Supreme God King

Chapter 216: Robbery

The voice fell, with an incomparable meaning of coldness, Xu Tong's words were arrogant to everyone in the field of vision, and he did have this qualification as a powerful person in the Yuan Dynasty.

At the same time, Hanmang's flashing dagger moved at the same time, drawing a blood-colored symbol in the midair, and simultaneously slashing the surrounding area.

So strong!

All of the four people felt a fierce murderous intent. As soon as this **** symbol appeared with a fierce killing intention, Xu Tong was worthy of being the number one master on the black list. He directly used his vitality to fuse this kind of thing. .

Between the electric light and flint, the blood-colored symbols came straight to the four people in the field. The four of them are strong, and they also have a feeling of facing the enemy of life and death. At the same time, they burst out their strongest methods, and their vitality is surging. , Formed a majestic vitality barrier, blocking in front of him.

However, at the next moment, the blood-colored symbol approached, but it was directly bombarded on top of it. At the moment of contact, the symbol burst directly, and a majestic force seemed to form an explosion, directly bombarding the surroundings.


Such a symbol exploded, Rongsha in the field was fine to say something, but the other two men at the giant sword gate also took a step back. The giant swords in their hands were almost shaken off their hands, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

This Xu Tong is obviously already in control of the power of space, and when he moves, it can be described as an absolute power, suppressing everyone in the field. In the next moment, the unicorn underneath the thin man let out a loud roar, and directly burst out a hot flame, like magma, if it was touched and instantly turned into nothingness.

Tier 5 demon, only under the king-level demon, the horror of a blow even Meng Fan dare not look down upon it. But standing in place, Xu Tong snorted coldly, and at the same time the dagger drew a circle in the air, vitality fluctuations surging like a tide between his palms, and he shouted at the same time.


The sound fell, and at the same time, the tidal wave of vitality followed Xu Tong's movements and directly slashed in the direction of the unicorn. Under this slash, it seemed as if the space in front of him was directly split, and the **** vitality was in the air. An afterimage was drawn, and the magma was split directly into two pieces.

Hongzi level exercises!

After the stone wall, Meng Fan shook his five fingers, knowing that this technique had been cultivated to the point of great success in Xu Tong's hands. With a single blow, the magma was cut without any stop. The sharp blade flashed, in the next moment It struck directly on the body of the unicorn.


The unicorn screamed, and the naked eye could see that its body was cut directly from the middle. In the next moment the blood of the riot was scattered in the space, and the Tier 5 monster was killed by the opponent directly. The body was split, and any vitality was lost. It is to cut off directly.

Including the thin and weak men above the unicorns were all seriously injured, and watched their own monsters be beheaded, and the feeling of extremely distressed made the thin men howl with hideous faces and roared.

"Shoot together and kill him!"

There is nothing wrong with it. Only when everyone in the field takes a shot together can there be a chance against Xu Tong, otherwise, he will only be defeated by the opponent, and there is no room for a fight back.

Roar, roar!

Standing in place, the two masters of the giant sword gate roared at the same time, the giant sword in their palms rose to the sky, and the vitality merged into the giant sword at the same time.

"Sword out, heavy mountain pressure!"


In an instant, several shadows of thin men appeared around the sky, each with an aura of terror, and immediately the shadows in the mid-air merged towards the shadow in the center. The aura of violence was superimposed, obviously It is a thin man who also has the ability to press the bottom of the box.

The two great wild word-level techniques were shot at the same time, and the atmosphere in the entire field at this moment became extremely hot. And Rong Sha, who was standing in the same place, also moved his hand at the same time, the power of space flashed between his fingers, and the fierce aura spread around, and the mark appeared behind Rong Sha.

"Du Ein!

The four powerful and unmatched air waves directly attacked Xu Tong in the field, and the speed of the strong in the breaking element realm was so fast that it was impossible to avoid it, only hard resistance.

You must know that under such an attack, all around the sky can be murderous, only the overwhelming vitality means. Standing in place, Xu Tong roared and shouted word by word.

"Zhen Yuan Zhan!"

The dagger was dancing in the air, and an extremely terrifying breath burst out from between Xu Tong's fingers. In the next moment, Xu Tong's palm was directly cut in the air, and the horror method of the wild word level was finally deployed.

In the void, the naked eye can see that the air wave of the dagger directly collided with the surrounding four breaths. For a moment, a deafening noise erupted. With it as the center, a huge spark appeared suddenly, the air wave was overwhelming, and the surrounding skeletons were below. It was broken into pieces at a moment.


Under such a shock, Meng Fan, who was behind the wall, clenched his hands and protected his surroundings with vitality. The collision in the field was really terrifying.

In the next moment, four figures were ejected out of the heavy weather and blood spurted out. Rong Sha suffered a lot of injuries at this moment and fell heavily to the ground.

While standing in the field, Xu Tong's figure also appeared, a mouthful of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, under this collision, it can be said that it hurts the enemy a thousand and hurts himself 800, and Xu Tong is also uncomfortable.

After a while, Xu Tong swallowed his blood, looked at the stone box above the altar, and slowly stretched out his palm. Now the four strongest players in the field have temporarily lost their combat effectiveness under one blow. It's time for your own results.

His body tightened, at this moment Meng Fan's eyes were staring at the field, knowing that his chance was finally... here! Forbearance to the present point, just for the opportunity before him, at the next moment Meng Fan's figure moved and stepped out, and at the same time drastic changes suddenly appeared between his bodies.

"Fudo Mingwang body!"

Between the lightning and flint, at the moment when Xu Tong's palm was about to approach the stone box, he suddenly felt a powerful murderous approach behind him, and it was Meng Fan who had been in peace for a long time.

In mid-air, Meng Fan's figure is like electricity, like a glimpse of light, while the yin and yang double halberds cross each other and directly slash towards Xu Tong. Such a murderous opportunity is approaching, and Xu Tong also has a feeling of scalp numbness. Even though the four powerhouses have joined forces before, they are not as powerful and deadly as this blow.

You know, although Meng Fan’s shot is not as powerful as the four, it has been hidden in the dark for too long, like a cheetah in the jungle, a poisonous snake in the grass, ready to go, full shot and a concentrated blow. !

Fudo Myojin, double halberds boom!

If you don't move, one move is a thundering method, so as to bombard the enemy into dregs instantly! This is surprisingly the law that Meng Fan has obtained since several years of killing, let alone facing a strong man like Xu Tong.

His complexion changed suddenly, and Xu Tong's figure turned his head. He couldn't imagine that Meng Fan's endurance was so strong. When he moved his palm, the dagger stopped in front of him.


It can be seen to the naked eye that Meng Fan's yin and yang double halberds collided with Xu Tong's dagger, and in an instant a violent wave of air spread, and the ground under Xu Tong was directly blasted out of a huge deep pit.

In the smoke, Meng Fan’s pupils shrank, and he did not expect that his full blow was blocked by the opponent’s back hand. The dagger card master Yin and Yang double halberd, Xu Tong and Meng Fan looked at each other, killing intent. .

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

Xu Tong shouted word by word, it was not easy to block Meng Fan's blow, but also to make the vitality bombard. After gritting his teeth, Xu Tong actually took the violent blood in his own body into Yahoo for help in an instant, and at the same time, the dagger under the double halberd directly pierced the air along the double halberd and tore directly toward Meng Fan's throat.

What a fast speed!

Meng Fan's heart was shocked. He had never seen such a swift existence for countless enemies. This cut seemed to be enough to kill him directly, unless he retreated violently.

But once he retreats, and when Rong Sha and the thin man are relieved, all his advantages will disappear. From darkness to light, there is only one chance!

At the next moment, Meng Fan let out a low roar, his eyes flashed coldly, and at the same time he punched his arm directly. With the roar of air, Meng Fan's palm suddenly collided with the dagger in the air. Xu Tong was surprised at this moment. Even though he had killed countless people, he had never seen such a lunatic!


Meng Fan's palm hit the dagger, and the sharp blade of the dagger pierced Meng Fan's palm for an instant, splashing blood. For a moment, the violent pain made Meng Fan’s face twitch, but in the next moment, Meng Fan continued the force of the impact, and his figure retreated violently. At the same time, his palm moved, and the suction spread out on the altar. The stone box next to it moved immediately and was grasped by five fingers.

In the blink of an eye, resisting the injury of his arm, Meng Fan's figure retreated tens of meters away, with blood flowing out of his palms and **** flesh, but in his hands it was more than in the altar... ...Stone box!

At this moment, the expressions of everyone in the entire field changed, knowing how dangerous it was just now. Once Meng Fan didn't control the strength and timing, then Xu Tong might directly penetrate the vitals and immediately die.

This kind of action is really...death! However, Meng Fan was victorious. He had the last laugh. Standing in place, Meng Fan grabbed the box with his five fingers, licked his tongue, ignored the injury in his hand, and said faintly: "It's worth it! "

The smile was cold, and the corners of Xu Tong's mouth were involuntarily twitched. The guy in front of him was really a desperate person. This desperate spirit was enough to make any tremors. Treat others cruelly, treat yourself more cruelly!

The enemy who can do this is naturally quite terrifying, but after a while, Xu Tong stepped forward, his eyes indifferent, and he shouted: "Little boy, even if you can get this stone box, but you can go away?"

As the voice fell, Meng Fan's expression suddenly changed, because at this moment around him, Rongsha and the others had already reacted. They looked at Meng Fan with cold eyes, and had obviously shifted the target from Xu Tong to Meng Fan.

The blow of the four powerhouses was unbearable for Xu Tong, not to mention the face of Xu Tong who now hates himself. At this moment, Meng Fan's pupils shrank, facing the murderous intent in the void, knowing that he seemed...a bit too big this time!

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