Supreme God King

Chapter 2252: Gods of the universe

The tall old monk took a step forward.

"Meng Fan, what can you do at this time? Is it to use the meaning of emptiness to escape? Your vitality is exhausted, and you have no means. It is time to understand our grievances."

In the words, even if it is a deep, tall old monk with a calm expression, the ecstasy in his eyes cannot be concealed!

Meng Fan was supported by Longlin Taibao and stood there without speaking.

Because he has only a little power left, all kinds of deductions, how to deal with these three people.

But at this moment!

A breath of **** king fell in the air.

Standing in front of Meng Fan.

This person has white hair, is very old, and dressed in a white shirt, fluttering and handsome, after falling, he unscrupulously showed his back to Meng Fan, facing the three giants of the Zen Palace.

A **** king appeared, and the three giants of the Zen Temple also paused for a while, but then their expressions were disapproving. Although **** kings are all domineering, there are also differences between superior and inferior, and the gap between **** hidden giants and ordinary **** kings is simply too far Big, reaching the level of Shenyin Giants and Meng Fan, an ordinary God King, is not enough to see.

Three punches and two kicks can kill.

What's more, this suddenly-appearing divine king, old and excessive, everyone can feel that his vitality is about to dissipate, his aura is extremely weak, the vitality in his body is also very loose, and it is clearly a divine king with a longevity.

Seeing the back of the person in front of him, Meng Fan laughed and said, "My master."

The old man turned his back to Meng Fan and nodded slightly: "Meng Gongzi."

"Go away!" The fat old monk took a step forward.

"Forgive me." The old man who Meng Fan called the doormaster shook his head.

"Looking for death!" The fat old monk shouted.


Another breath of God King fell.

This **** king fell next to the old and rotten **** king. He was over five feet tall and full of blood. It also faced Meng Fan with his back and the three giants facing the Zen Temple.

"Meng Gongzi!"

Shouted the **** king.

Meng Fan nodded slightly.


The third **** king.


The fourth.

Fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth... The scene in front of us shocked everyone, not to mention Princess Yue, Dragon Scale Taibao, too one person, Zen Temple The Big Three, or Jiuquan Mozun, were all shocked!

Although the vitality **** system is the incarnation of heaven and has no emotions, the vitality of the whole body is also fluctuating violently at this moment, indicating that he has also reacted.

Because of Meng Fan's presence.

Seventeen gods appeared!

That’s right, the overlord supreme **** king, a total of seventeen, all stood in front of the three giants of the Zen Temple, facing Meng Fan with their backs, the attitude is very clear, that is, if the three giants of the Zen Temple dare to attack Meng Fan, Must pass them first.

However, it is not over yet.

The surrounding space was pierced and torn apart.

It's the king of gods again.

At this time, a full 23 people appeared.

Forty Kings of Overlord Supreme God suddenly appeared, their eyes locked on the three giants of Zen Temple, ready to move, ready to explode and attack the three giants!

In such a scene, all the people present, except Meng Fan, were in a trance, a moment of surprise, a feeling of subversion of the Three Views, the ancient giant of Jiuquan Mozun, all frowned, although it seemed nothing unusual, but From the look in his eyes, he can also see the monstrous waves in his heart!

What appeared here was not an ordinary monk, or a half-step holy character, but forty gods!

Even if it broke out in the Ten Thousand Territories, it caused the annihilation of several major races, destroyed the forbidden area, and completely changed the history of Ten Thousand Territories. If the supreme existence Meng Fan and the Thirteen Palace Lords are removed, there are more than a dozen gods, and They didn’t play together. First, a few appeared in the restricted area, fought against Meng Fan, and then scattered and fought, and then appeared one after another, but it was already an unprecedented event in the Ten Thousand Regions. After all, it involved more than a dozen God Kings. When written into history books, future generations will be shocked and talked a lot, every **** king will be talked about.

You know, each of the **** king characters is a maverick, the world is horizontal and horizontal, and it is impossible to easily join hands with others and compromise. Therefore, although there are many **** kings in the universe, there are more than a dozen gods, but the blue of the dark alliance. There are more than sixty **** kings in the color register, but if these **** kings appear together or fight side by side, the possibility is zero.

Here, forty **** kings appeared in one breath. Even though these **** kings are much weaker than the giants like Meng Fan and others, but there are too many of them. The moment they appeared, the laws of the heavens began to twist and collapse. , Even between the breath of the forty gods, the vitality of the heavens fluctuates!

It seems that as soon as they breathe, the whole world will change.

The gods and kings of the universe are here!

"Meng Gongzi, we entered the tomb of the Demon Sovereign yesterday. We still want to see if we can meet you." The Wuji Sect Master said softly. Isn't he senile? After all, there are still three thousand years of life left for the King of God. In other words, it is equivalent to a mortal with only a few days of life left, and of course he will look very old.

Meng Fanchang exhaled, "Ashamed, after a great battle, I was too weak, but the three bald donkeys in the Zen Palace were watching."

"The three giants of the Zen Palace." Far away in the sky, a **** king of the universe narrowed his eyes: "It is the same level as the Taoist in the early days."

"Yes, one of the best in the cosmos." Another **** king said coldly: "But we really want to see it."

"Meng Gongzi, you can rest for a while." The Promise Sect Master said: "These three people will be dealt with by our Qiankun Sect!"


When Meng Fan heard it, his eyes lit up and he laughed.

What kind of things can make forty gods and kings fight together?

There is only the Great World of Universe. From the time of its birth, it has been humane prosperous. Compared with the endless melee domains, relatively peaceful places were invaded by foreign ghosts. Afterwards, they cooperated to find the gods and blessed places. Selflessly, confronting the enemy together, followed by the appearance of Taoist in the early days, then the appearance of Meng Fan, and finally the three * sects teamed up to create the Qiankun Ark that carries everything in the universe. It is such a series of things that make the three *sects. Door, finally go hand in hand.

And many sects, jointly building an Ark and riding the same Ark, are equivalent to the final melting pot, allowing them to unite completely.

Qiankunzong... Hearing this name, of course Meng Fan had to laugh, and his heart was very happy.

At this moment, the obese old monk and the thin old monk are looking left and right, their expressions are uncertain, but the tall old monk, calm a lot, for a long time, suddenly the finger flicks, it is the Zen urge, immediately, between the heavens and the earth, suddenly countless Causal clues.

He cut off sixteen causes and effects at will.

The three giant Zen temples disappeared in place.

"Meng Gongzi, in the tomb of the Demon Lord, there is the power of the heavens everywhere, and there is a powerful person who is not a god, like a powerful creature derived from the heavens." The Wuji Sect Master's face was tense, he raised his head and looked towards In the void, the barefooted boy narrowed his eyes: "What the hell... why can't I see it."

"He is the incarnation of the Tao of Heaven." Meng Fan whispered, weak, and now he is extremely weak, the most dangerous moment, but he also feels extremely relieved, and invites the moon princess, the dragon scale Taibao, and the universe. Forty Kings of Gods, in the world, there is no such a huge lineup, any giant that dominates the heavens, dare not make a second place in this lineup.

In the universe of the universe, the various gods and kings showed different colors, repeating the four words "the incarnation of heaven."

They are all **** kings who have failed to reach the true meaning of the Dao. It can even be said that the distance they have traveled is too short in the martial arts. If Meng Fan has walked out of his own martial arts a million miles, they have also walked tens of thousands. Here, thousands of miles, and some even just started, and don't know so many earth-shattering secrets like Meng Fan, so they can't understand the meaning of the four words incarnation of heaven, only feel mysterious.

Just like Meng Fan before, when encountering many things, he felt mysterious and couldn't understand.

"Are there powerful creatures from heaven everywhere?" Meng Fan closed his eyes, his soul scattered, and soon he wandered around the tomb of Demon Lord. Although he is weak now, he can't see too far, but still I felt that a **** punished, sweeping everywhere, constantly attacking the intruding monks.

This kind of divine punishment can be said to punish the creatures created by the gods with the power of heaven. Although it is not enough to see in front of Meng Fan, it is very powerful for other gods. Each divine punishment is equivalent to The half-step **** king, and because there is no emotion, there is no fear, compared to the half-step **** king, it is more terrifying, and suddenly appeared, it set off a lot of blood and blood.

Meng Fan smiled weakly and said, "Forty gods and kings are coming to the world, and the overall situation laid by the source of the heavens must be broken."

The Promise Sect Master also smiled: "Yes!"

"Open!" A **** king of the universe stretched out a finger, and suddenly a huge wave of vitality penetrated out, bombarding the void, and directly tore a weak gap between the enchantment formed by the divine punishment and vitality.

The **** kings of other Universe Great Worlds also took action, and their power gathered to one point. Suddenly, it seemed that the tomb of the Demon Lord was completely sealed off by the heavens, and a very wide passage was punched out.

"Ark of Universe!"

Following the call of the Promise Sect Master, a stabbing sound, a huge and world-like Ark appeared in the sky. The whole body was painted black, carved with countless array patterns, and there was a hint of emptiness flowing in it. In the meantime, I don't know how many layers of space, tens of millions and hundreds of millions of people can't estimate. The human races of the three * sects of the Universe Great World and hundreds of empires, as well as many other creatures, are living in it.

This ark, condensed with the fragments of the ancient ship without sea, the true meaning of Meng Fan's emptiness, and the painstaking power of the forty **** masters of the three sects, although not a supreme Taoist artifact, not a peak artifact, it is still terrifying , As soon as it appeared, it crushed the heavens and the void, and the compressed vitality and laws were twisted and countercurrent, extremely terrifying.


At the moment the Ark of Universe appeared, it was another Ark. Although it was also huge, it was insignificant compared to the Ark of Universe. There were only 36,000 layers of space, which was thousands of times smaller than the Ark of Universe. Flying out of two women who looked very similar to Linglong Xinzun were the other two **** king figures of the Yao Clan.

Meng Fan raised his head and looked at the vitality **** line in the void and the Jiuquan Demon Lord.

A toothy smile, the sun shining brightly.

The vitality of the gods was expressionless, his body shook, and disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, many divine punishment creatures emanating from the heavens in the tomb of Demon Lord were immediately withdrawn and disappeared.

Meng Fan shifted his gaze slightly and looked at Jiuquan Mozun.

"Hehe..." Jiuquan Mozun Xiemei smiled: "Meng Fan...this name, I remember, it really has the momentum to inherit humanity, but the word humanity is equivalent to heaven and chaos, and it is heavy. Not what you can imagine!"

After that, Jiuquan Mozun withdrew a step backwards. With this step, a black mark appeared in the void behind him, and a thick ending aura exuded, like the cemetery of all things, which made many gods and kings feel strong. pressure.

"There will be a certain period."

Jiuquan Mozun smiled, without a trace.

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