Supreme God King

Chapter 1983: Cooperation


The ancient battlefields in the wild, all were affected by the power of Meng Fan and Princess Yueyue, causing a terrifying tear.

I don't know how many immortal places, the people in the burial place can't avoid it, and they are affected by the breath that bursts out of the collision between the two.

The magical skills developed by the two great gods converging their lives. Under this general collision, it is indeed too terrifying. Even though the void of this barren ancient battlefield is extremely large and strong, it also encountered an unprecedented impact, almost It was not split by the means of the two.

Countless immortals and burial sites retreated one after another, looking in this direction in horror, realizing that the aftermath of the previous spread alone caused the deaths of no less than 100,000 people.

This is clearly the method of the two great **** kings, and they are absolutely standing in the ranks of these **** kings. Both are extremely terrifying existences. Only then can they be so vigorous!

One-shot burial method, one-shot chopping knife!

Under the interlacing, the space collapsed and everything shattered.

Within the twisted space, two figures can be seen flying out in midair, naturally Meng Fan and Princess Yueyue.

After stepping back a hundred steps, Meng Fan's body just stopped, but the moment of stability was to make his body crackle, but the bones broke apart and the internal organs were torn apart, which made Meng Fan even more so. Another gulp of blood spurted out.

According to the truth, this should never happen. Meng Fan is already at the extreme of his avenue in an infinite distance. It is more than fierce, it is simply to meet the gods and kill the Buddhas!

But what made him helpless was that the opponent he encountered now was Immortal Land. During the countless years of time in these two places, apart from the Immortal King and the Burial Lord, the strongest person who had risen was Princess Invite Moon.

Looking at the time between these two lands, for countless years, no one can be stronger than Princess Yueyue.

The latter's fierceness is beyond common sense.

Like Meng Fan, the comet has risen from Ten Thousand Territories, surpassing countless strong men before. Called an evildoer.

Before this, Meng Fan used his life-style means to strike a mountain knife, how overbearing, the knife shot iron, the ground shook the mountain. However, she had no choice but to invite Princess Yue. The latter was still immortal. Even if the injury was serious, it was enough to prove the horror of Princess Yue.

Before Meng Fan absorbed so many crystals, he came out in full bloom and invited the moon in the first battle. How overbearing, but now his whole body is full of blood, his bones are broken, and his original unstoppable edge is beginning to weaken. Up!

Meng Fan also sighed slightly, this world is still the world after all, and there are people outside the world, and there are heaven outside the world!

No one dares to call himself truly invincible!

However, looking at Princess Inviting Moon, the shock to Meng Fan was not the same. This is the burial ground, not the space where Meng Fan is located, and it can’t mobilize the Law of Zhou, but Meng Fan is using the biggest one. Under the hole card, facing Gang, there is still no alternative.

In fact, the injuries suffered by Princess Yueyue are no less than Meng Fan's. Her tight clothes were shattered a lot, revealing the snow-white skin under her body, but Princess Yueyue ignored her and spewed blood. , She forcibly suppressed herself, the secret law was working, her breath became strong again, she wanted to make another move to kill Meng Fan!


At the next moment, without waiting for Princess Yue to take action, Meng Fan uttered a word, intending to invite Princess Yue.

Upon hearing this, Princess Yingyue gave a cold snort, thinking that Meng Fan would still insult her, so she didn't plan to have any stay.

Feeling this powerful oncoming breath, Meng Fan quickly growled.

"Slow, slow, you fierce lady, can't you just listen to me and finish what I have to say? What hatred or resentment do we have between us, if you have to fight like this, you really think you can kill me Huh? I can tell you very responsibly. Now that you and I are fighting, it will be the last one to die. No one can do anything about it, right? The final outcome must be death!"

The words came out like electricity, turned into spiritual sounds, and fell into Princess Yueyue's ears, and she was also taken aback for a while, and her pace of progress slowed down a bit.


As Meng Fan said, now the two have reached the point where they are bladed, even if they invite Princess Yue to fight again, it is impossible to erupt with higher and more powerful combat power. It is now her ultimate peak, but It has been explained before that it is impossible to suppress Meng Fan, injure the enemy a thousand, and harm himself by 800.

Both of them are now seriously injured, just to see who collapses first!

"I will win, even now!"

However, after a while, Princess Yueyue said coldly, and a confident light flashed in her eyes.

This is a kind of dignity that belongs to the top powerhouse, but also a kind of belief that will kill.

"and many more!"

Seeing that Princess Yueyue had to make another move, Meng Fan said quickly,

"Even if you must win, well, I am considered you must win. You can beat me now, but the question is why I want to fight you. If I know the ending, I can go now. You never think you Be able to trap me, let me tell you, if you do something with me again, I will run away now, do you understand? I ran away, with my means, can you catch me?"

When the voice fell, anyone who heard it would be helpless.

As a great **** king, Meng Fan actually used this kind of rascal and shameless trick. I ran away. These four words are more righteous than I killed you, and so freely. Suddenly, Princess Yueyue also changed her expression, and she didn't expect Meng Fan to be such a rascal.

Before, I was still abandoning me, the warriors were invincible, but when I turned around, there was an out-and-out street rogue imagination!

But it is indeed like Meng Fan’s point of view. Even if Princess Yueyue is more confident, she knows that she can’t hold Meng Fan at all. The latter wants to fight her, so she can tell a life and death here, but Meng Fan If she insisted on trying to escape, she couldn't help Meng Fan at all, at best she could track it down.

And in the previous experience, for Princess Yueyue, tracking Meng Fan is a history of blood and tears. The latter is more cunning than a fox, it is directly caused such a storm in the funeral. He is even stronger. If you ask Meng Fan to run again, you will feel that your head is about to explode when you think about inviting Princess Yue!

"What are you trying to say?"

After all, Princess Yueyue didn't dare to do anything, she asked coldly.

Well, this girl is quiet, not only has chest, but also fierce!

Meng Fan sighed in his heart. He spent so much saliva, which definitely didn't fit his style, but there was no way. The toughness of Princess Yueyue was indeed beyond his imagination.

As it said, after speaking this way, the two of them have to be severely injured and finally have to be marked as disabled. On this road of spiritual seclusion, Meng Fan absolutely does not want to do this. Once it hurts the origin, he does not know how to It took years of hard work to repair itself.

Let alone a hundred years or ten years, he doesn't want to delay a day. After all, he is not in Wanyu, and his homesickness is extremely strong.

"Let me ask you a word!"

Meng Fan looked at Princess Yingyue, saying every word,

"The fairy king, where are the burial master now, has the burial master asked you for help?"

With a faint word, the chill between the whole world and the earth that had just been still soared again, inviting Princess Yue to take a step forward, staring like a knife, staring at Meng Fan, saying every word,

"Where did you get this thing from!"

A few words, as sharp as a sword, simply made Princess Yueyue incarnate into an ancient beast at any time, slaughtering towards Meng Fan.

"Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive!"

Meng Fan waved his hand quickly, took a step back, and the light flashed, and a token appeared on his palm, which was the piece he had obtained from the hand of the prince of Xiandi.

"This news is no longer a secret to me. I see your response. It should have been the burial owner's request for help. I can tell you responsibly. Several strong people in the fairyland The person has already gone and can ask them for help. It seems that the form must be extremely severe. It may even be overwhelmed by a straw. I know you want to deny it, but I don’t think it is necessary. I With so much control, if you deny it, you are insulting my IQ!"

The tone fell into the ears of Princess Yueyue, and she immediately silenced her. Indeed, as Meng Fan said, she would not be able to admit this kind of thing to an outsider in front of Meng Fan, but apparently Meng Fan was holding it. There are so many in control that she has no reason to deny it.

"If you say that, I will only want to kill you more intensely, even though it is already so strong that nothing can be added!"

Invite Princess Yue coldly.

"The problem is that you can't kill me for a while, and you should be more anxious to go to that place, right?"

Meng Fan smiled and said, he had clearly seen through Princess Yueyue's mind.

"Now it’s difficult for you. Are you killing me? Or do you go to that place to ask for help from the burial owner. According to the truth, I will not be able to kill for a while, but you will be very serious, because now For you, time is very precious. If the third elder Xiandi finds there and helps the burial master smoothly, then you should understand the consequences!"


Inviting Princess Yue's jade hand to grasp, that kind of fist was clenched, and his bones were crushed by himself.

"Do not impulse!"

Meng Fan quickly took a step back again, saying every word,

"I've said so much, not because I want to fight with you, but I'm telling you, in fact, we don't have too many enmities between us. We can talk about this kind of thing now... A matter of cooperation!"

The voice was faint, and a graceful arc was drawn above the corner of Meng Fan's mouth.

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