Supreme God King

Chapter 2190: Every single world

"Good! Deal!"

After the imperial palace finished speaking, it seemed that Meng Fan could not wait to let Meng Fan enter the sinking world, so his body trembled. He changed again, no longer a villain with scales of vitality, but became the imperial palace again!

It's just a large hall, which is much smaller than the original imperial palace.

But this hall has no doors and is sealed everywhere, as if everything outside is cut off.

But then, a door gradually evolved into a part of the hall.

Hundreds of feet high, it is piled up with dilapidated and old stones, without any lines or patterns, and even many places are broken and mutilated, revealing an incomparably simple atmosphere, and a faint... not belonging to this era the taste of.

Meng Fan lightly touched the stone gate, and as soon as he touched it, he immediately felt a sense of being from the ancient times, breaking through the era. It filled his mind. All kinds of sights and shadows were constantly flickering, and he saw it again. That prosperous world, that unique world!

In an instant, countless creatures in that world, birth, old age, sickness and death, joys and sorrows, rise and decline, too many emperors and generals, too many sacred ghosts, all passed through Meng Fan's mind like a white horse.

So many pictures made Meng Fandu feel a little breathless, because in those pictures, there are some very domineering existences. For hundreds of thousands of years, the descendants have multiplied hundreds of millions, but in the end, the heavens and the people are weak and gradually withered. , Die!

This feeling made Meng Fan uncomfortable.

From many perspectives, it is theoretically impossible for Meng Fan's existence at this level to die, because his life span is endless and impossible to die.

But in the countless pictures just now, there are some truly supreme and invincible figures who are also in the realm of the gods, suppressing the nine heavens and ten earths. After living for hundreds of thousands of years, nearly a million years, they also sat and died, hundreds of millions. Descendants worship!

This kind of scene is undoubtedly shocking for the Supreme God King.

But then, there were some scenes. It was a descendant of the dead peak **** king who gave birth to a child. The whole family was smiling and happy. Then the child grew up, traveled the world, met many friends, and Women who adore each other, wait for good things.

Meng Fan released his palm.

"The real imperial palace, what kind of existence are you? It's just that in the imprint left behind, some broken pictures of the previous era are so mysterious and shocking."

Loud rumbling.

The dilapidated stone door opens into the eye, and it is a mixture of black and white and two colors, like an endless abyss.

Meng Fan must go to see the real imperial palace.

For one thing, he needs a lot of vitality, especially, he needs to understand the meaning of good luck.

Secondly, it was the rogue-like imperial palace in front of him. It knew too little, and many places were vague.

"Remember, if I don't come back, he will be trapped to death. If he dares to make trouble, immediately move to the center of the dark alliance, and someone will deal with him!"

The last sentence, uttered between the electric light and the flint, was to the ten thousand mother and son, and Meng Fan resolutely stepped into the sinking!

Like an abyss without an end, there are broken rules, avenues, and some torn spaces everywhere. In some debris spaces, there are even some buildings and weak creatures hidden. All kinds of dazzling, Meng Fan has never seen The things that arrive, keep passing by.

These power fragments can easily cut a figure at the peak of the gods and directly shred them.

But for Meng Fan, it was like rain and snowflakes, falling on him and slipping off.

Many mysteries in the abyss, if Meng Fan set foot in Shenyin before, he can only guess, but now, the Dao transforms meaning, he can see through a lot, and can also conclude that these laws, space, and power fragments are like a person sleeping. In the process, occasional thoughts surged, and some scattered thoughts broke out when dreaming.

However, in ordinary people's dreams, what breaks out are thoughts and imaginations in their minds, but for a giant that has lived for a million years, the real billion-year-old monster that has been transformed into a great way is the real existence!

Because I slept for too long, in this abyss, there are not only weak creatures, but even some of them have evolved into a small thousand world!

Sweeping his mind, Meng Fan immediately saw that in a space fragment, it was about two to three thousand miles wide, including mountains and rivers, lakes, flowers and trees, insects, fish and shrimps.

Although that's all, there is no such prosperous and diverse world as the real Little Thousand World, but it is still an independent world!

Even today's Meng Fan, the shock in his heart cannot be expressed in a few words.

He originally thought that the path of sinking into the real imperial palace was actually a world of great dreams. It was not real and everything was a phantom. But now it seems that it is not at all. This is not the path of sinking of the real imperial palace. On the way to the destination, there are already so many real existences, and all the small worlds with life appear in front of them.

Then the real Sinking Dao, the world where the imperial palace has been sleeping for millions of years, will it look like?

Meng Fan's eyes were firm, his mind moved, and he passed through the countless fragmented space in a single breath.

In the blink of an eye, it's there!

Two feet stepped on a green.

The vastness and seemingly borderless wilderness is full of green grasses,

There is nothing but grass.

Meng Fan's eyes flashed slightly, and he saw that the grass was different. There was nothing wrong with it. Although these grasses looked the same as the vegetation of Ten Thousand Regions, they were actually completely different in terms of structure and function.

Feeling extraordinary, he smiled slightly, his fingers empty.

This is very mysterious, he didn't use his power, but only slightly used his martial arts law.

So with him as the center, a law of power that mortals can't see with naked eyes spreads out, like dropping a stone in a quiet pond, causing large ripples.

Huh! Huh la la la la!

Eyes full of green began to surging, as if a thousand-year-old ocean set off waves, countless "green grass" unexpectedly rose into the sky!

The roots and hairs of every green grass have actually evolved to look like human hands and feet, but some are "four hands" and some are "nine hands", which is very strange and interesting, while the grass leaves are like bird wings. , As Meng Fan’s law spread and turbulent, these “wings” rotated, driving them to the sky!

This flight revealed fertile and dark soil, as well as various creatures lurking in the soil and coexisting with these grasses.

Some are very similar to earthworms, but much larger than ordinary earthworms. Some are like insects without the insect's carapace. Others, like snakes, have fluff and no scales!

Among the countless flying greens, Meng Fan’s mind has never been larger than before. It’s not wrong. The things here are very similar to what he saw when his palm just touched the imperial palace before. Unlike everything he saw, it did not exist according to the laws of the heavens, and it was a creature that evolved by itself.

Seeing this kind of sight, it was Meng Fan's knowledgeable and broad-minded.


In an instant, there were countless murderous intents, shooting from different directions, locked on Meng Fan's body!

He instinctively squinted his eyes, vigilant against the heavens, and his spirit swept across.

Immediately afterwards, countless auras gathered. After just a few breaths, hundreds of people stood in front of Meng Fan.

No, to be precise, not human.

It is a kind of intelligent creature that is very similar to humans. It has a human body shape and an appearance that is exactly the same as that of a human, but only its appearance. The basic biological structure is completely different, and its intelligence seems to be lower than that of humans.

There is no need for Meng Fan to investigate this point with divine intent. Just looking at their clothes, they are all weird animal skins, and you can guess it. The decorations on their bodies are also very crude animal teeth.

But these creatures are stronger than humans!

Each of them contained amazing vitality in their bodies, very long, countless times longer than human beings, and seemed to be born with abundant vitality and powerful.


A "person" dressed in animal skins yelled, pointed at Meng Fan, and made various ferocious expressions.

With him taking the lead, the "people" around immediately roared like a war roar, and some even began to dance around Meng Fan.

After a little deduction, Meng Fan knew that the language system of these guys was very crude, with only simple words, and what they were showing now was a demonstration. They thought that Meng Fan had disturbed the gods and did not know his origin, so they demonstrated and asked him Kneel down, surrender, or kill him.

"It's really interesting, this is the good fortune of the heavens, another huge law, so interesting."

Meng Fan sighed with emotion, and his divine consciousness shot out again. This time, he was looking for the breath of good fortune through deduction. Although the world is very huge and there are many spatial faults, like a maze, Meng Fan It is not clear where the real imperial palace is, but he believes that as long as he pursues the power of the meaning of good fortune, he will definitely find some clues.

at this time! Suddenly he perceives a position that has strong vitality, and is not a solidified vitality, but is constantly evolving, merging, and splitting, full of vitality.

He moved slightly, stood in the air and looked in that direction.

This simple action caused thousands of "indigenous peoples" to immediately stop and be dumbfounded, and then an older aboriginal uttered a syllable, and immediately all the aboriginals knelt on the ground, constantly kowtow, muttering words.

Meng Fan didn't even bother to look at them, and took a step slowly. In an instant, after crossing hundreds of thousands of miles, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, it was a vast ocean.

This ocean is too vast, even if Meng Fan can detect it at a glance, he will be able to see the edge and some coasts, and he needs to use his spiritual mind to see further.

A person of his level can walk hundreds of thousands of miles in one step, and he can't see the end at a glance, showing the huge ocean.

In this ocean, the lives conceived are even more uncountable and weird, and on the sea level, there are countless islands or continents, so many intelligent creatures can be detected, tens of millions of which are interesting. The thing is, these intelligent creatures are no different from human beings in appearance and form, but their IQs are quite low.

Therefore, it is just one tribe after another, or a large tribe composed of hundreds of tribes with hundreds of thousands of people, but there are no decent buildings and no cities.

After investigating several times, Meng Fan suddenly discovered that there is a huge tribe of millions of people, there are actually stone buildings, and there are statues made of various minerals, and even words and books!

However, this huge tribe lags behind in other aspects except for architecture, statues, books, and writing. In other words, these things are beyond their understanding and should not exist, but they just appeared.

The corner of Meng Fan's mouth raised, guessing the mystery, another step, and he had already come to the sky above this huge tribe.

With smoke and smoke, this tribe is actually slashed and burned, and some raise livestock. In some places, they even use iron and copper to make rough tools. Although these are all, it is obvious that they do not have a good grasp. Can know that these are not what they have mastered over the long years, but others have taught.

"Who is here!"

With a loud shout, it was clearly the language of Wanyu, and then a stone tower burst into pieces, and a shadow rushed out of it, standing in front of Meng Fan.

The moment this shadow appeared, countless "people" who were working fell on their knees, trembling all over, not daring to move.

Meng Fan took a closer look. It turned out to be a very youthful and pretty girl, looking at her appearance, that is, a 10**-year-old girl wearing a bright red armor that was condensed with vitality and various precious minerals.

The moment this girl appeared, she was murderous. She was about to rush to attack Meng Fan, but she stopped abruptly when she was a few dozen steps away from Meng Fan. She took a closer look at Meng Fan, and then she was a little surprised , Retreat quickly!

From start to finish, Meng Fan didn't do anything.

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