worms. The moment it emerged, it was overwhelming, like a tide, surging in the cracks in this space, no matter who saw it. This scene is probably stunned, because there are too many bugs, it's terrible.

Although it is not as huge as the previous worm, it is more than hundreds of millions. The worms surging from this space are simply endless!

And the most surprising thing is that the aura contained in each insect seems so small, but its own aura makes him like the most violent beast in the world, any one, but so, and What a shocking scene is that hundreds of millions are gathered together.

That is to say, the four great kings of Meng Fan, changing to any one person, the pants are likely to pee at this moment, only this Taishan collapse in front of his eyes and not move, can the four of Meng Fan still stand calmly.

"It turns out to be the disciple and grandson of that guy!"

The God King Zhongtian sneered and said slowly.

"It seems that after we entered the altar, we were caught by these things. They should have a certain secret technique!"

Bai Xingyi frowned and found something instinctively.

"It should be through our breath. After all, our qi and blood are strong, not the existence in this void. They want to feel it, it should be easy!"

In this moment, despite the black worms in front of him, but Meng Fanji calmly judged, the concentration alone was too trembling.

"Stop talking, kill!"

The Tianchou God King uttered a word, and in the next moment, a long piano appeared in his hand, and that kind of long piano sound also spread between the world.

Every syllable is very nice, but falling in this vast dark sky, it is transformed into a fatal murderous opportunity, and every syllable contains sound fluctuations that penetrate everything.

Where is the good music, it is completely a horn for life. Between this breath, the rows of insects in the front are like fighting a fire, instantly turning into ashes.

Tiancun God King, using the piano to enter the Tao, looks elegant, but with this Tao has already suppressed the world.

On the side, the sound of Zhongtian God King's flute began to spread between the heavens and the earth. Just like the Heavenly Remnant God King, between the two sound waves, they caused huge destructive power and large-scale sound killing effects. Reverberated in the dark sky.

Even the strange creatures on this path of divine hiding, under the means of the Heavenly Remnant God King and the Zhongtian God King, they directly killed how many.

While standing in the void, Meng Fan and Bai Xingyi also moved. The two of them just didn't have that elegant fighting style, and their shots were extremely simple and even more violent.

The emperor fist blasted out, and Meng Fan smashed into the worm tide. That kind of power that looked at mountains and rivers penetrated the entire world in an instant. In terms of violence, Meng Fan has not convinced anyone from the beginning to the end, even if it is this path of divine seclusion. What about the creature?

The four great kings shot at the same time, and their power runs through the mountains and rivers to suppress everything!

In this endless darkness, there was a sudden violent storm, full of vitality and sparks.

This battle is so terrifying. Once Meng Fan's four were provoked with real murderous intent, then they were more than fierce, they were simply incarnation of the four great murderers.

Between several breaths, this battle erupted in the entire sky, it was simply bloody. At a glance, Meng Fan's four methods emerged one after another. Every time they fell, there were many violent bugs. For the fly ash, it is a real death in pieces, even if it is them, it is impossible to resist the blow of Meng Fan and others.

But what surprised the Meng Fans was how fast such a killing was, but in the torn space tunnel, the worms that flowed away were like the ocean, endless.

With Meng Fanji's character, he was also deeply surprised.

Although this bug does not seem to have any IQ at all, it is still a life after all, but now under their hands, tens of thousands of deaths, but there is no posture to stay, every bug is It's like a moth fighting a fire, coming toward them.

Even the purest fighter machine, I am afraid it is not so violent!

This group of insects don't know what death is. Under this endless posture, even if the four Meng Fans kill without mercy, they can hardly bear the other side's fear of death!

Horizontally afraid of stunned, stunned afraid of death!

These hundreds of millions of bugs are really a bunch of desperate people, and what moved Meng Fan the most is that with their continuous killing, in the torn space tunnel, more and more bugs appeared. Strong.

Before they could kill everything with a single blow, but with the passage of time, under their powerful means, there were still bugs that could not die with a single blow, dragging their already extremely serious remains, towards Meng Fan and the others. Crawled over, and was extremely bloodthirsty.


Facing this kind of situation, a few people were also a little dazed. These were billions of creatures, and they died just like this. Everyone didn't frown. This kind of death squad was really shocking.

If this group of people go to Ten Thousand Territories, as the army of their own forces, then they don't know what storms will be set off. It is simply bloodier and crueler than the ancient true demons in the restricted area.

"We can't hold on!"

The palm of the hand slashed through the sky, and the white clothes roared. Although they were not afraid of anything, they found that Ren Xiong became weaker and weaker at this moment.

His soul has suffered a big impact. Obviously, although Meng Fanji can hold the master, Renxiong can't hold it anymore. That kind of toxin is extremely terrifying, because they are also the poison that they have seen in their lives. Place, let it become weaker and weaker.

If they don't help Renxiong anymore at this moment, then there may be no chance after a while.

"How to do!"

Looking at the increasing number of mysterious bugs that continued to be fierce and violent, a drop of sweat fell on the forehead of the King Zhongtian.

Even if it is to escape, it is extremely difficult now. This divine hiding path is extraordinary, not a place they are familiar with.

But it was a familiar place for this group of strange bugs. No matter they flee to that place, they would have to be tracked, and they couldn't help Renxiong at all.

However, at the next moment, a voice interrupted everyone, with only one simple sentence, but the Zhongtian God King, the Heavenly Remnant God King, and the White Xingyi were simultaneously horrified.

"You take Senior Renxiong away first... after I come to break, attract these bugs!"

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