Supreme God King

Chapter 2123: Really

To enter or not to enter?

Even if he is a character who runs wild, it does not mean that he has no fear in his heart and can be invincible forever.

So even Meng Fan is the same.

There is absolutely a lot he has to think about, including all the possibilities that can appear. Finally, he stood in front of this cave, and after a few breaths of silence, his eyes opened, his spirits flashed, and his steps slowly stepped into it. .


After this top-secret space was discovered by a few big Shenyin giants, no one had entered this place in advance, because no one could unlock the seal here.

The power of the seal is the overflowing power that affects this space. It is conceivable that what is in it is just a coincidence. Even Meng Fan himself did not expect that he has this qualification.

You can use your own martial arts power to enter this in advance.

As soon as he stepped on the sole of his foot, Meng Fan followed the gap he opened, and his whole person also quietly stepped into this seal, looking extremely calm.

However, only Meng Fan himself understood that in this moment, his whole person was already alert to the extreme. As the number one in eternity, even someone who had never had it before, it was extremely difficult to create this feat.

When passing through these layers of sealing power, Meng Fan's whole person was melted into an endless pressure.

This piece of heaven and earth can make the gods and powerful people be jealous, naturally there is a certain truth, not to mention the time when the seal is not solved at all.

Even with the constant dissipation at this moment, there is still a strong pressure, making Meng Fan feel uncomfortable in it.

Being attacked by this kind of endless darkness devouring demons, that is, Meng Fan's current skill has reached an unbelievable point, otherwise he would have long been unable to bear it.

"What is buried here, is it really related to the rumored stone tablet, but after so long, the big giants have not found any difference, there should be nothing!"

Meng Fan whispered to himself, he naturally didn't think it was more than the Shenyin giant, even if he set foot early now, he was only a hundred times careful, and he walked through the darkness with great caution.

With such a move, a full hour or so passed, and Meng Fan didn't notice anything.

He frowned. Just as Meng Fan was about to withdraw, his expression suddenly moved slightly, and his eyes carefully looked at the space between the earth and the earth again.

"Except for the endless darkness, there is pressure. It seems that the whole world is what it should be. There is no difference. But this is the strange place here. With such a terrible sealing power, there is no difference. The avenue is extremely simple, and its power is completely integrated with the heaven and the earth. It is the heaven and the earth, and the heaven and the earth are one body. Then there is nothing strange, but it is a strange land in itself!"

The voice was slow, and Meng Fan was communicating with himself, and it was also a way of deduction. As he spoke, the divine mind was running, and the heavenly calculation in his heart was constantly evolving with all the possibilities.

He entered here for so long and has found nothing. If there is really something different here, then Meng Fan is sure that it must be in this own world. The so-called secret has no strangeness, but is integrated here. Within the week, heaven and earth are one.

If you want to find the difference here, you need to understand the secrets of the operation within this space.

After pondering for a moment, Meng Fan suddenly stopped moving, but sat down quietly, sitting cross-legged in this void like an old monk, but surrounded by him, there was a sudden golden light flashing, and his vitality burst, comparable to a strong sun. Tore through the entire darkness, as Meng Fan's powerful divine consciousness merged, he moved toward the suppression of the entire void.

Comprehend the law of the whole world to find the real law of operation of this space. This law is the key and the possibility of unlocking this sealed land.

Although Meng Fan was not sure about this, it was the only way now, and he naturally did not hesitate.

Between several breaths, he sat in place like this, with golden light, sensing the regular changes in the entire space, only when he reached the point where he could achieve this.

Timing and strength are indispensable!

At the next moment, Meng Fan's gaze flashed, and he suddenly looked towards a place in this space. In the previous evolution, he observed the whole world, and finally found out a strange spatial calculation law, and followed this clue to search, he did not live up to Meng Fan’s mind, accompanied by his spiritual thoughts according to this A regular operation, he seemed to have opened the eyes of the sky. It was originally a piece of silence, an endlessly dark space, and his changes were in the dark, and Meng Fan followed the changes and found a line, finally It's along this line... I noticed a strange breath.

"this is……"

Meng Fan took a deep breath, and when he noticed this strange breath, a few light and fluttering characters fell into his ears.

"Can you... see me?"

In a word, very subtle.

If it weren't for Meng Fan's current strength to shock the sky, there would be no hallucinations at all, I am afraid that he is just hearing hallucinations at this moment.

Such a sound was like a mosquito, but it did exist, which surprised Meng Fan, and as his divine thoughts became more searching, the volume of this sound spreading in his ears became louder.

"Can you... see me?"

"Can you... see me?"


Such intermittent words kept getting louder and louder in Meng Fan's ears, which also gave him a feeling of wanting to find out.

A roar was spit out from Meng Fan's throat. Suddenly, the power of his whole body and martial arts suddenly exploded, turning into a kind of ultimate strength, following the sound source he found, and furiously rushing away.

In just a moment, he felt a feeling of pushing a door open. This door didn't exist at all, and it seemed that it was this piece of heaven and earth itself. If Meng Fan could not enter this sealed space, it would have been a secret. It is impossible to find the law of power operation in this space.

However, everything is not so impossible, and Meng Fan did do it, so when he felt that he opened the door, he also came into another space.

Here, the light is shrouded, like a holy realm, completely different from the darkness in the outside world, covered by a warm and peaceful atmosphere, making everyone extremely comfortable here.

In the center of this space, there is a young man who looks only seventeen or eighteen sitting quietly. His appearance is flawless. He wins snow in white, and his eyes look at Meng Fan curiously.

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