Supreme God King

Chapter 1993: All good brothers

The previous Black Sea battlefield was messy!

It's not surprising that this situation is caused by the three major fierce beasts.

In the turbulent flow of this space, two wailing sounds continued to be heard, and blood dripped down. Today's Teng Snake and Dragon Man can be described as extremely miserable. The bodies of the two of them are extremely terrifying, and they are earth-shaking and contain endless energy.

But now it has encountered a major invasion, and its own consumption is serious. If it is not for the fear of going to die with them, it may even cause at least one of the two beasts to die.

The blood that is dripping on the two of them now is already permeating the world.

"Damn it, it's really black for Jai Xuan to start!"

Teng Snake spouted a mouthful of blood, gritted his teeth.

"Huh, the mountains will not turn, the water will turn, sooner or later, we will..."

The dragon man roared, his eyes flashed with unwillingness and resentment.

This time stepping into the Black Sea space did not gain anything. Instead, they left themselves in a semi-crippled state, which had completely lost their confidence. Now it is impossible to stay in this perilous Black Sea anymore, only to leave, thinking of this, how could the two of them not run away, one can not control, and a big mouthful of blood spurted out of each, it is almost exploded lung.

However, in the next moment, a sound of lofty pleasure came slowly,

"Two brothers, how are you!"

As he spoke, a figure flashed, wearing a blue shirt, with a warm face, naturally Meng Fan, looking at the two, with a smile on his face.

Seeing Meng Fan, the two of Tengshe were shocked and said in surprise,

"Uncle, it's you..... Why do you seem to be fine?"

Before they were seen by the three of them with their own eyes, Meng Fan suffered a sneak attack from the great cauldron, and suffered heavy losses.

That appearance made several people think that Meng Fan was completely crippled, but because of the ancient tripod, they did not take action against Meng Fan. What they did not expect is that now Meng Fan has recovered from his injuries, and Standing in front of the two of them gracefully, they looked white, and it didn't seem like they had suffered strong damage before.

Hearing that, Meng Fan's smile remained unchanged and said calmly.

"Indeed, my business is not big, but I think the two seem to be not so good now!"


The dragon man clenched his fists, already feeling the mockery in Meng Fan's words, and couldn't help but furious.

"What do you mean?"

"I just watched the two brothers do this, I really can't bear it!"

Meng Fan shook his head and said helplessly,

"Since we are brothers, we naturally want to share the blessings and share the difficulties. The two brothers are now at this point. It is really too miserable. I heard people say that if we can swallow the blood of the strong, If you integrate it into yourself, it will be a tonic medicine, what do you think?"

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, the two of them were taken aback and looked at each other. They both asked in disbelief.

"Uncle, do you want to help us and give us your blood?"

"Brother, I must have recognized you as a good brother. Hurry up, we need your help!"

The excitement of the two made the smile on Meng Fan’s face brighter, but now they are like a **** of death who harvests life.

"I've already said that devouring the blood of the strong heart can help ourselves. Since we are brothers, we don't have to be so polite, so please two of us... cut the flesh and let the blood by yourself?"

The last few words fell, and the smiles that had just appeared on the faces of Tengshe and Longren suddenly solidified and turned into stiffness.


On the other battlefield, there was a heart-piercing voice, resounding through the world, it was Jai Xu.

In his city, staring at Princess Yueyue in front of him, his face was distorted, his eyes were sobbing blood, and his face was unbelievable!

There is no doubt that Jai Xuan completely understands the situation now, and at the moment when Princess Yueyue appears, he knows that he has been calculated.

Even if he hadn't seen Princess Yueyue, he could still clearly sense Princess Yueyue's breath and methods.

At this kind of moment, Princess Yueyue appeared here so accurately, and she was prepared to seal Zhou Tian, ​​blocking all his way out, and turning it into his own absolute realm. If all this is just a coincidence , Then Jai Xuan couldn't wait to give himself a big mouth, still can't tell, he doesn't deserve to have the current cultivation base.

"No, no, how could it be designed by you before, the ancient pagoda, I clearly feel that it is the breath of the earth, it is the thing of the earth!"

Jai Xuan roared, then waved his hand to take out the mysterious ancient pagoda that he had obtained before. However, the moment Jai Xuan's power merged into the ancient pagoda, there was a bang. Although the ancient pagoda had a symbol on it Wen Xuan Ao was extremely mysterious, but he couldn't bear the power of Jairus at all, and he broke apart.

There is no doubt that this thing is definitely not a treasure to cherish, otherwise it is so easily damaged.

"Hmph, since you dare to shoot at my burial site, you don't even know where my burial site comes from, it's ridiculous!"

Princess Yingyue stared at Jairuo coldly, disdainfully said,

"The method of burial ground itself is from Netherland. Is it weird that I can make something about Netherland? The rune above is what I described."

After a few words fell, it was undoubtedly like a bolt from the blue for Jai Xuan. He spent a lot of effort and painstaking efforts to come here, even if he did not hesitate to fight the snake and the dragon man turned his face, he would also get this ancient pagoda. This kind of feeling is naturally extremely unacceptable to a person like Jai Su, and it is simply unacceptable!

"How come, you guys have been prepared? When, ah...that uncle is yours, and you are united together!"

Jai Xu finally reacted, thinking of Meng Fan.

"Not bad!"

Princess Yingyue snorted coldly, and when she mentioned Meng Fan, her expression was also a bit embarrassing, but now she had to shake and admire in her eyes. Before this, Meng Fan had already told her that if she wanted to target the strong man who killed the Burial King, the way to force it was the most unwise, and the best way was not to infiltrate the enemy first. Inside, knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win every battle.

This was the last point that convinced Princess Yueyue, so she just hid herself in Meng Fan's space, and also gave Meng Fan a few drops of her heart and soul.

Such behavior is a bit risky!

Because in Meng Fan's space, if you want to hide perfectly, then Princess Yueyue can't use any means, and even a trace of breath won't work. It is equivalent to entrusting herself to Meng Fan's hands. If Meng Fan is violent, then Princess Yueyue will be extremely passive, but because of this harsh environment, Princess Yueyue has to choose this way.

And Meng Fan didn't let him down at all, pretending to be crazy all the way, and gaining the trust of the three people, followed him into the space of the Black Sea.

The moment Meng Fan moved his finger lightly before, it actually quietly asked Princess Yueyue to leave his space.

Taishang Daoist was originally a person from the Underworld, and the earth-shaking method of Inviting Moon Princess also came from Underworld. For the Princess in the Black Sea, it can be done like her own domain, so she is taking advantage of it. At the moment when the big beasts were unaware, Princess Yueyue left early and set a trap in front of Meng Fan's trio. It was the place where Meng Fan vomited blood before. That ancient pagoda was buried by Princess Yueyue herself. of.

And Meng Fan was already connected with her mind. After the sound transmission, Meng Fan's blood spray was also benefited, which caused the people in Javier to find some clues for themselves, and then found the ancient pagoda, which caused civil strife and led to the battle of the three beasts. stand up.

This general plan may seem simple, but in fact it is as difficult to complete, because its steps need to be extremely perfect, and it cannot arouse any suspicion from the people of Javier, and it is necessary to let them walk step by step. Into the trap.

Only Meng Fan and Princess Yaoyue are the two top-notch existences, and their respective strengths and minds are extraordinary, and they can do all this seamlessly!

" are too vicious, too mean!"

Jai Xuan yelled, almost wanting to go crazy, and at the same time, a hint of fear flashed through his eyes.

The man who laid out this game, in addition to his own shocking methods, able to make small moves under the eyes of the three big beasts, more importantly, he has grasp of the human heart, how terrifying, and took advantage of the gap and greed of the three big beasts.

If it were not for the mutual suspicion between the three, if the three wanted to use Meng Fan, or if the three wanted the empty glove white wolf, then this plan would not be realized at all, I would use you to kill me. Kill you, this is Meng Fan's game, so simple, yet so vicious.

The three major fierce beasts all fell into this trap step by step.

This kind of scheming made Jai Xuan feel incomparable fear, even if he killed all the way, I don’t know how many strong people he penetrated, but facing a person like this, he felt a feeling of facing a devil, even if he It itself is a big beast that slaughters countless and is bloodthirsty, but compared with this person, it is not a little bit worse!

"It's him, I just do what he wants!"

Princess Yingyue sighed faintly, but nowadays, on top of her beautiful face, she couldn't help but sigh.

No wonder she spent a lot of effort and used huge burial methods, but couldn't catch Meng Fan. The latter seemed to be the most powerful not his methods, but his courage and scheming!

Rao is that she is not the one who fell into the trap, she felt a deep cold, this one Meng Fan, it is too... terrible!

But now on another battlefield, as the instigator of all this, he doesn’t have any awareness of this aspect. Instead, his eyes are staring at the snake, the dragon and the two big beasts, as if the strange Shusu is looking at the little loli, whispering. Smiled,

"Why, we are all brothers, regardless of each other, sharing joys and sorrows, this kind of friendship is really touching, two people who are not obediently will .... give their hard work and all the treasures?"

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