Supreme God King

Chapter 1988: Entrance

Black Sea!

The words came to my ears, Meng Fan's heart was shocked, but his expression remained unchanged. Bayi Chinese? Net

Prior to this, Princess Yueyue had already told him what this meant, but the moment she turned around, the confusion on her face also emerged.

"What is the Black Sea!"

"Don't ask more!"

Jaixi gave a cold snort, and at this moment, endless chill was surging in his body, his eyes were like electricity, staring at the black hole between the sky and the whole body, he seemed to be feeling something.

Finally, after not knowing how long a breath had passed, Jai Xuan let out a low growl and moved his palm, and a small dark mirror appeared in the palm of his palm, and he took a picture of this dark hole. .


Just for a moment, the black hole space was distorted, and within the void illuminated by the canthus, a space crack also emerged, connecting an endless world and the earth, which can be vaguely seen. , Which seemed to be a sea of ​​anger churning, a feeling of ancient vicissitudes, endless realm, oncoming.

"Is this the rumored Black Sea?"

The dwarf man looked excited, he himself was a snake, he was an extremely cruel creature in the path of divine hiding, extremely vicious, and he rarely had a mood of joy.

The other tall man even let out a low growl, his whole body changed, and suddenly his body swelled again and expanded continuously, and became an indomitable dragon man standing between this endless world, his whole body muscled and scaled. Prominent, the head is more like a dragon but not a dragon, and a person but not a human, and it looks terrifying.

"The Daoist Supreme was chased and killed by the Underworld, and he finally fell here, and wanted to resurrect himself with the help of the supreme secret method of the Underworld, so he blocked the entire world and turned it into an endless killing array, and didn’t want anyone to disturb. His road to recovery, but what he didn’t expect is that you can find the mirror of the underworld. This thing itself is used by underworld to catch the extremely cunning Taoist. It really can sense the aura of the Taoist. , Even the Black Sea he transformed into can’t be hidden. It’s great, I finally found it. It’s not a waste of our efforts!"

The dragon's voice was thunderous, and when he saw the Black Sea, he couldn't help being extremely excited.

"Yes, this time, there must be a big gain, hehe, didn't you get rid of the two wastes in the burial site before!"

The dwarf man licked his tongue and said,

"The taste of the blood of the **** king has always been so good. It is a pity that those two guys are not soulless, otherwise the taste will be better. If you can enter it, you will get some secrets and some secrets from the Taoist people again. If you get something unexpected, then it won't be a waste of me to get out of long sleep and come here!"

While speaking, the dwarf man's gaze turned to Meng Fan, and a trace of unparalleled murder flashed in his eyes.

Obviously they were hitting Meng Fan's attention. If they didn't want to use Meng Fan to find the way, they might have already done it.

However, Meng Fan didn't seem to see this, just staring at the torn void with a stupid expression, followed by a burst of excitement, loudly.

"You have a way, what is this place, is there a lot of spar, is it a spar treasure?"


Hearing Meng Fan’s words, the dwarf man Teng Snake and the Dragon Man sneered and looked at Meng Fan with disdain. The Dragon Man even mocked.

"You really haven't seen anything. What is a spar? Compared with this place, even if there are ten or a hundred spar veins, they are not as good as a corner here. Who is it? The former head of Mingtu, if it were not a rebellion, who would dare to move him, I am afraid that only the people who came out of Mingtu, Zen Temple, and God's hiding place in the huge path of God's hiding are qualified to deal with Tai The Daoist, and if the underworld means controlled by the Daoist himself can be obtained, hehe is the only way to pinch life and death and take good luck!"

The mocking fell into Meng Fan's ears, making him look extremely surprised.

However, in Meng Fan's heart, countless thoughts flashed quickly, and from the dragon population, he heard several names that he had never heard of, Zen Temple, Shenzang?

what does this mean?

It seems that Princess Yueyue has a lot of things that she hasn't told herself. In this path of divine hiding, what is hidden is not just as simple as the earth!

"Shut up, stop talking nonsense, now is not the time to be happy!"

On the side, Jai Xuan gave a cold snort, saying every word,

"In this outside world, the Supreme Taoist has laid so many killing formations. This is the Black Sea at the core of him. I don't know what means will be used. That uncle, you enter first!"

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan grinned and nodded.

Facing the endless space of the Black Sea, I did not hesitate to step down and set foot directly in it.

Seeing Meng Fan enter first, the three of Jai Xuan looked at each other, and each nodded, keeping a certain distance from Meng Fan, their spirits surged, and after following him, they also stepped into this black sea space.

The raging sea is rolling, and the darkness is endless!

The moment Meng Fan stepped into this Black Sea space, Meng Fan shivered, not being frightened, but a huge chill in his body.

very scary!

Meng Fan bit his teeth and looked at the endless world around him, his eyes flashed with deep shock.

What kind of person he is, but a supreme king of power, his own blood is powerful, a drop of essence blood is hotter than a volcano, and how domineering it flows in his body. But within this black sea space, it was the sole of his feet that gave him a kind of chill, faintly attacking his bone marrow.

That is to say, he is the king of the world, and he controls the swallowing martial arts and cannot be disturbed. Otherwise, this kind of chill alone is enough to kill him!

No wonder the path of the gods is so terrible, yet so secretive. In this place, the gods and kings may be in danger everywhere. It is just like this in the nihil realm where the Taoist masters are. Who can control it, and who Can you come to the end of this divine hidden road?

Outside the sky, outsider!

Meng Fan shook his head and stopped thinking about it. Instead, he let out a low growl. The powerful qi and blood surged in his body. In an instant, the temperature around his entire body was soaring, as if a boom continued. The boiling sea of ​​blood opposes the chill between Zhoutian and black holes.

In the entire Black Sea, as if the power of a black hole had come to life, it turned into a tide, surging in this world. Every time the tide rises, the face is a great chill, which pierces the bones.

Even Meng Fan was struggling to concentrate all his strength against the tide of this black hole.

However, at this moment behind him, there were three terrifying and incomparable killing intents. It came from the three people of Juixuan. Now these three people can be said to be a poor view. It is already this kind of time, they naturally It is to make good use of Meng Fan, and absolutely not allow the latter to have any retreat or interference. For them, the secrets of the Taoist in this Black Sea space are really too important.

"Go forward, not back, uncle, you and I are brothers, but we have to share our joys and sorrows together!"

The dwarf man tentatively said.

"Yes, uncle, you need to buy a little power!"

The dragon man also laughed and said contemptuously.

"it is good!"

Meng Fan gritted his teeth, as if spit out a word with great difficulty, and then moved forward slowly.

It's just that at a moment when the three of them didn't see, Meng Fan's fingers moved lightly, not knowing what they were indicating.

Within the Black Sea space!

Meng Fan was caught in front of the three killer gods, becoming a tool for them to explore the way, and resisting the powerful impact of the power of the Black Sea. And Teng Snake behind him, and the others in Jai Xuan are unharmed, and they seem to be extremely relaxed.

Walking like this, within half an hour, Meng Fan felt that a layer of frost was growing on the surface of his body. If his qi and blood were not strong enough, it is very likely that all his body was at this moment. Frozen, the chill in the Black Sea was like a call to hell.


At the next moment, Meng Fan coughed up blood, making it difficult to move forward.

"I can't do it, do you want to change it and help me!"


Hearing Meng Fan’s words, the dragon man was furious and said coldly,

"Uncle, we are brothers, you are so weak now, how can you be worthy of being my brother? If you are not worthy, then you are an enemy. What do you think we will use to treat the enemy?"

The last few words were spit out, although I didn't say much, but apparently both Tengshe and Longren felt that the value of Meng Fan at this moment should be small, and it can be eliminated now. Meng Fan itself was a moment of weakness, and they were intact. Killing Meng Fan would get a god-king blood and flesh. For them, they were naturally extremely excited and they wanted to take action immediately.

However, at the next moment, Jai Xuan was the murderous intention to interrupt the two of them. Instead, he pointed his palm to the place where Meng Fan vomited blood before.


Looking at the gazes of Teng Snake and Longren, it was found that the piece of Meng Fan's blood was still condensed and covered in this space. It seemed to be absorbed by this space, a little bit infiltrated into it. .

"In the Black Sea, it is the meaning of the realm laid down by the Supreme Taoist. For anything, it will only turn it into nothingness, but here a little bit of his blood is absorbed, as if it is supplementing the divine veins. , You carefully observe the underground!"

Javier stared at this space, a look of excitement flashed across his face.

Hearing that, Teng Snake and Longren both had no scruples about Meng Fan, but at the same time stared at the place where Meng Fan’s blood melted, and it turned out that the traces of the blood of the **** king penetrated into it, as if by some This kind of object gradually absorbs.


After a short while, the dragon man roared, his palms were like electricity, and he grabbed the void, and the terrifying force smashed into the hidden void.

The space was instantly split, the black hole was distorted, and it fell into a small pitch-black tower in the eyes of Meng Fan. It is the size of a person, immovable and immortal. There are countless runes painted on it. Any one is extremely complicated and connected. Together, full of an endless aura!

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