Supreme God King

Chapter 1958: Promote

It is not uncommon for a **** king to be self-proclaimed forever.

On the contrary, it was like Meng Fan now, absorbing the power of this spar, and quickly improving his cultivation level, it was a shock to the world.

If other **** king experts saw it, they would probably stare out.

Among them, Meng Fan's martial arts change is a rapid upgrade. Although this kind of improvement is still not a big deal for Meng Fan as a whole, it is definitely not easy to increase the speed like this.

Even Meng Fan was immersed in this beauty.

But after only ten breaths, it was to make Meng Fan get away from this beauty, his eyes suddenly opened, he looked around, and then he looked embarrassed.

Because the power of the spar in the entire God's formation was almost drained by Meng Fandu.

The only thing left is a small part that remains. If Meng Fan cleans up all of it, it is estimated that some outsiders will not even be able to drink the soup.

"Damn, why are so few, I think it is just the beginning!"

Meng Fan sighed softly, facing this kind of scene, it made him feel extremely melancholy.

Now he finally understands why Zhongtian God King, Heaven Remnant God King and others were able to take such a big risk to come here, why in ancient times there were so many God King powerhouses who were willing to embark on this road of no return. .

Indeed, this spar is like a person in the thirsty desert seeing the spring water, for the **** king and strong, it has great attraction.

Now that Meng Fan is aware of his benefits, he also naturally feels this incomparable help, which is really inextricable.

It’s just a pity that if he wants to use the power of this spar to improve his Western Ou Wu, he has to use it extensively. After such a period of time, although Meng Fan is not familiar with this path of divine hiding, he is still I felt that it was here that this spar was extremely important.

With the strength of that big worm, here is definitely an ancestor-level figure, but before he died, there were only so many in his mouth, not to mention other people!

Thinking of this, it also made Meng Fan know that it would be quite difficult to collect this spar on this path of divine hiding.


At the next moment, Meng Fan's expression moved, and he suddenly noticed the most central part of this divine formation.

He was silent in the power of this spar before, and he hadn't noticed yet. Now, after everything disappeared, Meng Fan suddenly discovered one thing.

It was in the center of this divine formation that there was an ancient mark, bronze color, just the size of a palm. After all the power of the spar had disappeared, this thing became extremely eye-catching.

What makes Meng Fan hesitate is that this thing has no breath, it looks like the most common mark, not even a god, but it is placed in the center of this place, is it proof? What are you holding?

After a step, Meng Fan also grabbed the bronze mark, and carefully observed that there was only one word under the mark.


Although this mark looks extremely ordinary, the word burial is extraordinary. After seeing it at a glance, Meng Fan's eyes felt a burning feeling, and his spirit was shocked.

There is no doubt that this thing seems ordinary, but it must be left by a strong man, because although the person who engraved this word was unintentional, but left a trace of his breath, it was only then that Meng Fan could have this kind of reaction. .

"Could it be that this is a sign of identity, the burial character... represents the meaning of the burial place!"

After pondering for a moment, Meng Fan muttered to himself that if this ordinary mark had any effect, then he could only think of this step.

However, just as Meng Fan's voice fell, behind him, a voice of response was slowly heard.

"Yes, the imprint you hold in your hand represents the owner of the burial ground, the burial owner!"

A few simple words, if they are changed to ordinary times, they are simply ordinary questions and answers.

But in this instant, including Meng Fan, were shocked. Where is this place and someone can take his voice, what does it mean?

In an instant, Meng Fan's whole body seemed to explode. All the blood in his body burst out. He was an ordinary scholar before, but at the moment of action, the ancient gods and demons suddenly turned around. However, he hadn't waited for Meng Fan to turn completely. At the moment, I felt a whistling sound coming from my ears, setting off a big sonic boom in the field!

In just a moment, Meng Fan felt a monstrous crisis!

He didn't have time to think about it, raising his hand was a block, resisting the powerful force from the void.


A muffled sound fell, and you could see that Meng Fan's body flew past in response. When he stretched out his left arm to resist a blow from the void, he hesitated and encountered countless peaks. At the same time It was as powerful as Meng Fan, and he flew out directly.

And at the next moment, that kind of terrifying power didn't stop at all, and an extra punch came out above the sky, which was as fast as an electric shock. The moment Meng Fan retreated, he directly blasted over.


Meng Fan exclaimed in his heart. He didn't expect to face such a terrible attack. Now he can only rely on his instinct to quickly suppress the blood of the riot and blast out.

Fighting each other, the absolute strength of the two also collided.

Even though Meng Fan rushed to fight, his strength should not be underestimated. Who is Meng Fan, who has killed more than tens of millions of enemies over the years, and cut the world away, even if it was rushed out by a punch, it also exploded with shocking power.

The psychic tower shuddered for an instant, but at the moment when the two collided, the void burst and the space fragments filled the sky, a figure flew out again, it was...Meng Fan!

And this time, it was even more miserable than his last time. At the moment he flew out, Meng Fan felt that his forearm had almost not broken, his wrist was rising, and blood was shed from the tiger's mouth for an instant.

And in this void, the third blow came, and it fell with a bang, and Meng Fan only raised his arms to form a crossed force, his vitality revolved, and he made a defense.

For many years, Meng Fan fought with people, especially between this kind of close body, how fierce.

Let alone defense, the attack has never stopped, but now the two fight each other, although one is passive and the other is active, but Meng Fan has encountered a strong crush. This person’s methods are too violent, but In close hands, the physical strength is actually higher than that of Meng Fan, and it's not just the best!

In particular, that kind of extreme violent killing was not inferior to Meng Fan, and it was able to create this kind of power. Under the third blow, Meng Fan, who directly hit, retreated again.

Even though he reacted quickly and resisted this fierce offensive, he himself encountered an unprecedented collision, causing the bones in his body to almost break apart, and his five internal organs were damaged at the same time. The moment he retreated, it was the moment when Meng Fan took a bite of blood. Squirted out.

After a few steps stopped, Meng Fan's mouth was bleeding, barely stabilizing himself, raised his head, and looked forward, only when he saw a figure in the bottom of this messy tower.

And what was completely unexpected by Meng Fan was that the person who shot the shot before was this person, how fierce, he has already stepped into the realm of the gods, and is so powerful that it is incomparable. That kind of violent meaning shakes Meng now. All five internal organs are uncomfortable.

But now Meng Fan discovered that this person turned out to be a...woman, more accurately, a beautiful woman, and more accurately, a beautiful woman with a big breast.

With just a glance, besides the very charming woman, Meng Fan was really... magnificent!

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