Supreme God King

Chapter 2164: Bleach Island

No sea!

One person, one tower, after a short rest, they started their way forward.

It is difficult for anyone to understand the feelings between Meng Fan and Yichiyigui, Xiaotian and the others, but although they are not humans, the meaning of brotherhood between them is already above everything.

Therefore, knowing that the future is dangerous and the chances are extremely slim, Meng Fan still took Xiaotian to leave, and continued to deepen into this boundless sea.

Between the endless world, the black water is flooded.

It seems that there is no time and space here, and there is only darkness.

That kind of rolled up waves are not ordinary currents. As long as the ordinary powerhouse of Shen Yuan touches one of them, it will be enough to let his soul fly away.

This place contains the darkest matter in the world. Once upon a time, Meng Fan encountered many dangerous places in the Ten Thousand Territories, and any one of them was extremely dangerous.

If you are not careful, you may fall into it.

However, it was only until today that I discovered what it means to be someone outside a person, and there is a sky outside the sky.

This prescription for the deep sea is truly terrifying. That dark substance is simply the most terrifying thing for monks in the world, because he is almost without a trace, invisible and invisible, but it can directly erode into anyone's body.

It hurts its origin, calms its soul, and damages its body.

In the end, until it was completely transformed into a slave to this dark matter, and reduced to a person like a ghost in this sealess sea, even if Meng Fan had to fight with all his strength, he could resist it, so he could still exist here, almost All are creatures that have been completely blackened.

Any one is full of endless negative emotions, violent, bloodthirsty, and possesses cruel methods that you can't imagine.

One carelessness may be hurt by it, and the most important thing is that kind of dark aura. If he is allowed to enter the body, it is no less than the original aura of a **** king.

Such a point also made no one come in in this sealess world, including the beginning of the year, Tai'a and others who wanted to find Funaki, they all asked Meng Fan, and they didn’t even want to take a look here. The level of horror here.

But at this moment in the endless darkness, a figure is shuttled between the dark sky.

A blue shirt with a blank face, a thin figure staring at the endless wind and waves, thunder, looks like a lone boat in the darkness, it may be destroyed at any time, but its vitality is extremely tenacious, and it always moves forward steadily. .

It is Meng Fan, only when he reaches his level, can it be possible to shuttle through this endless darkness.

Despite the turbulent waves and countless dark temperaments within the sea, it can only stop Meng Fan's footsteps from slowing down, but it can't make his determination shaken.

"Boss Meng Fan"

Faced with this, Xiaotian couldn't help being silent and let out a low growl.

He understands that Meng Fan's injury at the moment has not yet fully recovered. That kind of poison has penetrated into his body. After more than two months, it has only allowed Meng Fan to recover 70% of his combat power.

And the suppression in the depths of the sea was terrible. For the only hope that remained, it was to pay so much. Meng Fan's persistence made Xiaotian feel guilty and distressed.

"It's okay!"

Meng Fan smiled slightly and said calmly.

"I said that our brothers must meet again and drink together. Even if Lord Bird and Lord Turtle are dead, I will take them back to Wanyu, where they are buried, and where is their home? I will bring them back. Family!"

A few words are extremely firm.

At the same time, Meng Fan's footsteps stepped out again, letting the thunder between heaven and earth fall, endless storms and waves.

But he didn't see the slightest frown on Meng Fan's brows, and he was always moving forward in the sea.

According to Xiaotian's memory, he also went straight forward, because there was no sense of direction in this sealess, and Xiaotian didn't know what they had encountered at the beginning, so Meng Fan had to blindly search here.

But he has one thing that is the only clue, it is the island of death!

Soon after Xiaotian and the three of them left the Island of Death, they encountered the mysterious dark cloud of the swamp, which caused them to fall deep into it.

Now Meng Fan has nothing to do, and he doesn’t know anything about this sealess area, so Meng Fan chose the dumbest and most effective method, which is to find the Island of Death and walk again Xiaotian et al. the way.

This method is now the only solution.

After all, there is no map or experience here to provide Meng Fan, let him know where he is now, everything depends on him, self-exploration in this sealess.

But the Wuzhen teenager who was able to hone a technique thousands of times in those years, for Meng Fan, in fact, he lacks patience and tenacity the most.

This walk took more than a full month, and it was spent on the road. For Meng Fan, the Geshizhi who shuttles through the world with one thought, this is quite incredible, the most important point. In fact, he often loses his way and encounters powerful dark creatures.

During this journey, Meng Fan didn't know how many he had killed. He had only penetrated into the periphery of this sealess back then, and had not completely entered this level.

Now I can see that Meng Fan seems to be old for more than a month, with a broken green shirt and blood on his body.

This way, it is a real way out.

Even Meng Fan doesn’t know how many battles he has encountered. His body of vitality and blood is exactly what all dark creatures want to achieve. Naturally, it is also an attack that caused the opponent to go crazy, just like a peerless beauty fell on a group of countless For Meng Fan, the place where criminals gather most is the only kill!

In the end, he also successfully walked out, and according to some information that Xiaotian said, locked the target in the distant sea.

"It should be almost!"

Meng Fan whispered to himself, even though there was a trace of fatigue in his eyebrows, but he didn't care at all. In his eyes, he only had how far away from his goal.

Under this situation, Meng Fan persisted for another full three days, and finally Xiaotian's surprised voice came, pointing to the distance with a look of excitement.

"That's it, Meng Fan, look at that island!"

As far as he could see, Meng Fan saw that he was also locked on a small island above the sea. It was not huge, and there was a vague atmosphere of many creatures.

Bleach Island!

After seeing the island, Meng Fan finally let out a sigh of relief, as if a huge boulder had been laid down in his heart. It was not easy to find a place in the depths of the sea, thanks to his means and combat power. After reaching a certain level, it was a needle in a haystack that found the island of death.

This level of difficulty is as if an ordinary person has dropped something in the ocean, and finally discovered it again. The level of difficulty of Wuhai cannot be known without personal experience.

With one step down, Meng Fan also moved the space and came directly to this island.

The surrounding area is a bit more vibrant than the ordinary land without sea, and some dark ancient trees can be seen here, growing in the same way, and the leaves above are emitting a dark green light.

"This is it!"

Xiaotian sighed softly.

A light flashed and came out of Meng Fan's arms. Xiaotian also took Meng Fan into the Death Island and guided him.

"Somehow back then, we were already here after we woke up. Lord Bird, Lord Tortoise often took me here to swindle and kidnap me. In fact, we are not strong enough. In this world full of dark creatures, we can only survive hard. , If it weren't for Lord Bird and Lord Turtle back then, I might..."

Speaking of this, there is also a kind of helplessness and sadness in Xiaotian's tone.

A group of three, but in the end only he was still alive. The other two were still alive because of him. This kind of self-blame between brothers was extremely strong.

"It's this stone!"

Xiaotian pointed to a rock under the ancient tree in the distance, and a tear loomed in his eyes.

"I remember the first time we hunted and killed dark creatures here. In the end, we divided and ate them. It was the trap set by the master bird and the master turtle, haha...the two of them are really bad, even if they are cunning here Where dark creatures are everywhere, I want to find out what is worse than the two of them.

That's why we were able to survive on the island of death that is stronger than us.

I still remember that when we just found food, a dark beast appeared. It looked like a pig, but it was extremely powerful. It should be one of the most powerful dark beasts on the entire island of Death. He often looted us, and that guy came without eating half of the first food... Ah! "

In the distance, a sudden roar fell, resounding around, like an endless thunder, at the moment it spread, it seemed that the entire island of Death was trembling with it.

"Boy, you dare to come back!"

The verbal method followed, and the shadow descended, and a huge shadow appeared in the distance. It was a monster that looked like a pig, but it was extremely fierce, like a black mountain that could move, with two fangs outside. , The moment he saw Xiaotian, an endless fierce light burst out of the narrow eyes, and a mouth of darkness spurted out, straight to Xiaotian.

Faced with this, Xiaotian instinctively ran away and yelled at the same time,

"Come on, this guy is very powerful, comparable to the King of God, he is.... We stole his food before, and he is our big enemy here, hurry..."

However, before Xiaotian could speak, his body in the air was frozen, his throat stiffened slightly, and he looked into the distance, because at this moment Meng Fan was blocking him.

Facing the terrifying dark aura of the pig-shaped fierce beast before, just casually swayed his palms, which made everything between Zhou and Tian the ordinary!

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