Supreme God King

Chapter 1599: Kill


There was a sense of regret in Meng Fan's tone, and when it fell into the ears of the Blood King and Pluto, the faces of both of them were black like pig liver, and they were so angry.

No one could have imagined that the previous blow in front of the mad corpse Taoist Meng Fan was actually pretended, and pretended to be vivid, even deceived the two.

"You yin, you are calculating your own injuries"

The Blood King roared, full of endless anger.

At the same time, the two quickly retreated, moving space, trying to evacuate the battlefield and get rid of Meng Fan's suppression, but it was too late.

It took effort to design for the two to come to their side, and the other party went deep into Meng Fan's trap, how could Meng Fan let him leave.


In just a moment, the ringing of Hong Zhong spread throughout the world, the runes flickered, and the torrents swept across the sky in an instant, and a huge cauldron fell and completely covered the world.

A tripod overwhelms the universe

In it, Meng Fan's face is expressionless, but his face is already hideous

The enemy who killed the old lunatic in the past is right in front of him, and the executioners who killed countless brothers in the Samsara Hall are not far away, causing Meng Fan's own hostility to skyrocket and form a huge wave.

With one step, Meng Fan's whole person is like a blade that must be sharp, just like this.

At this moment, his fist was clenched, and the huge front of the fist fell, turning into a golden meteorite.

Facing the mad corpse Taoist before, Meng Fan was not his opponent, at least he was able to maintain an equal footing, just in disguise.

At this moment, facing the two enemies, all Meng Fan's disguise was removed, only endless rage and murderous intentions poured out.

Emperor Fist squeezes everything

With one hand, the Qi Ding imprisoned the world and the other hand suppressed all means. Faced with Meng Fan, the Pluto and the Blood King could not help but roar at the same time, until they could not retreat. There was only one battle, when their blood broke out.

The air of black death is overwhelming, and the most powerful secret technique works, and Meng Fan's boxing front is blasted together.

Bang, bang

When the void collided, Meng Fan and the two faced each other, one facing the king of the two restricted areas. At this moment, Meng Fan's whole person was incomparably violent. He strode out and fisted out, letting countless space fragments around the sky. , I just chose to ignore it.

In Meng Fan’s eyes, there are only two kings

Every punch that falls is an outrageous force, and at this moment, Meng Fan's speed is extremely fast, like a perpetual motion machine that is turned on, standing in the sky, watching the world, fists and fists mad, like falling like a rain diǎn. A huge wave of fists like a violent storm formed between the sky.


The sound of the sonic boom was endless, and Meng Fan stood alone in the sky, already murderously reaching the pinnacle.

Even the divine monkey on the side, the empress was slightly surprised, and she could definitely feel Meng Fan’s own murderous intent. They were most familiar with Meng Fan, but they rarely saw Meng Fan so angry, even if she was facing the enemy. Time, as it is today, is also rare.

Because in Meng Fan’s eyes, only one must kill

So at this moment, Meng Fan was already mad, and after just a few breaths, a thousand punches fell on the Blood King and the Pluto. Even if it is two people, it is forbidden

The king of the district controls many secret techniques. Although he is only the second realm, under the many secrets of the restricted zone, he already has the capital of the first battle and three realms.

However, under Meng Fan's violent stormy offensive, the two blood kings were constantly retreating back, in a state of passive defense.

Qi and blood shook in his body, and his body was torn apart. At this moment, Meng Fan was too violent, and he didn't give them any time to breathe.


And just after countless fist fronts fell, Meng Fan suddenly yelled, dang his head against the sky, and stepped on the heavens and the earth, standing between the heavens and the earth like an ancient **** and buddha. It’s improved several times, and three words are exported at the same time,

"Take Tianchang"

The Eighth Change of Emperor Xianjing

This kind of Bai Family's first ancient secret method was circulated by Meng Fan. After these few years, he realized the first level after the immortal emperor change and reached the eighth level. In one breathing effort, Meng Fan's whole breath was unpredictable, ethereal and celestial, and every inch of his skin burst out with a brilliant light. A kind of extreme pressure.

Step by step volleyed, Meng Fan's breath continued to rise. At this moment, he didn't use any god-level attack means, but instead came to the Pluto and the Blood King with his own body. The runes flashed on its body, and the faintly diffused light was

Body of Fighting Demon

In an instant, what was displayed on Meng Fan's body was the old madman's practice, an extremely pure body of fighting demons.

This kind of exercise is actually nothing to Meng Fan today, and even in the aspect of body training, there is a more terrifying god-level method of non-phase and non-organism.

But at this moment, all Meng Fan chose was the body of fighting demons.

When did this kind of exercise help him go through countless **** battles, when was someone taught him this kind of exercise hand-in-hand by precepts and deeds, and when, when was the person who held this kind of exercise? He lost his life in this world.

Sad and speechless

Meng Fan didn't say a word at this moment, only striding out, relying on his own powerful divine ways, turning himself into a weapon of magic, and using this body of fighting demon, he slammed into the past with his body.


Oneself is a magic weapon, oneself is a weapon, attacking oneself

Faced with such a scene, the Blood King and Pluto couldn't help being shocked, feeling exceptionally shocked.

The slaughter of the world in the restricted zone is the source of the demons in this world. Its fierce methods can be said to be heard in the world. No one does not know its horrible killing, but there is absolutely no such thing as Meng Fan, who uses himself as a means of attack. Hit him straight up.

This is no longer Shura, but a lunatic


Under Meng Fan’s killing, the Blood King and the Pluto screamed, but at such a juncture, even a word was too late to say, the two of them were crazy operation techniques, turning them into two secret methods, towards Meng Fan Bombarded away.

Visible to the naked eye, two powerful handprints turned into mountains, covering the sky and the earth, falling from the sky, aiming at Meng Fan. And in this monstrous atmosphere, Meng Fan completely ignored it, and only strode out, really colliding with the two black death peaks.


Every week is shattered, mountains and rivers change, and earth shakes

In the face of this scene, countless ancient true demons trembled, countless strong in the restricted area were shocked, countless thousands of ancient existences who saw this scene were silent

Even if it's 10,000 meters away

, Even across the endless barrier, even across the furthest void, I felt the powerful anger and murder in Meng Fan.

Under the impact, the sky was filled with fragments and the void was distorted, and amidst the endless smoke, a figure slowly walked out

It was Meng Fan. At this moment, his hair was dancing, and the blood on his body was dripping down, dyeing his clothes red, but there was no change in the whole person's expression, only moving forward.

In the previous collision, it made the Blood King and Pluto feel that it was not a person, but a mountain.

Today’s Meng Fan is no longer the kind of weakness that he used to be. His own realm is the second sacred realm, but he controls the supreme secret method, based on two great god-level methods, and has the change of the emperor immortal scripture. After countless increases, even if it is just a physical collision, at this moment it has the power to overwhelm the sea.

That kind of powerful counter-shock force caused both of the Blood King to spew out a mouthful of blood, and blast back.


A word was spit out from Meng Fan's mouth, and the way it was spoken was indifferent and indifferent. It made the whole week tremble. The power of the space of the ten thousand mothers and children's Qi Ding was attacked, and it suddenly turned into endless imprisonment, turning the Blood King and the Pluto The space where the two are located is sealed.

After one step, Meng Fan was already before the two of them, and he blasted a punch, directly hitting the blood king's handprints.


A splendid blood flower burst out in the sky, and the surrounding area was dyed red. The Blood King let out a miserable cry. Under the impact of the two, one of the Blood King’s arms was crushed. It is conceivable that Meng Fan’s body How powerful it is.

With a grim complexion, the Blood King quickly wanted to retreat, but it was a pity that Zhou Tian was already sealed by the tens of thousands of mothers and children.

It was another punch. Meng Fan's power was as fast as lightning, and he bombarded the blood king's chest directly. He punched him and completely penetrated his chest.


The Blood King roared and his body was penetrated by Meng Fan. In this kind of battle, he was defeated vividly and vividly in front of Meng Fan. Even if he joined forces with Pluto, it was difficult for him to fight.

It is unimaginable that Meng Fan was just a little ant in his eyes during the millennium, the one who died if he wanted to die, but after these thousand years, the form between the two of them suddenly changed.

"Do you remember my technique and the blood on my body"

With no expression on his face, Meng Fan stretched out his big hand again and turned into a monstrous mountain. The spread of his five fingers formed a kind of power that broke through everything and broke through all the defenses of the black death. It turned out to be the blood king. Under the control of Meng Fan, he grabbed his neck

I was caught by Meng Fan. The blood king was carried by Meng Fan in the midair like a chicken. At this moment, his body was broken and the whole person was covered with blood. Where is the king of the restricted area?

His eyes are full of endless emotions, with anger, murder, fear, and regret.

I haven't seen it for thousands of years, but it has allowed Meng Fan to grow up to this point. The young eagle that the old madman cared for on his body has now entered the forbidden zone and despised the king of the forbidden zone

Grasping the Blood King, Meng Fan stared at him, deep as the sea, while saying every word,

"My blood is Xuanhuang, because the person who taught me is like that. I hope you can hear his name last. He is called Li Xuanhuang. I will kill you for him. Thousands of years ago, he fell into the restricted area, but I The spirit of the teacher is not scattered, and the sky can see that the disciple Meng Fan is helping him today.

Words are like electricity, resounding through the world

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