Supreme God King

Chapter 2033: pressure

Such a thing means the ultimate power between the world, including a piece of information that stuns nine heavens and ten places, and means the birth of an existence that is proud of...

But it also means endless danger. There is no doubt that anyone who dares to look sideways at this underworld monument is the enemy of the entire underworld, so naturally it means that they will encounter the thunder strike of everyone in the underworld, including two palms. Everyone in the room must take action personally to smash it into pieces.

There is a very typical example in front of it, that is.....too good!

This being, if it didn’t want to swallow this monument, he still sits here, as the supreme palm of the earth, looking at the common people, but unfortunately, because of his own greed once, he has become inhumane. People, ghosts are not ghosts.

A dignified underworld palm seat needs a layout to slay other strong men and use all means to survive.

This is because the Supreme Taoist wants to swallow this underworld stele alone. For this, Meng Fan is naturally very clear, and he has a clear understanding of himself.

Still the same sentence, his cultivation is not as good as the Supreme Daoist, and the understanding between the underworld is not as good as the Supreme Daoist. It is rumored that Taichu and Tai A are friends of the Supreme Daoist for many years, but in the end it is because of this. The stone tablet turned his face.

So now that Meng Fan made this request, he simply took a huge risk.

To be precise, if the Taishang Taoist still had such a glimmer of life in capturing this monument, then for Meng Fan, the possibility of obtaining the monument would be like endless chaos, which could not be found in it. Any reason.

But now Meng Fan has not only said it, but is also extremely calm. He is standing in place, in front of the two palms of the earth, looking at the stone monument, the kind of desire in his eyes, There is no cover at all.

This is undoubtedly standing in front of someone else’s husband, pointing his finger, and wanting someone else’s wife...

And it’s even more tragic and terrifying, because for people who reach the palm seat of the Underworld, the gains and losses of personal interests are no longer important at all. They are real heroes, and all they want is the supreme road. .

For him, this monument is more important than his life. Compared with it, other things are not important at all, especially those who are Taishang Taoists and Tai Taoists, their own strength, the end of Shenyin, just now Is the true purpose of its tracking.

The dragon has inverse scales, and this monument is the inverse scale of the two palm seats!

In just a moment, the situation changed suddenly!

Sure enough, under Meng Fan's gaze, the two great palms of the Underworld, who were originally calm, had gradually turned sullen and stern between now and then.

This class of powerhouses can affect the void with one move and one thought, causing great power, not to mention the murderous intent of the two gradually violent.

After a short while, above the highest mountain, it was completely sealed.

The dark clouds are rolling and the sky is roaring. In this moment, the space around the entire mountain is constantly twisting, the surrounding wind and thunder are flashing, and the black electricity is rolling. That kind of diffused breath, even a top god, is Unbearable!


Standing in place, Meng Fan’s whole person fell into the gazes of these two palms. Although he didn’t move anything, his motionlessness seemed more terrifying than any movement. Even Meng Fan had all the power in his body. Between these eyes are the means that have been sealed, blood, origin, and so on.

Even Meng Fan's own will was in a trance.

The gap between each other is really...not small!

Even if the two previous masters of the Underworld had admired Meng Fan, they exclaimed, but the real collision made Meng Fan sense the horror of this Shenyin's top giant, which was definitely not just talking.

If the opponent makes a move at this moment, he will definitely die and there is no chance of winning!

For many years, Meng Fan fought the heavens and the earth, fought this, fought that, when was he afraid of anyone, but now in front of these two palms, he has to obey, the latter seems to have reached the extreme of the king of gods, and he is in full prosperity. , Completely different from the Supreme Taoist, Gu Huang, whom Meng Fan met in the past.

"Oops, this time I played a big game, the boss wants to drink northwest wind!"

"Could it be that this underworld.... It is really going to become the underworld for you and me!"

Within the space, the wailing sound of a bird and a tortoise came, and they also felt the tension of the situation, and they couldn't help but be afraid.

The more powerful they are, the more they can feel the oppressive means of these two palms. There is no doubt that the life and death of Meng Fan, Yi Que Yi Gui, Xiao Tian and others are just between the latter's thoughts.

However, Meng Fan still didn't move at all, but his eyes were calm and right, and a trace of determination flashed in the deepest part of his eyes.

People who know Meng Fan will definitely know that the latter is not reckless. Even if Meng Fan has won many times and walked on the tip of a knife, he has accurately grasped that line. Vitality, most of the time, can find a breakthrough in the chaos.

Its daring to do, but absolutely relying on more than just a dare word.

But now Xiaotian, a bird and a tortoise are all surprised, don't understand why Meng Fan must tell his true thoughts in front of the two palms, doesn't he know the fate of the Taoist man?

"Young man, you should know what you did before. Everything needs a price!"

In the early days, the Taoist spoke slowly, and the voice did not contain any emotion. For the strong **** king, it was enough to produce a big shock, just like a rune that urges life.


Under such circumstances, Meng Fan could still laugh out, looked at the two great people, and said calmly,

"I'm just telling what I want. As for whether to give or not, then it's two people's business!"

"Jie Jie... Do you think it is possible?"

Tai Adao sneered and stared at Meng Fan. The surrounding space was also distorted, as if he could make a move at any time, it would bring down the supreme thunder.

"The guy Taishang wanted to get this stone tablet completely. He was killed by me and others. I am dissatisfied with what you said. I and the three of us met in the endless void of Shenyin. They have millions of years of friendship and love brothers. , But after Tai Shang put forward his ideas, they were all killed by us. Do you think you can still get out alive now? Young man, your appetite is too big, some things, a big appetite... it means death! "

The last word fell, and the world trembled.

Meng Fan, who was standing in the same place, flushed and spurted out a mouthful of blood before he could do it, because the power of the Daoist was too terrifying. At this moment when he uttered the method, he used sound waves to penetrate everything. It directly hurt Meng Fan's internal organs. Even Meng Fan couldn't restrain himself.

Before you start, you have been injured by the other party's methods. This is the method of the Shenyin giant. Is this the power of...

Meng Fan looked at the two palms, and there was a hint of comprehension in his expression. For many years, these two people have guarded the underworld stone stele. Not only did they control all their secrets, they absorbed the underworld. No one knows how much meaning is in the monument.

The strength of the two, the way of the movement of mind, is simply superb, ghosts and gods are hard to judge!

However, thinking of this, Meng Fan actually did. . . . He grinned, wiped the blood from his lips, facing the thunderous murderous intent between Zhou and Tian, ​​but it was so calm, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his words.

"Two... Please forgive me that it is really hard to respect the two. I don't know when the two are going to act before they can stop?"




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