Supreme God King

Chapter 2267: One eye

The undead king's anger has reached its extreme.

In the Purple Light Empire, she can be called a war mad, relying on unique physical means, rampant, fighting countless times, hundreds of thousands of years, died in her hands, a large number of gods.

But in her life, she really encountered life and death decisions only twice, once, when she fought with the six great kings of the Aurora Great World, and was seriously injured in three bodies.

The second time, on the path of Shenyin, I met the giant of Shenzang by accident and was seriously injured by two bodies.

The Ziguang Empire annexed the heavens and continued to expand its territory. The scope of the domain is equivalent to four tens of thousands of domains. It is a huge empire that has been inherited for hundreds of thousands of years. The glorious empire can be called the supreme power of humanity and has 102 gods. , Anyone would be frightened, and in the Purple Light Empire, apart from the Central Emperor who has been closed for too many tens of thousands of years, and now few people know, even the life and death of the Central Emperor, the strongest recognized by everyone is the Undead King!

In terms of strength, the Immortal King may not be so strong. Before fighting against Meng Niuniu, he was penetrated by the sword intent with a stroke of heaven.

But every time she was seriously injured, she walked out unscathed. This scene was too amazing, completely reversing the perception of many gods and kings about the great famine of the universe.

This is where she is truly terrifying.

It is also the origin of the word "immortality" in the undead king!

Looking at the world, who dare to claim to be immortal?

These two words equate to immortality, immortality from time to time, even the **** king, dare not call himself so, even the thirteen hall masters, ancient emperors, the three giants of the underworld, and the devil of Jiuquan do not dare to call themselves so!

Because of his "immortality", this war madman is extremely arrogant and rampant. Looking at the five great kings of the Dark League with his head high, he is completely looking at the attitude of a group of inferior creatures, and is full of anger, because these "inferior creatures" are fierce. She hurt her, one body was completely destroyed, two bodies were severely injured, and her most important body was killed with blood marks, which she could not tolerate.

"Senior Promise..." Meng Niuniu opened her hand, and suddenly a sharp sword of vitality appeared in her palm: "You have done enough. I have recovered vitality. Next, give it to me."

Step out!

The Seven Profound Old Man, the Jade Immortal Venerable, and the Misty Immortal Venerable also step out at the same time!

The four great kings of the dark alliance, fighting against the girl, the five great kings fighting head-to-head, the power can be imagined, almost every moment, the released power penetrates countless spaces, even under the earth, in the abyss Some of the dragon veins and ground veins were directly shattered.

At this moment, whether it is Meng Niuniu, or the Seven Profound Old Man, the ethereal Immortal Venerable, and the Emerald Immortal Venerable, they are all injured in varying degrees, and their vitality is consumed violently. Instead, they are young girls, intact, surging vitality, and the four gods. Wang Jiao is fully capable of dealing with it, and even walking around, fighting back against the four in the gap!

In just a short time, the five great kings fought against each other thousands of times, the momentum was like a rainbow, but in an instant, the girl suddenly raised her figure, stood in the void of the commanding heights, unfolded with one hand, and fell in the air!

The momentum that this hand fell is too amazing, and the aura contained in it, the **** king present feels coercive, it is an aura that has never been felt!

Magnificent, vast, majestic, very overbearing, and kingly!



These two words suddenly appeared in the mind of the **** king who was present. They were the overlord, the overlord of humanity, the terrifying aura of being born as an outstanding man, and dying as a ghost. At this moment, the girl is like a humane overlord. During her actions, all beings should bow their heads. !

The Seven Profound Old Man, the Misty Immortal Venerable, the Jade Immortal Venerable, and Meng Niuniu all felt that the flow of the Yuan Qi was not smooth, and the laws of the whole body were suppressed. Seeing a palm fall, they only flee, and there is no possibility of counterattack!

There was a loud noise.

The palm falls.

On the earth, a palm print with a radius of a hundred li is extremely profound. Although the four great **** kings were not directly hit, they were more or less affected by this force, spitting out a mouthful of blood, looking at the girl in the sky in shock.

At this moment, the vitality of the young undead king was very weak.

Obviously the previous palm directly consumed more than 80% of her vitality!

It is quite amazing to consume with one palm. Not only the vitality, but also her vitality and blood, it also seems to be exhausted. The whole person is actually a little old in a short time, from a pink and tender girl to a somewhat dry and ugly old woman .

However, in just an instant, her aura suddenly changed again, and suddenly she was energetic and her appearance returned to its original state.

"The fifth body." In the secret space, King Jueping said softly.

Judgment King's eyes flickered: "She actually... mastered the utmost in humanity, the overlord way."

The two kings of Jueping narrowed their eyes: "The Ziguang Empire has been inherited for hundreds of thousands of years and ruled billions of people. It is the strongest empire of humanity. Each generation of the ruling emperor can feel the breath of humanity, and thus more or less understand some humanity. Absolutely impossible, but it was too difficult. I didn’t expect that she would be able to display it. Although obviously immature, performing one time not only consumed 80% of her vitality, but also consumed most of her body’s essence and blood. That body is basically half disabled."

Just as the great kings of the dark alliance vomited blood, at the weakest moment, the girl transformed her body again and fully recovered her strength. With a glance away, she had to decisively perform killer moves when the kings were weakest!

at this time!

Among the ten thousand domains, another shock!

The girl stopped in the air, her eyes widened. There was obviously an emotion that she had never had before, that was... fear!

Everywhere in the Ten Thousand Territories, in the strongholds of the Dark Alliance, there is another sword of vitality, wrapped in a trace of sword intent, and soars into the air!

Suddenly, there were another 129,600.

Although this time, these sharp swords are not as powerful and powerful as the previous one, and even only a quarter of the previous one, but even so, these great formations are urged again, still let the girl, He Wan All the **** kings in the domain felt their backs numb and their whole bodies were cold.

Twenty-nine thousand six hundred sharp swords condensed into powerful sword intent appeared in every corner of the ten thousand domains, and they could use the formation of the dark alliance to shuttle freely across the space between the ten thousand domains, which is difficult to resist. The method is terrifying! In other words, Ten Thousand Domains can now lock the position of any Ten Thousand Domain God King. If the Dark Alliance is willing to mobilize this large array, it can kill any Ten Thousand Domain God King!

Isn't this amazing?

The Divine Kings of the Ten Thousand Territories also finally understood what the purpose of the ancient giant formation that the Dark Alliance spent most of the resources in the past six months was for.

However, in anyone’s guess, this large formation can only be launched once, and it will fail if it strangles an enemy that the dark alliance cannot deal with, because the power of this large formation is too amazing, and the energy consumed is also amazing. Basically, it can be inferred that activating this time will consume a certain proportion of the resources of the dark alliance, and because of its power, after activating once, the big formation will always crack, and even some parts will collapse.

But at this moment.

The second wave of one yuan sword array, revolving!

The girl suddenly turned to look at the Dark League branch.

Among them, the Promise Gate Master is about to fit his arms.

And beside him, tens of thousands of dark alliance elites, almost exhausted all their vitality, using the technique of moving flowers and trees to inject all vitality into the body of the Promise Sect Master.

This scene happened in every corner of Wanyu.


The Dark Alliance wants to activate this Yuan Sword Formation once, and the energy it consumes is amazing, but the Dark Alliance does not consume resources.

Around each formation eye, there are a large number of dark alliance members, injecting their own vitality into the formation, condensing into a mouthful of sharp swords.

There are more than 100 million foreign members and more than one million core elites.

The Promise Sect Lord’s face was pale, he was completely exhausting the last bit of strength to spur the Yiyuan Sword Formation, raised his head, looked at the Undead King, and said with a chuckle: "This is Ten Thousand Realms, the territory of the Dark Alliance, don’t forget, I There are still five great kings in the dark alliance that have not appeared, and the leader has not appeared. Do you think we are telling lies? The other cards have not been revealed because we have enough to deal with you!"

"The Overlord's Way..."

At the moment when the second wave of sword formations vacated, the girl gritted her teeth and trembled with hatred. Just when the two kings of Juping, the president of the Hundred Saints, and the king of trial were shocked by the methods of the dark alliance, a voice suddenly Sounded.

This voice is so lazy, it seems that he has just regained consciousness, but it has not yet fully awakened.

It seems that the mountains do not know the years, it seems that the people who dream of Spring and Autumn.

But this lazy voice was so clear that it reached almost every corner of Wanyu.

All **** kings, whether they were participants in this battle or bystanders, looked in the direction of the voice.

He gazes across mountains, rivers, and plains, and then across countless prosperous human kingdoms, and finally comes to a huge island between the vast ocean.

The huge island is so large that it has a vast area of ​​more than tens of thousands of miles. It is hazy, full of pure vitality, countless formations, towering buildings that surpass the mountains and rivers, faintly visible elite monks, etc., all show this. The horror of this huge island.

But before, this huge island didn't seem to exist. It seemed that it suddenly appeared. Obviously, there was some kind of powerful means, or formation method, or spatial means, which hid the huge island.

Dark League headquarters.

In the headquarters, there is an eye, a very clear and clean eye, it seems to be just a mortal eye, a mortal pupil.

But through a long distance, staring at the young undead king.

"Nine flesh bodies, the method of puppets, what is this method? Well, there is a smell of heaven, and a trace of other auras, which are humane... It's amazing, it actually refines the nine dead **** king flesh bodies into The natal puppet is really interesting... and the way of the king is also derived from humanity. I am familiar with humanity, but I don't know that humanity is also a kind of power..."

The voice is still so lazy.

But in the ten thousand realms, many **** kings who watched the battle, watched their noses and noses, watched their hearts, converged their souls, stopped spying, and hid them.

Suddenly the entire Ten Thousand Realm was silent, quiet, and...serious.

Chun Lei made a sound.

The world is dead.

Everything is silent.

Someone opened one eye.

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