Supreme God King

Chapter 2314: Oracle Dragon Emperor

Meng Fan rolled up his green shirt, his eyes swept left and right.

This is a vortex of law, the vitality surging in it has no regularity and is very chaotic, but at a long distance, Meng Fan can feel the unusual here.

The vortex here, if it is an ordinary **** king, can't stand here at all. Below the **** king, those who don't master the law, no matter what creatures are, cannot survive here and will be torn apart.

Observing carefully for a long while, Meng Fan's mind flashed, and he took a tricky shot and grabbed a fragment from the rapid vortex.

In order to grab this fragment, dozens of wounds appeared on his arm. Although he recovered in the blink of an eye and the blood was wiped out, it was still shocking.

But Meng Fan didn't pay much attention, his eyes were all on the fragments in his hands.

This is a piece of stone, it looks very unusual, but even if it is not Meng Fan, whoever you are, will know that this stone is extraordinary. In the vortex where the **** king cannot stand and Meng Fan will be injured, there will be a stubborn vortex. stone!

"Immortal Monument!"

The four words immediately appeared in Meng Fan's mind.

However, this is obviously not a real "immortal monument". If it is an immortal monument made from the true meaning of the Dao Dao, no matter how terrifying the law vortex, it is impossible to shred it. To be precise, this stone was once an immortal monument. However, the true meaning in the monument was taken away, and the stone became much weaker and turned into fragments.

Meng Fan has mastered the true meaning of many great avenues, and has seen too many secrets of heaven and earth, including several monumental monuments, and can immediately judge the result without error.

So, in this dangerous vortex, there are clues to the true meaning of the road.

The Great Tribulation of the Era came and the tide of ghosts came, and all the hidden things in the ancient era would emerge. Meng Fan immediately released his soul to explore, and immediately, his powerful soul spied a trace of power.

very familiar.

It's Dragon Breath!

That's right, it's the extremely pure breath of the Dragon God King, just like Dragon Scale Taibao.

At the moment when Meng Fan was trying to take a deeper look, the law vortex suddenly became more raging and raging, and even expanded several times. Its entrance and exit were blocked in an instant. Then, in the turbulence, a huge dark golden lion appeared. Claws pass out.

Dragon Claw!

Take Meng Fan's throat straight.

Above the dragon's claws, the dark golden scales stand upside down. In Meng Fan's eyes, the tenacity of these scales surpasses all divine artifacts, the highest and the purest, it seems that everything in the world can be torn apart.

At the same time, bursts of mighty, majestic, supreme, and sacred power rose and revolved in the vortex.


Extremely pure divine will!

Just for an instant, a scene appeared in Meng Fan's mind.

This is the memory of the deity of good fortune. In the scene, a huge sky dragon that stretches for an unknown distance, hovering over several great worlds, these great worlds are the territory of the heavenly dragon clan.

It was the last era, the era of dragons, the leader of the dragon clan, the oracle dragon emperor!

However, everything could not tolerate Meng Fan’s deep thoughts. The dragon claw was too close. He raised his left hand, and the palm of the white jade became as dark as night. The meditation swept across, and the dragon’s claws were scratched. I only felt that the blood in his whole body was flowing back in an instant. It was this dragon claw, too tough, and his physical body could not bear it under the collision!

The flesh reshaped twice after Nirvana is actually incomparable to the claws covered with dark golden dragon scales!

After three steps back, the continuous flashing and whirling dodge, the dragon claws erupted from all parts of the vortex, continuously tearing, and between collisions, Meng Fan's vitality source was subjected to violent shock waves, and he gritted his teeth and shouted: "Get out. !"

Suddenly God's will swept through, and through the deduction of the flow of the dragon's breath, hundreds of positions were locked in the vortex.

Lock a hundred directions, then make a hundred punches.

The law vortex immediately became more violent, but was dispelled a lot, and the figure that shot immediately appeared in front of Meng Fan.

A young man.

It is no different from the dragon **** kings such as Longlin Taibao. Although it is a human form, there are bulges at the center of the eyebrows, and the double pupils are upright. The "dragon aspect" is reflected everywhere, especially the two hands, which are completely dark gold dragon claws. , Covered with scales.

But what really shocked Meng Fan's mind was that although the dragon **** king had breath and vitality, there was no look in his eyes, as if... a walking dead.

"The Oracle Dragon Emperor." Meng Fan's heart shook. This dragon **** king is the Oracle Dragon Emperor. Yes, hundreds of thousands of dragons have been searching for the root of blood for many years. It is him!

How much Meng Fan’s mind, infinitely inferred between Xumi, and immediately came to the result. This is a trap. The true meaning of this place fluctuates. Only the powerful **** king who has mastered the true meaning of the great road can snoop it. Therefore, the trap here is aimed at Arranged by the characters of Meng Fan!

The Oracle Dragon Emperor in front of him clearly controls the true meaning of Dao Dao, and is completely in control, just like Meng Fan controls the true meaning of good fortune, one of the nine ancient gods, the most powerful overlord of the universe in the Age of Dragon!

However, this Oracle Dragon Emperor...

But it seems that there is no thought at all, walking dead, like a puppet!

What character can refine the Oracle Dragon Emperor, the most powerful overlord of the ancient era, into a puppet? Save it to this epoch again, and set up such traps? In Meng Fan's calculation, there are only two existences among the heavens and the realms.

The source of the heavens, the Great Chaos.

And the next moment, the answer will be revealed.

The Oracle Dragon Emperor stood in the void, staring at Meng Fan blankly, and in the vortex of laws around him, gray figures flew out, accompanied by a strong bloodthirsty aura. They were strange ghosts!

More than five hundred strange ghosts suddenly appeared, and they were immediately culled in a frenzied manner. At the same time, the oracle dragon emperor uttered a deep dragon roar, and while his body swayed, it turned into a one that was only a few feet long, but the breath was It is much more powerful than the Dragon God Kings such as Dragon Scale Taibao and Dragon Blood Taibao. They immediately hide in the turbulence of the law, flying everywhere, and at the same time firmly locking on Meng Fan, looking for a chance to kill!

"You can actually refine the most powerful overlord of the nine ancient gods into a puppet, the Great Chaos!" Meng Fan fisted fiercely, directly smashing a few strange ghosts, looking around, looking for some fluctuations in the law vortex. He couldn't stay here. In the previous collision, he had already judged that it would be difficult to defeat the Oracle Dragon Emperor in a short time, and this is the main battlefield of the Oracle Dragon Emperor, and I don’t know how many ghosts are hiding. Never stay for long.

This is an extremely cruel trap. There is a trap where the nine ancient **** king puppets sit in town. The heavens and the world, except for a very small number of people, all other **** kings will fall here. There is no possibility of escape!

Meng Fan gritted his teeth and explored the heavens, cursing in his heart. The Great Primordial Chaos plan to slaughter the common people is more than just a strange ghost. If it's just a strange ghost, people who reach the realm of Meng Fan, Jiuquan Mozun, Xumi God and Buddha, etc. Unable to resist the tide of strange ghosts, but it is impossible to be killed by the tide of strange ghosts. Even if it is possible, characters such as Meng Fan can really stand on the same front line to fight the Great Chaos. The battle, in this way, the final battle at the end of the previous epoch may happen again.

Therefore, this trap is extremely cruel, but it also fits the scheming city of Chaos Great Emperor across six epochs!

ps, I am sorry because of the hurried update error...

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