Supreme God King

Chapter 2243: Giant-level duel

Regarding Princess Yingyue’s words, there are not only meditations in the tomb of Demon Lord, all kinds of treasures of heaven and earth, but also methods to control all demon races. Meng Fan didn’t take it too seriously. At the end of God's hidden end, why did Jiuquan Demon Lord go there alone? Why didn't he summon all the demons to fight?

As they talked and thought, the two of them had gone deep into the tomb of Demon Lord.

Here, it is no longer purely majestic, but there are some buildings, architectural styles, and diverse. Different from humane buildings, the buildings here are very distinctive. Most of them are eaves and arches, and they can even be said to be grinning. It’s very unstructured. You can see the shadows of some demon clan sects in Ten Thousand Domains, but the biggest difference from the demon clan sects of Ten Thousand Domains is that today’s demon clan is very evil and weird everywhere, and here Although the buildings in the city are messy, they don't have that kind of evil atmosphere. Instead, they have a very vast atmosphere, similar to some of the Supreme Temples of the Human Race.


In a building, there were bursts of fighting.

Meng Fan immediately felt that he was a figure in the realm of God King, fighting against each other!

Immediately, the building exploded, and countless fragments flew across the sky. A powerful **** king who looked like a human and inhuman with blood all over, flew out like a comet with an extremely hideous expression.

Followed by two old bald monks, one was thin and the other obese!

"As the leaders of the Zen Temple, the tycoons of Shenyin, you are not ashamed, but you have come here early, set up traps, and strangle the dragons!"

The powerful God King who seemed to be human and inhuman rushed while cursing.

"That's... the Tianlong clan!" Meng Fan looked at the powerful God King, his expression slightly changed.

There is nothing wrong, it is a real dragon.

It wasn't the flood dragons, snake dragons, or chilong dragons that Meng Fan had seen before, but the real dragon race, a race that had perished in ancient times.

According to Meng Fan’s knowledge and various speculations, the dragon tribe should have completely perished. In the current era, even if the blood is close, it is actually derived from the chance or blood of certain dragon tribes, and many of them are hybrids. It was successful, even if it was Xiao Hei, his bloodline was very close to the ancient dragon clan, but it was actually quite different.

At that time, the leader of the dragon clan, as one of the nine kings of the gods, led almost all the dragon clan to the end of the gods, which led to the demise of the dragon clan. In the ancient era, the dragon clan had a very high status and was the leader of the primordial beings in the universe, because the dragon clan was born , Then grasped vitality, is a very high state, belongs to innate beings, and even some high-status emperors of the human race, all have to profess to be the emperor of the true dragon to show their order to heaven.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a real dragon, the dragon of the ancient era, appeared. Meng Fan thought for a while that he had read it wrong, but after a little deduction, integrated the memory fragments of the gods of good fortune, he was completely convinced.

Although this dragon clan has evolved into a human appearance, it is obviously to conceal his too special blood identity, but the atmosphere that affects the vitality of the heavens with every move around the body cannot be concealed, especially on the brows of the eyes. , There are two small bumps, which are the dragon's head up, the dragon's horns, and the pride of the dragon clan. It is difficult to hide.

"Tianlong!" The fat old monk chased all the way, and said viciously: "A Taibao was trapped in the tomb of the Demon Lord, and released his own scales as a signal for help. We also got a piece of the Zen Temple, and then we realized that there is still a place in this world. Tianlong! Compared with this tomb of Demon Lord, you Tianlong really make us greedy!"

The dragon king's expression became more and more angry.

Upon seeing this, Meng Fan smiled coldly, and said to Princess Yueyue who was still several million miles away: "I'm going to show up."

Before inviting Princess Yue to speak, when his figure moved, he appeared from the void that he had blended into.

No one can understand the meaning of the void that he has mastered. If it is fully urged, even the tall old monk and the six hall masters could not find his trace at the beginning, so this appearance was completely unexpected. , The thin old monk and the obese old monk suddenly felt that a **** king figure was born. They were surprised at first, then stopped and looked over.

This look!

The expressions of the two old monks changed.

The obese old monk had a hideous face and almost subconsciously used the strongest killer move.

The thin old monk frowned, lost in thought, obviously speculating on Meng Fan.

"Two, that tall old monk, where is it?" Meng Fan smiled. "Compared with Mingtu, the grievances between me and your Zen Temple are deeper. After all, the old monk and the thirteen hall masters together surrounded me and killed me. This hatred must be reported."

The words are extremely calm.

It seemed that they really regarded the two bald old monks as friends.

It is in sharp contrast with the obese old monk's hideous face.

"Meng Fan!" The fat old monk shouted angrily, remembering the situation that Meng Fan had set up at the time, which caused the Zen Temple to be severely damaged, and he suffered a defeat with Ming Tu. The divine hidden giant, majestic frustrated, this kind of anger, I want to break the precept and eat Meng Fan The flesh, drink the blood of Meng Fan!

Thousands of people did not expect that they would meet Meng Fan here, so they immediately shot their hands, protruding out with a palm, and the strong vitality around the void gave rise to a scent of cause and effect, like destiny, unable to resist, and then there was a strong palm. Recruit, Suolao Zen's overturning seal!

The thin old monk hurriedly said: "He suddenly appears to be careful of fraud!"

It's too late.

The fat old monk was able to shake the sky-shaking seal of the source of the heavens with one hand. It was so vast that he had already come to Meng Fan, no more than a hundred meters apart, which was equivalent to a close blow.

"Good Fortune Emperor Fist!"

Meng Fan’s eyes were slightly cold, and he swept across with a fist. Compared with the overbearing of the Heaven-shaking Seal to reverse the origin of the heavens, Meng Fan’s fist has the mystery of evolving all things. The combination of true intentions was also a means by which Meng Fan could comprehend in the hands of the two giants, the Taoist of Taichu and the Lord of the Thirteenth Hall.

Fists collided.

With a radius of thousands of miles, many demon buildings that have experienced years of corrosion have exploded, and they have also attracted the attention of many powerful figures who are searching in the tomb of the demon lord.

The strength is so strong that the emaciated old monk quickly stabilizes, absorbs his vitality, and uses the iron Buddha's body to fix himself.

On the other hand, obese old monks.

His body retreated eighteen steps in a row, each step breaking the law of the void, his whole body trembled, and a large amount of blood was vomited from his mouth. This collision affected his whole body and directly caused him to be seriously injured.

Nothing wrong, seriously injured!

Meng Fan's qi and blood were floating, his origin was shaking, and his breathing became steady after two breaths.

After the obese old monk tried his best to suppress the restless body strength, he looked at Meng Fan in astonishment.

how come!

Just now, both sides performed the most powerful blow, but the fat old monk was completely at a disadvantage. It can be said that in all aspects, compared with Meng Fan, he is no longer an opponent, not an opponent at all!

He is a **** hidden giant.

How many thousands of years to dominate!

At this moment, he suddenly realized that facing Meng Fan, he if...only the power of a battle, nothing more.

All thoughts appear among the electric light and flint.

The emaciated old monk immediately behind, awakened from the shock first, perceiving an unusual fluctuation in the space, but he put all his attention on Meng Fan, so he was not able to detect it for the first time. Yelled in: "Be careful!"

The heart word has not yet been exported.

The space behind the fat old monk who had just received a serious injury bloomed like a flower, and a woman wearing a black plum blossom on a white background and a very good figure appeared, with a very domineering palm directly printed on the heart of the fat old monk.

What is your strength for Princess Yueyue?

If she is alone, compared with many Shenyin giants, she is still a bit behind.

But it's just a front line.

At the beginning, she was facing Taiyi, a figure who was still able to fight, and she was only one line behind the fat old monk who was seriously injured by Meng Fan and was in shock. The power of this attack was too great.


Invite Princess Yue to curse.

"I knew you would do it." Meng Fan chuckled, his body suddenly disappeared, and then reappeared. He was only three inches away from the fat old monk, showing his white teeth and smiling slightly.

The fat old monk was no longer shocked at this moment, but shocked.

So instinctively said: "Spare my life!"

Those who know the current affairs are handsome.

Shenyin tycoons, old and cunning, are all brilliant.


Meng Fan smiled more brilliantly. He can fight against Shenyin giants, and of course he is also Junjie. Where can he say that he will spare his life?

A mountain chopper.

A blood line appeared on the fat old monk's throat, his breathing immediately became messy, the essence of his body leaked out, and his pupils became bigger and bigger.

Although it was just a blood line, if it were placed on a mortal, it would be nothing more than an ordinary scar.

But how terrifying is the mountain splitting knife that Meng Fan displayed, smashing the cosmos? The meditative meaning contained in it also contains the meaning of ending. With a single knife, it not only cuts away the countless protections on the obese old monk, but also cuts through the body of the vajra, leaving the obese old monk forever. Scars!

It can never be eliminated!

"Shi Wuwei Yin!"

He stopped drinking, is a thin old monk who is always meticulous. Seeing such a situation, he did not dare to wait and see. He suddenly fell from the sky and displayed a powerful method. It is one of the most fearless seals to subdue the demons. Moreover, after observing Meng Fan's earth-shaking transformation, this hand actually consumed ninety-nine percent of his vitality.


Ninety percent!

Do your best to hit.

Meng Fan raised his head and looked at the thin old monk who descended from the sky, carrying a huge mighty power, and said coldly: "I'm so brave, I descended from the sky, want to suppress me, Meng Fan?"

With a word, he raised his hand and made five bangs.

Five fingers against God!

With one hand, he used five fingers against the gods to collide with the emaciated old monk's Shi Wuwei seal, which had spent 90% of his vitality, which contained the domineering and fierce Zen intent.

There is actually a gap of one ten thousandth, releasing a meaning of emptiness, sending the invitation to the moon princess far away.

Meng Fan fought against the two giants of Zen Temple alone.

This battle is a collision of the Dao’s true intentions. Every attack involves all kinds of true intentions. Its power is so great that ordinary **** kings will have to retreat. Although the Princess Yueyue is very powerful, it can be regarded as one of Meng Fan’s allies. Among them, the most powerful **** king.

But facing such a terrifying Shi Wuweiyin, and the five fingers of God's rebellious deductions that hide God's will, it is still too terrifying!

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