Supreme God King

Chapter 2177: Break open

Blood way!

Such a description is definitely not an exaggeration.

The entire space is red, but it is stained red by Meng Fan's blood.

It looks so gorgeous and dazzling.

Under this kind of continuous surging qi and blood of Meng Fan, it was just now that the whole world and the strange ghost were created, all the attention was distracted.

His complexion became paler and paler, and Meng Fan even felt that the origin in his body was beginning to flow continuously. Any drop of this kind of blood was extremely precious, and it was so consumed now.

It is very possible to reach the end, Meng Fan is a complete death.

Now it's just a step, that is, whether his blood is enough or not. If it is finished before leaving, then Meng Fan will undoubtedly die. If there is a source of origin before leaving, perhaps for Meng Fan, there is still a chance.

However, during the bleeding, Meng Fan's expression was extremely calm, and he didn't even feel sorry for the blood flowing out.

If you count it carefully, the blood shed over the years will not be much less than today.

And just before that, when Meng Fan set foot on this world and planned to rescue a bird and a tortoise, this method was already considered.

Pouring one's own blood is a life and death dilemma.

But Meng Fan still chose to come in, so naturally there is no regret now.

The surging qi and blood permeated everything in the sky, and even in the space of Xiaotian at this moment, he sensed this powerful and unparalleled power, a blood from the Supreme Emperor.

It was absolutely extraordinary, and it was originally dry, and it was almost a bird and a tortoise with its original origin. At this moment, under the infection of this kind of qi and blood, there was also a kind of vitality gradually born in the body.

This kind of vitality gradually spread in his body, and the eyes of the last bird and turtle gradually opened, revealing a gap.

Because Meng Fan's blood is too strong, and they are...too familiar.

Over the years, there have been countless lives and deaths. Between this kind of situation, today's Meng Fan and a bird and a tortoise have been created. Even if the gap between the two is huge now, the years are changing, and the share between brothers The friendship will only get deeper and deeper, for Meng Fan, and for a bird and a turtle.

"Meng Fan... is it really you?"

At the moment of awakening, the bird and the turtle were very weak and even thought they had hallucinations.

The vague scene, the vaguely lonely figure, and the sky full of blood.

In this situation, one bird and one turtle can finally confirm that Meng Fan is right in front of them, and they already have an understanding of the situation on the battlefield.

"Meng Fan!"

The two words of Lord Bird burst out, tears burst instantly.

Although he has a hip-hop personality, he is absolutely true temperament, a pure man, he never shed tears, but at this moment he can't help his emotions.

The same is true of Gui Ye, unable to say a word.

In the most desperate place, seeing Meng Fan again, seeing this brother who is like a life and death, this kind of reunion alone is enough to make them cry with joy.

What's more, Meng Fan is still the same as before, whether it is terrible strength or noble position, but for brothers, it has always been...

"Take back the bullshit, save the last trace of your own origin, and talk about it when you have anything to go back, brother!"

Meng Fan glanced at it, and was overjoyed.

When he saw a bird and a tortoise before, the two of them were already in danger. Whether they could be repaired or not were two different things. Unexpectedly, under the stimulation of his blood and blood, he would even let a bird and a tortoise open his eyes, with a feeling of reflection. For the strong **** king, this is enough.

As long as the two of them have a breath, then Meng Fan will be confident and let them live, it is only a matter of time!

However, the excitement only flashed in Meng Fan's heart, and after a while, he had recovered his calm, because it was too dangerous here.

There are still such scornful ghosts around, they may be killed at any time!

"Now... come home with me, my brother!"

A few words were spit out from Meng Fan's mouth, and every word resounded through the whole world, like thunder, like a rule.

With a roar, the blood on Meng Fan's wrist erupted again, and it was more turbulent than before, causing the entire world to be covered with blood.

In an instant, Meng Fan could feel that a large chunk of his origin had flowed quickly, disappearing into his body, making him almost completely shattered.

However, Meng Fan succumbed to it, stepped out in one step, his body swiftly, seized the hard-won opportunity, came to the space channel he cut in an instant, and then stepped out.

All these actions actually happened in a flash, waiting for the moment when the blood of heaven and earth disappeared, the eyes of many strange ghosts were also locked on Meng Fan.

But it was too late. Meng Fan paid for the cost of consuming a lot of his energy and blood, and he won't miss this opportunity. With this method, his whole body completely broke through the third layer of this mysterious taboo space. , Opened the endless restrictions around and came here.


Meng Fan cut the space, stepped forward, and what greeted him was within the second space.

Facing Meng Fan's back, all the strange ghosts suddenly went crazy, turning into extremely cruel shadows one by one, approaching Meng Fan, even though Meng Fan was already half of his body and left the third layer of space.

But there is still where I stayed behind, so after a moment, it is already full of holes.

And the blood in his body had already flowed out, so although the flesh and blood of Meng Fan's entire back was opened, there was not a drop of blood flowing out.

This scene is extremely miserable.

Meng Fan snorted, enduring the endless pain and the chill of the strange ghost, and took another step, finally...retired all over, and walked over from the third layer of void.

Bang, bang!

After him, you can clearly see that a large number of alien ghosts have been chased in front of him, and terrifying power hits the space, trying to tear it all apart.

However, the third layer of space seems to have a natural seal in itself, even if the strength of many strange ghosts is too strong, they can't break through this prohibition.

And the power of prohibition staying here is extremely terrifying. When the strange ghost touches them, it is like an ordinary person touching a flame. They all roared and blasted back in panic, as if being burned. Similarly, the power of the seal here is extraordinary, containing an aura that Meng Fan can't understand.

So after breaking into the second layer of space, Meng Fan was finally safe.

Spit out in one breath, sweat was also on Meng Fan's forehead, and he definitely walked before the gate of life and death before turning his head, Meng Fan's gaze was also opposite to that of hundreds of strange ghosts.

For a moment, across the third layer of sealed space, under this kind of gaze, it can be said that the entire world is completely cold.

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