Supreme God King

Chapter 2155: Deep down

Sleepy King Formation!

The three words, with an icy chill, resounded around the world. Bayi Chinese Network?

It made the sky and the sky seem to freeze, and the endless pressure surrounding Meng Fan's body was also flooding, overwhelming the sky and sweeping everything.

Faced with this, Meng Fan's brows couldn't help but frowned.

Obviously, this old monkey is extremely confident in this big formation, and it is used to deal with his own cards, the so-called trapped king formation?

Between the doubts in his mind, Meng Fan didn't show any mercy when he made his move. He stepped on the sole of his foot and his blood exploded. Faced with the powerful pressure between Zhou and Tian, ​​he didn't need to say a word at all, only a punch!


In an instant, a terrifying fist swept through everything, directly bombarding the defense of this large formation.

With Meng Fan's current power, a punch is more than a thousand-thousand-thousands, but when the terrifying fist strikes Zhou Tian's defense, that terrifying force begins to spread like a ripple, and finally becomes no trace.

Without a trace!

Facing this scene, Meng Fan couldn't help being taken aback, and there was a sneer from the outside world, naturally from the old monkey, the snake-shaped old woman!

"Jiejie Meng Fan, I really think he is invincible, and that's right, this great formation has been lost for such a long time, and no one knows his power anymore!"

"Hmph, it's not easy for us to deal with you. If you didn't have a stone tablet in your hand, we would really be reluctant to take this thing out!"

The voice was indifferent, standing above the void, and at the moment, above the faces of the old monkey, the snake-shaped old woman, and others, they were all smiling proudly.

Although they are in Wuhai, they are actually always concerned about the path of divine hiding, especially big things involving such forces as divine hiding and underworld.

Because several people are not reconciled. They were once the supreme powerhouses who created an era, but now they want people not people, ghosts and ghosts to hide in this endless sea, there is no vitality, nothing, only endless The darkness and the pain all over.

They had already endured this kind of life, but they were helpless, because they had no way to leave here, nor dared to leave.

It wasn't until a great war broke out on the Road of Divine Concealment, starting from Shen Wuji, and after the situation before the Road of Divine Concealment was disrupted, they found the opportunity to leave, and a person appeared in their eyes, Meng Fan. .

A junior, who was able to overwhelm the too early, too superior, to reach this point, while horrified, several people were extremely jealous.

Especially after hearing that the other party might get a stone tablet, several people were even more crazy.

But there was no way. Until three days ago, they found a small floating tower in this no sea, Xiaotian.

There is still a feather in the small tower's hand, which seems to be the breath of another person. Although several people in the field are old and broken, they are all powerful people of that level, so they have operated the secret method and forced the detection. After Xiaotian's thinking, he knew that he was the friend of Meng Fan.

After grasping all this, the plan of the old monkeys and the others was the beginning, so they personally sent a clone to attract Meng Fan here.

Because they knew from Xiaotian's memory what kind of person Meng Fan really was. Since Xiaotian, Lord Bird's breath was revealed, there was no reason why Meng Fan would not come!

If they are outside, they might still be afraid of Meng Fan, but this is not the outside world, but the Wuhai they have been operating for many years. The building between Zhou and Tian is actually a formation itself. Once opened, it will be able to form their strongest The big formation, the trapped king formation!

Now Meng Fan did come, so he was trapped in this array.

Meng Fan didn’t understand this, but he didn’t want to understand. Now, in his eyes, there is only the big formation between Zhou and Tian. The breath in the body bursts, the martial arts show, and the strongest state of life is revealed, with a punch The whole world blasted over.

Bang, bang!

That kind of thunder-like sound spread all over the surroundings, and every time it fell, it was like an endless bell ringing. If it weren't at the level of a **** king, the eardrum would be shattered instantly.

It was the sound of Meng Fan's supreme power hitting it. With any punch, Meng Fan had already exhausted all his strength.

However, the more he punches, the more surprising Meng Fan is that even if his power is too great, he cannot attack the surrounding defenses.

This killing array itself is weird. No matter how powerful it can reach the sky, it just happens to be like hitting cotton. No matter how great it is, it will eventually disappear invisible.

Damn it!

Feeling this, Meng Fan couldn't help but let out a low growl. Even if he had reached a few people, he would have hidden means, but now it seems that he still somewhat underestimated the group of old monsters in the ancient times.

Now even though there is no difference from the waste, the hole cards he can lay are still beyond his expectations.

This great array is terrifyingly strong!

"Jie Jie Meng Fan, do you know why this great formation is called the Sleepy King Formation? Because these three words mean that this great formation is only killing the King of God! It is specially designed for the strong man like the King of God. Lay down!"

After a while, the serpentine old woman's cold voice came, sharp and proud.

"There is a peculiar martial art in it. The most unique space between the world will be formed in the entire sacred formation. The stronger your power, the power you will be able to blend into the surrounding space. Within, form a violent power of resolving, disappearing your power into the invisible. I don’t know how many gods and powerful people have been planted here since ancient times. If the old man remembers correctly, you should be fifty-third. Got it!"

Only kill the **** king!

Hearing this sentence, Meng Fan couldn't help but feel horrified. It seems that these old monsters do have things he doesn't know and can't control.

If the entire Divine Formation is as it said, then it will be in trouble. The greater his power, the more terrifying the opponent's ability to resolve it. What kind of power is it that can reach such an incredible level.

However, even if Meng Fan didn’t want to believe it, he couldn’t, because he had made more than a dozen punches before, and all of them were bombarded at one point, but there was no situation. Into the endless deep sea.

This may be what the old woman said, the powerful dissolving power in this space!

And at the next moment, Meng Fan's brow wrinkled, and he sensed that something strange had appeared in his body that was actually eroding his bone marrow.

Feeling this, Meng Fan could not help but immediately violently run away and run the martial arts to kill him, but after a while, there was something strange again that was integrated into his body again.

And with Meng Fan’s Mingrui reaction, it was in fact that this kind of weird thing was scattered throughout the space, densely packed, like small dots, floating around, eroding into Meng Fan’s body at any time.

And it is extremely difficult to resolve. Once it is entered, Meng Fan's powerful martial arts power is required, otherwise there is no chance at all.

"This thing is very poisonous!"

Meng Fan finally reacted and said.

"Good eyesight, good reaction!"

The old monkey smiled slightly, with a hint of mockery,

"Unfortunately, it's a little late. Since you are destined to die, the old man will let you die. This is a kind of divine formation that we learned in the ancient times. It is extremely troublesome and difficult to operate. It can only be used in specific locations during battle.

Today, this building is the only one in this world, so the beasts found a way and avoided it.

But throughout the ages, anyone who enters this formation will die.

The main reason is that people who enter here have no way to leave, and those who stay in the formation, although this large formation does not have the ability to attack, it is like a tortoise shell, but it contains highly poisonous. To supplement the lethality of this big formation! "

The voice was cold, the more I listened, the more it made Meng Fan's heart cold.

It’s no wonder that these old guys are full of confidence in being in and the trapped king formation. It seems that this does have a certain truth. All the power of the trapped king formation is used in defense to fight against the strong king of the gods. .

Generally speaking, according to the killing array that Meng Fan encountered, in fact, defense and attack complemented each other, and the most terrifying aspect of many large arrays was the unparalleled attack power, which used offense instead of defense to kill the people in it.

However, this trapped king formation was fundamentally different. He knew the terrifying power of the king of the gods, so he avoided the opportunity to prove it, but was completely defensive, and would not attack at all. It was just a means to constantly resolve the king of the gods.

However, this is also its terrible place. He can trap the **** king and the strong within this large formation, and then place poison in this space.

Meng Fan’s spiritual thoughts were swept away, and it was found that the poison was as small as raindrops between the sun and the sky. It was not dense, but he could not leave here now. This poison would continuously enter him. In the body.

At the next moment, Meng Fan was careless, and another drop of poison was integrated into his body. This poison was extremely corrosive and vital, and even Meng Fan could not resolve it in a short time. It is directly eroding his internal organs and directly melting away a trace of his origin.

Sleepy King Formation!

Imprisoned the **** king in this big formation, and then... a little bit of exhaustion of the strong.

In an instant, Meng Fan finally understood the means of this great formation. The latter did not have any fierce and thunderous means, but this kind of skill of boiling frogs in warm water made him feel extremely difficult for this worldly existence. .

If he cannot leave this great formation, then one day he will be poisoned to death by this great formation, and the weaker he is, the faster he will be suppressed!

Meng Fan's face was gloomy, knowing the current situation...trouble!

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