Supreme God King

Chapter 2241: layout


Meng Fan looked at the Taoist Taoist very calmly, as if looking at an idiot.

Still the same sentence, it’s good not to be enemies with each other, how could it be possible to help each other fight life, it would be too funny.

In the early days, if the two Daoists of Tai A were so easy to deal with, they would not have suppressed the Daoists for so many years!

The latter two are the oldest and most mysterious heroes on the road to the gods.

This pair of gazes made the Taoist Taishang extremely hurt, and confronted Meng Fan’s gaze, and said in a concentrated voice.

"Why, we once joined forces to kill the temple, and the old man also fully cooperated with you. You don't help with this little matter?"


Meng Fan sneered, admiring the shamelessness of the shameless man, and said coldly.

"Old man, speaking human words, it seems that the original power of the gods hidden by the gods was swallowed by me. If it were not for the original help, I am afraid you will not be able to reach today, right? You want to lie to the young master, I guess it won't work in this life. I will still cultivate in my next life, so I hope that in the next life!"

The voice fell, full of endless coldness and sarcasm.

Even if standing in front of him is the great hero at the top of the world's biological chain, at this moment, where is Meng Fan in awe, or who he has been in awe of.

Under Meng Fan’s ridicule, the old face of the Supreme Taoist suddenly turned blue and white. For many years, except for Meng Fan’s situation, the latter has always been as sacred. The presence.

Gritting his teeth, the Taoist Taoist pondered for a moment, and then said,

"Even if you are not interested in helping me, aren't you interested in... the old guys who severely inflicted the path to the hidden?"

Say it!

Suddenly, Meng Fan's expression was condensed, and he looked at the Taoist man hesitantly, and slowly said,

"What do you mean?"

" guys still can't react?"

The Supreme Taoist glanced at Meng Fan and said every word,

"The battle in the sealed space resulted in the complete death of the two guys in the gods, and disappeared between the world and the earth. Now in the huge path of gods and hermits, only the two powers of the earth and the Zen temple are left. It is a complete change. If the three legs stood together before, then the water would not dare to move, but now...not to mention whether they will interfere with you in the future. It is just a stone monument. Do you want it?"

Underworld stele!

A few words suddenly changed Meng Fan’s expression. Looking at the Taoist man, he had to admit that the other party’s words could be described as hitting a snake and seven inches. It is indeed a Taoist man who directly hit Meng Fan’s weakness. on.

Meng Fan, who had only been stable in the Divine King Realm for a short period of time, dared to enter the path of Divine Concealment, just because of the desire for the stone stele of the underworld.

Once it was about reaching Ruoshuiyi, it was Meng Fan's Nilin!

Now that the old things are mentioned again by the Taoist priest, Meng Fan, who was full of ridicule, suddenly turned into a solemn expression. He closed his eyes and opened it after a while, saying coldly,

"Do you want to... use their previous methods to deal with them? Once you want to merge, then they will definitely come, then we will make a plan to... kill them and take the stele?"

"Not bad!"

The Taoist Taoist nodded, showing murderous intent.

"It's difficult. Your idea is undoubtedly that you want to use offense instead of defense. If you can hurt them first, then your retreat will naturally be safe and sound until you get out. But in the beginning, these two old guys wanted It's so difficult for them to be fooled!"

Meng Fan shook his head, not sure about this.

"Once there is a partial leak, or they find it to be used instead, then it is quite difficult. Don't say you want to pick peaches between you and me, it is very likely that you will fall into it!"

It is not that Meng Fan is timid, but that the opponent he faces is too strong.

Shenyin giant.

It is too difficult for the person standing on top of this common people to calculate.

Even Meng Fan felt extremely troublesome, and clearly understood that when dealing with this kind of person, he would be in a dangerous situation at any time.

The two giants of Shenzang are a good example. Stealing chickens does not lead to loss of rice, but they both fall into it.

Now that the Taoist masters come to join him, this is also a huge adventure.

"Hmph, you won’t get into the tiger’s den. It’s natural to deal with them and take some risks. Meng Fan, don’t you dare? Besides, the most important point, you say...the ones who want them to die most now Who is this person?"

The Taoist Supreme took a look at Meng Fan and said.

who is it!

The last two words fell, Meng Fan was taken aback, then blurted out,

"Naturally is a Zen temple!"

The way of God's hidden.

Among them, the pattern of the supreme power was originally a three-legged camp, but after the three giants of the gods and Tibetans died and one disappeared, then there was only the Zen Temple and the Underworld.

The two seem to be harmonious now.

But in fact, this kind of relationship is the easiest to cause a fight, because they don't have too much scruples about each other. If they can target each other, then it will naturally become the highest in the path of divine hiding.

This kind of temptation, I am afraid that no matter it is the Zen Temple or the giants of Mingtu, they will be tempted.

And the alliance relationship between each other will inevitably be broken, and they are all calculating each other.

"The two forces seem to be peaceful now, but in reality it is like a gunpowder keg that has been exploded. Everyone wants to dominate the path of the gods. I believe that the Funaki of the gods has also been taken by several people. Hai, whether it's the Zen Temple or the beginning, the two people probably want to kill each other again, so now it seems that they almost ignited the overall gunpowder!"

Meng Fan murmured softly, every word that fell, it was a look in his eyes.

"Yes, if you want to ignite the battle of the road of the gods, you must have a qualified shit-chucking stick. Only in this way can it be enough to provoke the anger of both sides, and even make them have to fight!"

The Taoist man also gave a grin.

"This shit-chucking stick must have enough strength, enough means, and a sufficient understanding of Hades, Zen Temple, don't you think that our two sizes, lengths, are just right?"

Hearing that, Meng Fan has a black line. I don’t know if the Taoist man praised the two of them or cursed himself, but the news conveyed in his words made Meng Fan very interested. .

Battle at the source of the heavens!

This battle is very important to Meng Fan. No accidents can happen during this. Obviously, no matter it is Mingtu or the giants of Zen Temple, they are all in this accident, and Meng Fan cannot be negligent. of.

He gathered the woman in the bronze mask for this, so as to prevent these giants from interfering in this battle.

After all, this kind of powerhouse, one more is too terrifying. Even if it wasn't against Meng Fan himself, or against other people in the dark alliance, it was enough for Meng Fan to drink a pot.

Therefore, before that, Meng Fan must reduce the danger to a minimum.

What was unexpected was that after the bronze masked woman found herself, the Supreme Taoist also appeared in front of her and came to tell him about her plan.

Take merit as defense!

This point is the highest point of defense. Meng Fan naturally knows that if these major problems can be completely solved and both losers, I believe that the lowest level is at least to cut off the powerful foreign aid of the thirteen hall masters.

It seems that I want to kill someone, so the knife is here!

Taking a look at the Taoist man, the smile on Meng Fan's face is getting thicker and thicker. He drank a sip of tea gently, and then said every word.

"It seems that you and I are going to join forces again and set off a **** storm!"

What about the sea of ​​fire and sword, the **** storm started from me!

The way of God's hidden.

Between the endless emptiness, there was originally a huge kingdom in this vast and endless field called the Three Thousand God Kingdom.

The so-called three thousand kingdoms of gods are vassals under the gods.

In the old days, it can be said to have enjoyed endless glory, praised and worshipped by hundreds of millions of people, and any country has countless resources, the strong.

But after the first battle in the sealed space.

All this is changing rapidly, without the support of the ancestors of the gods, the land and the temple of Zen also launched an extremely fierce attack against the three thousand gods.

And although the three old monks in the Zen Temple seem to be peaceful and charitable, they are actually more cruel and cruel. The fat old monk directly came forward and pointed to a kingdom of God, and all those who blocked him were killed by the power of the king of the world. , The blood of hundreds of millions of people was dyed red in the entire path of divine hiding.

From the past, the three thousand kingdoms of God that was famous and shocked the world had been completely swallowed by two hungry wolves in just a few months.

All the kingdoms of the gods were completely destroyed, and it was replaced by the land of the earth, the entry of many subordinates of the Zen Temple.

It only took a few months from the existence that was worshipped at the peak of the road to the hidden gods to the current prisoner, and countless kingdoms of the gods were turned into wars. The forces of Mingtu and Zen Temple continue to occupy each other, and when they occupy each other, they are not considered harmonious.

Quite simply, the two sides rely on the support of the top giants behind them, and there is no fear at all to kill the Quartet. Naturally, I want to obtain the most high-quality resources of these three thousand gods, and there are many differences among the occupations in many areas.

Although the Kingdom of Three Thousand Gods is very large, the true treasure is only a small part after all. To whom is it, in the past few months, there have been unknowingly many frictions.

Perhaps the two parties can still work together when fighting together, but once it involves sharing the spoils together, the contradictions between each other can be described as numerous.

This is probably a typical example of being able to endure hardship together but not being rich and honorable!

And now, on the edge of a certain kingdom of the three thousand gods in the past, suddenly there are two more uninvited guests!

Looking at the kingdom of God that has been dazzled by war under the sky, one of them sighed,

"This is the Great River Kingdom, right? There are millions of spars buried under it?"

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