Supreme God King

Chapter 2162: Kill

One palm!

The breath spreads and makes a sensation!

Under the palm of Meng Fan, the entire city without sea was trembling uncontrollably, and the terrifying air wave swept through, causing more buildings to be shattered.

It was originally a peaceful city without sea, but now it is in chaos!


Faced with this kind of scene, the remaining three old monkeys rubbed their eyes in disbelief, unable to bear the scene.

Although the snake-shaped old woman has not made much progress in these few years, she is also a prehistoric powerhouse, possessing the oldest origin and life span between heaven and earth, and what a living fossil is, what qualifications and means.

But Meng Fan slapped her with such a simple palm, killing her and killing her completely.

What kind of combat power is this, what a means!

Faced with such a scene, looking at the whole world, no one is not horrified.

At this moment, deep regret flashed through the eyes of the old monkeys, and only then did they know who they provoke.

Prior to this, several of them relied on their own experience and methods, and believed that they would inevitably be able to crush Meng Fan. As long as they were brought to the depths of the sea, it would mean that they could trap Meng Fan in this trapped dragon formation within.

The only thing I didn’t expect was that this guy is not arbitrarily able to control, reaching the level of Meng Fan’s existence, that one does not possess many hole cards and hides extremely deeply, otherwise, he would have died in an endless river. Years have passed, and I will never live today.

And this Meng Fan is even more of this kind, fierce and fierce, he is simply the most violent ruthless person between heaven and earth. Once he is immortal, then he will bear his endless anger.

Once Meng Fan wanted to kill someone, who could stop it and who was qualified to stop it?

In an instant, Meng Fan looked over, causing the old monkey three to back away.

"I have something to say, it is not your friend we hurt, but we rescued three days ago..."

"Yes, there is no enmity between us, Meng Fan, don't be impulsive!"


Facing this moment, Meng Fan, let alone hands-on, just seeing Meng Fan's bloodthirsty eyes is enough to make the lame toad and the old monkey shudder.

Naturally, he begged for mercy again and again, and the half-legged toad knelt directly on the ground, and just started to kowtow, hoping that Meng Fan could bypass him.

Where is the majesty of the strong? During these long years of training, these people have nothing left besides conspiracy and greed.

In this regard, Meng Fan just smiled calmly. If an apology is useful, then there will be peace between the world.

It had waited so long and spent so much effort to break through this trapped king formation, but it was not to forgive these people.

Blood debt has always been paid by blood!

This has always been Meng Fan's principle, and it hasn't changed for many years.

With one step down, Meng Fan grabbed the old monkey with his five fingers, and without a word, everything between the heavens and the earth followed Meng Fan’s heart to completely control him, including all the old monkey’s Resistance.

In just a moment, he smashed all the bones of the old monkey's body, turning it into a pile of mud, a real little smash. Meng Fan’s control over power is from what he was born into. The moment he entered the old monkey’s body, his vitality also flowed into every part of his bones, and then exploded. This level of suffering is difficult even for a strong god. With it, the old monkey suffered endless pain, but with Meng Fan's method, he couldn't faint. He could only bear it, making him almost crazy!

A heart-piercing howl sounded throughout the world, and after a while he lost even the power to howl.

Because Meng Fan's method entered into his soul, forcibly extracting his soul.

The means to seize the memory of the other party, this method is not only the old monkey and a few people, Meng Fan also has this method, but he rarely uses it.

However, Meng Fan didn't have any mercy when dealing with old monkeys and half-legged toads. His decisive killing made people feel like a terrifying devil.

But above the scholar Meng Fan's face, there was only peace.

In the blink of an eye, he forcibly extracted the spirit from the old monkey with a big means, and then slapped it with a big hand, completely annihilating his martial arts. This generation of powerful men and prehistoric figures are just like the snake-shaped old woman. , The smoke disappeared.

At the same time, Meng Fan's gaze fixed on half of the leg toad and the trembling unicorn, and stepped over.


This half-legged toad just uttered two words, and the words that followed were all sealed. He and Qilin had the same fate. Meng Fansheng used great means to extract the soul, and then everything was broken.

In just a few breaths, the battle in this sealess area has calmed down.

Including the snake-shaped old woman, the old monkey and others all died. The main reason was that Meng Fan's combat effectiveness was too terrifying.

Although these people were all powerhouses of the **** king level in the past, they have been in an era and can even stand shoulder to shoulder with the Taoist people, but they are in the past.

There are talents from generation to generation!

The glory of terrible characters is only the past, and the real era is always now.

Meng Fan himself was the supreme supreme, invincible for an age, and now he can even fight against the Taoist priests of the beginning. Such existence is naturally incomparable to these conspirators who are shivering here, and who have no dignity.

The real duel was so swift, Meng Fan came up to solve it directly, leaving them with no room for resistance, and they all overturned to the ground.

Three souls.

It was Meng Fan deliberately left. First, he didn't want these guys to die so easily. Second, Meng Fan needed to know the ins and outs and why Xiaotian was in their hands.

Before that, Meng Fan hadn't inquired, and several people didn't say anything, but all his memories were in this spirit, and Meng Fan could naturally understand it directly by condensing his spirit.

With a beckon, the three souls were suppressed in one place. Meng Fan was not anxious to interrogate them, but stepped out and came to this place among the wreckage.

"Xiao Tian!"

Two words were spit out, now Meng Fan doesn't have the kind of hostility he had before, and only has endless concern. Before he saw the incarnation of Xiaotian impact on this building, it can be said that it was the most critical blow. If it hadn't been for Xiaotian to take action, then it would be difficult to say what the ending between today is.

The power of this trapped king formation is indeed terrifying, and only when Xiaotian destroys it from within, will Meng Fan have a chance to break it open.

But it seems that Xiaotian was seriously injured before, so I don't know what happened at the moment!

Naturally, he asked Meng Fan to put down everything and extract Xiaotian from the wreckage.

Now Xiaotian's tower has more cracks, and the breath is weak, with only the last trace. Before this, Xiaotian tried his best to hit the building with all his life strength. It can be said that for him, it has exhausted the last life force. Now it is infinitely dying, leaving only the last life force. .

But seeing this, Meng Fan exhaled heavily. This is different from the past. Meng Fan is the supreme and powerful person. As long as Xiaotian has a little breath, he is safe in front of him.

As soon as the palm of his hand was raised, Meng Fan grasped Xiaotian, and the original power in his body was also surging, a little bit merged into Xiaotian's tower.

God King Origin!

This is such a powerful thing. With this kind of power integrated, Xiaotian gradually spread golden light around his body, and finally began to restore his vitality!

"Just stay alive, just stay alive, my brother!"

Meng Fan sighed softly, and gently grabbed Xiaotian. This person, one tower, was sitting still like this, and this sitting was a full seven days.

During these seven days, Meng Fan did not move himself to dissolve the poison in his body. After all, the poison he received in the trapped king formation was definitely not light, and Meng Fan needed to use the martial arts to swallow him a little bit. . And the small sky on the side began to recover continuously under the power of Meng Fan's original source, and finally the cracks on the tower body gradually recovered. Xiaotian was pulled back from the ghost gate by Meng Fan.

"Meng Fan, is it really you! You are still alive, great, you are still alive, haha, those two guys must be extremely excited when they know, we actually think you can't die, The scourge left for a thousand years."

After seven days, Xiaotian finally recovered a trace of clarity, looking at Meng Fan, excited.

When did the cruel Xiaotian in Wuhai’s battle experience firsthand, at that time Meng Fan was not yet Shen Wuji’s opponent, was chased and killed so miserably, and finally had to rely on almost self-destructive means to kill. Jue God Promise.

But now, it is the brothers getting together and meeting again.

Hearing this, Meng Fan opened his eyes, smiled helplessly, and patted him.

"You saved me, and you said it wasn't me? Haha"

"Obviously you came to save me"

Xiaotian gave a dry cough. In fact, he was only acting with instinct in the last time. The moment his brothers and Meng Fan sensed the breath of Meng Fan for many years, it also caused him to explode with all his strength and wanted to help Meng Fan. It just didn't think it was in the most critical position.

It's really a no-brainer.

"Hey you are like this now, why are you here, one bird and one turtle?"

Meng Fan pondered for a moment before asking directly.

Without him, Xiaotian has nothing more to do now, and the biggest stone in his heart has also fallen, and he can't help but want to ask questions in his heart.

After all, Xiaotian had been separated from him for so long, so he must have encountered some things, as well as the birds and turtles that he cared about.

The latter is alive now, and he doesn't know where the two guys have gone, and why Xiaotian is here, all Meng Fan wants to know.

Looking at Meng Fan's impatient expression, Xiaotian's expression dimmed, he was silent for a moment, and finally twitched,

"Sorry Meng Fan, our strength is too weak, I'm sorry you, the two guys with one bird and one turtle should be in distress"

A few words fell, and suddenly the smile that had just appeared on Meng Fan's face suddenly solidified, and his body became stiff.

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