Supreme God King

Chapter 205: Black list

Everyone looked at this scene, all their expressions were a little sluggish!

Unexpectedly, Meng Fan, who appeared suddenly, could be so close to Ling Daiyou, and still talked and laughed. All the big guys behind him were stunned. You must know that although Ling Daiyou was naturally charming and didn't know how many people let him confess, she had never seen him be so close to a man.

Looking at Meng Fan in front of her, Ling Dai smiled quietly, and said softly.

"Naughty, little guy, but even though my sister is charming, didn't you miss the move? You left your sister so cruelly and left!" The voice fell, Ling Dai gave Meng Fan a quiet look, but this kind of action was actually Like flirting, an unimaginable charm appears.


With a sigh in his heart, Meng Fan cursed the fairy secretly, and then whispered softly: "Why is Sister Daiyou here? It's dangerous here, not suitable for a girl!"

Upon hearing this, Ling Daiyou shook her head and said with some sigh.

"My good brother, you think of me as a girl. The old monsters in the family hate me so much that they can squeeze countless oil and water from me. Our Ling family's business is going to develop around, and it is already here in the Dagan Empire. Peak, I naturally want to come here to try it!"

Sure enough, it is the No. 1 trade group!

Meng Fan shook his head and opened the business here, and said in a condensed voice: "Congratulations, but you still have to be careful, it is not safe here." Upon hearing Meng Fan's words, Ling Dai nodded quietly, and immediately looked towards Behind Meng Fan, the lonely arrogant heart had not spoken.

With Ling Daiyou's eyesight, it was natural to see the extraordinaryness of the latter at a glance. There was no breath under the black robe, but it gave people a rather terrifying feeling. Touching his nose, Meng Fan said lightly.

"this is my friend!"

"Um, hello!" Ling Dai smiled quietly and said lightly.

"Brother Meng Fan's friend is my friend!"

While speaking, Ling Daiyou blinked at Meng Fan, watching this scene, but lonely and proud just nodded without speaking. At the next moment, a faint voice came out in the air: "Miss Ling, is this your friend?"

After that, a man walked here, Meng Fan kept focusing on Ling Daiyou's body, and did not notice that there was another man among them.

Wearing a yellow robe, with a sharpness between his eyebrows, he has already reached the peak of soul refining, and he may break through at any time. And what moved Meng Fan was that this man had an inconceivable intention to kill, obviously he didn't know how many people had been killed.

Seeing the man coming, Meng Fan's pupils shrank slightly, because he already felt the man's killing intent rushing towards him, as if there was a trace of hostility in his eyes. Seeing the man's appearance, Ling Daiyou smiled bitterly and said softly.

"His name is Huang Yuan. He is an ally of my family. We are planning to arrange a few shops here and let him help us. His strength is amazing!"

As he walked in, Huang Yuan had a faint smile on his face, but no one could feel his murderous intent surging at this moment, and said in a condensed voice, "Your Excellency, I have never seen you before, I don’t know. what's your name?"

Sure enough, it is a disaster! Meng Fan sighed in his heart. Just as he was about to speak, Ling Daiyou on the side snorted coldly and slowly said, "It's just my brother!"

"Is it!"

Huang Yuan smiled, then stretched out a palm and said lightly.

"That's great, I just saw you have a lot of strength!"

There was a gleam of luster between the big hands. Looking at this scene, the eyes of countless people around had already concentrated. After seeing Huang Yuan, there was a trace of unconcealed panic on his face.

Without changing his expression, Meng Fan stretched out one palm at the same time and held it slowly. In an instant, two hands were tightly grasped, and a faint smile appeared on Meng Fan's face. After a few breaths, he withdrew his palm without leaving a trace, and then saw that Huang Yuan's expression had changed drastically, his complexion was pale, one The shoulders are shaking.

Around it, everyone's expressions changed. They already knew that Meng Fan and Huang Yuan had a secret confrontation just now, but it seemed that Huang Yuan had suffered a bit! Including Ling Daiyou's pretty face all changed, looking at the scene in surprise, and swallowing what he originally wanted to stop.

When I saw this little guy, the other party was only Tier 3 in soul refining, but now... how long has it passed since Huang Yuan, who was able to contend with the peak of soul refining alive!

With a low growl, Huang Yuan knew that his palm was almost shattered in the confrontation just now. He didn't expect the opponent's strength to be so strong, as if he was holding a boulder.

After a while, Huang Yuan roared and said in a low voice, "Okay, okay, I remember you, **** guy, wait, there is no one who is remembered by my Huang Yuan in this blind spot domain that can survive yet. !"

The sound fell, and immediately Huang Yuan flicked his sleeves and walked directly outside. After that, everyone shook their heads, unexpectedly Meng Fan had offended such a terrifying character. But for Meng Fan, he was used to it, he just shook his head and said lightly.

"You stingy guy, didn't you just lose your strength!"

Hearing that, Ling Daiyou chuckled and said angrily, "You guy, you get a good deal!" Hearing this, Meng Fan shook his head and looked at Ling Dai and said quietly, "You are not my sister. If it weren’t for you, I’m afraid this guy wouldn’t target me!”


Ling Dai's pretty face was full of helplessness, and said in a condensed voice, "Then there is no way, if it is not a family business, I am too lazy to deal with me, he is stalking me! But you have to be careful. He is ninth on the black list!"


In an instant, Meng Fan's pupils shrank, and immediately asked in confusion, "What is the black list?"

"You do not know?"

Ling Daiyou's expression moved, and then she explained quietly.

"It seems that you have just stepped into this area. There will be a black list every year in this blind spot. It is ranked by the Tianxiang Pavilion, which gathers the ten most outstanding killers in the blind spot. Every year, these people have failed missions. Those who die will be eliminated, but it is rumored that the top three have never changed, and Huang Yuan is currently the ninth on the black list. Although there is a huge gap with the previous changes, it should not be underestimated!"

Blacklist, the top ten killers! It seems that Xiangge is really extraordinary this day, and there is such a power, no wonder there are these treasures around but no one is making trouble, I am afraid that it is fate to take the dead flower.

Meng Fan's heart moved, and he immediately asked with a smile: "Sister, I drove you away from another trouble. Is it still such a tricky character. Is there any compensation?"

"make up?"

Ling Dai gave Meng Fan a faintly white look, and said in a condensed voice, "Now you, what is your sister giving you? How about giving you a kiss, how about?" Hearing this, Meng Fan suddenly gave a bitter smile and said quickly: "Forget it. Now, one Huang Yuan is enough for me. If you do, I guess I will be killed by other men!"

"Hey, you two said enough, did you say enough, I want to rest!"

Looking at the two people in front of him, the lonely heart behind him said coldly. Meng Fan and Ling Daiyou looked at each other, and they were a little embarrassed at once, knowing that this is not the place to talk, but Ling Daiyou said softly just the next moment when Meng Fan was about to leave.

"Come to my room on the second floor in a while, I really have to compensate you!" While speaking, Ling Daiyou blinked her eyes, her eyelashes trembled, and her body was quickly surrounded by many big men. Walked towards the second floor of Tianxiang Pavilion.

Looking at the disappearing figure of Ling Daiyou, Meng Fan was shocked, but he had to breathe out. Now that he came to this blind spot city, Meng Fan planned to supplement himself, so he set two rooms in this Tianxiang Pavilion.

Immediately after a movement, Meng Fan went straight to the second floor of Tianxiang Pavilion.

The guards here are even stricter. Obviously, they are all places where people with terrifying status can live. After seeing Meng Fan, all the guards of Ling Daiyou will let them go immediately. After all, they already know Ling Daiyou and Meng Fan's relationship is not shallow.

After several steps stepped into Ling Daiyou's room, Meng Fan already saw a beautiful figure in the room. Looking at Ling Daiyou, Meng Fan touched his nose, and said helplessly: "Let's talk about it, sister, what can I make up for!"

"Hmph, do you hope that your sister will compensate you?"

Looking at Meng Fan, Ling Dai spit out her little tongue, charming all kinds of things. Meng Fan gave a dry cough, his face was a little hot. Looking at Meng Fan's awkward expression, Ling Daiyou suddenly laughed and said softly.

"Okay, stop teasing you, Meng Fan, I heard that you are from the Meng clan?"

Obviously, the name of Meng Fan is not unusual in today's Dagan Empire, but it is extremely sensational.

You know, in the First Battle of the Old Frost Inheritance, it was openly comparable to Meng Yu's soul, and it has spread rapidly throughout the Dagan Empire. The name of Meng Fan has already stepped into the pinnacle among the younger generations of the Dagan Empire. .

It is not difficult for the forces of Ling Daiyou's family to know Meng Fan's horrible performance in the ice cave, but Ling Daiyou mentions it, and her pretty face is full of shock that cannot be concealed. It is hard to imagine that a person who does not rely on any family training resources can contend with the rare existence of juniors in the Dagan Empire, Meng Yuhun!

Such existence, what an enchanting evildoer, how much hardship has been paid between them!

Meng Fan's eyes were cold, and he nodded immediately, and said in a condensed voice, "Yes, but does it matter?"

"Look at what this is first!"

Ling Daiyou's delicate hand moved, the space ring flashed, and immediately a scroll was thrown out of her hand. Meng Fan was puzzled, and he opened the scroll directly and caught his eye with a clear line of small characters.

"The martial arts of the four major clans of the Meng family, the martial arts of the wild character level, absolutely broken!"

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