Supreme God King

Chapter 2112: Uncle practiced

Talk about the situation, talk about the universe!

The content of this invitation letter can be described as calm and indifferent, like an old friend's appointment, but anyone in the huge Wanyu will tremble after receiving such a letter.

Because it comes from the ancient dynasty, the ancient emperor!

This sentence alone is enough!

The invitation of the ancient emperor spread all over the dark alliance at this moment, and immediately caused the people of the dark alliance to be alarmed. The female emperor came over and looked at Meng Fan. Dai frowned and asked worriedly.

"Is there something tricky?"

"It's okay!"

Meng Fan smiled and said calmly.

"The character of the ancient emperor is different from the lord of the thirteenth hall. If the thirteen insulted guys come to me, there must be a problem, but the ancient emperor, there are dangers, but it is not too unmanageable, and I really want to You know, now he... how much combat power he has!"

The tone was calm, and a strange light flashed in the depths of Meng Fan's eyes.

Your own martial arts, reach the end!

It was also the moment when Meng Fan reached the peak like a divine weapon. His own strength and confidence also skyrocketed like never before. Just like Wang Tiandi, Han Zhongsheng came here at the moment he heard Meng Fan’s return, regardless of the thirteenth hall master’s warning. Fight with Meng Fan.

The current Meng Fan actually wanted to weigh it very much, this Wanyu's method of the number one powerhouse since ancient times.

Three days later!

Meng Fan got up, left the dark alliance, and set foot in the realm of the ancient gods.

This is the ruined place of the ancient gods in the past. When the ancient gods died out, it was always in an endless swamp and darkness.

However, the ancient emperor recovered and the dynasty was established.

Just overnight, this place is completely different from before.

Countless buildings have been reopened in their former glory, especially the imperial capital of the ancient gods, which has the courage of a distant era when the world was dominated and suppressed.

From a distance, it looks like an angry dragon swallowing eight wilds and Liuhe, it may rise into the sky at any time, swallowing the sky with anger.

If it weren't for the fact that the ancient gods had been extremely low-key in these two hundred years, I am afraid that this place would have already become the center of the cusp of the Ten Thousand Regions, but everyone would be full of endless awe for this place.

But now outside the imperial capital, there are more special visitors!

The ancient gods are in the same vein, born sacred, not humans, any ancient gods have sacred power in their bodies, and they are considered to be blood creatures, so they have natural contempt for humans. Humans are rarely seen in the ancient gods. The strong.

This special visitor was Human Race, but when he set foot here, any ancient gods split open one after another, looking at the figure above the sky in awe.

To be able to get this kind of honor, naturally because the visitor is... Meng Fan!

One step, Meng Fan stepped into the imperial capital in the eyes of countless ancient gods with complex, awe, and fearful emotions. However, before he could speak, there was a strange fragrance in the air, far away. A figure walked in the palace, making Meng Fan's eyes shine brightly, raising his brows!

Because the person who came was a strong man in the line of ancient gods, and he was already a half-step **** king, but this was not the key, but because this person was a great beauty with a beautiful country.

He is dressed in white clothes and wins the snow, with blue silk draped behind him, his skin is fair, his eyes are like stars, and there is a special breath between his brows, as if he is full of poetry in the world, full of an intellectual taste.

And his figure is extremely hot, and the white chest is slightly exposed, and the amazing roundness can be felt in it, and the front is convex and backward, and it is exquisite.

This woman seems to be a collection of the beautiful beauty of an intellectual woman and the figure of a hot woman. She looks like a perfect stunner. Even Meng Fan feels that this person's appearance and temperament are rare beauty.

"I have seen Meng Fan... Uncle!"

The white-clothed woman came to Meng Fan, bowed slightly, and gave a deep salute to Meng Fan. Her smile was full of a charming and moving taste, enough to move any man.

"In Xia Yuhan, I am ordered to welcome Uncle Meng Fan here. My father is... Gu Huang, waiting for Uncle Meng Fan's visit in the inner hall."

Gu Huang's daughter!

Meng Fan was stunned, and never thought that this woman was in a very young grade, but within two hundred years, she reached this level. It turned out that there was such a reason.

"Haha, getting old!"

Nodded, Meng Fan laughed at himself. Back then, he walked the world, young and frivolous, and his reputation was also a shock to Wanyu, but he was at most a junior.

No matter who is amazed at that big business he sat down in his childhood, it is different now.

Time flies, he is now an out-and-out old monster. After countless years, this woman called his uncle to give face, but according to her and the ancient emperor's identity, there are not many grades called grandpa grandpa.


Yuhan smiled, staring at Meng Fan, a bright brilliance appeared in his eyes, and said softly.

"Uncle Meng Fan is definitely not old, on the contrary, he is the kind of person who makes Han'er tempted. In the world, no one knows Uncle Meng Fan, who is looking at the past and present, looking at the sun and the moon, and picking the stars.

Even though the entire Ten Thousand Realm is ancient and modern, I am afraid that only my father and thirteen hall masters can be compared with Uncle Meng Fan. How can a person like you get old! "

The faint voice made Meng Fan smile, and he had to admit that no matter how far he reached, it was actually hard to get bored with polite words, especially the compliment from Yuhan, a beautiful woman with a natural beauty. Don't add a taste.

"Han'er wanted to see Uncle Meng Fan a long time ago. I didn't expect to see it today. I am really lucky for Sansheng, ah..."

Just as Yuhan spoke, his delicate body trembled, as if he was a little unsteady on his feet, his body moved forward, and it actually fell into Meng Fan's arms.

The jade body entered his arms, extremely soft, like a piece of warm jade, and at the same time, a very quiet fragrance came from Meng Fan's nose, which made him smile slightly.

This scene seemed extremely ambiguous. The man embraced the beauty and placed his palms on Yuhan's waist. His eyes were facing each other, which also made Yuhan's beautiful face appear a blush, showing a fair complexion. His skin looked even more moving, and his eyes were almost dripping with water, murmured in a low voice,

"Ah... I'm sorry, Uncle Meng Fan, I'm not careful, I... I was so excited to see Uncle Meng Fan..."

"It's okay, the waist is very thin, very soft!"

Meng Fan said indifferently, reaching out his hand and gently supporting Yu Han.

"It's just that your skill is a little bit worse. You haven't practiced the body less, right? It's a pity that you are not hot enough. You are a young man like this, uncle... This is much worse!"

The voice was slight, and Yu Han's face was stiff in the next moment, and a kind of surprise appeared under his eyes, and the Jiao body couldn't help standing still, and said reluctantly.

"What is Uncle Meng Fan talking about?"

"Haha, I’ve been born with a charming body. I haven’t seen it for a long time. The martial art you practice is to enter the Tao with a charming body. Now you have become a **** king, charms the heavens, hides yourself, and can be moved freely. The king of gods may have fallen on your way!

It's a good method. When ordinary people are tossed by you like this, they will inevitably leave a shadow of you in their hearts. For you, they belong to the seeds you planted in others.

If the seeds deepen after a period of time, they might become more in love with you, lose their souls, and eventually become your puppet.

There were indeed many such people in Wanyu back then, but you are even more blessed in this respect, plus your bloodline, it is estimated that you will go longer, and I don’t know how many men will move for you in the future! "

Meng Fan smiled and said, every word falling, it made Yu Han's expression cold, and in the end it was like an ice cave, completely disappearing from the previous weakness, and his eyes were full of shock.

The meaning of her body is indeed as Meng Fan said, it has reached the point of being completely natural, and it can make countless men in the world be hooked and silently without a trace. How can I think of Meng Fan's eyes It's so spicy!

With a finger movement, Meng Fan gently hooked Gou Yuhan's smooth chin. Facing his frivolous movement, Yuhan wanted to struggle, but he didn't even have the qualifications.

Because in front of Meng Fan, he wanted to ban everything, and it was difficult for the **** king to move.

"But the same sentence is not valid for my uncle, hehe... the technique of the spirit defense has been practiced continuously during my uncle's youth, your skill is too shallow, uncle is the one who has practiced!"

Meng Fan laughed, then forbidden to untie it, and strode, but Yuhan was left behind, who didn't know whether he should stand or move. After hearing Meng Fan's last words, his silver teeth clenched, almost. Not broken.

If it weren't for knowing that the latter is the world's top giant, maybe Yuhan is going to go forward and desperate at this moment, Meng Fan's words can be described as heartbreaking.

Originally, he wanted to use Dacheng Meiji to test Meng Fan. This was not the attention of the ancient emperor, but Yuhan's own thoughts.

The main reason is that Meng Fan's reputation is too huge and his status is supernatural. Since Yuhan has cultivated the body in the two hundred years, he has made the world's men and countless strong people be bewildered by him, and finally let Yuhan I think she has truly reached an unprecedented level, enough to compete with Meng Fan, and invisibly want to plant a seed of charm in Meng Fan’s heart. Once it germinates, it will continue to nurture Meng Fan’s love for herself. , And finally control its soul!

But it's a pity that all of this is completely different from what she imagined, and finally Yu Han could not help but stomped his feet and left with hatred!

In the ancient imperial palace, Meng Fan went all the way smoothly, and there was nothing to stop him at all, and finally came to the inner palace of the imperial capital.

The seemingly quaint hall, one of them sits quietly, dressed in yellow, with hair draped casually behind him, his complexion is calm and looks very ordinary, but the breath on his body is enough to penetrate the world, sweeping through the ancient and modern, as if it were He is the born king, destined to dominate everything and suppress mountains and rivers!

Gu Huang!

The moment Meng Fan set foot in the hall, Meng Fan's pupils shrank slightly. This was not the first time they met, but again, this was the first time Meng Fan saw the real body of the first emperor of the ten thousand domains.

The latter, after experiencing the age of the thirteen hall masters, and the age of Meng Fan, finally recovered again and stood on the top of this world again!

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