Supreme God King

Chapter 1757: Four major disability

Haven't you shot yet!

A few words have a great penetrating power, directly infiltrating into the capital of this Ji family. ?? Eight? One Chinese Network? ≈≥8≥

In a breath, the whole world is almost in the landslides. This ancient capital city of Ji’s family was founded by the **** of Ji Tian in the past, which means great majesty, ruling all domains and dominating the world. How can anyone be able to do so? So, with this courage, speak in front of this imperial capital!

But now Meng Fan is not only daring, but also quite thorough. Standing alone under this capital city, his clothes are fierce, and behind him are the millions of dark alliance army, wanting to swallow Changtian!

The breath suppresses and crushes everything!

Finally, an astonishing breath came out in this Ji family capital, unique to the **** king and strong, from Ji Feng.

"Meng Fan, you are too shameless. You have cheated my eldest brother before, and now you have to take advantage of the chaos to destroy my Ji family. There is a kind of battle at their peak!"

Ji Feng's tone was filled with infinite anger, which was entirely directed at Meng Fan, with an accusing look.

Regarding this, Meng Fan didn’t even want to say one more word in the explanation, because it was really unnecessary. In the Purple Flame Thunder Pool, if Ji Tianshen didn’t want to pit him first, then Meng Fan would not follow the trend at all. And, besides, this level of engagement is no longer bound by morality, it is only ridiculous to say it.

Kill you while you are sick!

The reason why Meng Fan came out of the customs was to destroy Ji, so that Ji Tianshen and Ji Feng were both seriously injured and crushed with the most powerful means.

For this kind of enemy, Meng Fan would not have any kindness or softness, only one battle.

"You don't need to talk more nonsense. If you are the only one here today, then the Ji family will decide all by themselves!"

Meng Fan sneered, not looking straight at Ji Feng at all.

Although he is also an ancient emperor, but presumably, it is Ji Tianshen that makes Meng Fan even more jealous. The latter's strength in the past is a line higher than him, and the methods are amazing. If it weren't for his surprise that day, It is impossible to hurt Ji Tianshen, I don't know how he is in the purple flame thunder pond.


Hearing that, Ji Feng almost vomited a mouthful of blood, and being so despised in public as his identity was really too embarrassing.

However, under the majestic breath of Meng Fan, it was enough to make him afraid to move, and just a moment later, a voice slowly fell.

"Meng Fan, you are indeed a character. Although you are opposed, you have to say that your strength and means are beyond my imagination!"

The tone of the vicissitudes of life, once again appeared above the sky, a figure, a silver head, with an old face, it was the Jijia Jitian God.

A double god!

How glorious and powerful this is, if nothing else, perhaps the Ji family can really ascend and occupy a position in this era, just like the glory of the past, the Zhongtian Dynasty. Especially with Ji Tianshen's means, there might be even more terrifying exhibitions.

But it is a pity that he met a group of people called the Dark Alliance in this era, and one person was called Meng Fan!

During these thousands of years, it was the best time for Ji Jiazhan, but it was a pity that I met Meng Fan and the Dark Alliance at this moment, and they also rose strongly in this era.

Over the years, the Ji family did not know how many methods they used, hoping to disrupt the dark alliance and occupy the Middle Ages, but it is a pity that everything has been taken over by Meng Fan, and now he has even killed the Ji family god. In!

Since Sheng Yu, He Shengliang!

This can be described as the most true portrayal of Ji Tianshen, Ji Feng and others. Tens of thousands of years ago, they were suppressed by the two great gods, Zhongtian and Tiancan. After these tens of thousands of years, they encountered Meng Fan A kind of evil spirit exists.

I can't help that they don't feel anger, or even incomparable hatred!

"To each other!"

Meng Fan said indifferently. It seemed as expected. Even if he pitted Ji Tianshen, the two ancient gods did not leave Ji Tianshen. The latter's mind and methods also made Meng Fan admire and deserve it. Is the ancient emperor.

The previous few times had almost put Meng Fan in a dangerous situation. If he hadn't been surprised, he might have already lost.

It's a pity that it is destined to be an enemy, so there is nothing to be merciful, not to mention that there is no room for two emperors in this world.

"It seems that today, there must be a battle!"

After a while, there was a voice of vicissitudes in the sky, and the figure appeared, and it was a human being.

Behind him were the people who followed the many temples, surging with blood, all standing firmly behind Meng Fan.

Not only that, the members of the Bai family also appeared in the crowd. They were the oldest beings in the Bai family, occupying the sky one by one and came here.

The Bai family of the emperor, the temple is the two most powerful support behind Meng Fan, the right arm and the right arm, at this moment, they are all coming together.

For many years, Meng Fan has not taken the initiative to take the initiative to the Emperor Clan, but now that he has shown his attitude, then the Bai Family and the Temple will not have any hesitation, they have already stood in the same boat with Meng Fan, both prosperous and all lost.

The three emperors came together, and Renxiong, a peerless master, made the pressure in the entire court even more terrifying after a short while.

Even the godless race seemed precarious at this moment, causing countless people in the Ji family to tremble. Hundreds of years ago, they suppressed the dark alliance in this way, but they did not expect that Meng Fan returned today and hit the Ji family himself.

Such a battle is bound to be impossible!

Between the ten thousand domains, there was a shock.

Countless forces are shaking, and they are speculating about the outcome of this battle. These forces are the masters of today's land. Any one of them will cause thunder shocks in the ten thousand domains, spreading far and wide.

In the Dongtian Demon Race and Zhou Family, at this moment, the complexions of their two great ancestors are even more unpredictable, flashing all kinds of emotions, and just want to move, but thinking of Meng Fan’s words before, it is light. Sigh lightly, and finally just sat quietly between the places.

Meng Fan is definitely not easy to mess with!

This sentence has now formed a consensus between the world and the earth. No matter who it is, it is understood that if it is impossible to kill Meng Fan once, then Meng Fan will be that person’s nightmare in turn. Today is the season. It's time for the home to swallow the bad results before.


Facing the more white houses and temples above the sky, Ji Tianshen snorted coldly and spit out a few words.

"Not out yet!"

The voice fell, and the verbal method followed. After this void, two shadows flashed, the space was torn, and two elders walked out. After a short while, the majestic breath swept the entire sky. These two people, Meng Fan, are old acquaintances. It is the ancestor of the Liu family and the ancestor of the West Heaven.

Two ancient emperors!

Both of these two are extraordinary. In order to step into the existence of the **** king realm, they immediately stabilized the precarious **** capital of the Ji family after they appeared, and looked at Meng Fan, one by one with hatred.

The four great kings!

Seeing this scene, the people of Ten Thousand Territories were shocked, and the group was in an uproar.

Everyone didn't know that the ancestors of the Liu family had already been born, and now they saw with their own eyes, an ancient existence revived and stood here.

In addition, there is the ancient ancestor of the Western Sky God Race rescued by the Palace Lord of the Forbidden Zone. It seems that the God of this season is worthy of the existence of an old monster. He is also well prepared. I am afraid that Meng Fan and others will join the two great **** kings. This has complicated the situation where Meng Fan and others were originally Ma Pingchuan.

After all, this is the existence of the four great kings, and in the dark alliance, only Meng Fan and Renxiong set foot on the king, this kind of top combat power is completely different.

"Meng Fan little beast, long time no see, since you dare to come today, the old man let you and all the dark alliance people be buried here!"

Liu Jiaguzu yelled, as if to crush his teeth.

He used to besiege Meng Fan in an extraterritorial space. What he didn't expect was that his body was beheaded by Meng Fan. He has only recovered his body until now, which is a shame to the ancestors of the Liu family.

A **** king was almost beaten to death by a half-step **** king in an extraterritorial space. It is estimated that this incident will be a joke of the whole vitality, but the ancestors of the Liu family saw Meng Fan not violent!

Especially now that he is returning again, seeing Meng Fan, he is already at the same level as him, his aura is even swallowing the mountains and rivers, and it makes the Liu family ancestors feel uncomfortable. If it weren't for the intervention of King Ming, Meng Fan would have died long ago. I was in an extraterritorial space, and when I thought about it, I almost let the ancestors of the Liu family spout out of blood.

On the side, the ancient ancestor of the Western Sky was also murderous Ling Ran, coldly said.

"Stop talking nonsense, today I am waiting for the four people to gather, it is easy to kill him!"

While speaking, each of the four great **** kings was unpredictable. Aiming at Meng Fan, the entire sky was immediately condensed and space sealed.

In the face of this, many powerful people in the dark alliance gave a low roar, and it is strictly forbidden to wait. After all, these are the four great kings in the sky, and the power they bring is endless. It is impossible to be cautious.

However, in the face of this kind of pressure that distorted the world, Meng Fan was alone in the sky, and after a while, he grinned, and the laughter became louder and louder, showing exceptional indifference and disdain.

"Why are you laughing!"

Ancient ancestor Xitian couldn't help but said coldly.

"I'm laughing at the four of you crippled, who are just defeated generals in front of me, so brave enough?"

Meng Fan snorted coldly. Even though there were four ancient emperors in front of him, all of them were unpredictable and shocked the ancients. I don't know how many times the invincibility has been, but there is still a breath of contempt in Meng Fan. , Is true contempt, comes from that kind of pride in the bones.

At the same time, Meng Fan's voice resounded through the world, and every word was clear and powerful.

"The four of you tell me which one was not beaten by me and crippled?"

With a word, the sky earthquake suddenly made countless people around them look surprised and looked towards the sky. After hearing Meng Fan’s words, the four Jitian gods who stood still turned pale in an instant. How wonderful it is!

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