Supreme God King

Chapter 2308: Tenchu

The names of these twenty Heavenly Dao puppets clearly appeared in Meng Fan's mind, and the four words of Ligue 1 Wild God were clearly visible. [Zero↑nine△small↓say△net]

This is the result of fully comprehending the will of heaven.

The twenty heavenly puppets were created by the will of heaven. In an instant, during various calculations, Meng Fan already knew their ins and outs.

Just like the younger brother of the ancestor Xuanyuan, in the more distant era, even in the last era, the source of the heavens has continuously deployed various means, looking for the chosen person everywhere, burying some dark chess, and waiting for the dark The moment the chess emerged, one by one was turned into a puppet of heaven.

The so-called Desolate God of Lhama is much older than the brother of the ancestor Xuanyuan, almost all of the products of the last era!

The heavy armor of the law of vitality that they wear is a treasure that surpasses many powerful Taoism tools. It is much stronger than Meng Fan's enlightenment weapon, which is Mengfan Qiding. It is even a kind that Meng Fan has never heard of. The ranks of, called "Innate Treasures", are the powers of the heavens and the source of various heavens that have evolved over a long period of time.

These twenty Lhamo desolate gods, with strong auras, arrived at the moment, and one of the whole body oscillating laws and vitality emitted bursts of frequency and talked.

"Those who steal the heavenly path are to be blamed."

With a bang, there were twenty Lhamsa Desolate Gods, without a word of nonsense, three of them took Ye Xuanji’s remains and stone swords directly, ten of them rushed into the God King present, and the remaining seven were simultaneously twisting their bodies and facing Meng Fan. , Stride out!

Among the twenty desolate gods of the French armor present, each of them was an existence beyond ordinary **** kings, with innate treasures in their bodies, but a small half of them went straight to Meng Fan, and the rest were to deal with other **** kings.

This is the fourth treatment on the kill list!

Meng Fan raised his brows, his figure moved, and quickly dodged. In an instant, he avoided the first round of vitality bombardment by the seven desolate gods of the French armor. At the same time, he exploded with a punch, enveloped by the will of heaven. Even after retreating, there were some small fragments in the Ligue 1 on his body, but he quickly absorbed the vitality and laws of the heavens and immediately repaired it completely.

"Meng Fan, the Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Regions, be punishable!"

The rest of the Ligue 1 Desolate Gods shouted again and again, with resolute killing intent, and repeated collisions. Meng Fan's eyes were dignified, and he could only urge the meaning of the void to dodge. The power of these Ligue 1 Desolate Gods was really powerful. The number is too difficult to deal with, and there is the innate treasure of the heavenly law.

However, between dodge, Meng Fan's eyes became clearer, constantly prying into the secrets of the various tricks of these Lure Armor Wild Gods.

They are not ghosts.

The strange ghosts have no thoughts, only greed for flesh and blood, while the Liguel Desolate Gods are puppets of the heavens and have their own thoughts, but their spirits are completely fanatical, completely obedient to the heavens and the source of the heavens.

These desolate gods of the spell, as the products of the last era, are certainly powerful, but they do not grasp the true meaning of any great avenues. As puppets of heaven, the source of the heavens cannot allow their puppets to master the highest power between heaven and earth. They truly The scary place lies in the Heavenly Law Armor on his body, which is difficult to break through the laws of vitality from the heavens and the world.

At the moment when Meng Fan dodges continuously and observes carefully, between Xumi, a string of syllables fall into his mind, it is the voice of Tai Wuji.

"The source of the heavens creates puppets of the heavens, there are nothing more than two, one is to arrange dark chess, introduce certain characters into the source of the heavens, and then suppress and refine them into puppets, the second is to give strength, innate The Supreme Treasure Heavenly Law Armor is such a power. In the ancient epoch, sixty-six God Kings received the Heavenly Law Armor. While gaining tremendous power, they were gradually controlled by the Heavenly Law Armor and assimilated into the soul by the will of heaven contained within. , Eventually became the Desolate God of Ligue, in the ancient era, including this era, many gods who tried to steal the power of the source of the heavens died in the hands of the Desolate God of Lure."

Among the syllables, Meng Fan Yuguang saw a figure appeared near the remains of Ye Xuanji sitting firmly on the stone sword.

It is the man in white, Tai Wuji, the ancient **** king.

This **** king living in the ancient era knows all sorts of secrets about heaven and earth very well, and is very familiar with it. It was hidden before, and it is obviously already guessed that the power of heaven will come to collect the true meaning of the great road!

Two great world-destroying powers, Era Great Tribulation and Alien Ghost Tide, Alien ghosts just want to swallow the flesh and blood of all things, and Era Great Tribulation is to obliterate many gods, steal their wisdom, and at the same time recover the true meaning of the stolen Dao. .

"Tai Wuji."

Meng Fan said coldly, his body flickered a hundred times, completely dodged the seven Desolate Gods of the spell, and went directly to the remains of Ye Xuanji. Seeing Tai Wuji stretch out his hand to grasp the remains, he shouted, his vitality rolled and exploded. , Take the lead in attacking Tai Wuji!

Tai Wuji, who always seemed to be always light and breezy, also raised his eyebrows at this moment, looking a little dignified. Obviously Meng Fan made a move, and he did not dare to ignore it. The mysterious patterns resemble the ancient paintings of the Long River, simple and simple. Meng Fan's surging vitality hits them, and the ancient paintings immediately fall apart and fall apart.

"Sure enough, it's not that easy!" Tai Wuji's words shuttled and shot out among the broken ancient paintings, with index fingers and middle fingers close together, hitting Meng Fan's eyebrows.

His methods are much simpler, but the power contained in it is that no one dares to underestimate it, and the taste of the great simplicity is revealed everywhere.

However, Tai Wuji did not show any true meaning of Dao.

Even this finger, there is no vibration of vitality and laws.

It's just a physical point kill!

Meng Fan squinted his eyes, arms crossed in front of him, and the chain blocked the river, making a violent collision with Tai Wuji's two fingers.

Bang... rumbling...

Under the impact of the huge force, the surrounding void and layers collapsed. The vision, the rules, and the vitality were all distorted. The two of them broke apart at the touch of a touch, and everything that was distorted was restored.

At this time, Tai Wuji used a purely physical point kill, and Meng Fan also resisted with the physical body, but it was no match.

The surrounding **** kings who were avoiding the desolate gods of the French armor, including the Qiqiao **** king Dong Miaoxin who also controlled the meaning of the void, all had their teeth numb, and they were startled by the powerful physical bodies of Meng Fan and Tai Wuji.

"Emperor Wanyu, be punishable!"

Suddenly a violent shout rang out, behind Meng Fan, a Ligue 1 Desolate God attacked and killed him, martial arts flourished, and laws enveloped.

Meng Fan didn’t look back, but strode backwards, stepping like a dragon like a snake, stepping on the law of vitality at every step, and dazzling sparks were born in the void, with the back of the sky and the earth, directly hitting the **** of the law armor. chest!

With a loud bang, the laws of the sky emanating from the Lure Armor Wild God were immediately shattered, and he was also spitting blood out of his mouth, and the heavenly law armour on his body showed countless fine cracks, like ice cracks.

This collision is actually the magic armor of heaven, the innate treasure, can not resist all the might!

Then, without waiting for the Heavenly Law Armor to absorb the vitality of the heavens and recover on its own, Meng Fan turned around and faced the Law Armor Desolate God, his face was no more than a foot away.

This turn!

It is picking the stars and taking the moon, the day and night change like Meng Fan’s back to the enemy, and the heavens are the night. When he turns around, it is the day. This is obviously an illusion, but the king of gods present all had it at this moment. This illusion.

After turning around, he slapped it with a palm, and directly slapped the Heavenly Law Armor with a creak. At the same time, the five fingers were like a dragon, accurately found the door of the Heavenly Law Armor, and dug deep into the Heavenly Law Armor.

The next moment.

Providence pervades!

The five fingers that deeply entered the Heavenly Law Armor were no longer crystal clear palms, but primitive, even rough, but exuding the heavenly will, supreme aura.


Tai Wuji's eyelids jumped sharply.

Heavenly Law was directly taken down!

The exposed body of the Desolate God of Dharma Armor has no flesh, internal organs, veins, origin, and even the pillars of martial art are looming.

"The Heavenly Law Armor is indeed parasitic on the Divine King, constantly assimilating the body of the God King, and the Heavenly Law Armor has become your skin and flesh." Meng Fan snorted coldly, and then threw the Heavenly Law Armor aside. Without moving his feet, his body slammed forward three feet, with the momentum of moving the stars and changing the moon, he just slammed the unseen Ligue 1 Desolate God into the invisible void.

In this scene, none of the **** kings present was not afraid to be frightened, and only Tai Wuji, who could remain calm.

Too fierce!

Peeling to kill.

After one move, Meng Fan looked sideways and looked at the remains of Ye Xuanji who was sitting firmly on the stone sword.

"Tai Wuji, the source of the heavens is staring at this place, and there may be strange ghosts around. At this moment, you and I will always lose and lose, but no one can help each other. It is better to divide equally, the remains belong to you, and the stone sword belongs to me. !"

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