Supreme God King

Chapter 2291: High mountain


The God King of Ten Thousand Realms and the God King of Universe, dozens of figures of heaven and earth, have fallen.

In this battle, many **** kings, especially the dark alliance **** kings such as the female emperor, Meng Niuniu, Qixuan old man, and Hong Xi who were in the fiercest battle, have benefited a lot from the combatants from beginning to end, and there are thousands of others. The gods and wealth in Zhongqian World need them to digest.

Princess Yingyue fell among the people.

"Meng Fan went to the Purple Light Empire."

She said coldly.

As soon as this remark came out, the many gods were shocked!

From their realm, they absolutely couldn't see Meng Fan's walking track, only saw him disappear out of thin air, because Meng Fan grasped the meaning of the void and crossed at will, they couldn't detect it, so they didn't care.

May invite Princess Yue, who is also a figure who understands the true meaning of the Dao, vaguely saw Meng Fan's intention of displaying the void and disappearing behind the purple kings, immediately guessed.

In this battle, Wanyu was victorious. There is nothing wrong. But here is the main battlefield of Wanyu. There are hundreds of millions of fighters in the dark alliance, and three formations, but it is also a narrow victory. If you go to explore the Purple Light Empire, there is no Qixuan old man. , They will not perceive the Ark of Universe. The kings of Universe at the time all had blood oaths and a deep connection with each other. Therefore, Meng Niuniu can ride the Ark of Universe and cross the void, ignoring any space barriers and return directly. Wanyu tears through the world of purple light.

Qiankun’s Ark is made from fragments of ancient ships, and Meng Fan’s meaning of emptiness, it is not difficult to tear through the world of purple light.

If the kings of the universe do not arrive, the outcome is unknown.

If Meng Fan is completely sealed by the torrent of words, the outcome is unknown.

Such a fierce fight was won, and what was supposed to be done immediately, however, Meng Fan stepped into the Purple Light Empire by himself!

What kind of world is there, how many **** kings there are, and how many terrifying existences there are, it is impossible to imagine.

The hearts of the kings of the dark alliance were raised again.

Ziguang Empire.

Thousands of prosperous people, countless people living in the cascading spaces, look at everything you can see is rising.

Especially in many places, there is faint purple air.

The defeated purple light surviving the kings, thirty or so, returned here, immediately felt extremely relieved, but also had lingering fears, just about to fall, suddenly saw the Undead King widened his eyes, and then his body...shattered.

The soul is shattered in an instant.

The origin, floating without a trace.

A man in a blue shirt, a man in a blue shirt who almost left a shadow in the hearts of the purple light kings, stood in the void, without any dust on his body, with a pair of eyes, slowly sweeping the prosperous Purple Light Empire, only to find his own eyes , Only one tenth of the Purple Light Empire can be seen, it is too vast.

And all around, the Purple Light Kings who had just fled back were completely dumbfounded.

The Ziguang Empire has been inherited for hundreds of thousands of years, has been prospering, continuously annexing various worlds, expanding humanity, and can be called the most powerful force in the prehistoric universe.

In the past moments, when the Ziguang Empire conquered various places, many powerful kings appeared, but all were beheaded or imprisoned. Many of them became legends and circulated in many ancient books and stories of the Ziguang Empire.

But no matter how you read the historical books and spy on the past, no one has made the Ziguang Empire such a big defeat, and no one has set foot on the Ziguang Empire after severely injuring the Ziguang Empire!

"Meng Fan!"

This name is deeply imprinted in the hearts of more than 30 gods and kings around. This kind of horror has taken root, even if how many years have passed, it cannot be erased!

And at this moment, it was entirely because of the interests of the purple kings, no one shot Meng Fan, even if this is their turf, their main battlefield, even if they are large in number, there is a fear in their hearts, that is ...The fear of death.

With dozens of **** kings outrageously shooting, Meng Fan, even the highest **** king, could not resist, but if he shot one or two **** kings, it would not be a problem.

Which **** king is willing to be cannon fodder?

Therefore, Meng Fan stood with his hand in his hand, ignoring the 30 or so awkward **** kings in front of him, looking around the entire purple light empire, his soul swept, and no one dared to move!

It seems that these thirty-odd **** kings, no matter who, as long as they act, they will be wiped out on the spot and will be dissipated in heaven and earth forever.

At this time.

Among the **** kings who fled and returned, there was a **** king who was extremely simple in appearance and dress, slowly flying into the sky.

It is the Lord of the Golden Palace.

This low-key Ziguang Empire tycoon, one of the eight pavilions in charge, actually dared to take on all kinds of coercion and rose in the air. This move was arrogant to the extreme.

Meng Fan also looked at this golden palace master.

Not long ago, when he was in retreat, his soul was reshaped by the will of heaven. When his thoughts crossed the vast universe and the wild, he followed the long and twisted space maze and came to the Purple Light Empire. At that time, he spied a lot of information and deduced it with the will of heaven. It is easy to get a message.

That is, the Ziguang Empire, the most difficult **** to deal with, is the undead king, even if the central emperor is still alive, it may not be able to defeat the undead king.

Yes, this message is the Central Emperor.

At that time, such simple and crude information was deeply imprinted in Meng Fan's mind. With his deduction and intuition, it was easy to conclude that this central emperor was the most powerful figure in the Purple Light Empire.

The Central Emperor was once the ruling emperor of the Ziguang Empire, but this Central Emperor did not leave any extraordinary achievements, did not open up territory for the Ziguang Empire, and there is no story that can be recorded in history books.

Even during the century when the Central Emperor was the ruling emperor, the Ziguang Empire did not have any wars.

The Ziguang Empire is extremely martial and good at war. Because of its strength, it is conquering and expanding its territory at all times. Wars will break out almost every few years.

Until the central emperor became the ruling emperor, no one before and after has maintained peace for a hundred years without any war broke out. For this reason, he even offended many **** kings, and there are too many **** kings, hoping to take advantage of the huge terror of the Purple Light Empire. The best way to satisfy your own greed, to fight against the outside world, and to plunder everything is the best way.

However, no one dared to blame the Central Emperor.

The reason is that although the central emperor didn't have any deeds worthy of being written in history books, he never lost his life.


This is a **** king who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years. It was born almost the same age as the ancient emperor. It has risen step by step and has had countless fights. However, he has never defeated once. His cultivation is like a The straight road, without any difficulties and obstacles along the way, has become a powerful **** king.

With such a fortune, even if it were not for Meng Fan, any **** king would feel extraordinary, and the word Tianzong could no longer be described.

Although Meng Fan is unparalleled, how many times has he lost in his life? There are too many to count, but Meng Fan's martial arts are endless. No matter how many fights and cruelty he has experienced, as long as he does not die, he will be stronger.

Everyone who wanted to kill Meng Fan but did not succeed, at most just put his life at risk, was a grindstone, and Meng Fan became sharper and sharper in the constant polishing.

The central emperor is completely different from Meng Fan’s cultivation. Although Meng Fan’s heaven and earth are vertical and horizontal, if all the gods and kings in the primordial universe gather together, Meng Fan must be the most powerful one. But actually speaking, he also It's just a rookie who has risen in these ten thousand years.

Ten thousand years, even so many lives and deaths, let alone the hundreds of thousands of years of the Central Emperor?

Because of this horror, the purple light kings can vaguely feel it, so the central emperor left an invincible shadow in the hearts of the kings. Therefore, the central emperor was able to maintain the purple light empire in one word. One hundred years of peace.

After that, the central emperor began to retreat.

This retreat is a long time passed, and the Ziguang Empire has returned to normalcy, constantly launching various wars, and constantly annexing humanity in all fields.

The place where the Central Emperor retreat was in a secret realm in the Purple Light Empire, because it has been closed for too long, and there have been several times when people from the Senate went to explore the secret realm, but they did not get any response from the Central Great Emperor. Rumors say that the central emperor could have been sitting down, or leaving, and so on.

This time, Meng Fan dared to take such a huge risk. First, of course, his five true meanings and various supreme powers were in hand, and he was extremely confident. At the same time, he wanted to see the Purple Light Empire and the Central Emperor.

The Ziguang kings returned in defeat. Meng Fan followed suit and set foot in the Ziguang Empire, which immediately caused shocks from all sides. Many eyes fell on Meng Fan. The **** king figure immediately guessed something. As a result, even if I did not see the battlefield with my own eyes, I could vaguely imagine the results of the battlefield. I was shocked. At the same time, I felt the fearful aura of the remaining thirty-odd gods, and Meng Fan's random vacillation. Inexplicable in my heart Heavy pressure.

Only the Golden Palace Master stood in the void. Although he kept a long distance away from him, he was the **** king closest to Meng Fan, and the only **** king without any fluctuations in his mind.

Meng Fan, the Lord of the Golden Palace, looked at each other for a long time.

Finally, the Lord of the Golden Palace spoke.

"Emperor Wanyu, this is the Purple Light Empire. We were defeated in this battle, but you dare to set foot here. Are you too confident or... self-righteous?"

After a few words.

Meng Fan smiled slightly: "Emperor Wanyu, you sealed me?"

The Lord of the Golden Palace squinted his eyes, because at this moment, he felt the killing intent emanating from Meng Fan's body, although it was extremely light, it was enough to make him uncomfortable.

Meng Fan was here not to chase the poor and step into the Purple Light Empire. This was not an act of chasing and killing, but a much more dangerous act than stepping into the restricted area.

But the four words "self-righteous" of the golden palace lord made Meng Fan's heart immediately murderous. He didn't mind. Killing a **** king in the Purple Light Empire was regarded as the Promise Sect Master, repaying grudges with grievances.

Long dead silence.

The Lord of the Golden Palace made a bold move, and a golden tower suddenly shot out. Among them, the humane fortune seemed to be contaminated by the prosperous atmosphere of the entire Purple Light Empire. It was extremely vast and rushed into Meng Fan!

Feel the killing intent of the other party.

They will kill first.

The corner of Meng Fan's mouth roused: "A hero."

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