Supreme God King

Chapter 2008: Repeat the old technique

Princess Yueyue’s pretty face couldn’t help flashing a hint of irritation, but after a while, her eyebrows were slightly raised, as if she had recalled something, she said in a condensed voice.

"You mean..."

"Not bad!"

Meng Fan pointed, and his gaze invited Princess Yue to face each other. A strange arc was drawn on his face, full of ridicule, and he said calmly.

"How about re-applying the old technique? But this time it is up to you to perform it yourself, to experience how I dealt with you back then, how do you deal with... That old guy!"

The faint voice can make Meng Fan do this, obviously it was the unaware that a certain bad idea in his stomach was born.

In the space, there is peace!

The surrounding landscapes are picturesque. The whole world is the absolute realm of the Supreme Taoist. Naturally, he has used great methods. Therefore, between the world, even after a few great kings, they collapsed and were born in a blink of an eye. After that, the whole world was able to recover again.

It is conceivable that even if Meng Fan and Princess Yaoyue used brute force to penetrate Zhou Tian, ​​the possibility of success would not be very high. In this space, the power of endless and continuous space is extremely high. It's terrible, but the situation has been arranged by the Supreme Taoist.

And where Meng Fan and Princess Yaoyue couldn't see at all, there were even a pair of eyes, staring at them, indifferent and deep, full of chills.

There is no doubt that the master of this pair of eyes is... the Taoist!

Before that, fighting against Meng Fan, accidentally, being successfully attacked by Meng Fan also caused great damage to the Supreme Taoist, and it can be described as extremely cunning, and will not fight Meng Fan head-on, anyway, this is his own absolute domain.

Moreover, his state is extremely unstable. If he fights against Meng Fan, it is uncertain who kills whom.

Therefore, after being severely injured by Meng Fan, the Supreme Daoist also retreated and completely hid in this void, but there was no intention to stop the observation of Meng Fan and Princess Yueyue.

This is his absolute realm. All castings and breaths cannot escape the eyes of the masters, so he is quietly in a corner of this world, recovering himself, repairing his injuries, and dying at the same time. Staring at Meng Fan and Princess Yueyue.

It's just that within the small sky, everything is isolated, and he can't see it!

But he saw Princess Yingyue walk out calmly, as if she had recovered from her injury.

This alone is almost letting the Supreme Daoist run away.

With his concentration, Meng Fan was so angry.

Unexpectedly, the corpse poison that he was famous for, someone was able to crack it, and so quickly, he had taken advantage of this before and severely injured himself.

"A couple of dogs and men, Jie Jie..."

Thinking of this, it was to keep the Taoist Supreme from being angry, staring at Meng Fan and Princess Yueyue in the space, the murderous intent in both eyes seemed to penetrate the past, muttering,

"If it wasn't for the old man to imprison himself, for the great cause, I have already... Do not believe how long they can support, they will be a stepping stone to become an old man, no one is exception!"

Creak, creak!

Accompanied by the murderous intent of the Taoist Supreme, it turned out that the space between the sun and the sky continued to collapse and shattered. You can imagine how full of anger it is.

However, at the next moment, before the Supreme Taoist could say anything, he suddenly changed his expression and looked at this empty scene. In the scene, it was Meng Fan and Princess Yueyue.

Although he was isolated from the space and didn't know what the two were talking about, in any case, everything was under the control of the Supreme Taoist.

But in a flash, everything was completely out of his control, because the two people who were originally extremely clear in the picture suddenly became...a bird's hair!


It is the bird feathers, the overwhelming bird feathers, flying around the sky and the earth, and every path is filled with the breath of Meng Fan and Princess Yueyue. At this moment, the Taoist people have a dazzling feeling. .

not good!

The Taoist Supreme screamed in his heart, knowing that this must be the trick of Meng Fan and Princess Yueyue. He couldn't help but moved his heart. The whole person was integrated into the space of oneself, trying to judge what Meng Fan did. Where is it.

But just for a moment, it almost didn't make the Taishang Daoist's sea of ​​consciousness burst open, because as far as his divine mind could reach, all he saw was... millions of birds and tens of thousands of birds flying.

Each Dao contains the breath of Meng Fan and Princess Yueyue, which means... Each Dao may be Meng Fan and Princess Yueyue.

At this moment, all the marks that represented Meng Fan and Princess Yueyue were flying around this space, and even all changes in the entire space would fall under the control of the Supreme Taoist.

But in the face of so many and tens of millions of clones, he couldn't distinguish it.

It is easy for a Meng Fan to know where he is, ten or a hundred, but one million, ten million, moving at the same time, turning into a shadow.

This is a huge difficulty. Even if it is a Taoist person, he went violently in an instant, his eyes suddenly became blood red, his spiritual thoughts spread, and he was incarnate. I wanted to find Meng Fanhe among the thousands of birds. The true body of Princess Yueyue has to admit that all of this has been out of his control!

And in the small tower space that he didn't know, there was an extremely tragic voice. It came from a big bird without any hair. He sighed upward, and two tears dripped from the corner of his eyes.

"Meng Fan, you goddamn, you shameless, and you have to leave your grandfather bird's hair... don't leave one, don't leave one..."

Such a tragic voice really makes people cry and sigh.

The instigator of all this was actually incarnate among countless bird feathers, sneaking into this space silently, and it was Meng Fan.

This method is exactly what Meng Fan used to deal with Princess Yingyue in order to simplify the complexity and repeat the technique, but it is extremely effective. Even if it is too high, it will be crazy in a short time.

And Meng Fan relied on the power of heaven to blend in under this infinite mark, so that the Taoist priest could not capture his own trace in a short time.

And before that, he had already discussed with Princess Yingyue, and Princess Yingyue would attract the attention of the Supreme Taoist and delay time, while he acted alone, in the absolute realm of the Supreme Taoist, Search for traces of the fairy king and the burial master!

If the two are alive, they must be here, I don't know how, but if they can be rescued, it may be a terrible blow to the Taoist.

Besides, Meng Fan also agreed to invite Princess Yue to help her rescue the burial master.

So he thought of this method, but Meng Fan also understood that the Supreme Daoist is not an ordinary person, even if he plucked out all the hair of Lord Bird, and invited Princess Yue to help him delay time, use methods, but stay There is not much time for Meng Fan. It is too difficult to deal with such a big boss like a Taoist man, trying to fool him!

It is very possible that the other party will react without a stick of incense.

Therefore, Meng Fan understood that he must find the traces of...the Immortal King and the Burial Lord within the time of this incense stick!


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