Supreme God King

Chapter 1971: Burial secret

Secret Palace!

Previously, Meng Fan told King Shenglan that he wanted to study his own practice. It seemed strange, but it was what Meng Fan wanted to care about most now.

Because up to now, Meng Fandu didn't know exactly how cultivation was used in this burial site and how it was passed down.

Therefore, Meng Fan said plainly that he wanted to cultivate, but in fact he had hidden murderous intentions. He wanted to obtain the secret of this burial ground invisibly through the Holy Orchid King. To him, this piece of heaven and earth is still too mysterious!

The secret palace promised to Meng Fan by the Holy Lan King was exactly what Meng Fan wanted.

Once it is a forbidden place to set foot in, then Meng Fan can naturally see the secrets of countless ancient burial people, and only then can he truly understand this burial place...

In this way, even Meng Fan gave birth to a feeling of eagerness.

After handling everything, he also set foot and left the room, following the instructions of the maid, heading for the secret palace.

Along the way, guards are tight.

But everyone knows that now that Meng Fan is the great red man of King Shenglan, naturally no one dares to offend him.

Therefore, he did not suffer any difficulties during the journey, and he came to the most closely guarded place in Yedu, the secret palace!

With the instructions of the Holy Lan King, Meng Fan also walked into this secret palace in a magnificent manner.

It was an extremely huge underground palace. The moment I set foot here, a kind of vicissitudes and ancient breath came, and it was like a tomb. The desolation and extinction of this burial ground is more serious here.

From opening to stepping, there is a lifelessness all around!

Inside the underground palace, there are mostly snow-white floor tiles, with eternal lights on both sides, and many tunnels, each of which leads to a different place.

And when Meng Fan's spiritual thoughts were swept away, he knew that there were many guards and institutions in every tunnel.

But Meng Fanke has the highest authority to walk freely in the underground palace, so in this underground palace, he will be let go wherever he wants to go.

"What I want to know is to look at the ancient history here first!"

Meng Fan said softly, while twisting his footsteps, and came to the end of a tunnel. At the end of each tunnel is an independent space.

And the place where Meng Fan came is is the place where many burials were recorded in the past, and it contains many burial legends. In fact, it is not very meaningful for any burial. The more so.

But Meng Fan's eyes were shining, and without hesitation, he stepped down and opened this ancient space.

The dusty aura rushed over, and in this space, there were so many bookshelves, which were covered with countless dust!

Just looking at it, Meng Fan knew that there were so many books hidden in it, and it would take an ordinary person to finish reading it.

But for Meng Fan, he just raised his hand and placed his palm on one of the bookshelves. With a movement of his mind, countless strange runes appeared in his eyes.

Each path is like a star, obscure and difficult to understand. If you want to break the long sky, all the information on the bookshelves in the entire space will flood into his mind.

This method can only be done by Meng Fan, a kind of strong **** king.

Silently, but reading thousands of times, all the information in the entire underground palace is integrated into my own mind, and every breath passing by makes the look on Meng Fan's small face become solemn. Divided, just between seven or eight breaths, it was the face of Meng Fan, the great **** king who had gone through the ages and killed countless people, and turned pale.

Finally, Meng Fan's palm was put down from the bookshelf, but the horror and shock in his eyes could not be concealed at all. It was able to make him like this. It is conceivable that what he got here!

"What's wrong, boss!"

With a bird and a turtle, Xiaotian was also frightened, and asked quickly.

Hearing this, Meng Fan was silent for a long time before sighing.

"I said why they are so afraid of death, the death in this place is so serious, it turns out that the burial person...has no soul!"

Two words were spit out, revealing unparalleled shock.

Before that, between seven or eight breaths, Meng Fan had read all the classics in this space with great magical powers.

Only then have I truly understood this ancient history of burials. All the strong in this world have a characteristic in ancient times, that is, they have no soul of their own, because since their birth, everyone understands that they One needs to be loyal to a person, that is, the burial master.

The souls of the people in the burial place are all in the hands of the burial master, and they are placed in a place called the soul hall. If a person dares to have different intentions and wants to deal with the burial master, then the burial master just needs to be in the soul hall Finding the soul of that person can cause him... to suffer endless torture, a thousand swords, soul-to-heart, and he will encounter a great catastrophe.

Once the soul is broken, no matter how strong the physical body is, it will not help anymore. It can only be reduced to a puppet without any consciousness!

How can a person have no soul, how can he not control the soul, once the soul is controlled by others, then it means that one's own wealth and life are completely controlled by others.

This is the case in the huge burial ground!

In ancient times, any strong person, even if he had cultivated to reach the **** king level, did not dare to disobey the burial owner, because his own greatest lifeline, the soul of any person between the world and the earth, is all controlled in the burial. In the hands of the Lord!

In this burial place, the burial master is the unique and only **** in the world, anyone dare not follow!

So Meng Fan is in this piece of heaven and earth, and he rarely senses any vitality. Just imagine that everyone here is not in the control of their own souls, and they are not in themselves. So what is the difference from a corpse, Then how can there be so-called anger.

No wonder that once the group of people mentioned the burial master and the soul hall, they were so scared that they were no longer able to do it. It is precisely because of this that even if the flesh is broken, it can be extracted by the burial master from the soul hall with the spirit, and then Resurrection, but once the burial master is violated, what will happen to the end... Eternity is reduced to a pot of oil, and the soul is bitten by all insects every day. It is said that there are eighteen hells in this burial site. It is specifically aimed at those who want to resist the burial master, among which death... is the greatest luxury!

Knowing this, how could Meng Fan not be shocked!

He came from Ten Thousand Territories, and within these countless years, he has seen countless darkness, fighting, and the forbidden area of ​​the year, thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, a **** color, but there is no horror from this one.

Because in this world, Meng Fan finally understood how to be called an emperor and what is called Yiyantang. The burial master used a soul hall to control everyone in this entire world. The people in this burial place said It was his subjects, but he was not even his slave.

How did he do it, and how could he do it!

Meng Fan was amazed, but no one could answer his question, because in this piece of heaven and earth, no one knew what happened before their burial ground was formed.

No one knows how the burial master came, just know that in this piece of heaven and earth, from their birth, they are the slaves of the burial master and need to obey the will of the burial master.

The technique he practiced, called burial power, was to absorb himself from the dead air between the burial grounds. The reason why Meng Fan couldn’t practice at all was that he had a soul, and any burial person was almost like a dead body. , So the natural laws of this world are their best spiritual food.

And what made Meng Fan even more curious was the origin of the spar. According to the records of this group of burials, the spar, including them, could not fully grasp the spar, and even the burial owner was fighting for it.

Because this thing is a kind of strange substance contained in the road of divine hidden, between the burial ground and the immortal ground, it is a dead place from beginning to end. In the void of this road of divine hidden, it is endless, but there is always There are bizarre space nodes, and what is born in it is called Wei, spar!

Every place where the spar was born, there will be a battlefield, and the deserted ancient battlefield is such a place, where the spar is born, it naturally attracts both sides.

And what shocked Meng Fan was that the immortal land and the burial land were the same, except that the people who worshipped the burial land were called the burial masters. In the immortal land, they called themselves immortals, and they also had no Soul, their soul is in the hands of... the co-master of the fairy land, the fairy king!

Immortal land, burial land, are the two extremely powerful forces in this path of divine hiding!

Even if there are countless mysterious races and strange things on this path of divine seclusion, there are very few immortals and people buried in these two places that can't fight.

It's just that neither the immortal nor the burial is the end of this divine hidden road, and no one knows what the end of this divine hidden road is and how mysterious it is.

There are even rumors that the two places, the burial ground and the immortal land, are just a corner of the road of divine seclusion. There is an ocean on the huge road of divine seclusion, and even if these two places are powerful, they are nothing but a corner. Only two big islands in the ocean!

So, what is the end of the ocean!

"Unexpectedly, this path of divine hiding is so extraordinary, I'm waiting... it's eye-opening!"

After hearing Meng Fan’s explanation, the bird and the tortoise fell into a strong shock. After a long period of silence, they began to speak.

"It seems that this spar must be an extremely important thing, Meng Fan, be careful. Now it seems that there are at least two people in this world who pose a big threat to you. You must be careful. If you don't face it, that Princess Yueyue is already terrifying to that level.

The other two, one is the burial master, and the other is the immortal king, his mother. In the past few years, the two of them have owned such two worlds, and eternally gave them slaves.

In this way, it will not only improve their cultivation level. I heard that there is a strange method in the world called the law of faith. You can also use the power of faith to do things. How terrifying these two old monsters are. ! "

"I am not very interested in this, but one thing that interests me is that I probably know what the thirteenth hall master wants to do!"

Meng Fan whispered to himself, looking towards the void, wherever it is in the direction of Ten Thousand Realms, it also belongs to his hometown.

"Since they know Ten Thousand Regions, then they must...Thirteen Palace Lords, the ancient emperor, should also know this!"

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