Supreme God King

Chapter 2272: Avenue up

Meng Fan's eyes traversed the path of divine hiding and fell to a fringe world.

This is a vast world, but there is no record in the documents of the various ethnic forces in the universe.

The scene here is very different from the Universe World and Ten Thousand Territories. There are no countless man-made buildings. On the contrary, it is completely natural, with mountains and rivers, giant trees rising into the sky, and entwined ground, without any signs of civilization. .

But here, there are many powerful creatures, foxes several feet long, spirit snakes bathing in vigor, giant butterflies like elephants, etc. These creatures are more or less, have a certain degree of wisdom, although they cannot Compared with human beings, it is impossible to build a civilization of supernatural craftsmanship, but it is still very powerful, and there are many creatures with a high cultivation level, even reaching the heavenly origin and the profound origin.

According to the normal movement of heaven, any powerful creatures, after reaching a certain level, will change their flesh and blood and transform into human form, because human beings are the most suitable creatures in the world to absorb vitality and cultivate roots, but there is no creature here to do so, just think about it. , You can understand why, because there is no trace of human beings.

If you want to transform into a human being, you must know about human beings and understand that human body and wisdom are the most suitable for cultivation, and then you can do so. The creatures here don't even know the human species.

A huge colorful butterfly flew to the side of a river, where there are countless flowers and vegetation, fragrant and fragrant, this butterfly fell among the flowers and grass, its wings trembling, releasing a series of vitality, swept the surrounding flowers and grass, The aura of heaven and earth was incorporated into the body, so many flowers and plants withered.

In the distance of the flowers and plants, a giant tree moved slowly, and several bark folds changed, and they turned into something like eyes, staring at the butterfly.

Butterflies quickly stopped absorbing the aura of flowers and plants, and flew away.

The giant tree was restored to its original state.

All the creatures here are sane, each guarding one side, maintaining a perfect balance, and no one will overstep it.

Suddenly, the river stopped flowing.

Many creatures on both sides of the river felt the river's pause. They raised their heads and looked at the river. After a while, in the river, the laws and vitality rose in the river, condensed into a body above the river, resembling a human form.

It is the **** of nature.

In the world, there are many races of creatures, such as human races, ancient gods, dragon races, demons, ghost races, etc. Among the many races, there are two major races, which are very peculiar.

One is the monster race. The so-called monster race refers to all kinds of creatures that have no wisdom in the first place. By coincidence, they stepped into the path of cultivation, began to breathe in their vitality, gradually opened up their wisdom, and finally could rival human wisdom. This is the monster race. Like foxes, they become fox monsters, spirit snakes, snake monsters, tree monsters, cat monsters, wolf monsters, and so on.

The second category is even more peculiar than the monster race and is called the natural god.

Monster races are creatures. Although they are not as smart as humans, they can also practice themselves in various ways. Natural gods are very strange. They are not creatures at all, but mountains, rocks, rivers, springs, etc., to give birth to their minds. Therefore, it takes countless coincidences to evolve into a living being. It is tens of billions of times more difficult than ordinary small animals to embark on the path of cultivation, and it is almost impossible.

However, if there is great power, deliberately, it is much simpler to enlighten certain inanimate objects, like the Supreme God King, even if you don’t deliberately enlighten, sometimes some breathe out, and the breath is contaminated to some All living objects can give birth to the mind.

It is the **** of nature.

And the natural gods here are obviously not created by any powerful person, but derived by themselves. The natural gods above the river are the Lord of this river, and countless creatures around rely on his water. Born in the vein, seeing him appear, they lowered their heads, showing a humble posture.

At the same time, in many corners of this obscure world, a variety of countless natural gods appeared one after another.

Some are mountains, some are springs, and some are wind and sand.

Many creatures here live freely, without civilization, there is no class, but when these natural gods appear, all the creatures kneel down, and it seems that believers are worshiping these natural gods.

The sky above the big world.

A cloud and mist, emitting a variety of colors, constantly surging and changing, is extremely dazzling, all the natural gods, their eyes fall on the clouds and mist that almost cover the entire world.

In a corner of the big world, there are many vague figures, and they are also natural gods derived from the clouds and mist. They all looked at this cloud and mist in amazement.

The natural gods derived from these clouds are the only race with its own name among the many natural gods.

Smoke Spirit Race!

The reason why they can have their own names is because in a very remote era, according to legend, in the ancient era, a **** king was born among them.

Although the natural gods are very powerful when they are born, the birth of natural gods is very difficult if it is not enlightened with great power, so the number is too small. If it is enlightened with great power, then it is a congenital deficiency. Born in the aura, unable to produce their own martial arts, so natural gods, who have become gods since ancient times, are not at all.

Therefore, in the legend, a cloud-evolving natural **** in the ancient era set foot on the realm of the **** king, and set a name for his **** race, which is the smoke spirit clan, and in the legend, the **** king is called the traveler , Grasped the meaning of ambition, was one of the nine ancient gods, and then led countless followers to a final battlefield!

At this moment, the sea of ​​clouds in the sky is rolling, and various visions are reborn, and some illusions and shadows can be vaguely seen. It seems to be a scene of a very distant era, crossing the time limit, and unfolding in front of many natural gods, and many smoke spirits, Seeing the sea of ​​clouds rolling, some of their internal memories were awakened, and their souls, spirits, and vitality were all undergoing transformation.


A smoke spirit clan's body vacated and flew towards the sea of ​​clouds.

Immediately afterwards, countless smoke spirit races all marched towards the sea of ​​clouds.

"The power of ambition!"

Everything was seen by Meng Fan.

His mind is turning quickly.

The place where Jiuquan Mozun’s tomb was born, and the place where the old man of Toutuofutu was sitting and transforming was found by the three giants of the Zen Hall. Now, the third barren ancient vision has appeared.

The surviving power of the ancient nine **** kings, the Thousand Opportunities Walker, wrapped in the meaning of ambition, appeared in the hometown of Yanling Race!

Suddenly, he felt a strong sense of collapse, which was to destroy everything in the world.

I don't know how far apart, a world that has completely collapsed and turned into ruins.

Everything in the world, no matter what it is, has a longevity, even if it is a world, there is a moment when the power of the world is dissipated and the vitality is exhausted.

Like the Qiankun Great World, it was the Promise Sect Master and Meng Fan who exhausted their world power and vitality, leading to a complete collapse, but this Great Thousand World obviously did not cause the collapse of man-made forces, but came to an end and died on its own.

The life span of a big thousand world is much longer than that of the King of Gods, and it is very powerful. The time that can exist is probably not calculated in tens of thousands of years, but in hundreds of millions of years, but it has also collapsed. This is the real vicissitudes of life.

This scene was seen by Meng Fan, and his mind was shocked. Nothing is immortal, even if it is a big world, let alone a god!

He could feel that before the collapse of this great world, it didn't know how long there were no living creatures here, because the vitality had already collapsed and there was no condition for living creatures to survive.

However, at this moment, this great world is gradually falling apart, all parts are turned into dust, and only a few parts are still entwined with the power of the ruined world, turning into a suspended island, and flowing into the road of the gods, in the great world. In the inner core, a pair of eyes opened.

It is a pair of gentle and pleasant eyes.

A pair of eyes that were peaceful and peaceful when Meng Fan saw it.

A woman.

A woman with a white, clear face and a very clean face wearing a green shirt like a water, first looked at the collapsed world in confusion, like a baby who had just been born and just opened his eyes. She knew nothing about the whole world and was full of it. Curious, silly.

"who am I."

The woman muttered to herself.

Any creature, at the moment when the mind is just born, will ask this question, who am I?

Why am I born?

This is also the question in Meng Fan’s heart. This woman is not a human being, nor any race that Meng Fan has seen in the world. It was born out of a huge world after the destruction, mysteriously, but, based on Meng Fan’s current Ability, but can see many mysteries in the woman, and there is also a vague guess.

Such speculation, which came to his mind, made him unwilling to admire the gentleness of the woman anymore, but became serious!

The woman was very confused. She stood up, wandering in the void with her exquisite figure, slowly stepping into the path of hermit.

Suddenly, the road of divine hidden, a suspended palace, which carried many powerful monks, crossed out, and at the moment of appearance, a will of the **** king burst out of it, fiercely locking the gentle woman.

"A great thousand world has come to an end and perished. What a shocking sight...Huh? What a powerful aura, a **** king! Why is there still a **** king in this big thousand world?"

This will burst out, and then a sturdy man with a luxurious robe appeared on the palace and drove the palace to the gentle woman.

The woman looked at the flying palace and the supreme **** king figure above it. There was a trace of panic in her heart, just like all new-born creatures would fear the strange world around her, she instinctively raised her hand. , Waved a palm at the palace.

The fierce **** king suddenly changed his complexion.

An extremely terrifying will, rushing to the face!

This will is exactly the same as the annihilation aura exuding in that great world when the **** king was just watching the destruction of a great world. It is a terrifying will of disaster, great change, collapse, and destruction!

The whole palace suddenly turned into dust.

This **** king also flew with flesh and blood, exposing white bones, was shocked, and immediately fled frantically.

The woman lowered her palm.

Blinking clear eyes, tilting his head, very playful and agile, slowly stepped out and walked towards the depths of the path of Shenyin.

"The ancient nine great gods, Qingshui emperor, annihilated the clan, and mastered the power of destruction."

In Meng Fan's mind, the memory fragments of the gods of good fortune were quickly reorganized under the influence of God's will and turned into a whole, and many details appeared clearly.

The palm that the woman just displayed is exactly the same as the ancient Qingshui Emperor's method in the memory of the **** of good fortune!

The power of breaking, the will to disaster, great change, and destruction.

The fourth barren ancient vision.

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