Supreme God King

Chapter 1994: Kill

In the voice, there is an incomparable affinity, as if an old friend is admonishing.

But falling into the ears of Teng Snake and Long Ren, their complexion became like pig liver, extremely green.

It was impossible to imagine that before, it seemed that they were completely under their control, and the stupid Meng Fan suddenly turned into a demon-like face.

"court death!"

The dragon screamed and blasted out with a punch, suppressing his own injuries, and slashed directly towards Meng Fan.

Its body appeared as an overwhelming angry dragon, and at the moment it emerged, it was an unstoppable means of suppressing everything. Even if the dragon man was seriously injured, the attack was extremely severe.

However, in Meng Fan's eyes, he only got a smile of contempt.

The palms placed on both sides slowly emerged, one palm stretched out and grabbed to the sky. After a moment, it collided with the handprints of the dragon man, suddenly spreading a thunder in the space, and then Seeing the dragon scream again, the whole person flew out.

Before he and Meng Fan slapped his hand, his strength was already showing that he could not help Meng Fan at all. That was when he was at his peak, and Meng Fan was hiding himself. Now Meng Fan’s strength is fully displayed without any reservations, and his injuries are serious. Where is the dragon man his opponent.

Under the collision, he retreated, standing still Meng Fan took advantage of the situation and jumped into the air, expressionless and kicked directly.


With one foot at the door, Meng Fan has always been extremely violent and domineering against the enemy, and has never had any softness, especially for these two kinds of beasts that kill countless beasts. His kick came extremely fast, and he didn't give the dragonman any time to react. It kicked on his face, and immediately saw the sky Meng Fan kicked blood, giving the dragonman even the opportunity to howl. It was left, and was kicked from the void by Meng Fan, with blood on his face, the corners of his mouth spurting, and countless teeth along the way!

A beast that killed countless beasts was beaten by Meng Fan!


Looking at the scene in front of me, Teng Snake still doesn't understand, and said bitterly,

"Damn, you are not injured!"

"That's right, there is a prize!"

Meng Fan smiled slightly and responded, but the reward was not a **** from heaven and earth, but the most domineering and terrifying fighter.

With a snap of his fingers, the latter has changed from the appearance of a good baby to an ancient fierce beast, and between the forward thrusts, that kind of overwhelming pressure came over, completely sealing the entire world.

With such a layout, Meng Fan will naturally hesitate when it is time to harvest!

Facing Meng Fan's fierceness, both the Dragon Man and Teng Snake were extremely shocked. Now they still don't understand that they are already caught in Meng Fan's killing.

"Fight with him!"

Teng Snake roared, his body changed, and all the power in his body seemed to be burning. After reaching this moment, he couldn't do his best.

Meng Fan waited for work with ease, and he was in a state of heyday, enough to kill any of them alone, and the two of them were now seriously injured. Under the circumstances, the two great gods were invincible. The smell of serious death is coming, one after another roaring to the sky, all the power is used, and Meng Fan is fighting together!

Bang, bang!

Meng Fan was alone in the sky, and in this Black Sea space, just like the previous Javier, with one enemy and two, he monopolized the two terrifying and extreme beasts that scorned the path of divine hiding.

But the only difference is that the previous Javier also risked his life.

The means of combining these two forces is exceptionally powerful, but now Meng Fan is playing against the two of them, waiting for work with ease, and declining with vigor, occupying the absolute initiative, which naturally allows him to completely suppress the scene.


After a few breaths, Meng Fan found a gap in the intensive killing of these two people, and fell in one step, as fast as a ghost, and then with a flash of a hand knife, it turned to the extreme, faster than any lightning, directly Slashing on Teng She's chest, a blood pneumothorax came and passed by.

Teng Snake also howled miserably, retreating madly, and the dripping blood turned into a rain of blood on the sky.

Facing this scene, it made the Dragon Man and Teng Snake despair. How could they never expect that Meng Fan's strength would be so strong, compared with Jai Xu, there is no weakness, or even stronger. Especially for that kind of killing method, both of them are fierce beasts standing on countless corpse mountains and seas of blood, but Meng Fan... is also a Shura.

Unlike the horror of the two, Meng Fan was so calm from beginning to end. He took another step and came to the front of the dragon, his fists shook the mountain, his fists smashed into the flesh.

With two punches, all the defenses of the dragon man were smashed, and then Meng Fan kicked over and directly kicked one of the dragon man’s legs. It was another striker knife, which smashed one of the dragon man’s arms and let him He was covered with blood and couldn't help but regress.

Now, these two fierce beasts are desperate discoveries. Under Meng Fan's killing, they have already controlled everything.

Even if they used any last means of pressing the bottom of the box, they couldn't stop the unstoppable Meng Fan. The latter was an old hunter who caught their weakest moment and killed you while you were sick!

"No, you are too mean!"

"There is a kind of fight when we are in full bloom!"

Tengshe and Longren still had the last glimmer of hope, and wanted to arouse Meng Fan.

But Meng Fan smiled softly and said calmly.

"How can I talk? How am I fighting? I am helping you. We are brothers. We should share our joys and sorrows together. Now I need your hard work, brother. Why are you embarrassed not to give it?

With a word, they were almost **** to death by Jiang Teng Snake and Longren. This was clearly what they said before, but now it was used by Meng Fan on themselves. And it also reflected that Meng Fan’s name shouldn’t be called uncle, but deliberately said so, so that it greatly affected the cheapness of the three big beasts. The uncle who had been closed before a few people called it a kiss!

In this world, how could there be such a shameless and rascal person!

However, Meng Fan did not pay attention to the words of the two people at all. He just moved forward calmly. Facing the two people who are seriously injured and dying now, it is the last straw that crushes the two lives. Once Meng Fan approaches, It was the day the two died.

This kind of death threat is coming extremely rich, clearly, it also makes Teng Snake and Dragon Man crazy.

I never thought that after living for a million years and experiencing so much wind and rain, today, I will be planted here, in the hands of such a gentleman.

"No, you can't kill me!"

Teng Snake stared at Meng Fan, his eyes flashed with infinite resentment, and when he moved his palm, he took out an ancient scroll. As soon as he opened it, there were rows of dense text written on it, but Meng Fan I can't understand it at all, but I found that there is a monstrous power in this text, which is extremely mysterious!

"No matter who you are, you should know who this thing belongs to. He comes from... the gods, one of the decree given to me by the Tibetan owner, I am his mount and his protector, you. ...Dare to move me?"

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