Supreme God King

Chapter 2214: Great Qi Empire

In the Great Qi Empire, the people of Li people tens of billions, every family cooks oil, fish and sheep are cooked, and the eyes are all kings, and the world is unified.

The Qi family has ruled the world for hundreds of thousands of years. In the Great Qi Empire, it is no different from the gods, but many years ago, the ancestor of the Qi family, a king of the world, was severely injured and fell. Before he died, he was the successor to the throne. The emperor Qi Xuanzheng initiation of Zhaoshang, can also be said to be a kind of encouragement. After closing his eyes, the original spirit is annihilated, and the emperor Qi Xuanzhen also hit the realm of the Supreme Divine King a few years later, but fell under the punishment of heaven.

Since then, the Qi family has been in decline for many years, the dictatorship of foreign relatives, and the emergence of eunuchs in power, there have been several revivals in the middle, but it is difficult to turn the tide. Today, the Qi family has almost become a symbol, puppets, and government. In the hands of the nine eunuchs and foreign relatives, the local warlords and towns are segregated.

Even so, after hundreds of thousands of years of dominating the world, the Daqi Empire is still prosperous and prosperous. The people of Li people are also very proud and consider themselves the lord of the world.

However, this is because the people of the Li people are short-sighted and can only see the world in front of them, but they don’t know that the world ruled by their great Qi empire is only a small part of the vast universe. The tip of the iceberg is high. estimate.

At this moment, many people, dressed in brocades, were sitting close together in the Hall of Discussion in the Imperial Palace of Daqi.

Among them, there are nine eunuchs, the permanent attendants of the palace, and several generals, all of whom are the relatives of the current emperor, each in charge of the military and horse power. Apart from these two forces, there are also a few civil servants, all of them scholars. The first-level court leaders are also here.

The nine eunuchs are all in the realm of the gods, and one of them is called the civet cat, who is already the peak of the gods, the half-step **** king, and several generals of the relatives are all in the realm of the gods. He is the younger brother of the current empress dowager, General Zhenyuan Li Ting, who is also the pinnacle of God, half-step sacred.

Had it not been for these two people, the current Daqi Empire would have changed their surnames a long time ago, because they are both pinnacle figures, and no one dares to do anything wrong, but many people are guessing that these two people are already in this state. Stopped for thousands of years, once one of them stepped into the realm of the Supreme Divine King, the entire Daqi Empire would be turned upside down and the king's banner changed.

It's just that the supreme **** king, an eternal person, immortal and immortal, there is no possibility that one of the tens of billions of monks will appear. After the last **** king of the Daqi Empire fell 100,000 years ago, it has not appeared again for so many years. How easy is it? The civet cat and Li Ting are also restraining each other, and do not have any extravagant expectations of setting foot in the supreme realm.

In the past, these two characters never appeared in the same room.

It's all here today.

"Thirty-six major sects, as well as several great empires, are ready to leave the universe at any time."

A courtier leader, academician spoke, and broke the silence.

Li Min didn't know that there was a world outside the world, how could they not know? These high-ranking figures not only have to deal with government affairs, but also often have to deal with the world outside the world.

"My Daqi Empire has paid tribute to the Wuji Sect every year for thousands of years. I don’t know how many rare and precious treasures have been sent out. Even some disciples of the Wuji Sect have arrived in my Daqi Empire. Welcome, the result? The world is about to die, all 36 major gates are ready to leave, but the Promise Gate turned a blind eye to my Daqi Empire’s request. Obviously, I wanted my Daqi Empire to stay in this deadly place. My family thought, General, you, Promise Sect's courtier, you are really useless!"

The eunuch, known as the civet cat, sneered.

Li Ting, the leader of the foreign relatives and the general, looked even more gloomy: "Sir Changshi, since I appointed General Zhenyuan, I have begun to pay tribute to the Wujimen, and only then can we send many talents from the Great Qi Empire to Wujimen, to refine martial arts and achieve accomplishments. , Come back to serve the Daqi Empire again, did I do something wrong? But you, are you already planning to get rid of the huge burden of the Daqi Empire, join a certain sect alone, and escape?"

"Oh?" The civet cat smiled and drank a sip of tea. Suddenly, the ghostly eyes like apricot kernels opened round, and then one hand stretched out, five slender fingers like a woman's, sharply grasping Li Ting.

"Huh!" Li Ting suddenly pulled out his sword.

With a click, the saber shattered, and the civet cat stepped back two steps. On the gold-paved ground of the Yeejeong Hall, a cobweb-like crack immediately appeared, and the whole hall shook violently.

Limao and Li Ting acted, and immediately the other eunuchs and generals stood up!

These people are all in the realm of the gods, they are the most powerful figures in the Daqi Empire. Their peak combat power has not been together for many years. Today is about the country’s peril. They finally met. Sure enough, if they didn’t agree, they would start fighting. Do it, the palace will be demolished, and the emperor will probably turn it over.

"Two adults!" A courtier hurriedly got up: "The universe of the universe has encountered unprecedented changes in the past and the present, and the world will perish in the dark. The thirty-six sects are still overwhelmed, let alone us? Now is not the time to argue, and It’s about thinking about where to go! This is no longer a country, it’s about generations to come!"

"What's inconceivable!" Li Ting waved his hand: "How could all the tens of billions of Li people be taken away? Let them fend for themselves! I have been with the Wuji Sect for so many years, and now many of the talents of the Qi Empire are still Wuji. The disciples in the gate, abandon the people, and only bring a few people, hundreds of thousands of people, to enter the Promise Gate to be blessed, it is not a problem! However, you guys who are neither male nor female, do not have this luck. Stay here, and Billion creatures are buried with you!"

The civet cat's eyes became more and more gloomy: "Li Ting, do you really think that you are a dog of the Promise Sect, do you raise your head? To tell you, I also have contacts with other sects. Since the disaster is approaching, I will do my own things, but the Emperor, I want Take it away! You don't need it anymore in this world, and you don't need it anymore, the emperor!"

"What?" Li Ting yelled: "The Qi family has been in the world for hundreds of thousands of years. The three ancient methods inherited are peerless secrets. They are also the methods used by the ancestors of the Qi family to become the king of gods. You think I don’t know you have been spying. Want to get the three major disciplines? Everyone knows that the disciplines are inherited in the emperor's lineage. Whoever is the emperor will naturally be inherited, but this method has been lost for too long and is very secretive. Even the emperor does not know how to open it. The method of your own blood, do you want to compete with me for the emperor? It is absolutely impossible! I will let the empress dowager make an order to abolish your official position!"

"Oh, Li Ting, you don't have to come to this set with our family to make a noise? The Dharma has been lost for so long. Whether it is true or legendary is uncertain. I think you are coveting the ancient treasure house! That is the treasure house of the Qi family emperors in the past. The wealth, treasures, and divine objects accumulated in the area are countless. They are the accumulation of hundreds of thousands of years. Only the emperor can open it! Moreover, the empress dowager is also a family of Li, but a womanly family, you want the empress dowager to decree Me? First look at whether my 4,500 godsons and grandsons who are all over the world in various confidential departments are willing or not!"

"I give an order, the generals of all walks of life will kill your godson and grandson first, and then march on King Qin, come on!" Li Ting's hair was flying, and he was about to make a move!

"Two adults..."

Suddenly, a light voice came.

The nine eunuchs in the Council of Political Affairs, several foreign relatives and generals, and the ministers who were helpless and frightened all looked over and saw a teenage boy in a golden robe walking in.

The civet cat glanced at random without speaking, but Li Ting didn't even look at it.

But the civil servants all bowed down: "Knock to the emperor!"

"Two adults." Young, strictly controlled, unable to cultivate vitality, but an emperor with a mortal body walked in, passed the civil servants, and bowed his hands to the relatives and eunuchs: "The method passed down by the ancestors, I I can’t decrypt it, I can’t awaken it, but I can unlock the ancient treasure house. I am willing to give it all to two adults. There is only one request. Don’t abandon the tens of billions of people! They are all my people, the people of the world, and one How can a living person give up!"

The great **** civet cat and the great general Li Ting were all stunned when they heard this, their eyes lit up, and they opened the ancient treasure house, but it was so important! The treasures in it have been accumulated over hundreds of thousands of years, and there are things left by the Supreme God King of the Qi Family.

Who doesn't snoop on the treasures of the king?

"Your Majesty, I, Li Ting, will never give up the people of Li people!" Li Ting immediately put away his murderous intent, and said with a sneer.

The **** civet cat has a ghostly expression on his face: "Your Majesty, I have connections with several major sects, and I can certainly persuade some sect leaders to take away the Daqi Empire together!"

At this moment, a group of guards patrolling in the palace was taken aback, and saw a young man inexplicably appearing in front of him, 18 or 9 years old, wearing a blue shirt, with a temperament.

"Qi Xuanzhen, your great Qi Empire is really in decline." Meng Fan said.

Qi Xuanzhen in the small space had a mixed expression of shame and anger, and said viciously: "Ashamed to the ancestor, ashamed to the ancestor! If the ancestor is still alive, how could this be? Not only the **** of the foreign relatives is in power, but also other sects To be called courtiers and pay tribute? There are thirty-six major sects in the universe, and more than one hundred empires. The empires are all secular empires. But when the ancestors were there, our empire and the 36 major sects went hand in hand. Like now..."

"I want to find out about the strange ghost as soon as possible, and I also need to know the location of the blessed land. There is not so much time to waste, and the chaos in your Daqi Empire will be put down immediately!"

After Meng Fan finished speaking, he stepped out and stood in the Palace of Discussion.

After he appeared, he showed his figure, but after a few seconds, everyone in the Council of Political Affairs noticed that they were all startled.

Meng Fan ignored them, opened his palms, and Qi Xuanzhen appeared in a stream of light.

Standing in the Palace of Discussion, Qi Xuanzhen suddenly ceased to be the person who bowed to Meng Fan on the road of Yan Luo. His whole temperament changed, and in an instant, he was extremely majestic, like an emperor descended!

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