Supreme God King

Chapter 2025: Comprehend

Gujing does not wave, stands still, and even seems to be completely fused with the space between Zhou Tian. If it weren’t for its shocking and horrifying aura on the surface, it might even be felt by others. Ordinary six words.

And Meng Fan knew even more that these six words were terrifying, if it weren't for these six words, it would not have sealed the Thunder Emperor and so many masters in the Cliff of Life and Death.

Which one of them is not the one who shocks the world, which is not the one who struggles all the way, countless bloodthirsty gods, but the final ending is not all sealed here, never going out, and the people who follow are even more miserable and constantly persecuted Give up his efforts and become a guy who is worse than a ghost.

All of this.... is the source of these six words!

With deep eyes, standing in the same place, Meng Fan's six words, his spiritual thoughts seemed to penetrate everything.

Undoubtedly, this stone stele may have come from a replica of the mysterious stone stele in the underworld, and these six characters are the key to get through everything here, so the person who left these six characters is undoubtedly the highest of underworld The other two masters of Taichu, Tai A two great masters.

Meng Fan has personally seen the power and calculation of the Supreme Taoist, and in the past, it was precisely because of the existence of Taichu and Tai'a that the plan of the Taoist Supreme was destroyed and completely exiled on this road to the gods. Among them, a million years of suppression.

In addition to the one-to-two situation, everyone who feels more terrible of these two people, sitting on the highest peak of the earth, always overlooking the mountains, rivers, sun and moon, all changes.

This is an exam question left.

It is the six words in front of him, maybe they can penetrate these six words, then he is also qualified to see the existence of those two.

I don't know how many calculations he has, leaving a replica of such a stone monument to choose the so-called third palm seat and share the rights in his hands?

Such a hero had such ideas, and Meng Fan would not believe anything.

In his heart, for a while, Meng Fan's thoughts were numerous, but all of it was just a breath of effort. He closed his eyes and understood that even if it was everything to himself, he had to bow his head under the eaves.

Now he can only try to break through here, first follow the rules of the game of these two palms, otherwise he will never be able to leave here.

Six words!

Meng Fan's gaze swept, and then his divine thought suddenly moved, surging directly towards the two characters in front.

cause and effect!

These are the first two characters among them. At the moment when Meng Fan's spiritual thoughts merged, he immediately felt the difference. Because although these are only two words, they contain countless rules, which are wound layer by layer to form these two words.

"Being born by predestined condition, and extinguished by predestined condition, birth is the cause, death is the effect, between cause and effect, eternal existence..."

Meng Fan is a strong **** king. Although he came into contact with these two words for the first time, his whole person could rely on his own powerful spiritual thoughts to force enlightenment. In an instant, he also obtained many results through the many rules entangled by these two words.

In his mind, there is an indifferent Sanskrit sound, and every word contains the ultimate law of cause and effect, and it is a special martial art.

If you can fully comprehend, then you can create a true **** king and powerhouse.

God King Dao is different, and any kind of avenue contains an ultimate means. Just a moment, it shocks Meng Fan enough. The information contained in this kind of avenue alone is the created God King powerhouse. It is quite extraordinary, not to mention the following two.

These two powerhouses standing at the top of the road to the hidden gods indeed have earth-shattering methods.

At the moment when his mind converged, Meng Fan's whole person's spiritual thoughts ran wildly, completely merging into the understanding of the law of cause and effect. And for a moment, all of Meng Fan's spiritual thoughts were integrated. It has to be said that this is quite dangerous, because no one is unclear about the environment here.

If the Thunder Emperor outside, or other strong people violent, then it is very likely that Meng Fan will fall into the passive, even if he can reflect it, but it is also possible to be seriously injured, once it falls into the wind. , Want to come back again, but it is difficult.

In particular, there are such existences as Leihuang, but now Meng Fan has not only done it, but also done it very thoroughly, as if it was extremely safe here.

First, there is no other way except Meng Fan, and secondly, one of the more important reasons is that he clearly understands that there is a bird and a tortoise, Xiaotian is beside him, and now he is outside, helping him protect the law. For so many years, life and death have followed, he and a bird and a turtle, Xiaotian is not a brother, but better than a brother.

Having this level of relationship also made Meng Fan extremely believe, and calmly handed over his back to these three characters, and Meng Fan understood that if he retreats, relying on a bird and a turtle, Xiaotian three people Skills will definitely help him delay.

And he did not live up to Meng Fan's trust. At this moment, his spirit within the stele was all used to understand the word cause and effect.

Outside of this stone monument, the space of the cliff of life and death is extremely lively, or more accurately described a vegetable market.

Because in the field, including the Thunder Emperor, plus a dozen other strong men trapped here, all of them have blood red eyes and cracked liver and gallbladder. They are all standing on the spot, all saliva is flying. Fight an unprecedented curse with a bird and a turtle.

The curses in the court kept coming and going, resounding all over the world, including the Thunder Emperor, all of them were extremely excited, almost eating a bird and a turtle in the past. It is hard for anyone to imagine that many powerful people within this cliff of life and death are trapped, but all of them are truly in the realm of the **** king, how extraordinary and what means.

However, nowadays, there is no difference between the aunts who are competing for a piece or two in the street food market. They are all around Yi Que Yigui, yelling, ugly, and various tricks, which is simply unprecedented.

But it is a pity that in this kind of scene, whether a bird and a turtle, whether it is the king of the gods, or the existence of the next three days, it is not empty for them. The two of them just sat in place, one by one. Drinking tea, and then talking, but the speed of speaking, the sharpness of speech, are completely inferior to the people in the field. In terms of strength, they can be called the same existence as their grandfathers, so it caused a lot of in the field. confusion.

It was often a dozen or so sentences that a **** king yelled at, but he was counterattacked by the bird and the turtle, and then he almost vomited blood and yelled.

Only two people, a dozen gods and powerful people in the battlefield of tongues caused chaos in this cliff of life and death. Such a move can be described as unprecedented, and there is no one to come.

Within this cliff of life and death, there have been more **** and dark things, but like this scene in today's field, it is absolutely rare in the past. Even if you look at the huge path of divine hiding, it is absolutely amazing. Strange things.

More than a dozen gods and kings are fighting together, this scene...tsk!

Including the two unmoving old men who are standing on top of the highest peak of Underworld, outside of this cliff of life and death, now they look at each other, a rare shock in their eyes.

"Where did this guy find these weird things, how..."

"The tricks are very useful. Now the guy has time to comprehend, whether he has this strength!"

"Hmph, the Thunder Emperor was pretty good before, why now... as stupid as a pig..."

The voice slowly, it is extremely difficult for the two palms in the underworld to speak so much, but now it can't interfere with the cliff of life and death.

Among them, with the stone monument as the boundary, the inside and outside can be called two completely different worlds. There was a quarrel between the outside world, and there was a lot of curse, but now in the space inside the stele, there is already silence, and some are only moved by Meng Fan's powerful divine mind, sensing everything.

Within the two words of cause and effect, there are endless complexity, each path is related to cause and effect, and it multiplies countlessly, and Meng Fan relies on his own powerful strength to force perception and deduction. However, after a few breaths, Meng Fan’s spirit was drawn from these two words, and at the same time a clear shock flashed in his eyes.

"How could it be... it failed? There is no way at all?"

The voice murmured, for people like Meng Fan, it would not be easy to say defeat, how firm the will of the **** king is strong, once it is said that it is a failure, it can be said to be a real failure, in the deduction of Meng Fan before this Although the time was short, he had already undergone hundreds of changes, but no matter that time, the final result of Meng Fan was a failure, and it was impossible.

Although it contains endless laws of cause and effect, it is impossible to form a complete road, making Meng Fan almost feel desperate.

"This way doesn't work, then try another way!"

Meng Fan pondered for a moment, then focused his mental power on the other two words, that is... Yin Yang!

A moment later, Meng Fan once again merged all his spiritual powers on the two words Yin and Yang, and began to comprehend the laws within the two words, which is similar to the two words of cause and effect, but also filled with countless complexities. The law of yin and yang, Meng Fan used this to infer, but unfortunately, the final result is still...failure!


Meng Fan gritted his teeth and merged all his spiritual thoughts into the two words of life and death. In the end, he opened his eyes, and the spiritual thoughts in the sea of ​​knowledge almost collapsed. He withdrew from the stele, which was extremely costly, but But nothing was gained, and he was in great failure.

"The three roads... none of them work!"

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