Supreme God King

Chapter 2209: Yaozu Ark

In the ancient era, the leader of the monster clan led endless demons and nightmares to the final battlefield.

What Meng Fan didn't infer was that these demons and nightmares were born like this!

The heart demon is like a seed, planted in the souls of many creatures by the mysterious monster race. As time deduced, these heart demons continue to swallow the consciousness of the creatures, strengthen themselves, and form entities, when the mysterious monster race is called by one finger. Shooting out is like triggering a certain Qi, summoning these heart demon nightmares that have grown to an astonishing level!

Tens of thousands.

Although this number is not huge compared with the leader of the monster race in the ancient era, it is already as large as the tide in front of Meng Fan. For a time, the entire world is covered by the nightmare of the heart demon!

At the same time, the changing space in the middle of the ark suddenly froze, and the scene in front of Meng Fan immediately changed. What he saw was a colorful world, and there were many phantoms as far as his eyes could reach.

It turned out that there was a piece of heaven and earth hidden in the Ark, which was a means of transforming space. In the blink of an eye, the mysterious monster race urged the Ark to bring Meng Fan into this absolute realm that was derived from the power of the Ark. After removing Meng Fan and the mysterious monster race, tens of thousands of nightmares are coming.

In this absolute realm, Meng Fan immediately felt that his own power was suppressed, severely suppressed, and even his gestures were somewhat heavy.

A finger of the mysterious monster race also touched Meng Fan's brow at the moment the elbow and armpit changed.

"Essence Heart Demon Finger!"


The mighty power of the demons broke through all barriers until Meng Fan's soul!

However, after withstanding the influence of the power of the first heart demon, Meng Fan's spirit already had a strong defense and immunity to this strange force. It was only in a trance for a while before he recovered his state, and his little finger bounced in the air.

"Against God!"

In an instant, this absolute domain was distorted by a powerful force and almost shattered!

The mysterious monster race immediately retreated, because he also felt the powerful power of Meng Fan's finger!

When retreating, the mysterious monster clan made a weird giggle, with a voice that was male and female, hard to recognize. In the next second, tens of thousands of heart demon nightmare rushed into it.


Meng Fan opened his mouth to spit out a few syllables, and his spirit was immediately filled, condensing the laws of the heavens, forming a barrier on his body.

With a loud bang, a group of heart demon nightmares, fearless to death, attacked the barrier. As soon as they were touched, many nightmares turned into purple smoke and disappeared immediately, but the divine will barrier was also shaking violently.

The power of these heart demon nightmares made Meng Fan also look at him.

The mysterious monster clan stood in the void, condescendingly looking at Meng Fan, who was constantly being impacted by the nightmare of the heart demon. There was a certain emotion hidden under the mask. He slowly stretched out a hand, and this hand protruded out of his body. The mirage stretched into the air.

It was a slender, soft, white jade-like finger. The nails of the five fingers were all covered with lines, which was very strange. Obviously, this was a woman's hand.

When the hand reached the air, suddenly, it began to evolve.

From a tender palm to black gradually, thick blood vessels bulged out, and the nails became longer and longer, just like the palm of an ancient monster grasping the soul.

A prehistoric, ancient, and incomparably vicissitudes of life, also permeated from this palm, it was a terrifying temperament that all beings would kneel down and worship!

Meng Fan narrowed his eyes and stared at his palm.

That palm does not belong to this era.


Mysterious demon clan, let out a loud shout, the demon palm fell from the sky!

Meng Fan's figure shook, and without waiting for the palm of his hand to come, he directly unlocked the barrier of divine will, and then rose into the air, set off the stormy waves with his palm, and crashed into the palm of the mysterious monster race!

As his palms continue to skyrocket, every inch of the sky, he condenses the meaning of derivation. At the beginning, it is still his palm, and then it turns into a claw like an ancient white tiger, and then a giant claw and an eagle like a green dragon. Claws, and so on, the claws of various powerful creatures, constantly changing, and in the end, they returned to the shape of Meng Fan's own palm, but on this palm, there were countless marks and scenes of all creatures.

The mysterious demon clan was like a rainbow, and her palms fell. Seeing this scene, she also frowned and blurted out: "The true meaning of good fortune!" Then her eyes grew hotter and her palms became stronger.


The Absolute Realm immediately collapsed!

Tens of thousands of heart demon nightmares were all shocked and distorted. They are just a kind of wit, no entity, if there is entity, the two palms that condense the demon spirit of the monster race and the true meaning of good fortune collide, and the aftermath impacts. Down, all will be broken!

In this kind of power, the phantom mirage surrounding the mysterious monster race also instantly dissipated, revealing a graceful body dressed in pink tulle. This body is full of absolute temptation. In contrast, only among those million people. There may be a natural beauty, a beauty that is a disaster, and it seems a lot more mediocre.

After a palm, the sky collapsed, and even some areas of the ark had cracks, and many layers of space were broken.

While the mysterious monster clan's figure was shaking, there was also a short-term weakness, but she was not willing to fall into the wind, and still went all out, but suddenly, she was slightly startled, and Meng Fan disappeared!

Huh! In a void close at hand, stretched out a palm that ran around the avenue and grabbed the mask of the mysterious monster race.

It was Meng Fan who used the means of showing the meaning of emptiness between the palms of the two great powers, showing the true meaning of the two great ways, and moved in the blink of an eye, and came to the front!

With this hand alone, Meng Fan's methods are superior to the mysterious monster race. At the moment when he is fully capable, he can display another kind of true will, break through all defensive vigilance methods, and teleport to the front.

The last mask was torn apart.

The mysterious monster clan showed his face.

The blue and black hair, each one, seemed to be condensed from the dust, telling the story of thousands of times before shaking.

With a pair of eyes, it is as if they have seen through the various forms of sentient beings, many of the past and present, and all of them today, such as a crescent moon, and a Wu hook.

This is a pair of eyes that seem to be extremely dusty and seem to fall into the infinite red dust. In the red dust, they can see through everything and practice to the extreme. There are thousands of styles and styles, but they are coldly on the sidelines and dismissive of many.

Compared with the stunning posture of the female emperor, Ruo Shuiyi's domineering soaring ninety thousand miles is mixed with gentleness towards Meng Fan. This is a face full of temptation, tenderness, coldness, sadness, joy and so on. It seems to be a person to carry the emotions of everything in the world.

In terms of stunning, this demon girl is much more beautiful than the empress, and any woman Meng Fan has seen, the only one in the world!


Meng Fan couldn't help exclaiming.

This mysterious monster race, after being stripped of all its disguise and revealing its true colors, shook the gods for a moment, and then gazes like electricity, shining on Meng Fan's body, and said with a light voice that does not stain the mortal dust: "Seeing my appearance, You will be more than guilty of death."

The light voice was completely proclaiming the sentence. Although it was plain, it smelled of lore. Meng Fan was not dead, she was uneasy!

After a fight, Meng Fan's origins are also floating. He has to admit that this seductive woman's methods are also domineering, but he couldn't help it for a while and teased: "Why can't you be seen by such a beautiful look? Let me say-I will die. There are so many people, beautiful women, I really can't rank you!"

This superbly beautiful demon king said nothing, his figure shook, he rushed to the front in the blink of an eye, his right hand was vacated, the Xu Mi changed, and then turned into that huge and strange palm of terror, he grabbed directly at Meng Fan's body!

With a lore mentality, without a word of nonsense, he directly attacked with all his strength.

Meng Fan saw that the palm of the wild aura that obviously did not belong to this era, and his scalp was numb, and then he backed away, but at the same time as he backed away, in an instant, it was sixteen punches!

Each punch condensed the imperial fist and collided strongly with the weird palms. For a time, the huge force added to the cracks on the ark, which caused a big crack to appear in the middle of the ark, almost one part of the entire ark. For two.

In this scene, many hidden monster races in the shaking ark vacated one after another, and were speechless in surprise.

"It's Linglong Xinzun!" An old demon clan with six hands, who seemed to be in retreat before, appeared. Seeing this scene, his lips trembled: "What character actually made Linglong Xinzun take action?"

"The supreme powerhouse who masters the true meaning of the Great Dao." Another demon said: "Xinzun noticed something strange in the ark, released the power of the inner demon, and finally exploded such a person."

"Isn't the power of the heart demon able to subdue him? You know, any creature has a heart demon, the stronger the creature, the stronger the heart demon, so no matter what person, it is impossible to resist the power of the heart demon! "

Countless monsters, with all kinds of strange appearances, shouted in amazement, but no one dared to go forward and assist the powerful monster king, because they knew that this level of battle is not their divine origin and Half-step sacred can participate.

"Quickly, maintain the Ark. This is my home. It cannot be broken. If the Ark is destroyed, it will take too much energy and time to reconcile!"

Numerous monster races immediately entered the ark, stepped on each front and released their origins.

However, the situation is not allowed, because in the successive killings of Meng Fan and Linglong Xinzun, the divine will is permeated, and many enslaved creatures have been awakened. After several head-on confrontations, Linglong Xinzun was obviously damaged. As a result, her control over many creatures has become weak, so at this moment, more than 50% of the creatures in the Ark have completely awakened!

Especially those characters in the Tianyuan realm and the Shenyuan realm, and a few half-step sacred, were the first to break out of control and wake up.

After seeing that the mysterious visitor and Linglong Xinzun were evenly divided, they almost burst into tears, knowing that they have been imprisoned for countless years and are about to be free today. Seeing that many monster races have begun to stabilize the Ark, how can they allow? Immediately shoot!

For a time, the Monster Race Ark became a battlefield, and every layer of space and every area was fighting.

"No way!" a fat monster old man shouted: "Unless the heart-sovereign takes action, I can't suppress these slaves at all. I am not strong enough to help. Quickly wake up the Emerald Immortal and the ethereal !"

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