Supreme God King

Chapter 229: Little black

In the cave, it can be seen that it is the cave house of the black dragon, and a small black snake-like thing jumped out of it after a while. It was a full half a meter long and was dark throughout, just like a huge black dragon, obviously her cub.

With a change of expression, Meng Fan finally understood why the black dragon couldn't retreat. It seemed that there was a cub belonging to him behind him.

In this situation, the black dragon can only hold the cub in a fight, otherwise, even if he can escape, the cub under him will not be able to keep it.

Roar! Roar!

With two huge roars, the eight-foot tiger from left to right approached the black dragon at the same time, with a gloomy cold glow in his eyes. It was obvious that he had already done the final blow to bring the black dragon mother and child to the end. Looking at the scene in front of him, the huge black dragon tried to barely stand up, but he no longer had any combat power.

The little black dragon cub below him kept licking the blood on the huge black dragon, making a low voice. The black dragon's eyes were full of sorrow, and he hugged the cub in his arms, but he knew that doing so was nothing but futile.

At the moment when a huge eight-foot tiger was about to step forward, the entire jungle uttered a dragon chant again. The source of this sound turned out to be... a little cub! At this moment, the black dragon cub was standing in front of its mother, his eyes filled with violence, looking up to the sky, and a momentary wave of air shook the surrounding jungle, and Meng Fan's heart was also shocked.

how is this possible!

It is necessary to know that the equal-level suppression between monsters is quite clear. Under the majesty of this eight-foot tiger, the ordinary monsters lose their ability to escape, let alone fight against the eight-foot tiger. However, this black dragon cub, who seemed to have only one or two years, dared to stand alone in front of this eight-foot tiger, making such a threat.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, but this black dragon cub is too ferocious! Meng Fan touched his nose, and could see that the eyes of the black dragon cub were filled with infinite violence, and they did not look like a black dragon cub at all.

Rao was a two-headed eight-foot tiger. At this moment, he was slightly stunned, but looking at the thin black dragon cub, it was replaced by a fierce, huge claw.

Between the lightning and flint, at the moment when the eight-foot tiger's claws were about to fall on the black dragon cub, a figure appeared in front of it, and the blue shirt stood in front of the black dragon cub.

The five fingers clenched, and a punch blasted out, the vitality spread above the front of the fist, and the majestic strength directly bombarded the eight-foot tiger in front of him.

The person who made the shot was surprisingly Meng Fan. Not to mention the surprise that this black dragon cub brought to Meng Fan, it was impossible for Meng Fan to stop just seeing this kind of beast of the king realm. Looking at Meng Fan, the black dragon behind him was extremely surprised, naturally he did not understand where this human helper came from.

Without changing his face, Meng Fan knew that although the Eight-foot Tiger had the power to be a king-level monster, it was full of treasures. If he could get his blood, it would be of great help to him.

So naturally, Meng Fan wouldn’t let such an opportunity pass. His fists slammed into the eight-foot tiger in mid-air. The next moment the air wave shook, Meng Fan’s figure stood still, but the eight-foot tiger The body was actually bombarded out.


After stepping back more than ten meters, an eight-foot tiger placed a standing figure and looked at Meng Fan in amazement. He didn't expect a human being to have the power to compete with himself. With a faint smile, Meng Fan knew that thanks to Ruo Shuiyi, if it weren't for her hard work, then his body would definitely not be able to reach this point.

But now, Meng Fan, who has advanced into the Breaking Yuan Realm, is a lively humanoid monster whose body can contend with this ancient alien species. Roar, roar! The two eight-foot tigers roared in unison, and rushed straight towards Meng Fan, and at the same time they made a sound of warning like thunder.

"Human choppy, don't intervene indiscriminately, otherwise you will die!"

Faced with the threat of two eight-foot tigers, Meng Fan smiled indifferently, and said faintly: "Use yourself, otherwise you should not have a chance to take action. I will take care of today's affairs, and your meat. I'm going to make a reservation!"

The sound fell, and infinite violence appeared in the eyes of the two eight-foot tigers. With their wisdom, they naturally understood Meng Fan's words. At this moment, the tiger's claws fell from the sky, as if two mountains were in the center. There is a majestic wave of vitality, falling from the sky.

Such an attack method is a full shot of the Eight-foot Tiger, in order to kill this human powerhouse! At the next moment, without waiting for Meng Fan to move, the black dragon cub on the side groaned in a low voice and rushed forward.

He just knew how to move. At best, he was just a Tier 2 monster, but he dared to launch an attack outrageously. Meng Fan's expression changed, and he waved quickly, grabbing the black dragon cub alive, and said helplessly.

"You don't need to... Don't worry, I will take care of you!"

While speaking, Meng Fan threw the black dragon cub behind him, and stepped out at the same time, his five fingers squeezed tightly, and the sound of bone clashing sounded. The vitality rushed all over, facing the beast of the king realm, there was no backlash in Meng Fan's eyes, but a hint of excitement.

With a big wave of his hand, a huge shadow of a fist emerged directly in the air.

"The river flows into the wilderness!"

With the start-up style of the Wave Breaking Art, Meng Fan's whole person turned into a stunned afterimage in midair. The power of his whole body blasted out surgingly, and in the next moment the shadow of the fist and the tiger's claws in the midair slammed together. bump!

In such a collision, under the shadow of Meng Fan's fist, the shadow of the eight-foot tiger's claws actually shattered directly, and the beast of the king was unable to resist Meng Fan's powerful force at this moment. Not retreating but advancing, Meng Fan volleyed step by step, facing the air wave that was already close at hand, suddenly a finger stretched out, and the fingertips flickered.

"One sword towards Tianyuan!"

In an instant, another tiger claw in the sky also disappeared. The attack of the two eight-foot tigers disappeared between his hands. Meng Fan's eyes were full of coldness, and he ran straight to one of the figures. Between his arms, the force of mountains and sea burst out, and he closed directly in the next moment.


With his arms folded like this, Meng Fan directly used his fists to shake the mountain, and in the next moment he smashed the eight-foot tiger's body like two mountain peaks. Rao was the opponent's powerful body. At this moment, countless bones were smashed into pieces. The Eight-foot Tiger howled in pain. At this moment, the fierceness in his eyes faded and replaced by an unconcealable fear.

Now the two eight-foot tigers knew at the same time that they kicked on the iron plate, and the Meng Fan in front of them was definitely not as fragile as the humans they had seen, and even stronger than their own body. Thinking of this, two eight-foot tigers couldn't help but retreat.

With a cold snort, Meng Fan's figure stepped out at the same time. Since he has already shot, he will not give his opponent any chance, not to mention that he has promised the black dragon cub to help him get revenge!

With a big wave of his hand, the next moment Meng Fan's hands suddenly formed a palm print in the air, and a few words were spit out from his mouth, hesitating Lei Ting: "The anger is over the sky!"

Under a palm, the majestic vitality fell directly from the sky, and slammed on the body of an eight-foot tiger.


Under such palmprints, the Eight-foot Tiger instinctively felt the oppression of life and death threats, and could not help but roar up to the sky. At the same time, the vitality surging from all over his body, the whole person rushed out like a cannonball, towards Meng in the sky. Fan hit it hard.


It was visible to the naked eye that the palm prints in the sky and the eight-foot tiger's figure bombarded in the next moment, and in the next moment a strong wave of air burst out across the jungle, and the ground was cracked. The dust was everywhere, and under the collision of such a force, it was as if two meteorites collided.

But at the next moment, the eight-foot tiger's figure crashed to the ground, and the bones of his whole body were directly broken by Meng Fan, completely dead. In a few breaths, the eight-foot tiger was killed with the power of destructiveness and rottenness. With such a powerful body and brutal means, the eight-foot tiger on the side screamed and leaped back lifelessly.

Looking at the figure of Ba Chihu leaving, Meng Fan remained motionless and did not chase. Because after that, the huge black dragon has already reached the state of dying, blood is constantly flowing out, but the eyes are always staring at the black cub in front of him.

Sticking out his small tongue, the black dragon cub kept licking, but it did not reduce the life of the black dragon in the slightest. Meng Fan sighed in his heart, knowing that the black dragon in front of him couldn't be saved at all. This kind of injury had been fatal long ago, and the black dragon was just bracing it in one breath.

After a while, the huge dragon head slowly looked at Meng Fan. Although it was only a beast of the king realm, the dragon clan has always been the overlord of the beast line, a real powerhouse, but at this moment, there was a thick look in his eyes. A voice came into Meng Fan’s ears.

"Help me... take care of my son, thank you... I hope you have someday... You can go to the North Spirit Cangyu, where... his father... will repay you!"

The tone was intermittent, and the moment the voice fell, the huge black dragon finally closed his eyes, completely dead. Roar! At this moment, the black dragon cub let out a sorrowful howl, because his wisdom is not complete, but he also knows that he will never see the black dragon in front of him in this life...

With a silent sigh in his heart, Meng Fan bowed to the black dragon and said in a condensed voice: "Don't worry, I will take good care of him. Although I don't know where you are talking, but if I have a chance, I must He will be sent to the North Spirit Realm!"

The Yuntian Continent is extremely broad. After reading so many estimates, Meng Fan knew that the Quartet Region he was in was just the tip of the iceberg. One day I will finally step onto this continent, and then I will know what the real Yuntian Continent is.

Northern Spirit Canggu, maybe it is one of them, right?

Shaking his head, Meng Fan immediately took a step forward, touched the cub who was still nestling beside the black dragon, and said in a condensed voice: "From today, you will follow me. My name is Meng Fan. You are my friend. I Call you... Xiao Hei!"

When the voice fell, the cub raised his head and looked at Meng Fan with flickering eyes, but he also knew that his mother gave herself to this person at the last moment of her death. Roar, a roar sounded, and the cub roared at Meng Fan, but Meng Fan was a little confused and didn't understand what he was talking about.

But at the next moment, a voice came out in the space.

"He is saying that he is willing to listen to his mother and follow you forever!"

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