Supreme God King

Chapter 2250: Power of the Heavens

As soon as the barefoot boy appeared and raised his hands and feet, the vitality in the entire area gathered towards him frantically. With every move of his, vitality surged and formed an iron curtain of vitality, sealing the void.

"In the ancient era, the Great Primordial Chaos tore apart the laws of the heavens and applied them retrogradely, which is intolerable for heaven."

The barefoot boy looked at Jiuquan Mozun and said coldly.

"You and others are talents of the heavens, but they don't know how to serve the blessings of the heavens. Instead, they steal the power of the heavens and use them for their own use. They use the laws of heaven to discuss crimes and write the names of the ten sinners. Death without pardon!"

"The Demon Leader Jiuquan Mozun!

Meng Fan, Lord of Ten Thousand Domains!

The Great One of Meditation!

Three monks in the Zen temple!

Linglong Xinzun! "

Every name was uttered from the boy's mouth, and a phantom appeared on the head of the punishment gods, which was exactly the appearance of the Jiuquan Mozun, Meng Fan, Taiyiren, the three giants of Zen Temple, and Linglong Xinzun.

And the power to punish the gods has also changed. From everywhere in the void, the power of thunderous punishment is drawn into the body of the gods, and his body is constantly growing!

"I am the incarnation of heaven." The barefoot boy's voice became more and more solemn. "It is the ancestry of vitality. I declare the order of heaven here. I will take back the power that you have stolen. If you abolish your origin and give the true meaning of the great path, you can leave a life."

After speaking, his eyes swept across a few people.

However, no matter who it was, he looked at him without any reaction.

Meng Fan and Jiuquan Demon Sovereign sneered at the same moment.

Give the true meaning of the avenue? Self-abolishment?

"Little ghosts." Jiuquan Demon Sovereign spoke suddenly. Although his eyes were fixed on the spirit of vitality and discipline, he was obviously speaking to Meng Fan and others: "You have a lot of true intentions in your body. If the situation is not urgent at this moment, I will again Just after waking up, I really want to kill you one by one, taking away the true meaning, especially you." Meng Fan said, "The five true meanings in the body! Except for the true meaning of good fortune, they are all a ray of mood, very weak. But the five real intentions are in the body, even if it is me, I have to be greedy, but at this moment, I can't tolerate too much, are you willing to join forces and fight with the sky?"

Fight with heaven?

Taiyi frowned and faced the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao. Although he was shocked, he was not afraid. He was confronted with the Retribution God Order before, and he brazenly joined forces with Meng Fan to fight, but in his heart, the real fear was Jiuquan Demon Lord!

Too one person, too a Taoist person, a Taoist person from the beginning, three people, who rose together in the past to create the underworld together, although after various things, the three people will not share the sky, but the years of fighting for so long, they used to be the best friends. You can say, The relationship between the three is not so simple that the enemy can explain it.

Moreover, in Taiyi's heart, Taichu Taoist, Tai A Taoist, even if he verbally insults him, he is still a divine hidden giant like him, one of the best in the world!

But just now, Tai A Taoist, Tai Chu Taoist, two supreme divine hidden giants, one of the best among the divine kings, the true overlord of countless years, in front of Jiuquan Demon Sovereign, there was no counterattack and died. .

Really died, the body died away, the soul died, everything was gone, as if it had never appeared.

All in all, from the moment the monument of the immortality of the mind appeared, it was Jiuquan Demon Venerable, a game laid, a shuttle epoch, a game that escaped the catastrophe and was reborn!

Taiyi is such a character, even Taichu and Tai'a are not in the eyes of the role, but suddenly discovered that he is just a chess piece set by Jiuquan Demon Venerable countless years ago, a time before they were born. , If it weren’t for him to have experienced physical death like Tai A Taichu, so he didn’t have a real insight into the stone stele, he would be like two giants, and all flesh and blood cultivation must become Jiuquan Demon Venerable.

A moment of life and death.

This feeling can be imagined.

It was countless times worse than when Wang Tiandi discovered that he was just a substitute for Meng Fan!

What made Taiyi's teeth about to break even more was that this Jiuquan Demon Venerable destroyed the two divine overlords who had risen together with Taiyi. He didn't care, as if he was just eating a meal!

So Taiyi had no words, but looked at Jiuquan Demon Venerable with extreme caution.

"Is the real master of Mingyi?" Meng Fan looked at Jiuquan Demon Venerable, with a meaningful smile on his mouth: "If it weren't for the two incarnations of Heavenly Dao here, I would also kill you, and then extract the Mingyi from your body."

As soon as this remark came out, Tai Yi, Linglong Xinzun, and the three giants of the Zen Palace, all focused their attention on Meng Fan.

Jiuquan Demon Sovereign smiled slightly: "Okay, today this game is broken, I will take care of it for a while, sooner or later, one day, you and I fight, I really want to see, among the human race, whether there is a humane shoulder The rising star, the mantle of the ancestor of humanity, after so many years of sinking, can anyone inherit it!"

As soon as these words came out, Meng Fan's expression became serious!


In Meng Fan's heart, the four great secrets of the universe, the source of the heavens, the Great Chaos, the nine great meanings of ancient times, and the humanity!

Hearing the words of Jiuquan Mozun, it is obvious that he has an understanding of humanity and the ancestor of humanity.

However, unable to tolerate the exchange of spirits and souls between them, Jiuquan Demon Sovereign has already risen into the air, blasting towards the vitality gods!

"Meng Fan, do you want to cooperate with this person?" Taiyi used the spirit to communicate between the electric light and flint: "The ancient Jiuquan Demon Venerable, insidious and cunning, cannot be calculated!"

"I can see one or two from the fact that he destroyed the Taichu Tai Ah, and it made me shudder, but what about it? Just speculate on him with the greatest malice. The two incarnations of heaven are here and don’t join hands with him. , It's too difficult to rush out."

Meng Fan turned around and faced the discipline god.

Too one person pondered for a moment, and the three incarnations flipped together and fought side by side with Meng Fan: "This person will kill."

Meng Fan smiled slightly: "As long as I can think of a way to get rid of the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, Jiuquan Demon Lord, I will help you kill, these characters must not stay in the world!"

Fierce and fierce, Meng Fan will not lose to an ancient giant!

"I have a hand." At this moment, Linglong Xinzun suddenly made a nice sound like a jade bead falling, and it also appeared, although the voice was cold.

"Come on." In the two voids, two figures suddenly jumped out. It was Princess Yueyue and Longlin Taibao who had been hiding.

"Good!" Meng Fan, Taiyi, Linglong Xinzun, Invite Moon Princess, Longlin Taibao, collectively culled to disciplinary gods.

"What shall we do?" In the distance, the three old monks in the Zen Temple who were always watching and looking for opportunities were also watching.

"There are too many variables to stay for long." The tall old monk said solemnly.

The thin old monk watched from left to right: "But here, everywhere is blocked by the great formation of vitality, the solidification of vitality is beyond imagination, not only this palace, but also the entire tomb of the devil, are now sealed!"

"This is a trap in a trap." The tall old monk flicked his fingers and kept running Zen: "Here is where the Demon Venerable Jiuquan died that year. After he died, his vitality and flesh gradually collapsed and evolved into This huge tomb, at the same time, he also transformed his own meditation into an immortal monument and shed it out. This is a trap set by Jiuquan Demon Lord.

At the end of the epoch, deserted ancient celestial phenomena have emerged one after another. Now the source of the heavens has evolved into intelligent creatures. He has noticed that many heaven and earth kings have come to this devil’s tomb, so they are here to obliterate many gods, especially us. These few Supreme God Kings who master the true meaning of the Great Dao, this is the layout of the source of the heavens!

At this moment, a discipline **** system, a vitality **** system, and the two great heavenly realms incarnate into the world are scary enough, but I also feel that there are other powers that are swimming, because the laws of the heavens are constantly ebb and flow, forming ripples. So here, it is definitely not just two incarnations of heaven! "

"Is there still an incarnation of heaven?" The thin old monk looked nervous.

The power of chasing the gods has exceeded their imagination. Even the Jiuquan Demon Venerable who is best at one-stroke killing in the ancient era, only disperses the chasing gods. It seems that the incarnation of the gods will not die, and The appearance of a vitality **** system is even more terrifying, but the tall old monk said that in the tomb of the devil, there are not just two incarnations of heaven!

"Leave here first, wander around, looking for opportunities, and escape from the tomb of the Demon Lord." After the old monk said, the three Zen temple giants have disappeared.


Meng Fan, Taiyi, Linglong Xinzun, Invite Moon Princess, Longling Taibao, these five are powerful **** kings, especially Meng Fan and Taiyi, absolute giants. One combo will punish the gods and directly crush them. , Turned into the power and law of punishment.

"Be careful he condenses again!" Tai Da shouted.

Sure enough, in the void, the power of various heavens and the trickling of heaven began to reconsolidate and punish the gods.

"Did you see the loopholes?" Meng Fan asked.

Taiyi shook his head: "With the emptiness of heaven as the heart, the law of the heavens as the flesh, and the power of heaven's punishment as the blood as the vitality, even if it is broken, it can immediately draw strength from everywhere to reconsolidate, without loopholes."

"No, there are loopholes. If it is really possible to be reborn as long as there is providence, flesh and blood, laws, and the power of heaven's punishment, then the source of the heavens is an invincible existence that can create countless disciplinary gods and destroy the universe in the blink of an eye. All the gods in the wild, but the gods did not do this, it means that they can't do it! Nobody can do it! The punishment **** unity must have a core that can attract all the forces of the gods to reshape his body.

As you said, his heart is the meaning of the heavens! "

Meng Fan got up in one step: "Don't use common sense to speculate on the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, that is, crush him, but don't kill him! After crushing, I suppressed his heart with the five true intentions. You blocked the law of heaven and the power of heaven's punishment. Converge!"

"You can try." Tai Yi nodded coldly.

"I'm here to block the power of Heaven's Punishment!" Invite Princess Yue to step out.

Meng Fan immediately came to the discipline **** who was rapidly reshaping his body, and at the same time, he grabbed his five fingers and directly grasped the heart condensed by the purest will of heaven. Then, the meaning of the void was isolated. All spaces are sealed off, and then, the will of heaven, the will of the gods, the will of the meditation, and the true meaning of good fortune will fall one after another, forming a mark, and entering the heart of the discipline of the gods.

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