Supreme God King

Chapter 2011: Rescue

The corpse poison of the Taoist Taoist is so terrible, they all think they can't resist, otherwise they would have been tricked before, but Meng Fan opened his mouth, saying that he can resolve it.

I have to say that this is indeed difficult to accept, because it does not conform to the logic of the immortal king and the burial master.

"Two seniors, there is not much time. Forgive me for not being able to explain anything. You have also sensed what the outside world is like. You either believe me or die!"

Meng Fan said, his attitude was extremely tough, and he did not have any respect because the two people in front of him were the two great godless kings in this world. On the contrary, there was a kind of oppression.

Indeed, as Meng Fan said, time is tight and too much hesitation cannot be tolerated.

Hearing that, the brows of the immortal king and the burial master were both frowned, but when they looked at each other, they were also extremely decisive people. Just a moment later, a path appeared in the golden world, allowing Meng Fan to enter it.

With a step down, Meng Fan came to the front of the immortal king and the burial master, carefully sensing, the corners of his mouth could not help but twitch.

The corpse poison in these two people is more serious than that of Princess Yaoyue, because it has been delayed for too long, and it is not the degree of poisoning into the bone marrow, but the corpse poison in the two turns into seeds, just like growing plants. Keep spreading.

If this continues, I am afraid that the two of them don't need to be too high-minded to take action, and if they persist for a while, they will collapse first!

It takes a lot of effort to help them.

Especially at this kind of life and death moment, it is necessary to put yourself in the strongest state.

Meng Fan was helpless and couldn't think of it. He is coming here now to help the Immortal King and the Burial Lord. If these two old guys knew what he was doing in the Immortal Burial, I don't know if they would slap him out immediately. Excited to death?

In any case, Meng Fan didn't have much time left, and naturally he didn't dare to have any lingering. He took a deep breath, then patted it with both hands, and the swallowing martial art in his body was in motion.

In an instant, the space was distorted, and only Meng Fan's figure enveloped the surroundings with mighty majesty, turning itself into a black hole, continuously extracting the corpse poison between the Immortal King and the Burial Lord.

Experts will know if there is any!

Along with Meng Fan's move, the slightest hesitation in the eyes of either the immortal king or the burial master disappeared, replaced by only amazement.

Indeed, Meng Fan didn’t say any big words at all. With Meng Fan’s movement, the gray mist surrounding their bodies disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. This mist was integrated into Meng Fan’s body, but The young man in front of him from Ten Thousand Regions turned out to be a means of supplementing himself through martial arts.

Although the time for him to transform it was countless times slower, the scene itself was already shocking enough!

It only took a few breaths to make the fairy king and the burial master feel that all the gray mist outside their bodies had disappeared, leaving only the corpse poison in their bodies.

They couldn't help but marvel at these methods.

But now in the outside world, because of the feathers of Lord Bird flying all over the sky, the place where the Taoist Supreme is also disturbed by Meng Fan, there are traces of Meng Fan everywhere, including the Taoist Supreme. It was also almost runaway, and a rare scent of anger and anger emerged.

In his eyes, Meng Fan and Princess Yaoyue are just two little dolls. Even the fairy king and the burial master should be inferior. But now, it is these two little dolls that are completely out of his control and let Tai All the methods of the Shang Taoist were ineffective, and the two of them were extremely unharmed, but instead caused him to mess around.

This kind of result is naturally unacceptable to the Taoist.

However, there was no way. During a few breaths, he was running his mind, covering the entire space. Everything in the absolute domain fell into his eyes, but what disappointed him was that he could not search at all. To the traces of Meng Fan and Princess Yueyue, because it is really...too many!

Meng Fan's method seems simple, but in fact it is impossible for even the **** king to distinguish it in a short time, especially in the dark, there is also a Princess Yueyue who is making trouble.

Constantly show the breath and use methods to make it more difficult to track the Taoist priest.

"Damn, you bastard, this one... will kill you!"

The Taoist master's expression was cold and cold, as if he had made a certain kind of determination. Meng Fan's methods had already aroused him enough alertness, and he naturally wanted to get rid of it immediately.

Divine Mind kept searching, and the Supreme Daoist could be said to have used all his strength to narrow down the possible position of Meng Fan, and time was also spent a little bit.

However, in the next moment, after the Supreme Taoist's divine consciousness suddenly touched a certain place, he raised his brow, and quickly put away his divine consciousness, and immediately looked at the place where the immortal king and the burial master were He hadn't thought of it before, but it's okay not to look at it now. After a glance, he clearly felt.... There is a strong aura in that place, not Meng Fan... Who else can it be!


A moment later, the Taoist Supreme had already understood that Meng Fan dropped so many chess pieces on this chessboard in order to keep him in confusion, but he took advantage of the chaos and slammed into the place where the immortal king and the burial master were. , Now that these two people are trapped, if they are released, it will be... How terrible!


Comprehending all of this, the Taoist Supreme screamed in exclamation, and unexpectedly let Meng Fan brush him, he ran away suddenly, and fell in one step. His body appeared out of nothingness, and went straight to the space of the immortal king and the burial master. Where, at the same time, a monstrous giant hand shot down in the sky.

"Die to me!"

Each of the three words was spit out from the teeth of the Supreme Daoist. That kind of hatred almost caused the Supreme Daoist to crush his teeth.


Covering the sky, even if the Taoist priest was hit hard by Meng Fan’s sneak attack before, but now he has no weakness and seems to be stronger than before. Obviously, the palm of the palm of the underworld is not. At one little bit, under one blow, there is the momentum of thunder!

Under the shroud of this Zen pearl, Meng Fan, the fairy king, and the burial master did not see the same at all. Now the three of them have closed their eyes and are silent in their own world.

Meng Fan cannot be distracted, and the Immortal King and Burial Lord cannot be distracted either.

Because now the two of them have merged into Meng Fan’s supreme martial arts, extracting the corpse poison from their bodies, originally their strength was used to suppress themselves, obviously they all exploded and cooperated with Meng Fan to eliminate them. The corpse poison in the body, this situation is extremely critical in itself, and they can't allow them to pay attention to anything else!

Facing the palm between the void, only staring abruptly!

However, between the electric light and flint, this palm could not interfere with the three of Meng Fan and the Immortal King, because a figure, obviously heaven and earth... Stopped in front of this handprint and the three, the blue silk flew and punched. It seems to be beautiful, but the power of the punch in the shot is to penetrate the mountains and rivers and break everything, not to invite the moon princess, who else can it be!

One person, appear!

Princess Yueyue has no expression on her face. In her eyes, there is nothing but endless bitterness. She appears in this space with the Supreme Taoist. According to Meng Fan's idea, she has always been staring at the Supreme Taoist. , Naturally will not let the Taoist people have any interference.

The two forces collided, and in a moment, thunder burst out, and the surrounding air seemed to be burning at this moment.

In a fight against each other, neither of them spoke, but looked at each other.

Needless to say, it is also clear that Princess Yueyue does not have any respect for this old senior in the underworld, but instead has a strong murderous intention.

"Before I... never had a good fight with you, now it's different!"

After being stripped of the corpse poison from Meng Fan, Princess Yueyue's body actually seemed a little weak, but she looked at the Taoist Taoist with a strong fighting spirit, and even replaced the look at Meng Fan.

There is only one main reason, which is that Princess Yue and Meng Fan were previously invited to fight against the Supreme Daoist, but she herself was poisoned, and she did not even have the qualifications for the first battle. It was because she was suppressed by the Supreme Daoist. , Princess Yueyue will definitely not owe Meng Fan two favors one after another, let alone...

Originally, Princess Yingyue’s temper was violent, but now it is... a complete eruption!


In the face of the Taoist Taoist, Princess Yingyue turned out to take the initiative, and the green silk fluttered, blasted out with one blow, and killed her.

And until Princess Yingyue stopped in front of him, the Taoist Master also understood that he could not pass this level and it would be impossible to interfere with Meng Fan, so he also went violently. The two top **** kings and strong men immediately fought. Place!

Bang, bang!

These fights can be described as tragic to the extreme. At this moment, how overbearing the confrontation between the two pinnacle gods is, causing layers of landscapes to collapse and turn into black holes.

In the end, Princess Yueyue lost to the enemy and was blew out.

One person is in the air, and today's Supreme Taoist is truly like the great hero who smashes the path of the gods. He meets the gods and kills the gods, meets the Buddha and kills the Buddha. Above his elegant complexion, he has no demeanor. Only violent and indifferent, so that Princess Yueyue was blasted out in just a few breaths.

At this time, the Supreme Daoist was even countless times stronger than when he faced Meng Fan and Princess Yueyue. People didn't even know the true bottom line.


However, Princess Yueyue was not afraid at all, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, spit out a word, and left again.

The two confronted each other, and finally Princess Yueyue was blasted out again, and the bones in her body were interrupted. I don’t know how much, but after looking at the three people behind Meng Fan, Princess Yueyue turned her head, the fighting spirit in her eyes , Nothing should be done!


I don’t know how many times I was blasted out, Princess Yingyue even felt that she was about to shatter, and her whole person was already transformed into a real blood man. His injuries were serious and precarious, and she had even shaken the origin, but still It was the kind of stubbornness in the eyes that stopped before the trio of Meng Fan... still the same!

Yep! ?

At this moment, the Taoist Supreme was already speechless, and he was mainly irritated by Meng Fan. Facing Princess Yueyue’s stubbornness, he snorted coldly and stepped down, just planning to solve the problem of Princess Yueyue in one blow. Time.

Suddenly, there are two more emperor auras between this void, not Meng Fan's, one of them is called...The Immortal King, and the other is...The Burial Lord!


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