Supreme God King

Chapter 2231: Dark Alliance

The multi-lane forbidden area army is not far from the dark alliance headquarters. Many forbidden area masters are standing in the void, and they can already see some buildings of the dark alliance headquarters from a distance, as well as the strict formations in them.

As a result, many troops in the restricted area were stationed, and then the commanders of the restricted areas of each army came to a large ship with the spirit of black death, and held a meeting to discuss how to break through the headquarters of the dark alliance.

These characters are all peak gods, many of them are half-step sacred, there are hundreds of them, among them, there are four gods!

These four gods were all fighting for five days. They clearly saw the general trend of the ten thousand domains, determined that Meng Fan would lose, and the dark alliance would perish, thus surrendering to the supreme overlord of the restricted area, because their realm and strength were just one Joining, he immediately became an absolute high-level, but after all, he was not the confidant of the restricted area, so he could only sit on an equal footing with many half-step gods.

These four **** kings were all hegemons countless years ago. When the thirteen hall masters ruled, they were already **** kings. The real old treacherous and old fritters were called Guishuai and belonged to many ghosts. A powerful **** king years ago; Daoping old man, once the ancestor of a powerful family; Desolate Sage King, the leader of marginal barbarians; Ancient Snake Fairy, the overlord of the land of the miasma, a very enchanting and **** woman.

"Strike now!"

Guishuai said in a dark test: "As soon as possible! The thirteen hall masters are besieging Meng Fan and stepping into the restricted area. Meng Fan's death is sooner or later. We should break the dark alliance before Meng Fan's death!"

As soon as these words came out, the desolate king was more than two feet high, his body was extremely condensed, and his astonishing vitality nodded again and again: "It's fine to attack! Now the dark alliance has been overwhelmed, and the army will undoubtedly be defeated. They were all killed and clean, and there was only a female emperor left. It was not difficult to break! God kings all live for themselves, the gods are disabled, the zhongtian, the human beings, and they will not attack the restricted area in such a defeated situation. Yes! Destroy the dark alliance, I don’t want anything, I want the empress!"

"I also agree to attack." Old Dao Ping said with a strange air: "But the female emperor, who caught who is, that is the first-class furnace in Wanyu!"

Old man Daoping has the most stinking reputation. He has always relied on double cultivation with women and absorbed the air of true Yin to make up for himself. Even many juniors in his family have acted as his stove and ethical freaks.

The coquettish and **** ancient snake fairy smiled and said, "It's a pity that I can't fight Meng Fan. I would like to see the demeanor of the **** king."

The four gods all agreed to attack.

They are not people in the restricted area, but they have been in contact with the thirteen hall masters in the restricted area over the years. Within their sphere of influence, there are also passages in the restricted area. In this ten thousand domain war, their tribes also contributed a lot. The tribe of Miasma Gu worms in the Tang Dynasty belonged to the ancient snake fairies. The barbarians who attacked the front line of Jiu'an City were the tribe of the barren wise kings. The ghost tribes became much weaker after the suppression of Wang Tiandi and Han Zhongsheng. The clan leaders have long since fallen, and they are all led by the ghost commander.

Although they tried their best in this battle, they were not in the restricted area after all. As far as they are concerned, they still have no guarantees. They want to make great achievements before the general situation of the ten thousand domains is settled. But in Mengfan, they were taken by the thirteen hall masters. Before being completely defeated, breaking the dark alliance is undoubtedly the greatest battle achievement!

Compared with the four **** kings, the other characters who walked out of the restricted area were much more cautious.

"The Dark Alliance is the overlord of the Ten Thousand Territories. How many methods have not been used yet? The Empress is also the Tianjiao of the Ten Thousand Territories. She sits in it and cannot be underestimated. Besides, how can you determine that the three gods, Tiancun, Zhongtian, and Renxiong will not Shot? Also, in addition to the headquarters of the dark alliance, there are many dark alliance forces that have not been completely removed. The barren virtuous king, Jiu'an City and Luoyang Pass have not been breached so far!"

The talking master of the restricted area, the whole person is shrouded in a thick black death, people can't see his face, and don't know what his expression is, but his duties are full of expressions and expressions, although the barren king is now a running dog in the restricted area. , But in the end he was a supreme **** king, when he heard this, he stood up.

He commanded the barbarians and attacked Luoyang Pass, Jiu'an City, Tongguan, and Hu Pass, but Tongguan and Hu Pass were all breached, but Luoyang Pass and Jiu'an City were never breached. Therefore, the barbarians came by bypassing Luoyang Pass and Jiu'an City.

"You are doubting the glory of our warriors! But don't forget, the only **** king left in your restricted area is also attacking the ancient pass. It has been five days and five nights. There has been no result so far. What is being guarded there is just Just a half-step **** king!"

The black death master said coldly: "Are you doubting the strength of the restricted area?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Wuxian's expression changed slightly, but his face was still full of anger.


Suddenly a monk in the restricted area rushed into the big tent and said loudly: "Someone is attacking our camp!"

"What? Who is it, so bold!"

"It's... the Xuanyuan family!"

Outside the dark league headquarters.

The large military camps in the restricted area were uprooted by bare hands. In each camp, there were at least a few thousand and as many as tens of thousands of soldiers in the restricted area.

In mid-air, Xuanyuan Wuhen, dressed in white clothes and white hair and beard, looked down coldly, and countless Xuanyuan tribes swept past like violent wind and flames, fighting endlessly.

"My ancient Xuanyuan emperor clan, I regard Meng Fan as the only leader of the Ten Thousand Territories, and the Dark Alliance as the only leader. Today I will send a meeting gift first!" Xuanyuan Wuhen shouted loudly, slamming Fang Yao, and immediately turned around, leading many Xuanyuan people. Running wildly to the distance, he kept breaking and killing the pawns in the restricted area along the way.

The offensive was extremely fast and retreated faster.

This scene was seen by many people who were cold-eyed by Wanyu at this time. They were surprised at first, not knowing why Xuanyuan Wuhen, the old fox, actually picked up the flag at such a moment, and then admired that Xuanyuan Wuhen led the Xuanyuan family. If you say that you will be defeated if you fight hard against the army in the forbidden area, but he came to harass when the army in the forbidden area besieged the headquarters of the dark alliance, just to make the army in the forbidden area not dare to act rashly. He also told them that there is also an ancient emperor, ready Fight against the restricted zone anytime!

"The Desolate King, your people can't attack Jiu'an City, forget it, if you can kill the Xuanyuan Family, even if you make a great contribution, I will definitely ask for you in front of the Lord of the Thirteenth Hall!" Loud.

The barren wise king laughed loudly: "Where is the warrior!"

Immediately from the barbarian camp, many half-step holy figures jumped into the air and knelt in the air.

With a wave of his hand, the barren wise king led many sacred half-steps to chase and kill Emperor Xuanyuan.

In the headquarters of the Dark Alliance, the female emperor, who was still sitting still, dangled her eyes lightly and looked at Xuanyuan Wuhen, who was quickly fleeing with her clansmen, gritted her teeth, her expression was solemn, she just said softly "thank you" Then it continued to remain motionless.

The army in the restricted area, the four great kings, was led away.

Today, Wanyu collapses and the restricted area overwhelmingly surrounds the headquarters of the dark alliance, but there are still people who dare to confront the forbidden area so blatantly, claiming loyalty to the dark alliance, admiration for Meng Fan, and using actions to draw away the four kings of the restricted area. One of them, without a **** king, the army in the restricted area would have to think twice before attacking the headquarters of the dark alliance.

Although Xuanyuan Wuhen, the expression on his face when he led his tribe to escape, was extremely dignified and nervous. It could even be said that he was cursing himself in his heart and putting the entire Emperor Xuanyuan into such a situation. Does he regret it? How could an old tycoon who have lived for so many years do things he regrets? Everything he did must be thoughtful. It can be said that Xuanyuan Wuhen, this time he did it with a deadly mentality!

Who does not admire?

Dark alliance, is it true that the building will fall?

Why would there be another Xuanyuan Wuhen when Jiang Jiang?

Meng Fan told the Thirteenth Hall Master that the Dark League was never his own.

It's a dark alliance for everyone.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Wuhen, who ran away quickly with the emperor, had almost exactly the same thoughts in his heart as Meng Fan.

Maybe Meng Fan is the spirit of the dark alliance, but what about it?

Taking ten thousand steps back, is it possible that when Meng Fan is dead, countless people in the dark alliance are willing to become slaves in the restricted area?

Will many people in Wanyu surrender to the dark alliance and accept the rule of terror?

Do not!

Xuanyuan Wuhen's eyes grew firmer!

The torrent of history can never be controlled by a single drop of water. It is countless drops of water, forming a billowing tide, with great momentum, creating history and creating extraordinary legends.

Xuanyuan Wuhen was just a drop of water.

At this moment, in the city of Jiu'an, another drop of water.

This old bird is still sitting on the head of the city. This is the fifth day he has been sitting. It seems to be petrified. It makes people wonder if he is still alive. But whenever someone wants to attack Jiu'an City, it is feathers. Soaring shot out, this ugly big bird like an old gangster is obviously telling everyone that I'm right here, don't think I'm dead.

The millions of people protected by the Dark Alliance in Jiu'an City are very worried.

Because the surrounding area, except for Jiu'an City and Luoyang Pass, which is separated by a certain distance, has become the territory of the forbidden area. At every moment, a large army bypasses Jiu'an City to the headquarters of the Dark League. Looking around, it is black.

In this rolling wave, an ugly old bird guarded the largest city on the eastern border of the Dark League, without letting millions of people become slaves or food in the restricted area.

The same is true for the two drops of water in Luoyang Pass.

The slapped master tortoise is lying on the table, his hands, feet, head and tail are hidden in the indestructible carapace. He is recuperating. He has experienced several top-level confrontations before and after, and he personally killed 13 ghosts, but his own vitality is also lost. amazing.

Not far away, the little monkey scratched his thin chin and said, "Master Turtle, I will guard."

The old tortoise poked his head and said, "I'm afraid you can't keep it."

"How can you believe me!" The little monkey was a little angry: "I am the blood of the **** monkey!"

The old turtle chuckled, endless wretchedness: "Don't say this, I'll just ask you one thing, you can answer me, this Luoyang Pass will be guarded by you, and I will go to the Dark League headquarters immediately."

The little monkey said with confidence: "Okay, you ask, I will be able to answer no matter how difficult the question is!"

The old turtle slowly said, "Are you ready to die?"

The little monkey was taken aback.

The whole room fell into a long dead silence.

Finally, the little monkey said: "I am the blood of the **** monkey."

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