Supreme God King

Chapter 2257: Tears

As soon as more than a hundred reincarnation stone pillars appeared, they arranged the heavens and surrounded Meng Fan and Linglong Xinzun.

Immediately, an endless force of reincarnation went around everywhere! The wind and thunder rose, and the clothes of Meng Fan and Linglong Xinzun were fluttering, and the laws of the surrounding world were also rising and falling rapidly at this moment, even making the sound of ghosts crying and howling, extreme rejection of these more than 100 reincarnation stone pillars.

Meng Fan squeezed the palm of Linglong Xinzun and whispered softly, "I don't have this power, so I don't know what will happen, but I will do my best to protect you and hold you tight."

Linglong Xinzun's face was sad and pitiful, and he narrowed it in an instant, just staring at Meng Fan in a daze.


Her pink palm suddenly showed its original shape, and turned into the palm of the demon ancestor. The whole body was pitch black, the meridians bulged, constantly twisting and deforming!

It is the true meaning of reincarnation, which is called by the stone pillar, and is gradually coming out of the palm of the demon ancestor.

Linglong Xinzun's smooth white forehead shed a drop of sweat.

Although she didn't make a sound, Meng Fan knew she was in pain now.

Although this palm is the palm of the demon ancestor, Linglong Xinzun was born after countless generations of the Chaos Great Emperor. From all aspects, whether it is a talented martial art or a **** appearance, it is exactly the same as the ancient Wanwei Demon ancestor. After that, this palm is equivalent to the palm of Linglong Xinzun, completely connected to her blood origin.

And the power of chaos and power of reincarnation arranged by the great chaos emperor has also been integrated into the body of Linglong Xinzun.

Now, what the Samsara Stone Pillar has done is equivalent to forcibly extracting part of the source of Linglong Xinzun.

This is a heart-wrenching pain, even the king of gods cannot bear it.

Meng Fan held Linglong Xinzun’s palm tightly, staring at her without saying a word, but the true meanings were pouring into Linglong Xinzun’s body, helping her to separate the power of chaos from the power of reincarnation. On the one hand, she kept repairing her rapidly damaged body.

Linglong Xinzun's body trembled violently and weakened rapidly.


The Ark of the Demon Race collapsed everywhere, and the slaves captured by the Demon Race who wandered around were also awakened from the control of their hearts in large swathes.

More than a hundred stone pillars of reincarnation shook violently, and even the Ark of the Monster Race could not bear it. The 36,000 layers of space continued to collapse and condense, turning into a series of space cracks.

Everything was torn apart in the blink of an eye!

Only the area where Meng Fan and Linglong Xinzun are located is still intact and extremely strong. This is Meng Fan’s vigorous suppression. Otherwise, the area where the two of them are located will be torn apart by two completely anti-natural forces. .

The Emerald Immortal Venerable and the ethereal Immortal Venerable looked at each other, no longer staying, and entered into the spatial vortex to save the monster race.

Linglong Xinzun and Meng Fan faced each other, her expression became weaker, tears flickered in her eyes, her eyes were charming, her soft red lips were trembling, and it took a long time to make a voice: "I can't stand it..."

Meng Fan raised his brows, and urged his vitality even more, trying his best to suppress the origin of Linglong Xinzun's falling apart.

A trace of reincarnation, and a trace of chaos, has long been integrated with the body of Linglong Xinzun, and integrated with the source. At this moment, it is too dangerous to extract by force. Not only the source of Linglong Xinzun will fall apart. Signs, her law of vitality, there are also signs of breaking apart, and even her martial arts have cracks.

"Kill me, take away the palm of the demon ancestor." Tears shed tears in Linglong Xinzun's eyes: "I can't hold it. I have never been a strong woman. I am just a man who has carried the whole demon clan's tragic and majesty since birth. Woman of history, I led the Yaozu to leave, not because I have a great road, Meng Fan, I am different from you, I led the Yaozu to leave, just because I don’t want to take it all...Kill me!"

kill me!

The painful call of Linglong Xinzun made people feel scared. Meng Fan had never felt such a complex and strong emotion. What he saw was not the first king of the demon race, but a man who was forced to walk on this path. The woman who was forced to carry hundreds of millions of evil spirits of the monster race and was forced to become the chess piece of the Chaos Great Emperor. She struggled hard to get rid of her own destiny, but the harder she worked, the more she found her small and pathetic, and she couldn't escape the Chaos Great's hands. !

Linglong Xinzun is not too one person after all.

What Taiyi experienced was very similar to Linglong Xinzun, but Taiyi was able to uphold the original heart, continue to remain unmoved, and change the goal in an instant to kill Jiuquan Demon.

But at this moment, Linglong Xinzun only thought of giving up.

Even if compared to Princess Yueyue, the two women are the arrogant figures of the world. Princess Yueyue is also a domineering character, very chivalrous and courageous, very similar to Meng Fan, while Linglong Xinzun is much more vulnerable.

This kind of vulnerability is terrible!

Meng Fan clearly felt that Linglong Xinzun gave up, and her will began to weaken. The power of chaos and the power of reincarnation were originally struggling in her body and did not want to be drawn by the stone pillar of reincarnation, but at this moment, this The two forces began to counterattack frantically, the power of chaos and the power of reincarnation merged into one, and they began to counteract the origin and flesh and blood of Linglong Xinzun.

At a very fast speed, to occupy the body of Linglong Xinzun!

Meng Fan's brows were erected, and suddenly, he hugged Linglong Xinzun tightly. At the same time, the five great intents in his body enveloped the soul, jumped out of the flesh, and rammed into Linglong Xinzun who had removed all defenses.


Step on the ground with your feet.

This is an endless sea, but not an abyssal ocean. It is very shallow and only a few inches deep. You can see the bottom of the sea like a mirror. Meng Fan looked down and saw his own appearance, a green youth. , Very immature, and generally no different from Wuzhen.

This sea world is forged from the mind of Dao, and is the source of martial arts of Linglong Xinzun.

He raised his head and looked into the distance.

At the end of the sea horizon, there is a thin figure, who looks like a seven or eight-year-old girl, wearing a pink floral dress, squatting in the water, holding her weak knees with her hands, and burying her face in her arms. Inside, sobbing softly.

"Swallow everything..."

The girl cried.

"I gave up and gave it to you. After so many years, isn't this what you want..."

The girl's cry was getting weaker and weaker.

In all directions of this vast world, there are constantly black patches, approaching the girl, constantly devouring the world.

Meng Fan shrugged his shoulders, and immediately the five great intents revolved. Behind him, two huge five-color wings formed, which drove him into the air and came to the girl's side in one step, bent down, and wrapped his hands around the girl. The girl was very Thin and light, as if holding a kitten.

The backlash power formed by the condensed power of chaos and reincarnation suddenly stopped when Meng Fan hugged the girl, and then quickly gathered in front of Meng Fan.

The girl in Meng Fan's arms trembled. Her body was as cold as a piece of ice. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck in fear and buried her face in his chest.

After a while.

The power of reincarnation and the power of chaos condense into a human form.

A tall young man wearing a short gray robe, no hair, only two long eyelashes, and a gray complexion, with his hands behind his back, staring curiously at Meng Fan's face.

"Emperor Chaos." Meng Fan raised his eyebrows.

The young man with long eyebrows was a little ignorant. After looking at Meng Fan for a few moments, he looked at the girl in his arms, with a greedy look in his eyes, and directly killed him without saying a word.


Five fingers swept across the air, hit the young man with long eyebrows, and broke them up with one palm, turning them into thin gray lines, flying all over the sky, and then dissipating in this vast world.

It was the stone pillar of reincarnation that took it away.

Meng Fan let out a long breath, but suddenly realized that this vast world is still collapsing!

The power of reincarnation and the power of chaos have dissipated, but this world is still collapsing, why?

Meng Fan looked at the girl curled up in his arms, felt a kind of despair, gave up completely, grabbed the girl's chin with one hand, and said decisively: "I'm here, don't be afraid."

The girl stared at Meng Fan in a daze, a little confused, as if she didn't know Meng Fan at all.

The original world of the heart of this great avenue is still collapsing.

There were still tears in the girl's eyes, but there was still a kind of curiosity in her eyes. She slowly stretched out her hand and tapped the tip of her index finger on Meng Fan's brow.

Meng Fan's body was shaking violently, countless memories, many memories that were already in the dust, and the deepest mark in his heart were all triggered by the girl's click. Scenes, scenes, like a marquee, evolve out of this mirror world!

This world is like a mirror.

Reflecting on Meng Fan's heart, every corner was reflected, nothing was hidden.

The girl was surrounded by Meng Fan's arms and saw a little boy in a small place called Wuzhen. For the sake of his mother's illness, he practiced hard with his upper body naked, and the sweat and blood flowed out were so real.

She saw the growth of this little boy, rising step by step, falling down countless times, becoming a **** of others countless times, and stepping into the state of despair countless times.

One day, this young man became a generation of **** king, an eternal tycoon, a hegemon of one party, and no one bound the world.

However, there was still a silly smile on the boy's face.

Everything disappeared again.

Meng Fan was in a trance, and he was awakened from his past memory after using a lot of energy. The scenes and scenes just now showed up, as if experiencing life again, it was also a huge touch for him.

He rubbed his eyebrows and suddenly realized that the girl was gone.

Turning his head violently, he saw an exquisite figure, extremely well-proportioned, and the most perfect proportion in the world. At the same time, there was a woman with a peerless face that surpassed any looks he had seen in his life, wearing a white tube top and a knee-less She was standing in the water with her bare feet in her white veil, her slender, round and white thighs and a pair of delicate and beautiful feet gently stepped on the water.

Then, the woman smiled at Meng Fan, so sunny and cheerful, like an elf.

The mirror world is broken.

Meng Fan returned to the Yaozu Ark.

More than a hundred stone pillars of reincarnation have just swallowed a trace of the power of reincarnation, but the power of chaos obviously cannot be integrated with the stone pillars, floating in the air, a mass of gray flesh and blood.

Meng Fan let go of the Linglong Xinzun in his arms and looked at her face.

After a while, this peerless face opened his eyes and looked at the face of Meng Fan who was close at hand. There was a shining light in his eyes.

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