Supreme God King

Chapter 2126: committed to

Kill me!

The three words fell, thunderously, extremely determined.

At this moment, the white-clothed boy looked particularly indifferent, as if he was not talking about himself.

The more so, it also silenced Meng Fan, and the touch in his heart was definitely not small.

Obviously, the white-clothed boy was able to do this only because of the sense of responsibility when he was awakened in his body. When the stele appeared in this world, it was to help the world on the side of the road to the gods.

Such obsession will last forever!

Facing the evil thoughts that are now less and less dominant, the last method is to die. Because of this choice, once Meng Fan completely obliterates the spirit of the stele, then even the consciousness of the white-clothed boy must die, which means that both of them are Disappeared in this world.

Such a method is really cruel and ruthless to oneself, but for the world, it is not a great blessing.

Even Meng Fan was full of inexplicable fear for the birth of another boy in white. It is certain that once he truly revived between the world, his power would never lose to a divine hidden giant.

This kind of power is too devastating, even Meng Fan is unwilling to face a divine hidden giant, let alone a life and death battle, how can he be sure.


Meng Fan arched his hand, and the spirit of the stele uttering these last words was enough to give Meng Fan endless respect.

"Perhaps you are too pessimistic. In the past countless times, the predecessors have already won, let alone this time!"

The voice fell, but even Meng Fan himself felt a little weak.

He could clearly feel that the power in the Zhoutian space was constantly weakening, and the whole world was becoming more and more fading because of the weakening of the power of the white-clothed boy, and he could clearly feel the increasing power in the white-clothed boy.

Even if the young man in white clothes can resist this time, then what happens next, the next time!

Moreover, no one can help the white-clothed boy in this kind of suppression between the two sides, because it is because the two forces in the body are fighting against each other. In other words, the two white-clothed boys are fighting each other, but they are all himself. The power of outsiders couldn't participate in it at all, nor could it lead the battle that took place in the white-clothed boy.

And one day in the future, the white-clothed boy is very likely to be occupied by that evil thought, incarnate as the most terrifying demon in the entire world, and slaughter everything.

"Perhaps so, but I hope you can do what I said. Since we meet, it may be a secret arrangement. Once the other me completely wakes up and launches an attack, it will force me into a battle with him. In, this space may have you humans entering again. I hope you can stop them and don’t interfere with me. In the previous few times, I was almost discovered by them, but my power can still be It's fully functioning, it suppresses their sight, but this time I am afraid there will be problems."

The boy in white solemnly said.

"It's incumbent!"

Meng Fan nodded and did not hesitate about this. Although he was not a member of the Divine Hidden Path, he also didn't want to see the common people here die out, and countless creatures died because of this.

Protect those around you and bless the common people.

For Meng Fan, it was already a responsibility in his blood, all the time, without any words.

"it is good!"

The white-clothed boy nodded, then flicked his fingers, and a strange breath suddenly melted into Meng Fan's body.

this is

In an instant, Meng Fan's expression changed suddenly, and he looked at the white-clothed boy in surprise.

Because in this moment, the strange power fused in his body contained an unstoppable idea. The moment he entered Meng Fan's body, it was like sunshine, giving Meng Fan an endless warm feeling.

This kind of idea is extraordinarily powerful, but it is extremely pure, coming from the white-clothed boy himself.

The latter is the spirit of the stele, and now this idea is naturally the power of the stele!

The true meaning of the stele!

Such a thing is unimaginable for anyone in the world, especially for the existence of reaching the level of the **** king powerhouse.

The three stone monuments created the three great giants in the path of the gods.

But now there is a hidden stone monument for millions of years. The true meaning of the stone monument that has never been present is placed in front of Meng Fan's eyes.

But after all, Meng Fan is Meng Fan. In an instant, he stabilized his mind, took a step back, and said intently

"Senior, I am not here to find the true meaning of the stone tablet, nor do I intend to inherit the strength of the predecessors"

"It's okay, it's just a little bit of my true intentions. In your body, I have felt the aura of my two people of the same kind. As for how much you can understand from me, then it is your own ability!"

The voice of the boy in white came again, ethereal and uncertain.

"Well, the other one I have already felt that you are communicating with me, and I have already awakened. I can no longer communicate with you in the next time. Don't pass, little guy. Meeting is fate. Finally, I will send you a word, maybe you You should pay more attention to another of my kind. I can feel that the methods of my other kind are much higher than mine. Perhaps one day you will know his thoughts. You call him the source of the heavens."

The voice slowly dissipated, and accompanied by the white-clothed youth who was sitting still in place, he completely disappeared from Meng Fan’s sight. His whole person was retired, and instantly melted into the black mist that Meng Fan had seen before. The light just flashed, and the whole space trembled slightly.

Among them, it is obvious that two absolute forces collide with each other, creating an extraordinarily terrifying force, but all this only happens in the most original place of this space, and no one can enter it, nor can it be sensed.

This piece of space is equivalent to the body of the white-clothed boy, and the real soul is him and another self, already in a fierce collision.

Meng Fan hadn't had time to react to this kind of match, because the words of the boy in white were already enough for him to froze.

Pay more attention to the source of the heavens!

What does this sentence mean, and what does this young man in white feel?

For a moment, Meng Fan's brows frowned, but he didn't have the opportunity to think carefully, because at this moment, the breath of the white-clothed boy melted into Meng Fan's body, causing him to be on the verge of an explosion.

The true meaning of any stone tablet is a unique power in the world, including the highest law and great opportunity, even if it is a powerful person, it will not be understood for a moment.

At this moment, the true meaning of this stone tablet fell into Meng Fan’s body, causing his martial arts to burst out quickly as if it had been ignited, and the horror aura permeated the surroundings for a moment. Meng Fan sat cross-legged in this void. His complexion had no joy or sorrow, but his body was constantly fusing, swallowing the true meaning of this stone tablet completely.

Ethereal, true self, supreme!

For a moment, these words flashed in Meng Fan's mind. The moment any word fell into his mind, it was like a thunder on the ground, as powerful as Meng Fan, but also by this powerful meaning. Shocked, the whole person trembled a little.

Every inch of hair on the whole body is about to stand upside down, lying on the spot, eyes closed, but the body is running like a galaxy, full of endless mysteries.

Obviously, any stone stele contains the unique idea at the end of God's hidden end. This kind of idea is like mother juice for the strong **** king, enough for any strong **** king to be crazy.

Great way!

Today's Meng Fan is in this initial stage. According to his plan, within ten years of this ten years, he must sense himself, integrate martial arts, and use this period of time to improve himself as soon as possible.

According to Meng Fan's plan, with ten years of time, he should be able to improve a lot and truly put himself in the stage of transforming his mind into a great way.

But what was unexpected now was that he had to come here because of the plan of Shenzang and others, which was caught in this killing game.

However, by coincidence, it was a blessing in disguise. At this moment, there is a seed of power in Meng Fan's body, which comes from a kind of stone tablet that has never appeared in the world. Those six words are the true meaning of this stone tablet. There was such a strong reaction.

For Meng Fan, it is even the best medicine in the world. It is simply a powerful fortune. All this is thanks to the bronze masked woman.

Without any words!

Meng Fan sat quietly for a moment, merged with himself, and used this idea to evolve the martial arts in his body, recast his true self, and make his whole person's breath change again.

It is this kind of supreme true meaning that can make a **** king and strong man regain nirvana and have a great improvement.

For seven full days, Meng Fan sat here quietly, his whole body motionless, the power inside his body flowing quietly, like a galaxy running, illuminating all beings.

During this period of time, its improvement was definitely not small, and the additional true meaning included a method of law that Meng Fan had never seen before, which made him understand too much.

However, at this moment, Meng Fan had to open his eyes, not because he had completely understood his true meaning, but because a strong sense of crisis struck him and he had to suspend his cultivation.

With a sweep of his eyes, Meng Fan's body also stood up and looked into the distance. In the endless darkness, several figures had already cut through the long sky and descended towards here.

Five silhouettes!

Any one of them is a shocking **** and an undefeated figure in nine heavens and ten places. They are the two masters of the gods, plus the three old monks of the Zen Temple.

The five giants of Shenyin have already arrived!

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