Supreme God King

Chapter 221: Visit

Said to be thankful, but the more strong killing intent contained in Meng Fan's words, now stepping into the Po Yuan realm, Meng Fan's behavior is even more violent.

If he had been extremely jealous of Xu Tong before, then now Meng Fan would wish that Xu Tong would stand in front of him so that he could feel the realm strength of Po Yuan realm.

Hearing Meng Fan's words, he was lonely and stunned, then he laughed and said in a deep voice.

"Okay, okay, this has something to do. I heard that Tianxiang Pavilion is very powerful here. It seems to be a gathering place for desperadoes in the dead city. Xiaoye also wants to see who is more desperate! "

Rao was the female emperor’s palace, and both of them dared to break in. What Meng Fan said at this moment gave them a feeling of sympathy and similar smell. There is a kind of almost crazy cruelness in the bones of both of them. This kind of thing is naturally a hit.

After a brief discussion, the figures of the two moved at the same time and immediately disappeared between the sky. At the speed of two people, it can be described as a kilometer, the target is naturally the headquarters of Tianxiang Pavilion in this blind city!

The Heavenly Fragrant Pavilion, which can arrange the black list that makes the blind spots around the dead zone terrifying, naturally has unimaginable strength, and its influence is spread throughout the blind spot city and even the blind spot zone.

Among them are the Chamber of Commerce, the inn, etc. The place where Meng Fan, Gu Xinao and others are located is just a branch of the Tianxiang Pavilion, and the real core place of the other party is in the very center of Blind Point City.

The huge mansions are connected together, and there are not many people garrisoned outside it, because this place is too famous in the Dead End City. As the headquarters of the giant Tianxiang Pavilion, if someone makes trouble here, it is no different from looking for death.

So besides that, the guards were quite lazy, just a few people who were idle. At the next moment, the guards didn't react, and the two shadows had already stepped into here like ghosts.

Closing his breath, Meng Fan said calmly without moving his expression.

"Go in and take a look. After all, this is the headquarters of Tianxiang Pavilion. Maybe there is some way!"

Nodded, and looked at Meng Fan arrogantly with admiration, knowing that the former is not a young man under twenty years old at all, and he does things without any problems.

After a while, Meng Fan and the two moved along the huge manor in the Tianxiang Pavilion headquarters, like ghosts and charms. The more they penetrated into it, there were a lot of strong people, but they could not be aware of the two. Figure.

In the center of the manor, in a huge hall, at this moment, there are people standing here, most of them are the core personnel in Tianxiang Pavilion.

The aura of the other people is also quite tyrannical. Obviously, they are all powerful people here. Everyone is an extremely powerful person in the dead zone, so they can do this.

But these people didn't dare to be presumptuous, they all looked at one person in the field.

An old man with gray hair sits quietly in the center, dressed in a red robe, like a big Confucian scholar, but the eyes between his hair are quite cold. Although he doesn't move, everyone knows the strength of the opponent's vitality. But it was enough to suppress everyone in the audience.

This old man is surprisingly the pavilion owner in the Tianxiang Pavilion, Liu Yun!

You know, Liu Yun has already reached the pinnacle of the Po Yuan realm. Under this realm, Xu Tong, who is the most popular in Tianxiang Pavilion, must be respectful after seeing him.

After all, the opponent's strength is only one line away from the legendary Hunyuan realm powerhouse!

Looking around, Liu Yun said lightly.

"This time I summon everyone here, just hoping that everyone can give me a face and help me give an order to Tianxiang Pavilion in the dead zone, which is our Tianxiang order!"

The voice fell, and the expressions of everyone in the field changed. Unexpectedly, Liu Yun would have activated the incense order of the day. As a behemoth in the entire blind spot, no matter who it is, it will give a bit of face.

And on this day, Xiangling naturally set the rules long ago. Once it is used, it can summon all the strong in the dead zone to help it do one thing.

You know, the incense Ling hadn't been used for many years on this day, and the people in the field could not help but talk, and the low noise continued. After a while, one person stood up and said loudly.

"Sect Master Liu, please tell us, we people are going through fire and water for Tianxiang Pavilion, and we will not hesitate!"

The voice fell, and the corners of the mouths of the other powerful forces in the dead-end domain all twitched. These words were purely fart. If it were not for fear of the powerful strength of Tianxiang Pavilion, who would be willing to visit the muddy water.

However, Liu Yun in the field was extremely useful, with a smile on his face and said lightly.

"Very well, in fact, there is nothing serious about it. I just want to invite you to go to the Wuliang Mountain and open it forcibly. We want to go in and get something!"

The sound fell, and there was an uproar in the field. If you know that it is the cave house of the Tianyuan realm powerhouse, if it is forcibly opened, then no one knows what is going on.

Everyone's complexion became extremely embarrassing, and one of them couldn't help but whispered.

"That... didn't Xu Tong go in?"

"Because of a bastard, so failed!"

In the next moment, cold words slowly spread, and at the same time a person walked out of it, wearing a black robe and a blood mask, it was Xu Tong.

Looking around, under Xu Tong's gaze, these powerhouses in the dead-end domain were not a guilty conscience, knowing that in today's Tianxiang Pavilion, there is nothing more cruel than Xu Tong, but the other party has always killed people without blinking.

After a while, Xu Tong clenched his five fingers, and shouted coldly.

"Because of that little boy Meng Fan, things have become very complicated this time. I hope you can unite and follow in the footsteps of my Tianxiang Pavilion to Wuliang Mountain. You must know that there should be a treasure in it, which is enough to satisfy everyone. !"

The danger is also present at the same time. These people frowned, and one of them said condensedly: "Will Meng Fan take away the things in there?"


Xu Tong shook his head and said disdainfully.

"That little brat was trapped by so many powerful corpses and escaped? Even I can't do it, can he? And I also made a backhand, that is, grabbed the person next to him, it seems that there is another Strong, but now even his woman is in my hands, I think what he can do? Humph... Whether he dies or not, the result is the same!"

While talking, Xu Tong clapped his hands, and at the same time, the people of Tianxiang Pavilion immediately escorted Ling Daiyou to the front court. He was restrained by his hands and feet, but Ling Daiyou’s pretty face was extremely calm, but appeared But the moment of it made the eyes of everyone in the field become fiery.

Such a level of beauty, enchanting figure, and charming face, I have to say that Ling Daiyou has a natural lethal power to men, which can almost make everyone in the field look at it.

"Is this young lady?" One of the men could not bear it anymore, touching his hands directly under him, and looking at Ling Daiyou, he couldn't wait to swallow him alive.

"That Meng Fan is lucky, it should be his woman!" Xu Tong snorted, disdainfully said.

Hearing this, Ling Daiyou's pretty face flushed suddenly, and she faintly said.

"Why are you arresting me? You know that I am a member of the Ling family, and the steward of the family. If you arrest me, my grandfather will not agree to it. Have you thought about the consequences by then!"

The four clans of the Dagan Empire!

After hearing about Ling Daiyou's identity, everyone's expressions all changed. It is not to say that the relationship between the tyrannical empire and the four great clans was by no means ordinary, and the Ling family was famous for being a rich world.

In the field, Xu Tong sneered and said lightly.

"Ling family? How can it be? This is a dead zone. No matter how powerful your Ling family is, you can't check your hands. Does your grandfather dare to come here to kill me? Humph, rest assured, you can be with you for a while The little lover is dead, whoever of you wants to go to Wuliang Mountain with us, as long as you get the treasure, who owns this woman!"

Obviously, Xu Tong is definitely not reconciled without getting the stone box. Naturally, he hopes to step in again, and to deal with those horrible corpses, Xu Tong naturally intends to use these dead-angle domain forces as cannon fodder.

The sound fell, and there was an uproar in the field. Everyone's eyes fell on Ling Daiyou's body, and a big man said loudly after a while.

"Go, it's worth it to get this girl to die!"

"Yes, I'll go too, what Meng Fan, let me die!"

"Haha, a little bastard, how can you have the strength of an uncle!"

In the entire field, half of everyone was for Ling Daiyou's beauty and half was under Xu Tong's pressure. Naturally, they all nodded and agreed.

"you guys!"

Ling Dai bit her red lips quietly, because of her calm temper, she felt a little panicked when she went deep into the tiger's den. In her mind, she thought of a figure, that young face.

He... how is he now, is he trapped? Damn it, I'm in no state, let's find a way to get out of trouble first, Ling Dai smiled bitterly, but knowing that it is harder to leave.

Looking at the enthusiasm of everyone in the field, Xu Tong smiled indifferently, and immediately arched his hand towards Liu Yun in the center, and said in a condensed voice.

"This time we will definitely not fail, and maybe we will be able to see the corpse of that little boy Meng Fan!"

When the voice fell, Liu Yun was about to speak, but in the next moment there were two thunderous noises outside the door. In the next moment, a rain of blood fell from the outside, and more than a dozen guards' heads were directly thrown in.

"Tianxiang pavilion's chores, your family's Young Master Meng Fan came to visit, and he didn't get out to greet him!"

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