Supreme God King

Chapter 2188: era

The heavy black death aura suddenly exploded!

Countless strong men evaded after seeing the methods of the thirteen hall masters.

But the scene at the next moment left everyone in a daze.

Those black death air completely enveloped the twelve palace masters, like a huge black death air star. Then, the black death air suddenly introverted, as if it collapsed. In just two or three breaths, it completely collapsed, and then disappear.

Even the thirteen hall masters disappeared, and there was no smell of black death in the air.


Regardless of the reasons for the ancient emperor, after Meng Fan said everything, the lord of the thirteen halls flees, in the eyes of everyone, it is naturally Meng Fan's endless power!

Meng Fan quietly watched the thirteen hall masters leave, then turned his head to look at the ancient emperor.

"I feel the complete departure of the thirteen hall masters, and there is no breath of them among the ten thousand domains. Then, there are only you and me. The three legs are broken. You have waited for so long without fighting with me. Now what? ?"

Hearing Meng Fan's words, this statue of the emperor with his hands vacantly supporting the universe, his mouth raised, smiled slightly, and shook his head and said: "When you are at your peak, I will split the era with you again!"

In the rumbling voice, the ancient emperor's figure flickered continuously, not knowing how much space it traversed in an instant, and finally disappeared quietly, and there was no trace.

The countless powerful people onlookers felt extremely shocked, because whether it was the thirteen hall masters or the ancient emperor, the methods of leaving made them incomprehensible, as if they had used the space to the extreme, there was no breath left, and they could not be traced at all. .

Because of this, many people have lost a lot of the innumerable and powerful sense of oppression in their hearts, and even feel that the colors of the heavens are much brighter.

Meng Fan sat in the ten thousand mother and son gas cauldron, waited for a moment in silence, smiled, and squeezed a few marks with his fingers at random, snap! Like lightning across the sky! Everyone felt tingling in their eyes, their eyes were slightly lost, and Meng Fan was nowhere to be seen.

Various emotions echoed among the people, but there is one thing in common, and that is shock!

Many legends and stories will arise or spread.

But Meng Fan didn't care.

After a flicker, Meng Fan used the power of Myriad Mother and Child Qi Ding to penetrate countless spaces and come to one place in the Ten Thousand Regions, and then blocked Zhou Tian, ​​completely hiding himself.

"Father, are you okay?"

Just as the space was completely sealed off, and all the secrets were taken care of, the aura of the ten thousand mothers and children suddenly jumped out, this smart and charming girl asked extremely eagerly.

"Can't die." Meng Fan smiled, very free and easy, but after he didn't specifically condense his body, countless cracks appeared on his body again.

Wan mother and son Qi Ding was very worried, but she did not dare to touch it easily, but she knew that Meng Fan’s methods were extremely clever, so she did her own job, and kept placing the next mark in the surrounding space, Zhou Tian became more secretive.

With her means, at this moment, this space seems to have completely disappeared from the ten thousand realms, no one can find it, and even if someone finds it, it can react in the shortest time and tear the space immediately. go away.

Meng Fan blinked his eyes and felt that the means of the ten thousand mothers and sons were perfect, only to prepare for the retreat after the extremely small possibility of being discovered, and he had prepared thousands of ways before he set his eyes on the imperial palace in his hand.

The imperial palace at this moment was not like before, sometimes flashing light, completely dimmed, and could not feel any power fluctuations, as if it were ordinary things.

They are all means of self-protection.

Meng Fan didn't care at all, stretched out his hand a little, and suddenly the power of countless avenues transformed into a pattern of smiles like ants, injected into the imperial palace.

This is providence.

It was also based on previous calculations by Meng Fan that it could inspire the power of the imperial palace.

Because the imperial palace mentioned everything before the source of the heavens.


The imperial palace trembled violently, jumped out, fleeing wildly!

Meng Fan squinted his eyes and looked at him coldly. He didn't stop him at all. He saw the imperial palace returning to him again after a few laps.

After being cut down by the gods, the imperial palace's magnificent methods have been broken, and its power has been weakened by ninety-nine percent. Where can he escape Meng Fan's palm?

"I know this is just your body. The origin is hidden behind layers of secrets. I am very weak now. I don't want to talk nonsense. I either show up or die."

As Meng Fan said, he couldn't help coughing, just like a withered old man.

The palm-sized imperial palace remained motionless, floating in the void, and there was no sound for a long time.

"court death."

Two words! Meng Fan covered his mouth with one hand to stop coughing, and put his other hand out, spreading his five fingers. In an instant, in this space sealed by the qi cauldron of the ten thousand mothers and sons, if there are thoughts and laws that seem to be absent, they begin to condense.

The rest of the world dare not say, but at this moment, in this blocked space that is only a few tens of miles away, Meng Fan is the source of the heavens, and his absolute rule is his absolute domain.

Huh! A little bit of brilliance bloomed in the imperial palace, showing great fear, and then, it began to twist and change, but after just a few breaths, the highly shrinking imperial palace became a person.

A...the size of a palm and a very weird appearance.

It is a human being because his appearance and size are similar to human beings, but he is very weird with some differences.

First of all, in terms of human aesthetics, he is a very handsome-or glamorous person, yes, he or she, just by looking at the appearance, it is impossible to distinguish between male and female.

Secondly, on the top of his head, there are a pair of very huge horns, like antlers, crystal clear, like crystals and diamonds, they look very tough.

On the body, it is not smooth skin, but very small and delicate pieces-scales! The scales that look like snakes are all silver, and each scale has some mysterious lines. Meng Fan can feel the vigorous vitality from these lines and contain quite amazing vitality.

Almost every piece of scale is quite the vitality of a pinnacle divine essence realm.

A pinnacle god, in Meng Fan's eyes, is no big deal.

But he has scales, more than tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands!

Very detailed.

The vitality of hundreds of thousands of the peak of the gods was gathered on this slap-sized villain, and the shocking vitality fluctuations were very terrifying.

But Meng Fan also knew at a glance that these vitality, like equipment and armor, were worn on his body, only for protection, but they could not be used by him.

It's just a piece of skin.

The last thing that fell into Meng Fan's eyes was his tail.

This is also a tail covered with scales, but it is very thick, almost bigger than his body, and the scales on it are not all silver, and there are some very glaring scarlet, lavender, dark blue, etc., Colorful.

"God King's vitality..."

Meng Fan's voice was infinitely cold.

Without him!

Among the scales on the little man's tail, about two dozen are relatively huge, like little fingernails, colorful, all of which are the vitality of the realm of the **** king!

Although not the vitality of the peak **** king, condensing the vitality of more than twenty **** kings on the tail is also very amazing.

Meng Fan coughed, wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth, and sneered: "What an imperial palace, the skin of the whole body is condensed with the vitality of hundreds of thousands of gods and dozens of gods. Although it has not formed martial arts, It's also very amazing. No wonder so many powerful people have been unable to defeat you throughout the ages. It turns out that you have a secret technique that can refine the vitality of others and integrate it into yourself!

The vitality of these gods, think about it as the strong who broke into the imperial palace in the past and were defeated by you? "

An imperial palace that has been regarded as a belief for countless years, but at this moment, the expression is mixed, very complicated, and a bit sluggish. Looking at Meng Fan, he shivered and said: "How come you are such a monster."

Meng Fan laughed loudly: "This is also the voice of the thirteen hall masters and others."

The imperial palace sighed.

"The winner, the loser, since it has become your palm, I admire it, but I want to tell you, don't think about defeating me, destroying me, you don't have this ability, even if you are the ancient emperor, the thirteen hall master Together, it's impossible. Chaos failed to kill me, and the source of the heavens failed to kill me, and you couldn't do it."

A few words, three-point self-confidence and seven-point bachelor, made Meng Fan's eyes flash infinitely, pop! Grabbing the imperial palace, it's like holding a chicken.

"I want to try."

The imperial palace is a place, a space, and a belief, but now that it has condensed its form, it is naturally an eternal overlord, and even exists for a time longer than the ancient emperor. However, Meng Fan was caught like a chicken, and he couldn't help but struggle. Down, also failed to break free.

Although he didn't break free, Meng Fan's eyelids twitched. Even if he was severely injured, his origin was cut off, but the imperial palace's power was still huge, coupled with the majestic vitality and condensed skin, a little movement, this sealed space , Are slightly shaking.

"Okay... OK... this way, Meng Fan, what can we talk about, don't you? I am also an eternal overlord, and I have fought against the ancient emperor... I am also the emperor, and the supreme sacred... you... you Be polite..."

The imperial palace spoke with a rogue face, where is the eternal overlord? It's just a little gangster who doesn't recognize it after losing in a street fight. If seen by those strong people who believe in imperial palaces, it won't even be shocked to lose their teeth!

Meng Fan smiled coldly.

Others may not be able to deal with rogues and hooligans. Is it a problem for him?

He is an ancestor than a rogue.


The palm of the hand danced, and the huge and detailed power instantly cut into the imperial palace body.

"What are you going to do!"

The imperial palace instinctively blocked it, but found that he could not stop it. His whole skin of vitality might be able to block the attack of countless masters, but it could not stop the supreme figure of Dao Huayi!

"Strip your spirit and consciousness, of course, you who live longer than the ancient emperor, I can't completely strip your spirit, first strip one-tenth? Put in my absolute Realm, using endless means to derive all kinds of horrors, torment your soul, and then peel it out a little, a little at a time, until it is completely peeled off. As for your body, now that the origin is injured, it can only be kept so large, so throw it into the cesspool All right!"

Meng Fan spoke coldly and smiled evilly.

The imperial palace shivered, imagined various images in his mind, and couldn't help but feel cold all over.

Being stripped of the divine soul was only temporarily stripped and would not be killed. Even Meng Fan was not sure that he could completely annihilate the divine soul of the imperial palace, but the torture was real.

As for the body being thrown into the cesspool...

"Ok... well, I'll listen to you, let's sit down and talk about it, don't be rough!"

Meng Fan loosened his palm and said, "Tell me first, the word epoch!"

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