Supreme God King

Chapter 2153: Stele emerges


It is indeed possible to describe it like this. In the beginning, the two supreme supreme bodies of Tai Ah were beheaded, their souls were severely damaged, and even the most fundamental source had suffered a fatal blow.

For millions of years, they have not been traumatized as they are today, but now they are different from the past, they have indeed reached the point where they are exhausted.

Although Meng Fan and the Supreme Taoist were equally injured at the moment, compared with them, they still have the final means to kill him.

Send you on the road!

These four words are uttered, but they are definitely not just talking.

In the early days, there was a flash of regret between the two of Tai Adao. Today's battle, in the final analysis, was due to the serious injuries they had received before. If it weren't for the three big old monks in the Zen Temple, they would definitely not fall into such a disadvantage now.

Even though he used the secret method to forcefully climb to the top of his combat power, in Meng Fan, a powerhouse of this level at the beginning, can definitely not be solved by temporarily controlling himself, and his combat power confrontation is almost impossible.

After the two of them performed the secret method, they were at best counted as the last sick tiger who forcibly suppressed their injuries. Before Meng Fan and the Supreme Taoist were so fierce and dominating the world, naturally they could no longer continue to support it, revealing Out of the way.

This is also impossible. After all, the power of Meng Fan and Taishang Taoist is unique between heaven and earth. Both of them have uncontrollable growth. They have reached this day, and they have been side by side with them. If they are ordinary gods, Perhaps it can be suppressed by forcibly upgrading itself.

But a strong person with the same strength and means as his own, even if he forcibly recovers, in the end it is just this end.

"Between today, we are dead!"

There was a little silence, the Taoist from the beginning slowly spoke and uttered a few words.

The extremely lonely and depression in the voice can make a generation of God-Hidden Giants be like this. In addition to Meng Fan and the Supreme Taoist, how many people can do it?

"Why, I still want to go!"

Meng Fan spurted out blood and couldn't control himself. Although he had completely shredded the body of the Taoist Taoist with a finger against the gods, he also suffered an unimaginable injury. This injury reached its origin and let He had to control himself at this moment and try to restore his vitality and blood.

But the situation is like this, and a strong sense of confidence has flashed in Meng Fan's eyes.

At this point, unless a powerful external force interferes, it is too early for a Daoist to come back.

This time, the duel between him and the Shenyin giant ended in his complete victory, and only the last step was to be completed.

It’s not a waste of money to carefully arrange such a big game before, it can be called careful step by step, but the reward will be huge!

Next, it's time to pick peaches!

The three avatars of Meng Fan and Taishang Taoist step forward at the same time, approaching Taichu, Taishang Taoist.

At this moment, in the eyes of the world, the two great Taoists, who are extremely fierce and powerful, are like two little sheep in front of Meng Fan. They must be cut at any time. I have to say that this kind of scene is extremely shocking.

There was a look of excitement on the face of the Taoist people. This kind of scene has never been seen in countless years. Including the gods, several giants in the Zen temple have suffered losses, but There have never been two Daoists.

I don’t know how many times in the past this scene where the mountains and rivers are exhausted are brought to others by the people of these two great avenues. It should be the first time when the two became kings.


Faced with this, the Taoist looked embarrassed in the beginning and snorted coldly.

"Do you really think you can kill me? A joke, who is the old man? Today is definitely not the place where the old man died!"

The verbal method followed, at the moment when the Taoist spit out the last two words in the early days, Zhou Tian was shocked, and a power of unparalleled horror descended in this space.

this is

Both Meng Fan and the Supreme Taoist were shocked, and they had already sensed it in just an instant. This is a stone monument, a monument!

Now although the surrounding space has been shattered, there are two great **** kings, Meng Fan and Taishang Taoist. Naturally, where they are, they are the absolute realm, sealing everything, but it is a pity that the power that broke through the air is too domineering. , Because it's a monument!

This thing forcibly emerged from the path of divine hiding under the call of Taichu and Tai'a, breaking through the sky.

The white-clothed youth is even like this, there is endless power in any stone tablet in the world.

The reason why the woman with the bronze mask survived was also because the stone stele was hidden by the gods. At this moment, the stone stele in the underworld also showed his power. The moment it descended in this space, it turned into a meteorite from the sky, facing Meng Fan and the Supreme Taoist directly smashed over.

"Be careful!"

The Taoist Supreme screamed, the three of them united, covering the sky with their big hands, and resisted towards the Mingbei.

At the same time, Meng Fan was also fully mobilizing the power in his body, grabbed it, exhausted his life, and lifted the stone monument!


Under this collision, it was the Lord who almost made Meng Fan's physical body without fragments. The impact from the collision was too strong to bear.

A bit of blood in his throat was stuck in his throat, Meng Fan let out a low growl, his five fingers closed, and the martial arts power in his body gushed out, forcibly suppressing the underworld stele.

The Supreme Daoist on the side also felt the endless pressure, and joined Meng Fan to take action together, but the two of them were already seriously injured, and the duel at this moment was naturally extremely difficult.

The power of this stone stele can be equivalent to an intact existence of their level, and that kind of avenue uprising attack completely makes the two people only able to fight against, unable to have any other thoughts.


Seeing the moment when Meng Fan and Taoist Taishang were trapped by the Mingbei, Taichu and Taoist Taishang looked at each other. Both of them didn't hesitate to break through the space and head out.

At this moment, they are dying, and only the last step can solve them, but under the profound meaning of the monument, they completely blocked the footsteps of Meng Fan and the Supreme Taoist, and they could only watch the shredded space. Fleeing away.


For a moment, Meng Fan and Taishang Taoist were really angry. They spent so much thought to kill Taichu and Taishang Daoists. If they let each other leave like this, then everything will be nothing. All previous efforts were abandoned.

Both of them were running rampantly, with all-out strength in actual combat. In an instant, tide-like power spewed out from the two supreme combat powers of Meng Fan and Taishang Taoist.

However, this piece of underworld stone monument resisted the attack of the two men stubbornly. No matter how powerful the two were, they couldn't break through.

However, who are Meng Fan and the Supreme Daoist, under their crazy attacks, even the Mingbei is difficult to resist. The naked eye can see that countless cracks have emerged on the Mingbei.

With each attack by Meng Fan and the Supreme Daoist, they encountered a powerful crush, and there were more and more cracks on them!

In the end, at the moment when Taichu and Tai Adao people escaped from this space, this Ming stele burst into pieces with a bang. It was originally a whole piece of Ming stele, but at this moment, it was cut into pieces!

Half of the stele disappeared between the original places, following the people of Taichu and Tai'a, while the other half of the stele was completely left behind.

Half a monument!

Both Meng Fan and Taoist Supreme changed their expressions suddenly, and they caught the void. At the same time, their handprints completely imprisoned the half of the stone tablet and sealed them in this space.

This thing, but the Taoist, Meng Fan wanted very much, one was unearthed for him, and the other was willing to die for him.

Unexpectedly, this Ming stele was shattered and left one-half here!

"Go, they should have returned to the underworld!"

Taking a look at the location where the two of them fled from the beginning, the Taoist Taoist said slowly.

Meng Fan was silent, and he didn't expect it to be this general ending in the end. Such a big assassin was planted, but in the beginning, the two great men of Tai-A still fled.

Once the two return to the underworld, they will not be so easy to kill. Not to mention that there are so many powerful people in the underworld. If the two stay in the underworld, there will be other means. Once they set foot, then Meng Fan and Tai Shang Taoists also have endless dangers.

And the most important point is that Meng Fan and Taishang Taoists understand that today's battle is also the limit for both of them. If they continue to fight, even if they can kill Taichu, Taishang Taoist, they will have to pay. The price to be seen, including the three veteran monks in the Zen Temple, although they are also seriously injured at the moment, they are far from the point where they cannot be shot.

If they really fight with Taichu and Tai Adao to the end, perhaps these three old monks will appear, besides, there will be two unknowns, the thirteen hall masters and the ancient emperor.

Therefore, Meng Fan did not dare to take risks. At this point, he was already at the limit of what he could do. The snipe and the clam competed for the benefit of the fisherman. He had just used this principle, but he didn't want others to apply it to him.

So in an instant, both Meng Fan and Taishang Daoist had reached a conclusion that today’s battle was over, but they were not without gains, and the gains they received made both of them stunned. Even fanatical for it!


Still the same sentence, if it weren’t for this thing, then Meng Fan and Taishang Taoist could not decide what they were doing today. When their eyes met, Meng Fan and Taishang Taoist’s eyes burst into inevitable What you!

It’s very simple. This half of the stone monument is actually from the beginning. The two avenues of Tai-A and the two avenues lost their cars to protect their handsome. They already knew that the appearance of the Ming monument can only stop two people, and it is very likely to be damaged. , I still have to do this, and finally left this half of the stone monument as a price!

And now it's time for Meng Fan and the Supreme Taoist... to divide the half stone!

In an instant, the originally fierce space became... deadly silence.

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