Supreme God King

Chapter 2036: Have a boat

As the last barrier at the end of Shenyin, it is a sea, full of endless dangers and methods, even if it is like Taichu, Tai'a and other underworlds, the top giants in God's possession, before that sea, all sighed , Blocked out.

Even with the ebb and flow of the tide, I still can't set foot in it, and I can see my true self.

However, at this moment, the Taoist actually said that there is a ship within no sea. This word alone is enough to arouse Meng Fan’s interest. The simple point is that the most common woodcutter in the world is Ming, ship. It is used to.... cross the sea!

The so-called no sea, blocking everything in the heavens and the earth, is the biggest barrier on the path of divine hiding. It has already been proved by the failures of many top giants such as Taichu and Tai'a that it cannot be passed.

But once there is a ship, it is different. Where does the ship come from, whose ship it is, and what kind of ship it is!

In just a moment, countless sparks flashed in Meng Fan’s mind. His always good at was judgment and reasoning. From this literal one word, Meng Fan had already thought of countless possibilities. Sex, of course, is only possible.

As if it was what Meng Fan had in mind, the Taoist in the early days sighed and said quietly,

"Yes, it is indeed as you think, young man, you are really good, you can react so quickly, and then infer that we are infinitely close to the truth. We spent countless years before we were able to verify that there is no sea. There is indeed a ship in it, and there is only such an ancient ship, its manufacturing is extremely special.

And several of our old guys have already gone through countless exchanges. This boat can indeed... With him crossing the sea, we don’t know the origin of this boat. It is extremely ancient, as if there is no sea in it. At the moment, this boat is there, maybe this is the person in the end of Shenyin, leaving this boat to attract people here? "

The voice fell, immediately causing Meng Fan's heart to tremble. According to the Taoist from the beginning, there was someone at the end of Shenyin, so what kind of existence was there?

"What about the boat now?"

Meng Fan said curiously.

I don't know whose hands are such an important thing!

But it is certain that at least it is not in the hands of Tai'a and Taichu Taoist, otherwise the two would have already crossed the sea.

Hearing Meng Fan’s question, the complexion of Taishang Taoist and Taiadao suddenly became quite uncomfortable. After a long period of silence, two words were uttered from the teeth of Taishang Taoist. ,

"It's exploded!"

The moment the two fluttering words were uttered, Meng Fan was stunned for a moment, and then... almost didn't bite his tongue.

Such an important ship, the most important thing that may be the most important thing to cross the sea, turned out to be...exploded!

This is too exaggerated. The only ancient ship has already exploded, so everyone is going to have a fart!

Rubbing his temples, Meng Fan suddenly understood the helplessness of these two great people. He was clearly standing on the top of this world. He had found the glimmer of hope, and he could get through that one. The sea, but it was the last discovery. In the end, the only glimmer of hope exploded.

This helplessness is simply... Five thunderbolt, thunderbolt!

He once heard a sentence that my mother...exploded, but now Meng Fan can be sure that if the two masters choose, he would definitely not choose the latter, which simply killed his greatest hope in life.

After a moment of silence, Meng Fan just asked.

"How could such an important ship explode? Could it be that what you are looking for is just the...stuff of this ship?"

"Not bad!"

At the beginning, Taoist hated Tao, and his realm was a bit uncontrollable at this moment, with a look of murderous intent.

"We, including us, don’t know exactly what happened. It’s just that we can be sure that in the most ancient times, there was a shocking battle in Wuhai, and it’s not about who was involved in us. Clearly, it may have something to do with the missing stone tablets, but in any case, the final result of that battle was... the only ship in Wuhai exploded, scattered in Wuhai, Nowhere, so we want people to help us find, it is the remains of this ship!"

During the speech, a flash in the palm of the Taoist priest in the early days, half of the wood appeared, the whole body was black, only the size of the forearm, no different from a piece of ordinary wood, the only difference was just a glance, Meng Fan It is from this half of the wood that a sense of vicissitudes is felt.

It is a kind of change that has gone through countless years, and the feeling that can be formed in the end, and this kind of feeling is reflected on this piece of wood can be described as vividly and vividly, what is Meng Fan’s vision now, but after a piece of wood, it is actually in his heart It was because of great awe that made him instinctively have the idea of ​​worshipping half of the wood, just because the sense of time vicissitudes within this half of wood is too rich!

The latter seems to be with the sky and the earth, and one thing that is with the common people has experienced too much.


Meng Fan's gaze swept away, staring at the piece of wood, and he understood that according to the words of the two palms, this half of the wood should undoubtedly be the thing left over from that piece of boat.

"This half piece of wood, but the two of you here in exchange for their lives back then, in the hands of the old guys in the Shenzang and the Zen Temple, there are also a few pieces, if I wait for the wood in the hands of a few people to add together , Maybe it can be a half boat, but... after all, it is not a boat!"

In the beginning the Taoist said slowly,

"So what we want is for someone to be able to enter the sealess sea and help us find the rest of the hull. The distribution of these pieces of wood is not clear at all, and we are completely in chaos. The sea is full of dangers, and there is no map, so in fact, we are not very sure about entering it. The piece of wood may be on the edge, or it may be in the deep place without the sea. This has to do with luck!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan nodded, knowing this sentence, I am afraid that these two palms did not lie to himself.

That place is unpredictable, the soldiers are impermanent, and the water is impermanent. Some people may enter it and walk for a certain period of time, and they will be fine. Once some people set foot in it, they will encounter great troubles. It depends entirely on it. Everyone’s chances are different.

Of course, the prerequisite is that someone can walk in, so at least they have the strength of a **** king, and other people don't even have the qualifications to enter this game.

"Well, young man, is there anything else you can say?"

Tai Adao clearly had a bad impression of Meng Fan, and he couldn't wait to push others out at any time.

As for this, Meng Fan didn't care, but fell silent and said nothing.

In his mind, there was even more rapid thinking, countless possibilities, various causes and effects, all between these several breaths, and finally Meng Fan sighed, and he already made a decision.

When Meng Fan raised his head, there was only a trace of determination left in his eyes, the two palms of the earth, each word said,

" about making a deal?"

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