Supreme God King

Chapter 2173: Finally found

One bird and one turtle.

It's very simple. Now even if Meng Fan has more doubts, he can't think about it.

Because it was not the time, even if this trip to the sea was simply to break his previous understanding of the end of Shenyin, it was still a matter for the future.

His mind was blocked and his blood was closed. At this moment, Meng Fan was only like a dead person, controlled by the natural power of this space, and then let his body float to a remote temple in the distance. Within the big hang.

here is……

The moment the body floated, Meng Fan saw countless corpses here, not only piled up like a mountain, it was like hell, a huge hole full of 10,000 meters, with dry bones everywhere.

no doubt.

This is the place where the so-called sacrifice should exist. In addition to the corpse, there is the corpse. It is very simple, although Wuhai is the most dangerous place in the world.

But throughout the ages, looking for powerful people is like crossing a river. Many people on the path of divine seclusion will also venture into this sealess area to find some opportunities.

According to the old man, he is not the only one who helps the ghosts to serve. The ghosts are born with the ability to manipulate any dark creatures, so he often manipulates different dark creatures to help them plunder without seas.

After so many years of accumulation, it finally became like this.

Among them, the number of deaths and injuries reached tens of millions, and I don't know how many victims!

And the most painful thing is not the dead souls, but the corpses with some auras in this big pit, the origin of which is still there.

Survival is the desire of every life, even the monk is no exception.

Therefore, even if there is only a trace of origin left, any monk will instinctively restore his own vitality.

And this palace takes advantage of this,

Although Meng Fan's spiritual consciousness was blocked, he vaguely sensed that these corpses that were still alive could not have any sense, and a little bit of power was extracted.

Then flowed into the bodies of the many strange ghosts in the center of this distance. This is the last vitality of the Sea of ​​Consciousness who still wants to survive hard, including the original energy and blood, but it is a pity that all have been looted. Away.

One bird and one turtle should be among the endless corpses!

Meng Fan was naturally controlled by the power in this space, and then fell into the endless corpses.

At the same time, Meng Fan's gaze swept to the surroundings, and he acted directly.

Without him, he must find a bird and a tortoise within a short time. It is too dangerous here. Secondly, according to the record of the old man who breaks the sky, Meng Fan understands the way the strange ghost feels to the creatures. It is blood.

The stronger the qi and blood, the more it is enough to arouse their interest and even wake them up.

As for creatures without any qi and blood, they won't wake up at all. They are under the suppression of this third layer of space, and are not interested in this kind of existence.

Therefore, the standard for their judgment is the powerful qi and blood. Now Meng Fan’s spiritual consciousness is completely sealed, and it looks like a dark creature with little use value, so even if he used to give strange ghosts a big mouth, even this group No ghost will wake up.

It's that simple, and Meng Fan also took advantage of this and quickly searched around here.

If it were in ordinary times, although the surrounding area was tens of thousands of meters, Meng Fan could find it only in a single thought.

But it can't do it now. With his own energy and blood and methods sealed, Meng Fan is no different from an ordinary person. Now he can only use his naked eyes to observe and carefully distinguish.

Damn it, I didn't expect that there would be such a place in this world!

Meng Fan really felt like ten thousand grass-mud horses galloping past. It was undoubtedly extremely troublesome to search among the endless corpses, like a sea of ​​needles.

It is a pity that this is the only way to do this.

In order to save a bird and a tortoise, Meng Fanke absolutely spared no effort.

Meng Fan spent several breaths in search, but he didn't get any results, which made him a little disappointed.

However, at the next moment, Meng Fan's sole hurts slightly, as if stepping on a hard rock, making him frown, just about to curse in a low voice.

But after his gaze fell, Meng Fan's expression suddenly changed, his eyes fixed on this, and he watched carefully.

This thing is the tortoise shell of the tortoise master, there is no doubt that the tortoise master is now curled up in this tortoise shell!

There is nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes!

Meng Fan’s heart was overjoyed, and he looked around carefully, and finally found the curled-up bird in one place. The figure of this bird and a turtle was finally crossed by Meng Fan over a thousand mountains and penetrated the sea. , Found it in this ultimate place.

Undoubtedly, this place is the real ghost gate for the mortals in the world, and today, Meng Fan went straight all the way just because of the word "brother", and killed himself in this ghost gate to find these two guys. !

However, all the efforts were not in vain, and now it is finally for Meng Fan to see this bird and tortoise, and it also makes him happy.

Excited in his heart, Meng Fan also fell on Lord Que and Lord Gui. Even though he was a generation of kings of the world, he was surprised by the endless wind and waves in the world, but at this moment Meng Fan's palm seemed to be trembling.

However, at the moment the palm of his hand fell on Lord Que and Lord Gui, Meng Fan's expression suddenly froze.

Even though there is no vitality in the body at this moment, Meng Fan's intuition is still there. Just touching him is to find that Lord Que and Lord Gui have reached the weakest moment of vitality at this moment.

Although the two of them entered here for a short time, all the vitality in the body was extracted, and the body was already invaded by a large amount of dark matter, which was completely abolished.

Even if you leave this world, it will be extremely difficult to recover in the future. This is not just a problem of damage to the origin, but the origin is infinitely close to destruction.

It is very possible that these two will never recover in the future!

Feeling this, Meng Fan's heart was like a knife cut, his fists clenched, but a few words silently spit out from his heart, brother, anyway, I will take you...home!

Come back home!

It was just two words, so calm, and at the same time, with the palm of Meng Fan's hand, he grabbed a bird and a tortoise in his hand, and at the same time looked out of the void.

"Meng Fan, it's easy to get in here and it's hard to get out. The space is completely enclosed. You can only force open the third seal if you want to leave. Then you must use means to show your energy and blood!"

In the space, Xiaotian also said in a condensed voice.

There is no doubt that the space here has a strong seal, otherwise it would definitely not let hundreds of strange ghosts stay silent here for such a long time.

And now that Meng Fan wants to leave, he needs to use the secret method given to him by the broken sky to forcefully open this void, and the moment he uses the method is the greatest moment of his crisis.

Because once he used the method, the strange ghost would definitely find his qi and blood, it was not that easy to open this space, even if Meng Fan controlled the method, it would take a few moments.

No one knows what will happen in these few moments!

Turning his head, Meng Fan glanced at a group of strange ghosts with evil smiles on their faces. Although their eyes were closed, no one had the courage to bear the horror after their eyes opened.


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