Supreme God King

Chapter 2136: Shot

Kill... me!

It was just three words, but for so many years, as calm as Meng Fan, he was extremely moved at this moment.

Just such a sentence, ask the heroes of the world, how many heroes, how many people can say.

This kind of indifferent face between life and death, this kind of persistence in own responsibility.

For a moment, Meng Fan looked at the smile on the face of the young man in white, and understood that even though the other party was not a human being, he had more sincere feelings and greater courage than a human.

On the contrary, the negative teenager in white is really a heaven and an underground.

"Take it, don't hesitate, my strength is only for a few breaths. Once I let him succeed, or even if I survive, I won't be able to suppress him in the next million years.

In this way, how could it be that I dissipated between the world and the earth together with him. You have controlled our martial arts true meaning, which also means that our inheritance and dissipation. Such an ending... Isn't it a sin? "

The boy in white smiled.

Meng Fan was silent and understood that what the latter said was true. Today, the white-clothed youth can wake up and suppress the negative self undoubtedly because of Meng Fan.

But it is impossible for him to kill his negative self. Then the negative power will increase in the years to come. What should I do then, even Meng Fan?

How many shots can it take, or is it always here?

And this is the final choice of the white-clothed boy, to completely solve all of this, and from then on, there will be no negative him in the sky and the earth, nor...the real white-clothed boy!

"Do not!"

Within the burning body of the white-clothed youth, he made a negative roar, full of endless unwillingness, killing, and constant wanting to break free.

"Go ahead, it's almost too late!"

The boy in white begged again and faced Meng Fan.

Facing this kind of moment, Meng Fan lifted his palm, but he felt like the weight of a pinnacle. In the end, a determination flashed in his eyes, and he said,

"Senior, I hope you can leave your name..."

"Haha, it's not important, I don't know what I should be called myself, if I have to, call me... Void!"

The white-clothed boy thought for a while and said slowly.


Hearing these two words, Meng Fan closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, and when he opened it, the power in his palm was already gathered.

All the power of the true meaning is a forward impact, turning into a sharp blade of light, cutting directly towards the stele.

Under the power of the white-clothed boy, he and his negative self were all burned with power, and the self scattered, revealing the most original stone monument.

This stone tablet is the body of the white-clothed boy, because with the deliberate help of his power, there is no defense around him, and he is the most vulnerable.

In an instant, Meng Fan's power penetrated everything, hitting the sky directly, and all the stone tablets' true intentions were gathered together at this moment, and they rushed away.


With the moment that ray of light passed through the stone stele, the whole world also stood still. Under Meng Fan's eyes, it was originally the most mysterious and terrifying stone stele between heaven and earth.

At this moment, dense cracks began to appear on it, one after another, and finally... crashed and turned into fragments of stone tablets in the sky.

Among them, the image of the white-clothed boy also collapsed suddenly. Whether it was the negative white-clothed boy or himself, at this moment, it disappeared because of the crushing of the stone tablet.

It was originally in the space of intense aura collision, but suddenly it became... silent!

Everything is silent. You must know how turbulent the waves caused by the collision between the boy in white and his negative self, but at this moment it is completely different.

Everything returned to peace again, and the phantom disappeared between the heaven and the earth, everything was... completely gone.

In the distance, Meng Fan sighed softly.

Prior to this, the white-clothed boy used his power, Honghua himself, to show the original power, just to let Meng Fan kill him with one blow.

Because Meng Fan's power had fallen before, the boy in white clothes was still negative at this moment. He was completely dead. Between the world and the earth, there is no more spirit of this stone monument, and no stone monument.

The so-called responsibility!

Meng Fan sighed softly in his heart, and kept thinking about what the boy in white had said before, and his eyes flashed with a light that he had never seen before.


Isn't it true that I am, just for the attachment in my heart, insist on reaching the present!

This is one's own principle, even if there are many difficulties, even if the enemy is endless, even if... oneself is dead, but after all, you need to protect what you want to protect, cling to what you want to cling to.

Because of this, it was Meng Fan.

For this reason, the boy in white also chose this path.

It's not a person, but it has emotions and responsibilities that no human being can match.

Breathing out a sigh of relief, while Meng Fan's mind was thinking, suddenly his brows rose slightly, and his spiritual thoughts concentrated on this piece of heaven and earth.

this is….

In the distance, according to the original truth, it should be shattered at this moment.

Everything was turned into nothingness, because the white-clothed youth was originally the source of this space, and when the two of them disappeared together, it was also the source of the power that made this place lose.

Except for Meng Fan, everything disappeared, but at this moment, in his eyes, Meng Fan actually saw a white stone monument, still floating between the world.

With a beckon, Meng Fan grabbed the stone tablet in his hand, and his brows couldn't help but raised.

This stone tablet was exactly the same as the stone tablet of the boy in white clothes he had seen before, without any difference.

The only difference is that this stone tablet is much smaller than the previous one. It seems to be the size of a palm. It is held in the hand, without any vitality, only a piece of life.

"Could it be that this thing was transformed by the last power of the white-clothed boy. According to the truth, it should have completely disappeared. But now this thing is just a dead thing. The white-clothed boy and his negative self are the main body, which is left behind. This stele is nothing but his remains."

Meng Fan whispered to himself, and carefully stroked the stone tablet with his palm.

It can be clearly discovered that although this stone tablet does not have any power, any consciousness, or fluctuations, the runes on it are definitely not small for him. It is the best interpretation of the true meaning of the boy in white.

It seems that the stone stele of the body is like this, but the power and consciousness in it have completely disappeared!

Meng Fan didn't say anything. He put away this stone tablet, and it was the only thing left in the world by the white-clothed boy, and it was the last thought.

At the same time, Meng Fan's divine consciousness spread throughout the world, his body surging with blood, and he also followed his eagerness to move, looking at the entire quiet space, it made Meng Fan's martial arts surging with him at this moment.

Budo bursts out!

There was only one reason, and that was because Meng Fan sensed countless pure powers in this entire space, all of which came from the boy in white.

Before it ran the secret method to rainbow itself, and its powerful power was dispersed into the surrounding space, even though their body disappeared, the power they gathered during their lifetime is still there.

You must know that all the power that comes from him and the negative self is an extremely pure stone monument's true meaning. Now that it spreads, it is more than a big attraction for Meng Fan.

It was like a hungry person seeing a piece of seawater, just because Meng Fan was immersed in the grief of the white-clothed boy leaving before, and he didn't pay much attention to it.

Now that he sensed the pure power of this piece of space, it made Meng Fan's mind tremble at this moment, and took a deep breath. For him, since the white-clothed boy no longer needs it, then he took a deep breath. He will never miss it.

To swallow martial arts is to absorb everything and turn everything into its own.

But now that there is pure power between the heaven and the earth, it can be said that it completely fits Meng Fan's mind. Between his thoughts, all the pure power of the entire heaven and earth began to flow into his body.

Under such swallowing, all the blood capillaries in Meng Fan's body were opened, and the whole person felt an unprecedented comfort.

Unexpectedly, at this last moment, the boy in white left him such a gift.

Such a gift is really too important.

Meng Fan was able to sense the help of these forces, enough to increase his strength by half again, although it was only half, but to reach the point of Meng Fan, how difficult it is to make progress, half is absolutely absolute Great benefit!

Without moving, Meng Fan sat quietly in this space, sitting in this space for a year.

It was completely to absorb the power in Zhou Tian, ​​and finally merge it into himself. After Meng Fan completely swallowed the power in Zhou Tian, ​​he immediately opened his eyes.

The light flashes, expressionless, Meng Fan also stands up at this moment.

One year's time is nothing at all to a powerhouse of the God King level, just a fingertip, but now it is the most precious thing for Meng Fan's time.

After all, it hasn’t been long since the battle against the source of the heavens. Under this kind of oppression, every day passed is extremely rare for Meng Fan. He has been here for a year, and I don’t know how Wanyu is going. !

The situation in Ten Thousand Realms is extremely chaotic, especially after Meng Fan knew that the Lord of the Thirteen Halls were connected with the old monks of the Zen Hall!

Meng Fan didn't dare to have any distractions. Now that the thirteen hall masters and the old monks of the Zen temple have already left, he naturally needs to leave here immediately and return to Wanyu.

I don't know the lord of the thirteen halls, the old monk of the Zen hall knows that Meng Fan is not only alive, but also has improved by half, what kind of look will be on his face.

But Meng Fan can be sure that his complexion will not be... too good!


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