Supreme God King

Chapter 2114: You are fine

ten years!

Meng Fan's expression changed and he remained silent.

In fact, he himself controls the will of heaven and knows good fortune, and he also has a strong hunch for the opening of the source of the heavens, thinking that it is just recently.

Now that the question is, I also want to confirm my own thoughts.

It seems that there is indeed nothing wrong with his thoughts, even the ancient emperor said that in these ten years, then it is really not far from the opening of the source of the heavens.

"Once the source of the heavens is opened, there will inevitably be an unprecedented battle within the Ten Thousand Realms. This battle is an absolute catastrophe. More than any previous time, many gods will take action. Who can avoid the world will inevitably be It will sweep everything, not only you and me, the dark alliance, and the ancient gods, there will be an unprecedented catastrophe!"

After a moment of silence, Meng Fan sighed, with an unspeakable sigh in his tone.

He couldn't help but sigh, once this battle started, then the king of the gods might fall at any time, including his existence at this level, not to mention other people.

At that time, there will be great chaos in the ten thousand domains, because many gods will be affected, and many people will take advantage of the chaos, hoping to fish in troubled waters.

So what tragic things will happen?

Who knows what kind of situation will arise when many **** kings kill the red eye, especially the source of the heavens, which has a lot of control and what hole cards it has.

These are all things Meng Fan considered, and he had to think carefully.

But the ancient emperor smiled indifferently and said calmly,

"What's wrong with the death of the common people, Meng Fan, you worry too much. The reason why I want the ancient gods and the dark alliance to join forces is that I don’t want a conflict between the two, which will lead to persecution of you and me. Just shot in advance.

As for how many people will die and what will happen once the chaos arises, it is not within the scope of consideration. Anyway, when the catastrophe is over, I control everything, and then restore it. How many people do you want, what beautiful women? , Is it still there? "

Undoubtedly, the ancient emperor's mind was much harsher than Meng Fan's.

In Meng Fan's heart, the secret alliance was his pure land, which could not tolerate any infringement and harm, but the ancient emperor was different, and the many powerful men of the ancient gods could also fight at will.

As it said, I was afraid of a strong collision with Meng Fan. After all, if the dark alliance was damaged, Meng Fan would have to make a strong move. The ancient emperor naturally knew this, so the previous covenant was only there.

However, for the ancient emperor and the thirteen hall masters, this is also a completely different place between Meng Fan and the two of them.


Meng Fan sneered and said nothing, knowing that even if there are countless beauties and heroes in the world, they can't be compared with the people around him today, and they are not the empress, Bai Shui'er.

The ancient emperor is not afraid, but he can't!

Even if the common people suppressed and the Divine King of the World took action, he still had to protect the entire dark alliance.

The closest person around leave!

Meng Fan tasted that feeling several times, and any time it was unforgettable, he never dared to forget it, and he couldn't forget it. Naturally, he never wanted to try.

However, it is useless to talk more now. Meng Fan has nothing to say about the ancient emperor. Everyone has their own views and acting styles. He just bowed his hands and said indifferently.

"Okay, so be it, until the day when the source of the heavens opens, we will see you!"

The method followed, while Meng Fan stepped out and walked out.

However, just as Meng Fan was about to walk out of the hall, his body suddenly turned around and blasted out with a punch!

Emperor Fist!

Before Meng Fan was still calm and calm, looking like a big Confucian, but at this moment, he punched, but it was fundamentally different. Standing in place, he seemed to be a great demon **** who twisted the universe, an endless evil spirit and battle. Condensed mind, turned into his strongest punch, coming towards the ancient emperor.

Under this punch, there is a great meaning to penetrate everything and crush the common people!

Including the martial arts in Meng Fan's body are burning completely, even if it is not pointed out by the gods, but the monstrous power contained in this punch is not letting go, because it is Meng Fan that must generate combat power, the whole martial arts The convergence broke out.

Between these golden boxers, it is the strongest embodiment of Meng Fan's entire martial arts.

And at the moment when Meng Fan fisted, a handprint appeared!

This handprint naturally came from the ancient emperor, who also stood in place, and his face that was originally calm and calm is now becoming dignified. A seal fell, traversing the sky and directly confronting Meng Fan’s fist. .


In an instant, this ancient palace was broken!

Fragments came out from the sky, everything was turned into endless nothingness, even if Meng Fan and Gu Huang were both good fortune, their strength was concentrated on one point.

But the aura of the two was too terrifying. As it spread, it shattered this hall that was forbidden by the ancient emperor, and swept the outside world, broke countless, and caused too many ancient gods to cry out. .


Among the ashes in the sky, Meng Fan's body stood still, expressionless, looking at the ancient emperor in the distance.

At this moment, the two of them seemed to be extremely calm, standing in place, each with different faces and no breath. Compared with the sight of the world that was about to collapse in the sky, it looked exceptionally windy. Dan, as if all this has nothing to do with the two.

After a few breaths, Meng Fan said,

"Are you okay?"

"Are you okay?"

The answer to Meng Fan was also a question from the ancient emperor.

The two of them looked at each other at this moment and stood in place. Although they didn't make a move, they were both divine minds running, staring at each other, not letting go of any detail.

After this scene passed, it was about ten breaths or so. Meng Fan just laughed, turned and left, and said at the same time,

"Of course I'm fine, joke, this little trick is nothing!"

"Hehe.... Of course the emperor is fine too!"

The ancient emperor sneered and watched Meng Fan helplessly, allowing his laughter to echo in the ancient god's capital.

The soles of the feet were like electricity, tearing the void, just like this, Meng Fan disappeared here, and his thought was to walk thousands of miles until he completely left the volley of the ancient gods.

Meng Fan just stepped down, then coughed violently, and blood spurted out in large strides, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, even at the moment of Qiqiao, it was not like the calm before.

There is no doubt that between this front collision, Meng Fan fisted against the ancient emperor, and the two were not just as simple as a single blow at any time, but a real martial arts collision.

Although Meng Fan left, he and the ancient emperor had no hands on the premise.

However, for the future battle, he naturally wanted to test it out, so he gathered the strongest combat power in his life, punched out, and collided with the ancient emperor with the martial arts of both sides.

Avenue to Jane!

To reach their level, one punch can evolve too many things, and martial arts are completely integrated in it. However, what I did not expect is that Meng Fan had already predicted that the ancient emperor's strength was strong enough before. Under the hit, he still felt unparalleled horror.

Because at the same time the two sides collided, the ancient emperor’s martial arts also invaded Meng Fan’s body, directly piercing his countless meridians, causing Meng Fan, who had already stepped into his martial arts to complete his own martial arts, to break 17 ribs, and the internal organs were even more visible. The six fu-organs didn't nearly split, and with just one blow, he himself didn't have his body broken!

The eternal first emperor, the horror has reached such a point!

Meng Fan is unimaginable. He is now on the road to the extreme. According to the truth, it is unprecedented. However, facing the blow of the ancient emperor, he still gave him a strong illusion that this person could not surpass it in his life. , That kind of powerful sense of strength crushed him to suffocation.

"Damn... the strength of this old man is so strong, the little master suffers..."

Meng Fan murmured and spewed out several mouthfuls of blood before he stood firm and limped towards the dark alliance. There was an incomparable disorder in his body that could not be suppressed.

At this moment, inside the ancient palace.

Under the collision between Meng Fan and the ancient emperor before all this, they were already completely shattered.

However, now it was under the ancient emperor's few breathing thoughts that all of this was completely restored, and everything was restored to the same level as before.

The ancient emperor also stood quietly on the spot, and at the next moment, a beautiful shadow came out and said in a condensed voice.

"Gu Huang, are you really okay?"

The person who speaks, the country is beautiful, it is really Yuhan.

Hearing this, the ancient emperor stood on the spot, smiled and said calmly,

"Of course it's okay, he can't hurt me yet!"

"That's good!"

Yuhan's complexion was overjoyed and sneered.

"Father is indeed the strongest person in the entire world. I think that although Meng Fan walked out of the hall, everything is just pretending, and his aura is always restrained, obviously suppressing himself, he left the ancient **** hall, He must show his feet, hum, man...for the sake of his own face, die hard to the end, it seems that the future world war, our ancient gods will win, Meng Fan such a face-saving man, not to be afraid! "

"Not bad!"

Gu Huang smiled, calmly.

It is still as tall as a star, standing still, undaunted.

It has been so long, it seems that my father is really fine!

Yuhan was overjoyed in his heart, then thought of the ancient emperor, bowed, turned and left.

But the ancient emperor still stood in place, and he didn't seem to have any injuries. The appearance of vomiting blood had to make people's heart tremble. Even if Meng Fan saw it, he would definitely lose his color at this moment.

He suffered that general injury, and even vomited so many mouthfuls of blood, but the ancient emperor was so calm?


In the same place, until Yuhan completely left, the ancient emperor snorted coldly, and a sense of incomparable coldness appeared on his face, and... embarrassment!

The palm of his hand stretched out, and a sharp light passed by, and the clothes on his body were quickly replaced by him, and he changed into an extremely brand-new clothes.

And no one can see the place on the **** of the ancient emperor in the previous shirt, there is a very...thick puddle of blood.....

The place where blood can be spurted is not just a place...

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