Supreme God King

Chapter 2237: God hidden first breast

The desolate wise king stood high in the air, with ragged armor, but he did not suffer any damage.

He condescendingly looked at the many old people of the Xuanyuan Emperor Clan.

The barren wise king, leading a group of barbaric warriors, is the role of a half-step **** king, and the battle against the Emperor Xuanyuan is evenly divided!

The Xuanyuan emperor clan is also a veteran emperor clan, once dominated for a while, even if they have fallen, their background is amazing. They are connected by blood, vitality, and composed of powerful forces. Maybe they are not enough to kill the enemy, but they are enough to protect themselves. Don't dare to take it lightly.

Similarly, the Desolate King is a prime-age **** king. Although he has not appeared in front of everyone, it is because he is a barbarian and has been leading the tribe to live on the edge of the ten thousand realms. However, his power is extremely powerful, so he fought with the Xuanyuan Emperor. , Neither party can take advantage.

"Old Xuanyuan, Meng Fan must die, and the dark alliance must be defeated. Do you have to take the Xuanyuan Emperor Clan to bury your old thing?"

Desolate King said.

At this time, he became more anxious, but his anger was reduced a lot. At first, he despised Emperor Xuanyuan and didn’t take this former overlord seriously. But now, he finds that he can’t help but lose half of the barbarians around him. A tribal leader who was a barbarian made him feel distressed, and the murderous intent on the dark alliance headquarters showed that the army in the restricted area had entered the dark alliance headquarters!

This is when the soup is being divided, but the Desolate King is not there, so why is he not in a hurry?

"No, the leader will not lose."

A word came out of Xuanyuan Wuhen's mouth.

This sentence stunned the Desolate Xian Wang.

And Xuanyuan Wuhen's expression was exceptionally firm, not only him, but many of the Xuanyuan emperor clans all had a decisive expression, as if they believed that Meng Fan would never lose!

Seven days ago, Meng Fan stepped into the forbidden area, and then countless void passages were opened. The army from the forbidden area flooded into the Ten Thousand Territories. The means accumulated over the years were unfolded, and the dark alliance was completely defeated.

In this process, the people of the dark alliance, even Meng Fan’s ironest brother, such as Yunfeiyang, Zhan Wuji, Lin Tang, King Yan, Elder Snake, Amethyst, and millions of people, are all fighting, using one kind They went to death with a chilling attitude, but even for them, 90% of them believed that the dark alliance would be defeated.

The reason is that the thirteen hall masters are in the ten thousand realms, as the overlord of an era, the psychological shadow of countless magnates, too long!

And as soon as the war started, it seemed that the victory or defeat was already divided.

They are fighting because they are the souls of the dark alliance, but in their hearts, they also think that the chances of winning are slim.

But at this moment, Emperor Xuanyuan's clan has become the only person in the entire ten thousand domain who firmly believes that Meng Fan will defeat the thirteen hall masters and that the dark alliance will resist the restricted area!


The determined expression made the barren virtuous king feel in a trance.

But no one knows why.

Only the Emperor Xuanyuan himself knew that the true ancestor of the Xuanyuan family, who ruled the heavens in the ten thousand realms, and the absolute outstanding king, gave Meng Fan all the inheritance, and said to all the Xuanyuan emperor that he must follow Meng Fan forever!

That sentence.

But it was deeply imprinted in the heart of Emperor Xuanyuan's clan.

Although, this is just a speculative statement from the ancestors of the Xuanyuan family.

But it became the spiritual brand of the Xuanyuan family.

"The desolate sage, my Xuanyuan clan has existed for such a long time, do you think this is all the Xuanyuan clan?" Xuanyuan Wuhen did not wait for the desolation sage to react from the trance, and continued: "Here Emperor Xuanyuan is only half, and the other half, two hours ago, through the shuttle formation, went to the headquarters of the dark alliance, and went to help. I, the Emperor Xuanyuan, is absolutely loyal to the dark alliance, and I definitely respect Meng Fan as the best. Lord, we have participated in this unprecedented battle with a mind-set of death!"

The Desolate King's expression changed several times, and finally he burst into laughter.

"Hahaha! Xuanyuan Wuhen, looking at you, I'm really confused! I don't have time to talk nonsense with you anymore!"

As the Desolate King said, he waved his hand and headed to the headquarters of the Dark Alliance.

The soup is being distributed over there, how could he miss it!

I don't want to miss this opportunity because of a Xuanyuan Emperor.

"Will you let you go like this?"

Xuanyuan Wuhen let out a cold snort, and immediately, thousands of Emperor Xuanyuan's clan rose into the air, connected by blood and vitality, forming a curtain, blocking the void.

"Xuanyuan Wuhen, do you really want me to kill you Xuanyuan Emperor Clan!" Said the Desolate King, and his anger was about to reach its extreme. Suddenly Dao Dao lines appeared on his body and in his skin, which was his origin. The lines, and then a breath of wild and ferocious beasts radiated from his body!

Vaguely, one could also hear fierce beasts neighing in the void.

"Longevity Heaven, the soul of all things!" Desolate Xian Wang shouted, and there was a gust of wind in the heavens. His aura was rising again and again, and his brutal force became more and more fierce.

Please enlighten!

Xuanyuan Wuhen saw this trick at a glance.

Back then, Meng Fan used the power of heaven to block time, reverse time and space, and when he returned to the past, he also used this hand to borrow and integrate the power of a strong man into his body, but at that time Meng Fan borrowed it from someone else. The power of is your own power.

And at this moment, the ancestor of the barbarians borrowed by the Desolate King was actually the barbarous **** who drove the infinite wild and ancient beasts countless years ago!

This approach is to forcibly raise one's own power in a short period of time. It will cause certain damage to one's own original cultivation base, but the power is amazing. The Desolate King did not use it too strongly, but only a small part of the wild gods. The power of the beast was borrowed, but only this small part was enough. Originally, the two sides were facing each other and it was difficult to distinguish between each other. At this moment, the combat effectiveness of the Desolate King suddenly increased by 50%, which was enough to tell the winner!

Xuanyuan Wuhen's face showed a different color.

But he is also extremely determined and will not give in!

The Emperor Xuanyuan clan, and the barren wise king, have been fighting for an hour.

Because the battle was too fierce, they didn't notice that an hour ago, there was a strong breath that cut through the sky and entered the ten thousand realm.

It is a breath that does not belong to Wanyu.

At this moment.

Many Emperor Xuanyuan's clan and Desolate Xian Wang felt this breath.

Because of the existence of releasing this breath, I stood in front of them at this moment.

A white gauze skirt with many black plum blossoms on the skirt-carved gauze skirt. It is obviously a beautiful woman's dress, but it is a white background with black flowers. Wearing it on this person, it adds a murderous air. There is a smell of death and end.

People immediately think of a word: Ming.

This smell makes people feel extremely depressed, so I can't notice that the owner of this veil is a beautiful woman, and...the waves are surging!

No, the turbulent waves are not enough to describe it, it's just...

She silently glanced at the Desolate King and the numerous barbarian warriors, and then her gaze fell on the Xuanyuan Emperor Clan who regarded death as home.

The tense situation was temporarily stopped because of her appearance.

Both Xuanyuan Wuhen and Desolate Xian Wang immediately noticed that this woman was a **** king!

A **** king suddenly appeared, everyone must be quiet, watch the changes, and dare not act rashly.

"Let me ask." The woman said casually, ignoring the unstoppable fighting. "How to get the dark alliance?"

Upon seeing Xuanyuan Wuhen, his expression became more complicated, and he immediately concluded that this woman was the enemy!

Otherwise, how could he show up at such a moment and ask the dark alliance again?

"Another **** king who took advantage of Meng Fan's stepping into the restricted area and thought that the dark alliance was about to decline and took the opportunity to take action?" Xuanyuan Wuhen said viciously, and at the same time his body vacated and his vitality circulated wildly. , Face brazenly!

The woman took a cold look at Xuanyuan Wuhen, and then glanced across the barren King Xian. Finally, she looked over in one direction. During that direction, the killing sound shook the sky and the killing intent filled the sky. With that point as the center, the radius was several hundred. Ten thousand miles were already covered in corpses, mountains and blood, all of the mess left over from the past seven days. She blinked her eyes lightly before saying, "It turns out that's the case."

Then it disappeared.

Xuanyuan Wuhen was startled.

A miserable cry!

The Desolate King fell from the air, with blood splashing in his mouth, turning into a rain of blood, his aura was weak, jealous, and crashing on the ground, it was a cracked mountain.

And the void where the barren wise king stood in an instant, at this moment, it is the woman standing.

Xuanyuan Wuhen looked astonished.

With a bang, the **** barren king leaped up, his hair was messy, there was no wind, and the roots of his teeth creaked. Just now, the woman suddenly punched him. It was so sudden and powerful that he was shocked!

"Report your name!"

"Invite Princess Moon."

The woman said coldly, then turned her head and looked at Xuanyuan Wuhen: "Old gentleman, you are the friend of that **** Meng Fan? In that case, leave it to me here. What should I do? Don't mess with me."

Stop talking.

Kill with a punch!

Dominate the world.

Princess Yueyue has come to Wanyu. She and Meng Fan fought regardless of the outcome in the battle at the funeral. What strength is it?

With a punch, even the Desolate King, a **** known for his strength, had his pupils shrunk violently and quickly retreated, but the speed of his retreat was still not as fast as the speed at which Princess Yue was invited!

This punch steadily hit the Desolate King's body.

Immediately with a creak, the sturdy body of the Desolate King was like crystal glass, with cracks and blood constantly flowing out.

However, there is no end.

Punch again!

Another punch!

Repeatedly kill!

The desolate **** king, the supreme barbarian clan, is constantly retreating from being beaten. There is no backhand strength at all. Even the vitality can't be condensed. The law is broken every inch. Any killing technique cannot be used. There is only resistance, resistance, and resistance!

Xuanyuan Wuhen was stunned. It took a long time before he came back to his senses. He gave a deep salute to Princess Yingyue and waved his hand: "The Emperor Xuanyuan heard the order, and immediately went to the nearest large shuttle array to the headquarters of the dark alliance to help the dark. Alliance!"

In the restricted area.

Meng Fan has been refined by the thirteen hall masters for seven days.

He still closed his eyes tightly, his breath remained weak.

At this moment, the corners of his mouth curled up, revealing a sly smile.

"Shenyin has several giants, which are called Shenyin giants.

There is also a woman who is called the first breast of Shenyin, but this title was given by me and has not been spread. "

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