Supreme God King

Chapter 2260: Ziguang World

Throughout the ages, perhaps the most chaotic world in the primordial universe, Wanyu, has never been so peaceful.

Within six months, in just half a year, the forces of the Dark Alliance were distributed throughout the Ten Thousand Regions.

At first, the ten great kings took turns to frighten the various forces and destroyed many forces, especially the four major races. They were completely extinct. Although later, some areas were found to be remnants, they were all immediately beheaded by the killers sent by the dark alliance. .

The shadow of the forbidden zone surrounding the entire ten thousand domain has not appeared for six months.

Because of the surrender of various human empires, tens of millions of human cultivators join the dark alliance every month to replenish blood. However, the current dark alliance also has a very complicated level. These newly joined cultivators are only members of the outer sect. , The real core is the elite of the dark alliance who have experienced great wars. They are called elite members. The outer members want to become elites, not only a question of talent, but also through various assessments.

In addition, the elite members will leave the Ten Thousand Realms every ten days and go to the Path of God’s Concealment once. Every time thousands of people or tens of thousands of people will die. Take one step deeper, and one step more condensed and consolidated.

Today’s dark alliance controls the humanity of the entire Ten Thousand Domains. It has hundreds of millions of Li people, more than 100 million members of the outer sect, and more than one million elite members. Even if it is not a human force, most of the Ten Thousand Domains are After submitting to the dark alliance, even if some forces with the support of the **** king did not submit to the dark alliance, they did not dare to make a mistake, and they all shrank in some corners of the ten thousand domain.

As for the ancient gods, and the dark alliance is not against the river. Except that the dark alliance sends gifts to the ancient gods every seven days, the ancient gods will definitely return gifts. There is almost no intersection between the two parties, and occasionally some step out of the ancient gods. The ancient gods in the sphere of influence will be warned by the dark alliance. In the past six months, some ancient gods were caught alive or even killed by the dark alliance human monks because of their violent actions, but they were trivial matters and would not affect the dark alliance and the ancients. The overall situation of the Shen Dynasty.

At the same time, Meng Fan's formation was completed much earlier than previously planned, and it only took five months.

This is a very huge project, consuming more than 60% of the resources of the dark alliance, and when the layout is completed, no one knows what the map is. Even the Empress and Meng Niuniu don’t know, but no one has ever One more question.

In the current dark alliance, every member is independent, strong, and confident, but from the bottom of my heart, he still treats Meng Fan as a **** and will not doubt any words of Meng Fan.

When the formation is completed, the ten great kings of the dark alliance, except for the young Meng Niuniu, the other kings are all old kings, and they all began to retreat, because they are not Meng Fan, and they don't have such infinite talents, not every battle. It is the right way to improve oneself, retreat, practice, ruminate and consolidate oneself.

And Meng Niuniu, on the one hand, began to manage some affairs of the dark alliance, on the other hand, once every ten days, the dark alliance elites set foot in Shenyin, she would follow and go together, just like Meng Fan, using domineering killing methods to improve herself strength.

This day.

In the stable ten thousand domains, an extremely secret void tunnel appeared.

The moment this tunnel was excavated, several figures stepped into the Ten Thousand Realms, and then the Void Tunnel was sealed and dissipated between the heavens and the earth. No one could perceive it. These spatial means, although they cannot match Meng Fan’s meaning of void In comparison, but compared with the general divine king's spatial methods, it is much stronger.

A total of four figures fell on the top of a snow-capped mountain in Wanyu.

These four people have different appearances. They are an old man, a young girl, a sturdy middle-aged man, and a handsome young man. They wear different clothes, but they all have a gorgeous mark on the chest.

It seems to be a purple Melaleuca lotus.

These four people have used a certain method to hide their own aura, making it impossible to see their realm cultivation level and strength.

"God of War, this is Ten Thousand Realms?" the handsome young man asked with condensed eyebrows, his appearance was extremely strange and evil.

The petite and pink girl said coldly: "Judge, do you doubt my means to penetrate the space?"

"The two of you should stop quarreling." The blue-robed old man stroked his beard and said: "We know very little about Wanyu. It can be called a completely strange new world here. I don't know what the situation is. It's dangerous. Be low-key, unite, and don't always quarrel."

"The dean makes sense." The stout middle-aged man looked solemnly.

The blue-robed old man gave a deep salute: "Thank you, the ruling emperor."

The names of these four mysterious figures are rather strange, not like code names, but more like a certain position. Among them, the handsome and evil young people are called the justices, and the petite and pink girls are called the gods of war. , The blue-robed old man is called the dean, and the stout middle-aged man is called the ruling emperor.

The four titles are very peculiar.

"Wan Yu here, although it is far away, very mysterious, but I also know something." The middle-aged man called the ruling emperor said, when he spoke, he subconsciously waved his palms, giving him the taste of pointing the country. "I heard that this place has been disturbing countless years and fighting and fighting. It has never been unified like our Purple Light Empire. Therefore, here is not prosperous, and it does not have the prosperous and glorious history of our world, but because of the continuous wars, it has been successively Many powerful characters have emerged. Dean?"

The blue-robed old man nodded slightly: "The ancient emperor of a distant age is recorded in the ancient books of the academy. He was the overlord of Wanyu's very early generation. It once ruled almost the entire Wanyu, and later it was called the Thirteenth Hall. The Lord’s person, and now, is Meng Fan."

As the dean said, with a wave of his palm, a purple brilliance suddenly condensed into paper, floating in the air.

Above, it is a personal name.

Ranked number one, he is here for the purpose, which is Meng Fan.

Second, it is the ancient emperor.

Third, the thirteen hall masters.

Fourth, the battle giant.

After that, it was densely packed with dozens of names, including Empress, Renxiong, Tiancan, Bai Xingyi, Zhongtian, etc., all on it, but Meng Niuniu's name was not there.

"These are the **** kings of the Ten Thousand Realms. They are the latest data from more than ten years ago." The dean put away the list: "Because this man named Meng Fan suddenly rises, the humanity here does not stand up to other racial forces like in the past. , But gradually became the first avenue, this Meng Fan is not ordinary."

"Humph." The girl of the God of War snorted coldly: "The Purple Light Empire was established for a hundred thousand years and swept across the heavens. There was no enemy in the gods. Back then, I led the undead army of the gods of the gods and encountered the gods in the gods. You As I said, the Shenyin giants are all overbearing figures, and they try to avoid confrontation, but after the confrontation, the opponent is the same. Although I did not defeat the opponent, the opponent did not take advantage. I still left? What is worth paying attention to as a rookie who has risen for thousands of years?"

"You don't listen to what you said, but I agree with this point." The justice of the evil spirit said: "The four of us are coming to Ten Thousand Realms this time, do we still need to make arrangements? It is good to shoot the King of Gods here, without the King of Gods. When the time comes, the empire will send troops to station here, and transform it here, so that it can be built into a colony!"

"Don't be reckless." The ruling emperor waved his hand: "Don't forget, I am no longer the ruling emperor, so be careful when doing things. A few months later, it will be the once-a-hundred-year ruling emperor election meeting of the Ziguang Empire. I can still run for another election. Now that the heavens are about to move, the epoch is getting closer and closer. At the time when the storm is surging, the Ziguang Empire needs a strongman to lead, not the weak ruling emperor who only knows Shoucheng. , I must succeed in the election. This Wanyu is an important weight for my election."

The judge sneered: "President Baisheng, Chief Justice of the Ruling Hall, God of War of the God of War, if the three of us support you, can't you be elected?"

"Now is different!" The ruling emperor waved his hand: "We are no longer fighting for a position, but who can lead the humanity! If the Ziguang Empire can be led by us, it will prosper and grow rapidly, and gradually annex all the worlds. The human race, merging with humanity, will create great achievements that no one has done in the past and present, and will have the ability to fight against the source of the heavens and the mysterious and unpredictable Chaos Emperor. Now we are not fighting for position, but for the hearts of the people."

"What do you say." The God of War girl said coldly.

The ruling emperor waved his palm: "First penetrate into the entire ten thousand domains, check everything here, check everything in every detail. In the past 100,000 years, the Purple Light Empire has been expanding and has occupied many domains, but it has never occupied a single image. As long as Wanyu is in such a huge and chaotic world, as long as it is controlled, the territory of the Purple Light Empire will expand by one-fifth!

Then, I transported a large number of heaven, material and earth treasures to the Ziguang Empire and sent them to the people of the empire, so that I can get people's hearts. And there have been many gods born here. Although the number is incomparable with our Ziguang Empire, after all Being the Supreme Divine King, there must be a lot of hidden power hidden here, which is also very helpful for the four of us to improve our cultivation and strength. "

"Pillaging a big world." The dean elder stroked his beard: "What a big ambition."

"My ambitions don't stop there!" the ruling emperor said with pressure. "If you want to fight against the source of the heavens and the Great Chaos Emperor, it is not enough to occupy a large world. It is also necessary to occupy countless large worlds, absorb huge resources, behead all kinds of gods, and absorb their power for our use, and then Build a completely unified and most powerful empire in the prehistoric universe!"

After saying this, his figure shook, he crossed out and hid in a corner of the ten thousand realm.

The judge of the ruling hall, the **** of war, the dean of the Baisheng Academy, have also hidden everywhere.

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