Supreme God King

Chapter 2316: It's Lao Tzu

Divine will, supreme, coercive, and commanding, no one resists!

Since ancient times, the humane emperors have claimed to be the emperor of the true dragon, which symbolizes the supreme authority and imperial power.

This is the horror of divine will.

Meng Fan's body was covered with the golden blood of the oracle Dragon Emperor, and all his power was suppressed and it was difficult to express.

"Divine will is supreme, or heaven is hanging above all beings!"

Meng Fan clenched his teeth, and in an instant, on the pillar of martial art, all the power of the Dao’s true meaning, the black death air, the power of heaven's punishment, etc., became dim and dull, only God’s will, erected and turned into pure white Light, burst out from the body!

The blood of God's Will and God's Will immediately interweave and collide.


At the moment when God's will was contaminated with God's will, Meng Fan saw countless scenes before his eyes. The first thing he saw was an extremely savage world, with dragons like snakes flying everywhere.

That's right, this is a group of dragons, but its appearance is very similar to snakes and floods. Between the two, there is no aura of a holy king at all. It is the other creatures in the world, generally the same.

This is a very distant era!

It is even longer than the time when the ancestors of humanity lived.

In this era, the truly powerful creatures are not the dragons, but the ancient creatures such as Dapeng birds, giant kuns, jasmines, scorpions, etc., and the dragons are gray and black throughout, and the number is even rarer.

But there was a huge sky dragon, a dark sky dragon, rushing straight into the sky, stepping into a field where no creatures have stepped into it!

The realm is mysterious and indescribable, and majestic laws are condensed everywhere. It is... the source of the heavens!

It is not the part of the source of the heavens, but the true source of the heavens.

This dark sky dragon stepped into it. Time flies. Tens of thousands of years have passed. One day the dark sky dragon finally walked out. Its breath changed sharply, its strength sublimated, and its body was dark golden. It was sacred and inviolable.

At the same time, in the source of the heavens, an unprecedented power was born, it was anger, it was the stolen power of oneself, all kinds of emotions were intertwined, and formed a brand new power, providence.

God's will was deeply imprinted in Meng Fan's pillar of martial arts, and he felt this anger for a moment.

And this heavenly dragon is just after the Great Primordial Chaos, the second **** king in the primordial universe, the primordial dragon!

But he was the first **** king in history to step into the source of the heavens and seized the will of the gods. Therefore, he angered the source of the heavens and produced the will of heaven. Only after that, the punishment of the heavens and the catastrophe of the era. And so on.

From this moment on, the source of the heavens and the king of the world began a six-epoch fight and confrontation.

The descendants of the great dragon became the true bloodline of the innate saint king, the true heavenly dragon. When each one was born, it was in the Tianyuan realm. The reason why the dragons are called the heavenly dragon is added with a word for this reason. .

After a long period of time, a certain kind of huge catastrophe hung on the head of the great dragon. It was the result of the incompetence of heaven and the disapproval of heaven. Finally, in the first era of great catastrophe, these were coiled in The catastrophes of the great dragon erupted together, causing it to fall.

But the divine will has a long history in the blood of the dragon clan.

After a few epochs, when the Tianlong clan, whose blood of the Innate Saint King became more and more powerful, established the Era of Dragons, and at the moment when the Long Dao prospered, the heir of the Great Dragon appeared.

Oracle Dragon Emperor.


Meng Fan opened his eyes, his eyes were clear, and the gods of his body gradually condensed and formed, like armor, and fiercely opposed to the gods.

The friction and collision of God's Will and God's Will caused the entire law vortex to stagnate for an instant, and hundreds of strange ghosts even directly settled in the air.

They are monsters created by the Great Primordial Chaos. They are not affected by the power of the source of the heavens. Only the true meaning of the Great Dao is the immortal and indestructible power in the world. The will of the day and the will of God, the two most supreme and even inextricable powers At the moment of collision, hundreds of strange ghosts were suppressed and could not move anymore!

Meng Fan stared at the oracle Dragon Emperor, who was also trying his best to motivate the divine will, and said solemnly: "The true meaning of the Dao Dao is not imprinted in the pillars of martial art, but in the bloodline, and has a long history..." Reach out and grab it, in the palm of your hand, the true meaning of good fortune has formed a cage of creatures, snap! He directly pinched the golden blood all over his body in his palm.

In an instant, his pupils disappeared, and his eyes were completely pale, as if he was no longer a creature, but the Creator standing on top of all living beings, looking down at all things and prying into all mysteries.

"That's it... No wonder even if I control the true meaning of good fortune, I still can't deduce the mystery of the bloodline of the Tianlong clan. It turns out that I am seeking east and west, and I am missing an important link, unless it is the oracle of the master of the gods. Dragon Emperor, God's will and blood are merged into one, only then can it be performed!"

God’s will, good fortune, and the two great intentions were urged by Meng Fan at the same time. Within the vortex, within an instant, thousands of creatures were born in an instant, especially the drops of blood from the oracle Dragon Emperor that he held in his palm. Transformed directly into small dragons with thin fingers.

At the moment of their birth, these little dragons are the Heavenly Origin Realm!


Meng Fan, wearing the armor of heaven, step forward, take a step!

It's just one step.

But at this moment, the divine will completely gained the upper hand, and the divine will began to weaken.

The Oracle Dragon Emperor may be the most powerful puppet since ancient times, and his huge body began to shrink.

Step two!

The scales of the oracle dragon emperor's body gradually melted away, unexpectedly turning into a human form continuously.

The third step...the fourth step...the fifth step!

Meng Fan was already standing in front of the Oracle Dragon Emperor.

A piece of pale eyes narrowed.

The emperor good luck fists wearing the armor of heaven blasted out!

All vitality, at this moment, burned crazily, exhausted in a blink of an eye.

The law vortex exploded, and hundreds of alien ghosts were shaken off. Most of them were directly torn into pieces, obliterated by the Dao’s true meaning, and became unconscious blood sons. Even if the rest were not killed, they could not be recovered. , Like mud.

On the edge of the sea, turbulent waves were set off. Many **** kings who fled in the distance felt the fluctuations, and could not help but stop looking back, their eyes solemnly, but they didn't know what happened.

Amidst the mist of chaos caused by the vitality explosion, a figure suddenly descended, pale white, a quaint young man, with cruel and solemn killings everywhere, and there were still thirteen desolate gods around him!

And the pale golden figure in the middle is the incarnation of Heavenly Dao, the vitality of the gods.

"Heaven's Will has been repeatedly urged, even involving the source of the heavens, Meng Fan is here." Yuan Qi Shentong said coldly.


Two majestic beasts, a big peng bird, and a giant kun, also came here violently. It was the Emperor Yu and the Emperor Scale. They did not go to the Era Conference for some reason, but pursued the fluctuations. Here, as soon as I fell, I was shocked when I saw the vitality gods and the thirteen law armored wild gods. Although they did not grasp the true meaning of the great dao, they still vaguely felt that there were only heavens from the vitality gods. The cold breath that Zhiyuan has, is not lack of emotion, not even the simplest desire.

"It's Emperor Wanyu!"

For the first time, Emperor Yu saw an erratic figure in the turbulent flow of vitality. He was dressed in a blue shirt. Although he was not injured, his breath was weak and he was unconscious.

The vitality gods took a cold look, pointed their fingers, and the thirteen Lage Armored Wild Gods immediately rushed towards the Yu Emperor and the Scale Emperor.

Arrived in a flash.

Emperor Yu and Emperor Lin were taken aback, but they had no time to dodge.

At the moment, a huge fist, without any vitality law fluctuations, is a pure flesh fist, fiercely bombarding the body of a desolate **** of law armor, flying it directly, and the law armor is full of cracks.

The vitality Shentong suddenly locked his eyes, and said four words in a deep voice.

"War Sky Giant."

The voice of the caller rumbled: "It's Lao Tzu!"

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