Supreme God King

Chapter 2027: The essential

If he is trapped here today, then everything he has done in the past will be in vain. If he is trapped here for tens of thousands of years, it is even more unacceptable for Meng Fan.

Maybe one day when he returns to Wanyu, all he can see is a desolate place and the sky is full of bones.

"I'm not reconciled... not reconciled..."

Meng Fan's spiritual thought trembled and he uttered a few words, but looking at the six words above the void, he felt like six great mountains, pressing on his head.

That kind of helplessness, that kind of bitterness, even Meng Fan's faith was shaken.

But just a moment later, this wave of shaking faded cleanly in Meng Fan's eyes, who took a deep breath and slowly calmed down.

The dragon fights in the wild, its blood is black and yellow!

The more important things are, the more calmness is needed.

Many years ago, there was a man who personally passed on this point of Meng Fan, and for many years, at any moment, Meng Fan always kept this in mind.

If it is desperate, then it is... not worthy of his disciple!

Meng Fan didn't scream any more, but calmer and looked around more calmly, not as if he had just accepted the cruel defeat, but as if he had just arrived here.

His eyes burst out with the sun-like rays of light, and everything in the space was collected in his eyes. Unlike before, Meng Fan is in this space, but more like an old monk. Everything has nothing to do with him. , He was just quietly perceiving every change in the surrounding world with his divine mind.


Above the highest peak of Underworld, you can have a panoramic view of all of this. Sensing the weakness of Meng Fan's spirit, the two old men looked at each other, and a smile appeared on the corners of their mouths.

"It seems that although this person is weird, he still can't break the secret of this stone monument, so don't talk about other things!"

"Yes, it's a pity, it has some qualifications, but if he can't break it now, waiting for the Thunder Emperor and others to react, it will not let him be satisfied!"

The voice is slow. For the two of them, although they are very concerned about whether someone can break through the space and solve the mystery from here, even the ancient powerhouse needs to take care of their own face, if it is Meng Fan So unlocked, sweeping the cliff of life and death all the way, where are their faces.

This riddle was put together by their hands, and it is naturally their pride and face. How can they be easily broken through by others?

So although the two elders didn't say anything, it is conceivable that these two people absolutely don't want Meng Fan to come out like this.

But now it seems that indeed, Meng Fan has encountered unprecedented problems, and successive failures have caused him to suffer a big blow whether it is his beliefs or himself. Whether he can survive and survive within the cliff of life and death is unknown. !

However, just before the outside world, at the moment when the two masters of the Underworld smiled, Meng Fan within the stele became more calm and indifferent.

He didn't run his divine mind anymore, nor did he forcefully comprehend these six characters, but quietly looked at the six characters in this space.

Cause and effect, yin and yang, life and death!

Between these six words, any one is full of endless laws, but there is no complete road. If it is forcibly taken, there is no way out at all. Meng Fan observed carefully for a long time and muttered,

"The teacher in the past once said that the most subtle place is the place where the avenue is best reflected. This sentence is the same no matter what state it is in. The two big palms of the past left these six words here. It represents different martial arts, and the laws contained in each word are different, different..."

Between the last two words, Meng Fan's pupils shrank slightly, and he suddenly raised his head again. Looking at these six words, a brilliant light burst into his eyes.

"Different, different... These six characters represent three different martial arts. I entered them one by one before, but I didn't get any results. The three special martial arts simply cannot be linked together, but. ...Absolute light means absolute darkness. Perhaps the person who left this topic just wants to make people fall into a misunderstanding. Perhaps it is just a hint. If these three martial arts can be combined together? Between cause and effect, between yin and yang..."

The voice fell, and every word was extremely slight, but in the end, it made Meng Fan's whole person... suddenly broke out, and his divine mind turned and burst out.

A moment later, I could feel that Meng Fan's divine thoughts were moving like before, frantically moving, surrounding the six words in front of his eyes. Prior to this, each of his divine thoughts only blended into one word, in order to integrate all of his own power and open up one of the paths.

But now Meng Fan is completely different from before. His spiritual thoughts are integrated into these six characters at the same time, and after a short while, he feels these three martial arts.

You must know that these three martial arts are extremely special, and they are full of endless mysterious laws.

Even if Meng Fan wanted to perceive any of them, it would be impossible without spending all his energy. In the end, there was no result. What's more, now, he actually started at the same time, choosing to target the three martial arts, and enlighten them together.

"The three roads are dead ends! This alone is the similarity of the three roads, even if they have different laws and different attributes, but because of this, perhaps among the three roads, it is only What's in it, maybe the person who left this puzzle really wants to tell me, it's not these three rules!"

Meng Fan's spiritual thoughts were running crazily. At this moment, he did his best again, and he was even crazier than before.

The current Meng Fan is really desperate. If he fails again with a serious injury, there will definitely be a real big problem, even he himself cannot suppress it. At that time, the Leihuang and others outside would definitely see the clues. At that time, Meng Fan could truly be said to be in danger within this cliff of life and death.

Lei Huang himself is a terrifying existence, if Meng Fan is seriously injured, then it is a life and death dilemma.

But once Meng Fan started his hands, he never hesitated about this thought. His spiritual thoughts were like a tide, and he moved madly. Now he is not combining one law to reach a great road, but using these three laws, but It is not about enlightenment, but looking for a strange connection between these three laws.

Yin and Yang, life and death, cause and effect!

Among the three kinds of martial arts, Meng Fan inferred that there is still a kind of martial arts hidden, and the so-called three kinds of martial arts are in fact only the appearance of incompleteness.

What Meng Fan really wanted to be sure was that among these three kinds of martial arts, there was another kind of martial arts...

So, just now is the answer to this cliff of life and death, and also the key to leave here!

This behavior of Meng Fan is not undaunted, not crazy. Throughout the ages, countless powerful people have entered this cliff of life and death, not only Thunder Emperor, but also some other powerful people who have come here to try.

But in the face of this stone stele, there is actually a trace of awe, after all, it comes from the two existences who have already set foot on the road to the gods.

The exam questions left by him, even this group of strong people, still have some fear in their hearts. And in the face of these six words, no one would dare to break the routine and choose an extraordinary path, but all of them are constantly summing up and merging in the rules left by these six words.

But it is a pity that the result that all these people came up with in the end was no result. Even though the laws contained in these six words are extremely mysterious and cumbersome, they are the most powerful way in the world, but they are of no use at all and cannot be formed into one. Complete martial arts.

It is also to make this cliff of life and death, no one left for millions of years.

Meng Fan is fundamentally different. For so many years, he has never been in awe of others, and he has been afraid of others. He is truly brave and invincible in his heart, gazing at the sky.

Therefore, before the stone monument, the three roads were different. He simply chose to break the three roads directly and decisively, and used the common ground to recombine them to form a road. Among the three roads, choose the one. The essence, the dregs, the courage alone is enough to shock everyone!

On the underworld, the two palms have now slowly retracted their eyes. The moment they saw that Meng Fan was seriously injured and his soul was damaged, they were actually not interested.

Although Meng Fan brought some small surprises to the two of them, but also... nothing more.

Both of them withdrew their gazes, planning to sink into silence, and no longer pay attention to the matter of the cliff of life and death. To them, Meng Fan was just a stranger.

However, at the moment when the two of them were planning to close their spiritual minds at the same time, the whole person was suddenly shaken, and his eyes once again looked into the cliff of life and death, and their expressions changed rapidly.

Because between this moment, the two actually discovered that within this cliff of life and death, a completely different aura emerged.

In the space of the stele, Meng Fan looked down at the six characters, swept the three incomplete martial arts, and had a panoramic view of everything in the three martial arts.

In the end, in Meng Fan’s eyes, a scene of universal life and infinite disillusionment appeared, and the divine thoughts were running wildly, and at the same time, the voice of indifference spread throughout the stone tablet.

"Yin and Yang, life and death, cause and effect, are actually just one... martial arts, but I didn't expect it to be like this. The three martial arts were originally one, because I... Open your eyes as a cause, close your eyes as an effect, open your mouth to live, close your mouth to die, between the two sides.

It is a kind of gratitude for life and life, endless, three martial arts, not martial arts, but a kind of idea. In fact, there is only one word contained in this path, which should be called... Ming! "


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